Ch. 10: Arrival of a Phantom Pt 2
The mind controlled Wulf charged at the group in a primal rage, ready to rip them limb from limb.
Nexus Ace: Scatter!
Danny, Ember, Spectra and the L-Gear Crusaders avoided Wulf's attack.
Wulf howled and tries to go for the nearest person being Lightstar Soldier who turns to a form of light to transport away as Blood Beast charged at the werewolf like ghost with Power Phoenix and Jurassic Park joining in.
Storm Soldier: (to Danny) We'll restrain your friend, go after Johnny and Technus!
Danny nods as Storm Soldier, Ice Moon, Mistress Manic and Atomic Angel joined the others. Nexus Ace, Shadow Samurai, Lightstar Soldier and Galacta-Woman gave Danny, Ember & Spectra back up.
Spectra and Galacta-Woman immediately went after Technus while the others deal with Johnny.
Johnny quickly grabs the chained Kitty from the mind controlled ghosts, getting the syringe gun ready.
Kitty: Let go! Get that away from me, help!
Johnny: Stop struggling! (Tries to inject her)
Ember flies towards the two with her guitar ready to knock Johnny out.
Ember: Get away from her, scumbag!
Johnny: Shadow, attack!
Out from Johnny's boots, his shadow came out revealing the frightening ghost with green eyes & a feral smile as it charged at Ember to knock her aside. Ember soon recovered and with a strum of her guitar released a wave to send it flying.
Johnny: (trying to hold kitty) C'mon Shadow, you're stronger now! Beat these punks-
Kitty had a backwards low blow kick to Johnny's jewels, making her scream like a girl, Danny delivered a quick knee strike to the face of johnny while planting a lightning ecto blast to the chest at point blank range to sent into some machines. Pulling out the special key from earlier, he unlocked the restraints and freed kitty.
Danny: Are you okay?
Kitty: (smiles) I am now.
Ember: Ugh!
The two see Ember, Nexus Ace, Lightstar Soldier and Shadow Samurai fighting Johnny's Shadow, it's surprisingly stronger than before but no matter how strong the shadow was, Danny knew it's weakness very well.
Danny: Hey, it's about time you saw the light!
Danny forms an orb of light and held it up, the Shadow itself saw this & let out a loud wail, trying to get away from it's range but Lightstar Soldier capitalized by unleashing a barrier of light, the shadow wailed loudly as it starts to burn, break down & disappear.
Ember: Good work Baby pop!
Shadow Samurai: You too, little sister.
Nexus Ace: Thank you.
Danny: It was nothing.
Lightstar Soldier: No problem!
Ember, Nexus Ace, Shadow Samurai and Lightstar Soldier joined Danny and Kitty.
Ember: Kitty, are you okay? Did Johnny hurt you again?
Kitty: I'm okay and you are right, I'm through with that insensitive, cheating jerk.
Ember: Good to hear.
Ember hugs Kitty.
Kitty: I see you finally hooked up with Danny? Congrats!
Ember: I guess you were right when Phantom grew on me.
Danny: The others might need our help, let's go-
Danny, Nexus Ace, Shadow Samurai, Lightstar Soldier and Ember's eyes widened in shock upon seeing Kitty shot in the back of her neck with a dart containing the strange green & silver substance. Eyes moved from Kitty to the direction where the shot was fired, seeing Johnny with the syringe gun aimed at kitty's direction.
Johnny: (smirks) Bullseye.
Kitty screams as a burning sensation and excruciating agony spreads throughout her body, falling to her knees while clutching herself. Johnny smirks as the serum was taking effect & Ember ran to her friend.
Ember: No no no!! Kitty! (Turns to Johnny 13 in anger) What have you done?!?!
Johnny chuckles as strange green & black energy surrounded him.
Johnny: You think you can stop me from getting what I want? I told Kitty that she was mine and only mine, one way or another.
Danny glared at Johnny angrily. Ember pulls the dart out of kitty's neck but it was far too late.
Ember: Kitty!
Johnny: (to Danny, grins) You can glare at me or try to beat me all you want but Kitty is coming back home with me!
Kitty: (green veins appearing on body & face, tears falling) N-No, I d-don't wanna go back! Don't m-make me go back! It hurts...! It hurts! M-Make it Stop!! E-Ember please... H-Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Kitty hunched over with a pained wail as the serum was taking effect and causing her body to transform. Her breathing was rapid & deepening, his insides were burning, melting and reshaping with her eyes opening... turning dark purple & green with a sharp slit like a feline's eye.
Ember stepped back as Kitty begins to grow in height & size, her clothes started to rip & tear with her curves expanding with muscles to abnormal proportions, her teeth grew into fangs, sharp whisker like marks (like nine tailed naruto) appeared on her cheeks as her hair got longer and wilder. Her hands & feet morphed into feline like paws with sharp claws, fur begins to spreads parts of her body with a long tail growing from her backside.
Her pained whimpers and groans turned into growls & let out a loud roar with the transformation completing itself.
Danny: Kitty!
Ember: No!
Johnny: (smirks) Wow, guess Technorg was right about a predator like DNA in the serum. You're actually living up to your name, Kitty.
The transformed Kitty stood at 11 ft of height, retained some of her former human/ghost traits like her face & body but most like feline like. Her eyes were green/dark purple with cat like slits, longer & wilder shaggy green hair with white streak tips, sharp fangs, pointy ears, sharp whisker like marks (like nine tailed Naruto) on her cheeks and possesses a voluptuous amazon figure with abnormally large muscles & breasts, wider hips and a huge rear end. She has white fur with green/black stripes like a tiger which formed on her body in the form of a full sleeve leotard suit with her chest center exposed, paws with sharp claws, a long feline like tail & thigh length fur coated feline like feet with claws.
Kitty looked like an Amazon amalgamation of a white tiger like ghostly predator. Kitty let out a feral yowl and went on a rampage in slashing & destroying machinery.
Technus: Hey! That's highly advanced equipment you're destroying! (To Johnny) Order your mate to cease or I, Technus, will silence her myself!
Johnny: Fine, Fine. Kitty! Stop!
Suddenly, Kitty heard the command and stopped.
Johnny: Now come to me.
Kitty immediately ran towards as he rubbed her head, making her purr.
Johnny: (smirks) Good girl.
Ember: (glared) Just when I thought you couldn't be any more of demented jackass!
Johnny: Sticks and Stones, babe. And speaking of breaking bones... Kitty, break the rocker, the nano cyber punk & punkette and the samurai has been. Phantom's all mine.
Kitty snarled as the white tiger Amazonian amalgamation lunged at Ember, Nexus Ace, Lightstar Soldier and Shadow Samurai to tear them apart, the four scattered and fought the transformed Kitty while Johnny powers up and goes after Danny.
Meanwhile, Galacta-Woman and Spectra were fighting Technus, who was combating them with a high tech armor, blade and blaster.
Technus: Hahaha! You fools are no match for the sheer force of technology and amplified powers of Technus 2.0!
He fires ecto blade slashes and ectoplasmic blasts at Galacta-Woman and Spectra who would fly around to dodge before Spectra would lung at Technus.
Penelope Spectra: You're going to suffer for turning me into a lab rat!
Spectra fires a beam of purple ecto-energy as Technus would use barrier to defect it, she adds more electricity to her blasts as Technus would knocks them away with his tech blade.
Technus: Haha!! You attacks are nothing to the might of Technus-
His gloating cut short by a monstrous uppercut from Spectra, who stayed on him with an assortment of strong and lethal strikes to the technology mad ghost, who tries to fight back but Spectra's new form combined with her absolute rage made it difficult for him to defend. She caught Technus by the ghostly tail and spun him around repeatedly and throws him to Galacta-Woman, who caught him by the neck.
Technus: Ack! Wait, I see potential in you! The genius, the combined power within your body & mind! You should join me, we can accomplish more with our absolute genius and abilities, the possibilities are endless!
Galacta-Woman: (glares) Silence, you ill minded maniac. Your means of science are nothing but disastrous and false standards to boost your ego, you're not in the top 10 of intelligent beings considering you're working with a mysterious individual who's smarter than you...
Technus: How dare you! No one's intelligence compared to that of Technus 2.0!
Galacta-Woman: Then why aren't you in charge, you're just a measly pawn, enslaved by your own ego and I know that feeling.
Galacta-Woman dropped Technus and blasts him into the ground as he wailed in pain.
Galacta-Woman: You can have all the upgrades you wish but next to my power, you're just a 00000000000.1 obsolete, ignorant piece of ectoplasm.
Galacta-Woman heads over to the main super computer and places her hands which glowed on the main panels, controlling the machinery.
Galacta-Woman: Fire walls within the grid, a challenge hmmm? Annnnnnnd.... I got through, now to extract the information and synthesize enzymes for subjects Wulf and Kitty.
Technus slowly recovers and sees Galacta-Woman controlling the super computer.
Technus: Get away from that! Only I, Technus 2.0. master of all science and technology with the superior intellect to wield the knowledge of that super computer!
Technus flies towards Galacta-Woman to fire with a construct of a plasma tech blaster but felt his ghostly tail grabbed and flipped over to the ground and pinned down with a boot on his chest by Spectra.
Penelope Spectra: Forgot about me? (Mocks being sad) Oh I am so hurt... (Grins evilly) but not as hurt as you're gonna be.
Technus: Stop her you fools!
The mind controlled ghosts tried to swarm Spectra who quickly decimated them with an ecto barriers of purple electricity.
Penelope Spectra: You were saying...?
Technus: Why are you fighting against me?! You hate the Phantom too, we should be fighting together to ensure his demise-
Penelope Spectra: Don't try to sway me. While phantom and I are enemies, the old saying being "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", you and this mysterious ghost are my enemy. And since that ghost isn't here... (Chuckles cruelly) I'll settle for you since you put me in that painful & undignifying position for your little experiments.
Technus: Technus request forgiveness? (Laughs nervously)
Penelope Spectra: Would Technus kindly shut the hell up? And take your punishment like a good little ghost...
Technus was heard screaming in mixed with Spectra's diabolical laughter.
We cut to Storm Soldier, Power Phoenix, Ice Moon, Mistress Manic, Blood Beast, Jurassic Brawler and Atomic Angel fighting a mind controlled Wulf, using combination of Fenton ghost weaponry with their powers to deal some damage to Wulf. The werewolf like ghost roars ferociously and charged at them, Jurassic Brawler entered an Amazon form of triceratops and caught Wulf who sunk his claws and fangs into her but Jurassic Brawler with a roar lifts him up to slam him, Ice Moon would use the ghost gauntlets with her ice to encase Wulf while Blood Beast with another pair of ghost gauntlets to hammer away at the ghost. Wulf eventually broke out, grabbed Blood Beast and threw her at Ice Moon, both sisters crashing into a wall.
Mistress Manic fires plasma rays at Wulf to knock him back with Storm Soldier firing electric infused rays with the ecto blasters as well. Wulf roars and uses his claws to slice open a portal and disappeared in it, closing. Storm Soldier & Mistress Manic looks until portal appeared on the side, both turn to fire but Wulf quickly caught Storm Soldier and Mistress Manic with a double claw strike, sending them to the ground. He was about to finish the job but Jurassic Brawler got him from behind in a sleeper hold to as Wulf struggled.
Jurassic Brawler: C'mon Wolfy, just drop! We're trying to help you!
Wulf didn't listen and managed to flip Jurassic Brawler over his shoulder to hit the ground, making her grunt. He aims a claw strike to her chest but it gets blocked by Power Phoenix's shield as she fired anti-ghost goop from a Fenton Foamer blaster to send him colliding with a wall, stuck but he wasn't gonna be for long. Storm Soldier, Mistress Manic, Ice Moon, Blood Beast & Atomic Angel regrouped with Power Phoenix and Jurassic Brawler as Wulf uses his strength and claws to get free.
Blood Beast: This wolf ghost is beginning to be a real pain in the ass!
Mistress Manic: He's basically handing our asses to us.
Ice Moon: You're right on that one sis, no matter what we throw at Wulf, he won't stay down.
Storm Soldier: Well we need to try in order to knock him out and later contain him in order for Galacta-Woman to get a way to get that parasite out.
Power Phoenix: What'll we do?
Wulf charged at them only for the seven to avoid his claws as Atomic Angel had an idea.
Atomic Angel: I got it!
Jurassic Brawler: What is it, lols?
Atomic Angel: I'm gonna unleash a full power sonic scream. When he's stunned, I'll give you the signal hold him down and Power Phoenix and Storm Soldier can knock him out.
Storm Soldier: Gotcha, now go!
Atomic Angel flies over Wulf, inhaling deeply with her atomic symbol glowing. When Wulf saw her and was about to attack, Atomic Angel released a massive sonic scream.
The attack hit Wulf full force as the werewolf like ghost was clutching his ears in pain, howling loudly. Atomic Angel kept it up while Ice Moon freezes the ground and Wulf's feet, Blood Beast, Mistress Manic and Jurassic Brawler move in to hold Wulf down as he roars/screeches in agony from the sonic scream reaching his ears. Atomic Angel soon stopped screaming and was exhausted but gave the signal.
Atomic Angel: Now!
Storm Soldier and Power Phoenix move in with a double punch of lightning and flames to the stunned Wulf, finally knocking him out as he fell with a giant thud. The seven sisters stared down the fallen wolf ghost.
Jurassic Brawler: Poor guy...
Power Phoenix: Don't worry, we'll get Wulf the help he needs.
Mistress Manic: Well he-
Ice Moon: If you make a wolf pun, I'm going to freeze you into a human popsicle.
Mistress Manic: I wasn't gonna... Yet. Maybe after the mission is done.
Ice Moon groans.
Storm Soldier: Let's go help the others.
Jurassic Brawler: I'll keep an eye on Wulf and Lols, she seems exhausted from the full power sonic scream.
Blood Beast: (to Jurassic Brawler) I'll stick with you, more mind controlled ghosts are arriving! We'll hold them off!
Mistress Manic: Righty-O, Blood shark!
Blood Beast: It's Blood Beast!
Danny and was Fighting Johnny 13 while Ember, Nexus Ace, Lightstar Soldier and Shadow Samurai were fighting the mutated Kitty. Danny was exchanging strong hits and ecto attacks with the biker ghost, who was fighting back in getting some good hits. The Halfa grunts as Johnny has gotten stronger than last time, he suspected who he was working with amplified his physical & ghostly power.
Johnny: (attacking, smug smirk) What's wrong, punk?! Thought this is gonna be a walk in the park? No quips or jokes?! Ha!
Danny wasn't in the mood for any of that, so far he was more concerned about pummeling Johnny with an inch of his afterlife. Johnny and Danny nailed an ecto punch to each other to the face in a stalemate before going at it again.
Johnny: (attacking) Not in a talkin' mood, eh? You shaking punk? Afraid? Why would you care about Kitty anyway? She's your enemy too and last I checked, she's mine & not yours! Oh I see... (Taunts) That goth chick walked out on your ass cuz you ain't good enough to satisfy her, huh? That she saw you as a lowly punk rather than a hero, is Ember having doubts about you too, I guess no matter what lady ya hook up with... You fail them, The goth & the Rockstar. (Grins) Maybe Good ol Johnny will take care of her-
He was cut off when he was grabbed by the neck, looking into Danny's cold gaze.
Danny: You think you got me all figured out to push my buttons, don't ya 13? Trust me, for one, you do NOT wanna open that door in my love life.
His grip around Johnny's neck as he was choking. Johnny snapped his finger with a revving sound was heard, his motorcycle driving forward quickly to try to run Danny over but the phantom without even looking, shot a ray of ice to freeze the bike and later an ecto blast to destroy it.
Johnny: M-My ride!
Danny: And two, I ain't trying to steal Kitty from you. She left your sorry ass and you call me a lowly punk, we've may have not seen eye to eye back then & she had her bad moments but she didn't deserve this fate as it doesn't take a genius to figure you out. Looking at human women and getting with them when you already have a girlfriend, you have no loyalty to those you loved...
Johnny: You know nothing about me, punk! So shut your mouth!
Danny: (glares) I know you're everything Ember says you are, it's no wonder Kitty finally saw you as an ignorant, smug, backstabbing, selfish and cheating son of a b**** and couldn't take the pain anymore. She wanted out. Did you accept it & let her go? No, you treated her like an object, leverage and now a monstrosity of a pet.
He pointed to Ember & the L-Gear Crusaders fighting the mutated Kitty.
Johnny: (uncaring tone with an angry glare) So what? Kitty and I are bound together! She could never leave me no matter how much she says or tries to do so, she's mine and she's always gonna be mine whether she likes it or not!
Johnny throws a powerful ecto punch but Danny caught it, cracking his hand.
Danny: She's not yours anymore! She did love you and you betrayed her, you made a monster out of her!
Danny then slammed Johnny to the ground with a sickening loud thud.
Danny: Kitty isn't an obedient pet you can control, you twisted bastard!
The Phantom proceed to deliver a brutal beat down on Johnny, who tried to fight back the best he could but the Phantom was overwhelming the empowered biker ghost, receiving more & more damage. Johnny thought with his new power boost, this would a cakewalk but clearly he was sadly mistaken so with no choice, he yelled out to his 'girl.'
Johnny: KITTY!!!
The Amazonian White Tiger amalgamation of the biker woman stopped fighting the L-Gear Crusaders and turns to Danny holding Johnny by the neck.
Johnny: Tear this phantom punk apart!!!
Kitty growled and flew at Danny, ecto claws ready to slash.
Danny: Kitty! You need to snap out of it, Johnny is controlling you! You have to fight it!
Kitty didn't listen and was about to pounce on Danny as Johnny smirked despite the injuries but Nexus Ace got in the way with nanites bladed arms to block and counter Kitty's ecto claws.
Nexus Ace: I don't think the Giant tiger woman wants to speak right now, Danny!
Ember flew up and whacked Kitty on the head very hard with her guitar, making her yowl in pain. She appears next to Nexus Ace, seeing her friend clutching her head in pain.
Ember: Sorry Kitty.
Kitty whimpered & looked at Ember with a pained & scared expression, left eye twitching and dilated.
Kitty: (guttural and growled tone) Em... Sor... ry....
Ember: Kitty...
Kitty immediately snapped & tries to slash away at Ember and Nexus Ace like a rabid animal, the two defend themselves while the other L-Gear Crusaders minus Jurassic Brawler, Atomic Angel, Blood Beast and Galacta-Woman attack the White Tiger Amazon. Danny lifts Johnny up to his level.
Danny: Where's the cure, 13?!
Johnny: Heh. What cure? You think I'd have Technorg (Technus) make one? I have him make the serum so Kitty would be forever loyal to me no matter the cost, besides I like her new look, she's more wild and hot than ever.
Danny: Why you-
Danny was cut off when the L-Gear Crusaders were send flying and Ember screamed upon Kitty slashing her across the chest.
Danny: Ember!!
Kitty stomps towards Danny holding Johnny. She ran at him, causing Danny to release johnny and caught Kitty's claws with his hands, drawing blood or green ectoplasm which made him wince but ignored the pain to overcome the monster kitty became. It was a stalemate for a moment before Kitty kneed Danny in the gut and slashed him across the chest, earning a pained yell from the Halfa as he fell to his one knee with his wound healing, glaring at Johnny and the mutated Kitty.
Johnny: Game over punk. Now for you to disappear, Kitty do your thing. (Smirks)
Kitty places a hand over her mouth glowing blue. Ember recovered and saw what her mutated friend was about to do.
Ember: The banishing kiss... Danny, move! Quickly!
Kitty fired an amplified version of her banishing kiss which was bigger than the originals lip construct blast. Danny was about to avoid it but a blur got in the way to repel the blast sending it upward to hit the rooftop.
Johnny: What the?!
In front of Danny was Galacta-Woman.
Johnny: Damn it, forgot the banishing kiss doesn't work on women... But it still won't help you or the punk survive.
Galacta-Woman pulls out a strange looking advanced pistol, aimed at Johnny.
Galacta-Woman: Help yourself.
She fired the pistol which shot out a bullet with neon green and azure substance at Johnny who dodged it.
Johnny: Ha! Ya missed!
The science anti-hero gave him her signature creepy smile.
Galacta-Woman: I wasn't aiming for you...
Johnny was confused but was interrupted by a blood curdling yowl, turning around to see kitty on her knees clutching herself as the bullet was lodged in the middle of her colossal chest, neon green & azure blue veins appearing on visible parts of her body as her yowling grew louder.
Johnny: Kitty! (Glares darkly at Galacta-Woman) You're so dead!
Johnny powers up and lunged at Galacta-Woman who simply pointed the pistol and fired a different bullet with an orange glowing substance at Johnny, hitting him in the chest as he fell to the ground.
Johnny: Ugh! That really hurt you b-huh?
Johnny felt himself getting weaker and weaker with his power boost fading.
Johnny: M-My power! What did you do?!
Galacta-Woman: A little substance I've cooked up from using Technus' super computer and machinery. Confiscating some interesting data here & there, I simply created an anti-spectre nullifier to shut down your increased power.
Johnny growls furiously, Ember and the L-Gear Crusaders regrouped with Galacta-Woman and Danny.
Ember: You okay, baby pop?
Danny: I'll live. (To Galacta-Woman) What about the bullet you shot Kitty with?
Before Galacta-Woman could answer, she was interrupted by Kitty yowling as she pulled the needle bullet from her colossal chest and threw aside with a furious glare, stomping towards Johnny and the others.
Johnny: (weakened) Kitty... Destroy them...
Ember: Kitty, don't listen to him. He doesn't own you, we can help you get back to normal and away from this bastard. You don't have to serve that 13 scum!
Johnny: (smirks) You're wasting your breath, princess. Kitty can't hear you anymore... The words she'll hear are mine & mine alone...
Kitty stomps closer to Johnny, going passed him as the biker ghost smirked arrogantly, watching his beast woman aiming to take out Ember, Danny and the L-Gear Crusaders.
Kitty raised her ecto claws and struck! A scream was heard but wasn't for either of the group, who eyes widened while Galacta-Woman was unfazed. The scream came from Johnny who slowly looks down to see kitty's ecto claw pierce his midsection.
Johnny: K-Kitty...?! The hell...?!
Shadows covered the biker woman turned monster's eyes, removing her claw from Johnny's midsection as he fell to his knees, coughing up ectoplasm, slowly glaring at Kitty.
Johnny: Have you lost your mind?! (Coughs) I ordered you to attack them, not me! Now do it!
Kitty lifts up her head, revealing her eyes. Her eyes were their normal red color again but still slit like a cat's, but her expression screamed absolute rage.
Kitty: (roared) JOHNNYYYYYYYYY!!!!
Johnny was caught off guard when kitty grabs him by the leg and begins to slam him repeatedly into the ground before throwing him into one of the machines, damaging it.
Danny: She's back?
Galacta-Woman: Well yes and no. While I managed to get some valuable data and compounds to work on a cure for Wulf's ecto-parasite, Kitty's mutation is somewhat... special. It'll take a while to get the necessary compounds to cure her so I did the next best thing.
Danny: You made a serum that gave her back her reason & will.
Galacta-Woman: Correct, the serum slowly works it's way through the nervous system to reverse the disastrous effects of the Ecto-serum in Kitty, expelling Johnny's control over her.
Ice Moon: Nice work dude!
Johnny groans as he saw Kitty approaching in anger.
Johnny: Kitty! What's gotten into you?! Listen to me, destroy Phantom dammit!
Kitty: I'll never listen to you... NEVER, EVER AGAIN!!!
Johnny: You're my woman!! OUR LOVE IS UNBREAKABLE! YOU BELONG TO ME!!!
Kitty: YOU NEVER REALLY LOVED ME, YOU CHEATING, SCUM OF A MAN!! YOU HURT ME, BETRAYED ME & TURNED ME INTO THIS!! (Gesturing her monstrous form) You treated me like a slave, I couldn't stop myself in this state but I saw & heard everything that happened!
Johnny: Kitty calm down, ya know I love you and I know you still love me! Plus, you look waaaaaay hotter now in that form, like an Amazon Tiger Goddess (seductive growls) And I do like my women wild~
Kitty: Don't try to sweet talk your way out of this, Johnny!
She grabs johnny.
Johnny: Kitty, what are you doing?! Put me down, I order you to-
Kitty: You. Don't. Own. Me. Anymore!
Kitty begins to unleash a brutal beating upon Johnny. He would have fought back but his power boost long since faded and back to his original strength which wasn't enough to take a mutated and empowered Kitty with her rage directed at him. Danny, Ember and the L-Gear Crusaders watched the biker ghost get his ass handed to him.
Lightstar Soldier: Should we stop her?
Blood Beast: Are you kidding? This is a free show for a full postage beat down!
Mistress Manic: You're telling me, mess with the tigress you'll get the claws, hahahahaha!!!
Ice Moon: The ghost biker had this coming.
Danny: Unsurprisingly, I agree.
Nexus Ace: Same.
Ember: Yes, rip his arm off and beat him with it, girlfriend!
Atomic Angel & Jurassic Brawler: Anyone got some popcorn?
Kitty then throws Johnny towards the super computer panel, leaps towards him and starts tearing him apart, while slamming both fists repeatedly on Johnny's chest, putting more dents in the control panel which begins to short circuit and sent out sparks. She then lifts johnny over her head and slams him back first into her knee, earning a pained scream from him as he fell to the ground with a groan.
Johnny: Kitty... Please...?
Kitty: Please? Please? How many times have I said please for you to stop? Did you listen?!
Johnny: I still love you... It's not too late for you to come back to me...
Kitty narrowed her eyes, her hand glowing blue as Johnny paled.
Johnny: Kitty, no... Don't do this. I-I'm sorry, okay?! Is that what you wanna hear?! I'm sorry for the times I betrayed you, hurt you and went behind your back to flirt & have sex with human women! They were good but they aren't you baby, you're my only lady!
Ember: (deadpan) Like he hasn't used that speech dozens of times.
Johnny: I'll change it my ways, okay?! I promise Kitty, I'll be there for you and only you. Just one more chance, huh babe?
Kitty was silent for a moment before speaking.
Kitty: Too little... Too late. You've given you too many chances already and I'm done... Goodbye Johnny 13.
Johnny had a look of dread as Kitty places a glowing blue hand over her lips and fires a banishing kiss at the biker ghost, who screamed loudly as the attack hit, his eyes glowed red and disappeared from the world.
Jurassic Brawler: What was that? Where'd he go?
Ember: That's Kitty Banishing kiss, any man caught by that attack is send away to where I don't know to an unknown place. If 12 hours pass and she doesn't reverse it then the men she marks with it are gone forever.
Shadow Samurai: Sigh... Like a Kiss of Death.
Ember: True dat. Only I don't think Kitty's gonna bring Johnny back this time.
Kitty let out a loud roar as a green-ish white aura engulfed her body, shrinking and returning to her normal ghost form. She was about to fall but Danny & Ember quickly caught her.
Ember: Easy there, we gotcha.
Kitty: Em... Danny...?
Danny: It's okay. You're safe now, you did it.
Kitty: I guess I did...
Ember: You're free now...
Kitty smiles with tears falling, pulling Danny and Ember in a warm hug. The L-Gear Crusaders smiled at this moment before Spectra's voice was heard.
Penelope Spectra: Isn't this touching.
The group turn to Penelope Spectra who was dragging an unconscious Technus, who looked unrecognizable from the punishment the misery craving ghost inflicted on him.
Ice Moon: Yeesh. Ya really did a number on the science dude.
Danny: And I thought I put Technus in a world of hurt when I was in a bad mood but you went nuclear on him.
Penelope Spectra: Heh. I would've done much, much worse but I grew bored. (To Kitty) You feeling better okay, darling?
Kitty: I think so...
Penelope Spectra smirks and ruffles kitty's head as the biker woman pouts.
Kitty: Hey!
Galacta-Woman then approached the unconscious Wulf with another syringe and shot him in the chest, causing the werewolf like ghost to awaken and howl in agony as the parasitic substance on his upper body was reacting by twitching, spiraling and letting out distorted screeches before the substance begins to disintegrate from Wulf's body, the ghost once again back to being unconscious.
Galacta-Woman: And the ecto-parasite has been dispersed.
Danny: Thanks. Now let's round up these ghosts and get out of here.
Galacta-Woman: Indeed.
Soon after using the multiple thermos' to capture Technus and the other ghosts here, Danny, Ember and the L-Gear Crusaders took Kitty and the unconscious Wulf out of the hideout not before Galacta-Woman set the place to self destruct. Once they were out, the place was blown sky high.
Back at the Loud Mansion, The group took time to relax while Wulf is placed in one of the rooms to rest, Lisa did some scans on Kitty for a brief moment before letting her go. Spectra decided to assist Danny and the group in finding the other missing ghosts in order to get revenge on the one who kidnapped her & handed her to Technus in the first place.
In one of the guest rooms, Kitty was sitting on the bed by herself. After finally ridding herself of Johnny, she was looked at for tests by Lisa about her... mutation, finding her ectoplasmic DNA molecules as Lisa calls it specially crossed with one of the most predatory ghosts imaginable. Once she was done, Lisa will give an update on the cure's progress as hers will take time.
Kitty then thought about it, while she hated johnny for turning her into that amazonian white tiger amalgamation of a slave, it was painful and she had no choice to follow every order he carried out but she kinda admitted in her mind that she felt overwhelmed and ecstatic by the beastly ghost power she received. Kitty felt like nothing could hold her back or restrain her after Galacta-Woman/Lisa freed her of Johnny's control, she felt powerful than ever but the beast within is a very dangerous thing to control & she could say it was spontaneous that she was in control the first time...
Kitty was in the middle of an argument in her head, does she wait until Lisa finds a cure to free herself of the beast within? Or does she keep the beast within to try to control it? She sighs as she heard a knock at her door, she called for them to come in with the door opening and Ember in her human form, walked in.
Ember: Hey Kitty, how ya holding up?
Kitty: Yeah Em. (Chuckles) Kinda forgot you're like Danny now from the accidental wish you made with Desiree in the area.
Ember chuckled and sat down next to her.
Ember: Yeah. But I love the perks of being at half a human and half ghost.
Kitty: Like nailing the hero of Amity Park? (Sly smile) Tell me, did he shout your name or was it the other way around?
Ember blushes red.
Ember: Kitty!
Kitty laughs.
Kitty: Sorry, Sorry. Couldn't resist, but I'm so happy for you and Danny being together. (Smirks mischievously) Though if you didn't confess your feelings due to denial, I told you that I was gonna take him.
Ember: (jokes) And I stopped your evil plot to take what's mine, kitten.
Kitty: (jokes) Curses, foiled again.
The two shared a laugh before it slowly died down.
Kitty: I am happy for you though. Danny is quite a nice guy, even though we were his enemies at times we've begun to understand one another, hell, while I was trapped in my own monster form, I saw & heard what was going on but couldn't do anything... seeing Danny stand up for me while Beating johnny with an inch of his afterlife, it warms my core so much that he cared about me like you do... I wish I could meet a guy like Danny.
Ember places a hand on Kitty's shoulder.
Ember: Kitty, it's fine. You're no longer Johnny's girl and that bastard can vanish forever for all I care. But you'll find that special guy out there that'll make you happier than 13 ever did. Hell, babypop and I will help ya.
Kitty: Thanks girlfriend. Also...
Ember looks at Kitty's expression which looked uncertain.
Ember: Something on your mind?
Kitty: Yeah. That Lisa woman looked me over on my... mutation. I know she said it'll be a while but she'll get a cure going but... while a part of me is happy about it, another part of me wants to keep this beastly ghost power.
Ember's eyes widened.
Ember: You serious?
Kitty: Y-Yes, I know it sounds crazy but it felt great, not Johnny controlling me, but I felt powerful, I felt like nothing could hold me back and it felt so wild... But I don't know if I can control it the next time of when this beastly side of me rears it's head. Right now, I can't decide whether to get rid of this power or keep it.
Ember pulls Kitty into a comforting embrace with the biker ghost woman's head resting on the Rocker Halfa woman's chest.
Ember: Shhhh... Don't beat yourself up about it, you don't have to make the choice right away. Just take your time and relax, when you have your answer then head to snowball's (Lincoln) science sister (Lisa) with your decision.
Kitty: (smiles) Thanks Em. I'm glad to have a good friend like you.
Ember smiles and rubs kitty's head.
Ember: Same to you too, Kitten.
Then Ember heard something, a purring sound. She looked down at Kitty, who clasp her hand over her mouth with wide eyes.
Ember: (chuckles) Did you just purr?
Kitty: (blushes, squeaks) N-No! Of course not!
Ember didn't let go of the embrace on Kitty as she would teasingly and comfortingly rub her head down to her back then back up rinse and repeat.
Kitty: W-Wait what're you-! Please Don't! Stop it right now or I'll... I-I'll-
Kitty let out a loud, ecstatic purr. Ember failed to hold back her laughter as Kitty broke away from her.
Ember: Guess your wild side loves head & back rubs, hahahaha!
Kitty gave an embarrassed & angry pout.
Ember: Awww don't be like that, it's cute.
Kitty: Hmph.
In an unknown location...
We see the large figure in a dark black-ish green cloak sitting on a well skeletal looking throne surrounded by darkness where parts of the lair were illuminated in green flame torch lighting hung on from the walls of ceiling.
???: (Dark female voice) .... Technus and Johnny 13 has fallen. Even with the power I gave them, they still lost because of their egos & petty desires. No matter... I got what I need so far from them, Kitty, Spectra and Wulf...
A ectoplasmic mirror shows Danny & Ember with the L-Gear Crusaders.
???: It seems that Danny & Ember aligned with a new team. Impressive indeed but it won't phase me... So why not give them another challenge...?
The figure heard distorted groaning and turn to a nearby cage of pure black ecto-energy, whoever or whatever is inside it was shrouded in shadows.
???: (Chuckles cruelly) Hmhmhmhm... Oh don't worry, you won't be going after them. I have a different individual in mind.
The figure snapped her finger as a portal opened up and two other figures came out of it.
???: Ah. A pleasure of you two to join me again, Lydia... Freakshow...
Standing before the figure was the ghostly obsessive individual & ringmaster of Circus Gothica Freakshow and his loyal ghost minion, Lydia but they've changed over the years.
Freakshow's height remained the same, ghostly pale skin with some wrinkles, bald, has a pointy nose and a slender build body. The only differences is that he has a slightly long, black beard, a strange scar over his left eye, black lipstick, wears a black and red gothic looking three piece suit, top hat, a blood red cape and red boots. In his hand was a mystic staff but unlike his old one, this staff was black with blood red marks, a crystal ball glowing red & purple resting on the staff's monster looking hand attached to it.
Lydia, Freakshow's most trusted minion had changed form over the years; She was slightly taller, red eyes, red lipstick, her green skin possesses the same but also new monstrous tattoos on them, has a beautiful curvaceous figure with an ample chest, wider hips and a plump rear end, her hair in a spiked design had changed, the hair now longer and in a slick backwards faux hawk. She still possesses her old cloak & nose ring but her new attire consists of a sleeveless black top with straps and buckles, black pants with straps and buckles, black spiked armbands and red boots.
Freakshow: (smiles calmly but sinisterly) The pleasure is all mine for the one who set me free. Another task is finished courtesy of the ringmaster of darkness itself. I take it you have another task for me?
???: Yes. Apparently, an old enemy of yours has made it's way to royal woods with a new set of allies.
She shows the ectoplasmic mirror of Danny, Ember and the L-Gear Crusaders. The ringmaster of Circus Gothica silently snarled with a vengeful glare, the Halfa has ruined his plans too many from freeing his ghost minions from his control of stealing valuables, ruining his circus and foiling his plans of becoming ringmaster of all reality with the reality gauntlet. How he longed for revenge against Danny.
Freakshow: I am... quite aware of the ghost who took everything from me, how I've longed to do the same.
???: And you can... With the power I bestowed upon you within your new staff, you now have six ghosts more powerful than the last in your hands.
Freakshow: Six you say?
???: After hearing of you controlling Danny in the past as well as his... Ultimate encounter with a true enemy (Dark Danny) I learned a thing or two about timelines but alas it doesn't take an intellectual being to know that meddling with the timelines only lead to chaos, change and destruction so I went with options 2.
Then six figures appeared and while their forms are hidden in shadows, their eyes were pure red.
???: With my ecto-pearls linked to my dimensional portal... Why control one Danny Phantom when you have five from different parallel universes at your disposal... While the sixth...
She points to a specific phantom in the darkness while looking at Freakshow and Lydia.
???: Give Danny a show... A performance of tragedy where you close the curtains on his heart & soul where he would fall by this very Phantom's hand, one of the people he cares about most dearly...
Freakshow looks at the five phantoms and later the sixth phantom with a diabolical smile forming.
Freakshow: Oh this is absolutely glorious, I'll give royal woods and these heroes a performance they'll never forget, especially Danny Phantom himself. (In his mind) I'm coming for you ghost and I won't be out staged by you again.
Freakshow let out a laughter of pure malice joy and evil intentions, vengeance would be his.
To be continued...
(Chapter 10 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! A brawl ensures with Kitty was injected by Johnny 13, gaining a new Amazonian Beastly form, later rebelling against him with Galacta-Woman's help. Wulf was saved along with Spectra punishing Technus. Johnny and Technus have fallen, failing the mysterious ghost who brings in Freakshow and Lydia, another one of Danny's enemies with a new challenge in mind for Phantom and his allies. Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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