Ch. 1: Return Pt. 1
Narrator: It was a stormy morning in the city known as royal woods, an average town that was home to many familiar faces that reside there in Michigan... especially a well chaotic family which had one boy and ten girls.
They were known as the Louds. Each loud had that their talent and various attributes but each sibling was loud in their own way, at school, at home, everywhere they go is a crazy adventure. Whether they have good times or bad times, the loud family tend to have each other's backs and be there for one another.
However, through the three months of summer, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn Jr, Lincoln, Lana, Lola, Lisa and Lily each went on separate trips on summer vacation but during the summer... they vanished under mysterious circumstances while the loud parents were found dead. Some people of royal woods says they were kidnapped, killed or disappeared without a trace. Heck, others like Clyde, Ronnie Anne, Sid, Bobby & a select few were on the missing list as their parents and other relatives were really worried. A full search party & investigation was set to find the missing individuals... days turned into weeks... weeks turned into months... and months turned into years & so far they had nothing.
The investigation was shut down, remained unsolved as the Loud House was... unusually Quiet. No one ever heard of them again.
Until the near year....
As the storm was picking up speed, a black & gray muscle car was seen driving through the watery streets of royal woods, passing some blocks until the vehicle made its way to a nearby diner. Stopping the car in one of the parking spaces, a male figure got out of the car and walks towards the diner, opening the door and entering the place.
The person went to sit at one of the tables and looking at the menu. A waitress soon approached him, a slightly short woman with fair skin & freckles, long brown hair tied in a ponytail with a red scrunchie, has a beautiful figure with a huge chest, wide hips and large rear. She was wearing a sky blue & white waitress uniform, apron and black heel shoes.
Waitress: Hello there, may I take your order?
The man places the menu down on the table to look at the waitress with a peaceful smile.
???: Why yes, I would love to try your special.
Waitress: The Breakfast special, scrambled eggs, French toast drenched in maple syrup, hash browns and a biscuit sandwich with egg, cheese and sausage coming right up.
The waitress wrote down his order and left while the man waits for his food, he looks out the window with a deep sigh.
???: Royal woods has changed over the years but at the same time it hasn't since I've been away... I wonder if anyone here still remembers us or were we lost to the memory of time? Who knows?
As the man was lost in thought, the waitress came back.
Waitress: Sir? Sir?
The man snaps out of it and turns to the woman.
???: Yes?
Waitress: Your order will be ready in a few minutes.
???: Thank you, miss... (reads the waitress' nametag) Renee.
The waitress named Renee sat down with the man.
Renee: So, are you new around royal woods?
???: No, I lived here all my life since I was twelve. Thought I'd come down to memory lane & see the old town.
Renee: Oh I see. So you lived here as a kid, huh? Tell me, did you go to royal woods middle school?
???: I have, back then I was nervous about some changes but I learned to be courageous and smart about it, having my friends with me... Clyde, Liam, Zach, Rusty, Stella, even some additional friends like Girl Jordan, Mollie even though sometimes she tends to have a rivalry with me, and friends away with royal woods like Ronnie Anne, Sid Chang and so on.
Renee remembered a few names the man pointed out.
Renee: Wait, I remember a few names you listed. Also, you know a Lincoln loud, right?
???: You could say that... why?
Renee: He was amongst the group of friends you listed. He and I fought over an rare Ace savvy comic once. Anyways, he disappeared a long time ago during the summer, along with his family and a few others. Everyone was looking everywhere for them but found nothing as the investigation was call off, never solved.
???: I see... heh, I happened to stumble upon a Lincoln loud in my travels?
Renee: (eyes widened) R-Really?! Where is he?
???: (smirks) Right here.
Renee's eyes widened even more as the man pulled down his hood to reveal himself. Renee gasped upon seeing a 26 year old Lincoln Loud; He was tall, had light skin & freckles, slightly long white hair, blue eyes, no longer has buck teeth as they were perfect teeth & has an average athletic figure. He was wearing a black & orange armor shirt, an orange & black jacket with a white fur hood, black jeans and sneakers.
Lincoln: Surprise.
Lincoln was in then pulled into a hug by Renee.
Renee: Oh my god! I can't believe that you're here!
Lincoln returns the hug.
Lincoln: Good to see you too.
The two broke the hug Renee forgot about lincoln's order and immediately went to get it. Soon, Renee came back with Lincoln's order of the breakfast special as the white haired man accepted the food & paid the woman for the meal.
Lincoln: Thank you.
Renee: You're welcome. So what happened to you and your family?
Lincoln: It's a long story but I can't really say... I'm not sure what happened to my sisters considering we all went our separate ways on summer vacation.
Renee: Oh ok. I understand.
Lincoln started eating his breakfast while listening to Renee's story of her life, still in college but was on break, does two jobs as a waitress and a comic book artist. Lincoln was glad to hear that Renee was having a good life, she also wanted to have a friendship with him despite the fight the two had over a rare comic years back, Lincoln accepts the offer as He and Renee trade phone numbers to add to their contacts.
Lincoln took the rest of his food to go and gave Renee a final hug before saying goodbye and promising to hang out sometime when she's not working.
Lincoln gets back into his car, placing his food in the back as he starts the car, backing out of the parking space and driving away from the diner. Taking a drive through royal woods, Lincoln noticed a few new stores & buildings within the town, he noticed that Gus' Games n Grub was still around along with a few places he recognized so far as memories of the past flooded his mind before the... accident from his camping trip with his friends.
He then drives into his old neighborhood, the white haired man wondered if his old home, the loud house, was still around. As Lincoln drove past a few houses, he finally found his old home but noticed that the house he & his family lived in has changed, new paint job, lawn ornaments, a freshly planted garden and a white & navy blue hatchback car in the drive way, meaning that someone had moved into his old home.
Lincoln: Well, can't say I'm surprised that this would happen. I barely recognized the loud house anymore. Sigh... I guess I came back all this way just to say goodbye.
Lincoln slowly begins to drive away from the once house of loud which had changed while he was away, getting one look from the rear view mirror as the house faded from his sight. The white haired man sighed as fog from the rain clouded the front car window, he rubs on the window to wipe away the fog to see but it builds up. Lincoln wipes the window again but it fogs up again. Groaning in annoyance, Lincoln does it again a third time to see but spotted a hooded figure with a large duffle bag walking in the path of the road too close.
Lincoln: Oh sh*t!
Lincoln turns the wheel and swerves off the road trying not hit the figure as the car stopped with a loud bang!
Lincoln: Damn it!
The white haired man quickly grabs a flashlight from his jacket pocket and exits the car to look around, wondering if the figure was okay or got run over by accident.
Lincoln: Crap... where are you?
Lincoln turns her flashlight and finds something; a large duffle bag & a torn hooded coat but no sign of the figure's body.
Lincoln: Huh? Some items but no body.
As the white haired man was pondering what just happened, someone was slowly creeping up behind him. Lincoln then narrowed his eyes as he turns around to avoid the strike, grabs the hand and judo flips the figure to the ground.
???: Owwww...! The hell?! First you almost ran me over and you flip me! What's your problem?!
Lincoln: I wasn't trying to run you over, my window was getting fogged up by the rain & I didn't see you in time to stop.
The figure got up, turning to Lincoln with a glare but the glare instantly vanished when getting a good look at the white haired man.
???: Lincoln? Is that you?
Lincoln: Yes that's my name. You know me?
???: (smiles) Of course I do! I'm your little sister, Lana!
Lincoln got a good look at the figure revealed to be a 21 year old Lana Loud; She was a slightly tall woman with long wild blonde hair, fair skin, golden yellow eyes, dark blue eyeshadow and has a feminine yet slightly muscular figure. She was wearing a black short sleeved shirt, a brown & silver studded belt, army camouflage cargo pants and black boots.
Lincoln: Lana!
Lana: Lincoln!
The two hugged it out for a moment before they broke it out.
Lana: Man, it's good to see ya again!
Lincoln: Same. Umm... Sorry for nearly running you over. Not really how I wanted our reunion to go.
Lana: Meh, it's fine. I've been through worse over the years (picks up her duffle bag & hoodie) So what have you been doing?
Lincoln: Well I came back to royal woods to take a trip down memory lane after the.... mysterious circumstances that happened to me as a kid during the summer years back. Met Renee and got acquainted, she even told me that the other sisters, including you disappeared as I did.
Lana frowns.
Lana: You too huh? Well I went through some crazy sh*t over the years & I'm not ready to tell you just yet.
Lincoln: It's fine Lana, I feel the same.
Lana: Thanks.
Lincoln and Lana went into the white haired man's car with Lana in the passenger seat as the car drove away.
Lincoln: Aside from the bad tales, how were you?
Lana: I've been fine, taking care of myself, graduated from school, meeting new friends & animals, working through jobs suited to my skills and just roughin' it.
Lincoln: I see. I've been doing good myself.
Lana: Glad to hear it. Ummm... we're going the opposite direction of our home.
Lincoln: I went to check out the loud house, someone already moved in. I barely recognized our old house.
Lana: Dang it. I was just heading there.
Lincoln: Yeah.
Lana: Guess we'll have to find a new home.
Lincoln hears his phone beeped as he looks at it, a test from an unknown caller.
Lana: What's up?
Lincoln: A text from an unknown caller. (reads the text) Come to royal woods cemetery.
Lana: Royal woods cemetery?
Lincoln: Hmmm...?
Lana: You're not really gonna go there, are you? It might be a prank call or a masked man wanting to kidnap you for ransom or something.
Lincoln: Maybe... but I have a theory....
Lincoln fires up the engines and drives out of the old neighborhood.
Narrator: One hour drive later....
The muscle car stopped by the royal woods cemetery as Lincoln and Lana got out of the vehicle with flashlights, the entrance was locked so they climbed the fence and hopped on the other side. The lightning flashed, illuminating the cemetery in a scary way, showing the graves of the deceased and dead trees with branches like clawed hands. The two look around for the unknown person who texted Lincoln to come here.
Lana: So where could the man or woman be hiding?
Lincoln: How am I supposed to know? We are looking for the person here.
Lana: This place is creepy and the rain & fog ain't helping either. If this person is playing a sick joke on us, I'm gonna break his or her legs.
Lincoln chuckles. Then they heard the sound of an owl far east from their direction, followed by a wolf howling in the background and as they were walking further into the graveyard, Lincoln and Lana braced themselves as a horde of bats flew right past them into the stormy night.
Lana: (annoyed) Ugh, this is getting us nowhere, Lincoln. Whoever sent you that text is obviously playing a sick joke on us.
Lincoln: (narrowed eyes) An attempt to scare us, kidnap us or kill us but I won't give him or her the chance.
Lana: Me neither. (Yells out) Hey creeper! You have until the count of 3 to get out here right now (pulls two guns out of her pockets) or I'll start shooting bullets everywhere until I find you!
Lincoln: Lana, isn't that a little too much? You could get in trouble for this. And where did you even get guns anyway?
Lana: I'm not gonna shoot the graves, Lincoln. Don't worry. (Yells) Last chance! 1...! (Aims her guns) or I'm gonna fire! 2....!
Before Lana could say 3, a hand reached to grab lana's arm, shocking the two.
???: (monotone voice) I wouldn't do that If I were you, the spirits would get angry.
Lana broke the grip and backed away as she & Lincoln saw a woman appeared out of the fog.
???: I've been waiting for you, little sister and big brother.
Lincoln: Heh. Long time no see... Lucy.
The woman was revealed to be a 23 year old Lucy Loud; The Goth of the louds was a slightly tall woman with pale skin, long flowing black hair with white streaks & in a ponytail. She has a curvaceous figure but was very, very chest and bottom heavy to huge proportions. She was wearing a black & dark gray striped shirt, a black tattered coat, a dark gray tattered skirt, black & dark gray striped leggings and black boots.
Lana: Lucy?!
The gothic woman had a small smile as she pulled the two into a hug.
Lucy: Sigh... it's been so long. Thank the spirits you're alive.
Lincoln and Lana return the hug.
Lana: Yeah, you're right on that.
Lincoln: It's good to see you again, spooky.
The three broke the hug as Lana puts her guns away.
Lana: So you're the one who texted Lincoln to come here, how did you even know his new number?
Lucy: I have my ways. After my long journey came to an end, I was trying to find you as I sensed your aura approached royal woods.
Lincoln: Oh. Well, I take it that you've been taking care of yourself as well?
Lucy nodded.
Lucy: Sigh... before you say it, I'm aware that someone had moved into our old house since we've been missing. Fear not, I have a solution for our home arrangements.
Lana: (beamed) Really?! You found a house?!
Lucy: Sigh... yes. I found an old mansion up for sale and I bought it. I figured that the others will return as well, we could all live there together for old times sake.
Lana: Sweet!
Lincoln: Good thinking. Where is the mansion?
Lucy: South of royal woods, near the hills.
Lucy walks away and grabs her stuff in two slightly large suit cases and a sheathed sword chained to one of them.
Lincoln: I'll drive, you lead.
Lucy: My thoughts exactly.
The three louds leave the cemetery and got in the car, Lucy put her stuff in the trunk while heading to the back seat while Lana was in the passenger's seat & Lincoln was in the driver's seat, starting the car and taking off.
Narrator: Another long hour driver later....
Driving south of royal woods up the hills, Lucy told Lincoln to take a U-turn and so he did, followed by driving down a straight path until Lincoln and Lana see a massive house not too far in their view as Lincoln takes a left turn, heading down the next route past the open steel gates while also passing a "for sale" sign which had the word "sold" stamped on the sign.
Lucy: Here we are.
The two stared at their new home; It was indeed an old, massive mansion, a huge uncut lawn with the steel fence surrounding the place, the mansion still needed to be painted as the former paint job was cracked and rusted while covered in moss.
Lincoln: You weren't kidding about it being an old mansion.
Lucy: Sigh... it still needs a little work.
Lana: I can help with that.
Upon parking the car, Lincoln noticed a red and black motorcycle and a yellow coupe car parked in the driveway.
Lincoln: Some guests?
Lucy: Sigh... I forget to mention that I found two of our sisters coming to royal woods before I found you two.
Lana: Really? Who?
Lucy: See for yourself.
Getting out of the car, Lincoln, Lucy and Lana walk up the front porch of the mansion as two figures appeared out of the front door.
???: Lincoln, Lana!
???: (says a water pun) "Wet's" up? Hehehe! Get it?
In front of the three was Luan and Lynn. Luan was a 29 year old, tall woman with fair skin, long light brown & blonde streak hair in a braided ponytail, yellow eyes, buck teeth with no braces & has a curvaceous figure but was top heavy with a massive bust. She was wearing a black shirt with black & yellow striped sleeves, yellow striped skirt, thigh length leggings and brown shoes.
And Lynn was a 28 year old, slightly tall woman with fair skin & freckles, has an athletic & curvaceous figure with a large chest, hips, strong legs & glutes and has long brown hair in a mohawk/downwards ponytail with both sides of her head shaved. She was wearing a black & red shirt with the red number one on the right side with four red lines going across the chest, a right black wristband, slim black shorts with red side stripes, white socks and black boots.
The two older loud sisters tackled Lincoln and Lana with a strong hug.
Lincoln & Lana: Oof!
Luan: It's so gooooood to see you guys again!! It's been years!!
Lynn: Man, it's good to see my little sister and favorite little brother!
Lincoln: Lynn... you know I'm your only brother, right?
They broke the hug.
Lynn: Of course but still, glad to have you back. (Smirks) I see you two have been working out.
Lana: (smirks) Yep. (Flexes) I've been taking good care of myself.
Lincoln: True.
Lynn: (flexes) Same here. You know me, no pain no gain.
Luan: Talk about pumping iron, Hehehehe!
Lana: I take it that you guys know that someone had moved into our old house?
Lynn: Yeah, Luan and I met up on the highway to royal woods and decided to check out the old loud house but someone moved in.
Luan: Lynn thought about kicking the people living there out but I stopped her as we left.
Lynn: I wasn't really gonna kick them out! Don't twist my words & actions woman!
Luan chuckles.
Lynn: And then we ran into Lucy, who showed us this place. It's huge but it's still a work in progress.
Lincoln: Yeah, this mansion does need a little work.
Lucy: We'll work on it later, let's go inside.
Lucy leads the four louds inside of their new home.
To be continued....
(Welcome to the first chapter of Loud house: The L-Gear Crusaders. This is the part one timeskip in the return of the louds where Lincoln meets up with Lana, Lucy, Luan and Lynn after years of disappearance. Next part the rest of the loud sisters will come. Find out more in the next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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