Chapter 5 (The Final Chapter)

Clyde is Sitting on a Chair at the moment where he's looking at his Masters Journal when He's been Hearing Voices right now. Seeing Ghosts from his past

???: How Long are you Just gonna Sit there Clyde?

Clyde: Until I'm done, That's how long Liam.

Clyde has been seeing Ghosts of Zack, Liam, Rusty, Stella, Ronnie Anne and Lincoln Right now. (Even in his Dreams as mentioned in Chapter 1)

Zack: Liam's Right Clyde, The Power Plant's Down Now You Have the Advantage Now.

Clyde: I Just Got something to do right now Becides I already Just Finished writing a note to Lori.

Lincoln: I'm Shocked that Lori and Bobby are still alive.

Clyde: And Lisa

Lincoln: Not really, Only her Mind Was Transfered to that Robot.

Clyde: Whatever Bro. I know what I need to do I need to Finish this, End this Insanity.

Rusty: Then End it, End it now.

Clyde: Shut up All of you! I know what I need to do. Now, I want you to Leave Now and Never come Back!

Stella: (Sigh) All I can say For all of us is Good Luck Clyde McBride.

Ronnie Anne: Yeah Good luck. Oh And Say Hi to my Big Brother for me.

Then the Ghosts Disappear from Clyde's Sight.

Clyde: (Thinking) Finally. (Clyde Wrote something in the journal then Closes it, Gears up Then Leaves the house) (Talking) Time to end this.

Meanwhile at Morag's Building


Grunt: (Struggling) We tried to Contact him But he's not Answering.

Morag: Those Civilians Will Try to Fight their way Here!

Grunt: Ma'am Please I--


Grunt 2: There's still 2 Guardian Robots Still operational for your Quarters Ma'am.

Morag: Good, Now Go! And One of you Get me My Liquid Metal Armor! I got Some Ronins to Exterminate.

Meanwhile Clyde and Haiku are Standing on top of a Building not to far From here.

Haiku: This is it.

Clyde: Yeah, it's time to Take Morag Down, For Good.

Meanwhile at the Loud/Santiago House Nate and Lisa Came back to Check on Lori.

Nate: Mom is Everything alright while we're gone?

Lori: Everything's fine Just a little cold but I'm ok.

Nate: Where's Dad? (Notices the Journal and a Letter) In Fact Where's Clyde?

Lori: Your Dad's upstairs Checking to see if the water works at the moment.

Nate: And Clyde?

Lori: (Sighs) He left without saying a word.

Nate: What?!

Lori: He decided to go back to Morag's Building and end this while the powers out. He only left that Journal and a letter.

Nate: (Noticed the envelope that has Lori's name on there) The Envelope's for you Mom.

Lori: For me? What did he wanted to say that's in this envelope?


Lori opens the envelope and reads the letter from Clyde.

To Lori,

If you're Reading this Message then that means I left to go Put a stop to Morag's Tyranny. Well..... There's one thing I need to get off my chest for a while before I Leave so here it is. Do you remember when you got me those pictures from the Photo Booth from when you took me to the fair when I was a kid? Well I still have that I kept it Vacuum Sealed to make it last longer. Becides Haiku, It was the only thing I had left to remember you guys. At least I got over that whole Crush on you thing anyways. I decided to give it to you in Case If I'm Not able to come back when this is over. Oh and One more thing and This one's for Bobby, Even though you and I don't see Eye to Eye in the Past, You're a good guy. Thanks for Nursing me back to health, I really needed that.

Clyde McBride

Nate: (Thinking) Damn it McBride. Why didn't you wait For me?

Meanwhile at Morag's Building Haiku Planted Detonators on the Explosives. Those eventually Blew up Setting the Building on fire.

Clyde: (Thinking) That's our Diversion to get to Morag.

One by one Clyde and Haiku Both have been Taking out the Human Ninja's and Guards on their way up to the top floor with Ease.

Haiku: (Thinking) Those Grunts almost put up a challenge, Looks like for almost 2 Decades That Those Grunts have gone soft. Without the Robots their basically Nothing.

Clyde: (Thinking) Alright Morag, Hope you're ready for a fight, And it better be a Real Fight.


Clyde: (Thinking) What The Hell?! The Fire must've spread destroying more of those Weapons.

The 2 continued to Kill all those grunts until they made it to the Top floor where the 2 Big Guardian Robots are in the way. The 2 had a Struggle on taking them down until Haiku an EMP Tonfas to Short circuit the Guardians.


Morag Appears Having a Scottish Liquid Metal Armor with a Nano Shield and a Sword that Pops out her Right hand.

Morag: So. You 2 must be the Ronins, that's trying to stop Me? Ha, Pathetic. Which one are you guys again?

Clyde: 15 years. For 15 years I've waited to put an end to your tyranny. To Avenge my 2 Dad's and My Friends Especially Lincoln Loud!

Morag: Friends with Lincoln Loud huh? Oh yeah, you must be that Clyde McBride Kid that Lincoln was Talking about while he's in Scotland.

Clyde: Shut up, You took Everything away From Me and Me and My Partner Haiku will take Everything away from you! (Points at the Top of her head) Especially your Precious Crown.

Morag: (Puts the Crown on the Floor) I knew one of these days that Someone would be like Lincoln and Put an end to My Power. (Steps on the Crown Destroying it) I will Not Let anyone Have It, Never!!!

Clyde: I'm not Interested of Your "Power."

Haiku: So Morag, Are you Ready?

Morag: Ready? Well I Didn't Put this Armor on for a Reason. (The Liquid Metal Covers Morag's Face) Let's end this! (Charging Towards Haiku and Clyde) (Screams)

Morag Tries to take out impale them but She Missed.

Clyde: (Thinking) What's this? Some kind of Liquid Metal Armor? Need to Steer Clear from that especially the Nano Sword and Shield.

Haiku: (Notices the Fire from the explosion) (Thinking) Fire is spreading fast from the explosion, Hard to Breathe with all this Smoke.

Morag: Time for you 2 to Die!

Clyde: (Thinking) Morag's Angers growing to, This will be the Advantage We need.

Haiku: (Thinking) Screw the Flames. (Talking) You First you Scottish Tyrant.

Morag: RAGGH!

The Scene Cuts to the Building Exploding Pushing the 3 out while still Fighting

Clyde: (Thinking) Woah That was Close, but now we're Falling Again

Haiku: (Thinking) Been there, Done that.

Clyde: (Thinking): Not that Morag Cares anyways, The Idiot's Fighting us the Whole way.

Meanwhile Elsewhere Nate's Running to the Building and Noticed it Exploded.

Nate: Jesus, That's a Big Explosion. Dang it Clyde, Why didn't you wait for me?

Meanwhile Back with Clyde, Haiku and Morag. The 3 were about to land on a Water Tower.

Clyde: (Thinking) Ok, This is Gonna hurt. A lot.

The 3 landed on the Water Tower then the 3 Got back up.

Haiku: (Thinking) Nothing Broken, at least Nothing Important.

Clyde: (Thinking) Can't Keep this whole thing up Forever, Come on Morag Show us a Flaw. (Notices a Hole on Morag's Shoulder armor) There!

Morag: Seriously!? I just had this thing Polished Last week! (Then the Liquid Metal made the Hole Disappear) No Matter.

Clyde: (Thinking) Hmm, Maybe a Grenade can Weaken it.

Haiku: You're about to do something Stupid Morag.

Morag: Really? (Charges Towards them) We Shall see!

Clyde uses a hand Grenade and Force Morag to Hold it. Then the Grenade Exploded Weakening the Armor.

Clyde: (Stabs Morag's hand with his Sai) That's for My Dads.

Morag: Really? (Gets the Sai out of her hand Seals the wound Shut and Breaks the Sai) That's all you Got? Pathetic.


Morag: (Noticed the Tower) No My Empire. Gone!

Haiku Manages to make a Weak spot on The Abdomen on Morag's armor then Stabs Morag on the Abs.

Haiku: This one's Courtesy of the Mortician's club.

Morag: (On her Knees) Alright, Alright! I Yield! You 2 Win!

Haiku: You Still don't get it do you Morag.

Clyde: (Brings out a War Hammer to finish Morag off) There's only the end. No Winning, No Losing just the end.

Morag: (Panting) Yeah... It's the end... FOR YOU 2! (Stabs Haiku on the Leg and Cuts Both her and Clyde's abdomen Critically Wounding them)

Clyde: (Thinking) Dang it. It's oldest Trick in the Book. And we both fell for it.

Haiku: (Thinking) Need to Keep some distance while we Cover our Wounds and Stop the Bleeding.

Clyde: (Hitting Morag with His Hammer) Lincoln Loud Sends his Regards.

Meanwhile At the Loud/Santiago House

Nate: Aunt Lisa Is there a Way to Track Clyde and Haiku?

Lisa: Well I did Plant a Chip Inside the 2 while their unconscious So this will take some time since the Powers out at the moment.

Nate: Ok, Just Do Something.

Meanwhile with Clyde and Haiku The 2 are using their Cloaks to be used as Bandages with Clyde and Haiku Left Shirtless and Haiku still has a Training Bra on her while Clyde is Completely Shirtless.

Haiku: This will do For now Clyde Don't know how much longer we can take this.

Morag: (Reappearing) Running while in a Fight? How Cowardly.

Haiku: (Brings out her Nunchucks while Clyde Brings out his Morning Star) Oh yeah, Who's Running?

Haiku and Clyde hits the Armor giving enough Impact to send Morag to the Sewers and they Followed.

Clyde: (Thinking) Need to end this, Before Our Bodies give up on us.

The 2 Were being Successful Kicking Morag's Butt Unfortunately the Sewer Water Comes towards the 3 eventually Washing them out to the old Beach where it's Partly covered in trash. Also the Armor Morag has on is Damaged and Failing her

Haiku: (Thinking) Gut's Leaking, Can Barley Stand.

Morag: You Will Not Survive this Fools. I can't be Defeated!

Clyde: (Thinking) Not Gonna Lie, Morag's Right, This whole thing with Me and Haiku has been a One way Ticket. But We're not taking that trip Down alone.

Both Clyde and Haiku are Now Punching Morag towards the Polluted water.

Clyde: You're Wrong Morag, You're the One that will be Defeated. And after a while you will be Forgotten by everyone Forever!

Morag: No! You can't do this to me! I'm Unstoppable, (Tries to Power on the Armor but It's Malfunctioning causing it to Short Circuit) I am God, I AM IMMORTAL!!! (Laughing)

The Shock even Caught Haiku and Clyde off Guard and the 3 went down to the water Causing the Armor to Explode. Now what's left of Morag is a Dead Body that Briefly Floated but soon Sinks down.

Clyde and Haiku Crawled out of the water.

Clyde: (Spitting out the water) Some God She is.

Haiku: (Sigh) Yeah at least we (Coughs) Did it...

They Collapsed to the Ground facing up while Holding hands when a Motorcycle appeared. It's Nate He finally found the 2

Nate: Uncle Clyde! Clyde, Haiku it's Me It's Nate (Notice them Dying) Oh no. No It's not fair, You were going to teach me some skills. It's not Fair I even Brought the journal you 2 Got.

Clyde: (Coughs) I'm sorry Nate, It was Our Duty, Our Destiny, I left the Journal for you all the things our Sensei taught us. But the Last Lesson is from me and it's most important of them all...

Nate: (Sniffles) Just Say Hi To Uncle Lincoln to me.

Clyde: I will.....

The journal's last Page that Shows 2 Words and that's to "Know Peace"

Then a Truck Came in and it Shows Lori and Bobby coming out of it.

Lori: Nate! Nate What happened here?

Bobby: (Notices Clyde and Haiku Dead) Oh no.

Lori: (Sheds a Teardrop) Farewell, One eye Jack. It's something Lincoln always wanted to say If Clyde did Die.

All 3 of them are morning the loss of Clyde McBride and Haiku. A loss of some good Friends.

The end

Welp that's it. That's the end of the story I hope y'all enjoy the Conclusion. This is Autobot-Wolverine Signing off....

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