Chapter 3: The Loud Siblings meet Ben 10 part 2
Ben: (groaning) aawwww man....
The teen slowly opened his eyes, ears ringing a bit and feeling some pain as he heard a bunch of voices.
???: Everybody literally calm down!
???: I can't believe he's here lola?
'Lola': I can't believe it either Lana!
???: Lori, is he gonna be Okay?
'Lori': Lisa is treating his injuries right now Lincoln, stop worrying.
'Lincoln': Ok and hey! Lisa, what are you doing?!
'Lisa': While I'm tending to his injuries, I am quite curious with this device on his wrist so I'm analyzing the watch through my super computer to learn more about it.
???: When did you make a super computer lisa?
Lisa: Since last week. Aha! I'm in, these security safeguards were difficult to get by but science 1, mysterious tech-0. Gasp! Sweet mother of Einstien!
???: What is it lis?
Lisa: The absolute design and texture of this device, the numerous DNA codes, all of them are different types of extraterrestrial beings.... truly intriguing.
Lincoln: Well I said that the Ultimatrix has the power to turn Ben into numerous alien heroes and you laughed in my face for it. I hate to say I told you so but I'm mature and-who am I kidding, I. Told. You. So.
???: Let it go already, Lincoln.
Lincoln: Ok, sorry Lynn. Geez.
???: guys?
Lori: Yes leni?
Leni: Like, he's waking up.
Ben's eyes fully opened to see the loud sisters and lincoln staring at him.
Lynn: Hey.
Luna: You ok dude?
Ben: Yeah... I'm fine, I had worse injuries than this but I'll be okay.
Ben slowly sits up as he noticed that his Ultimatrix was wired to lisa's super computer.
Ben: Hey! (Removes the wires from his Ultimatrix) what are you doing?
Lisa: (Whispers) Dang it... oh well I have all the data I need. Greetings Ben Tennyson... you're probably wondering where you are. You are in our dwelling better known as the loud house. We found you unconscious and injured in our backyard so we took you inside to treat your injuries.
Ben: (suspicious glance) and the wires on my Ultimatrix to your computer?
Lisa: (creepy yet nervous smile) Your alien device or so you call it the Ultimatrix peeked my interest and I was analyzing the alien made technology, finding numerous discoveries within it.
Ben: (sighs) Ain't the first time someone tried to hack or tamper with my watch. So who are you guys?
Lori: I'm Lori loud, The oldest of the family.
Leni: Like, I'm Leni loud, love to design fashion.
Luna: Name's Luna loud, the rockstar of the family.
Luan: Looking for a laugh, here's Luan loud! Hahaha!
Lynn: The name's Lynn loud Jr and I'm the athlete of the family.
Lincoln: I'm Lincoln loud, the middle child and artist of the family. Huge fan of your work Ben.
Lucy: Sigh... I'm Lucy loud, Goth of the family, loves dark things and poems.
Lana: Name's Lana loud, the mechanic and tough twin of the family.
Lola: I'm Lola loud, the glamorous, beautiful, and nonstop pageant winner twin of the family.
Lisa: And I'm Lisa loud, the child prodigy of the family.
Ben: Ok... Does everyone in your family have a name starting with "L"?
Lola: Our little sister lily.
Lincoln: And our dad, Lynn Sr.
Lori: Our mom's name is Rita. The three of them are on vacation.
Ben: Ok... well, thanks for the help but I gotta get going-
Sisters: NO!!
The nine sisters sat Ben down on the bed.
Ben: Gah! What the?!
Lynn: Ben, we just found you in a freaking crater.
Lori: You can't just get up like these injuries are nothing.
Ben: Guys it's okay, I've had worse than this.
Leni: Still, you're hurt and you need to rest.
Luna: Ya gotta take it easy brah, you need to rest dude.
Ben: Guys it's fine. I'm fine, I appreciate the help but I gotta go find the alien that caused.... (looks down)
Lincoln: Caused what?
Ben: Sigh... Look, I don't know... I don't know what he's called or what type of alien he is but... he did something crazy to my cousin Gwen and my friend Kevin. I've been tailing him to capture the guy and make him reverse what he did but... I fought him and he grabbed my watch and issued a code called alien DNA rupture: corruption code 10 as the Ultimatrix unleashed a massive wave and the next thing I knew... I wake up here.
Lisa: Corruption code 10... interesting.
Lincoln: What did the bad guy look like?
Ben: He was wearing a black cloak, couldn't really get a look of the guy, had dreadful powers, different from the other alien foes I've faced.
Ben looks at his Ultimatrix, checking for anything wrong with it. The Ultimatrix spoke in a voice similiar to Ben's voice, stating that the Ultimatrix is in recharge mode as he can't access his aliens right now.
Ben: Ok.
Lana: Well until you're fully healed, you can stay with us for a while. You hungry?
Ben: Sure, ya got any chilly fries?
Lana: Yep, Good thing we save some burpin' burger takeout. Be right back!
Lana leaves the room.
Lincoln: I can't believe I'm meeting the alien hero Ben 10, you saved the universe millions of times.
Ben: Hehehe, yeah. I get that a lot.
Luna: Sweet dude, you must of had a lot of adventures with that alien watch brah.
Ben: Yeah, I have... each were fun or crazier than the last.
Lola: Can you transform into an alien for us please?
Ben: Sorry but whatever that guy did to my Ultimatrix, it's on recharge mode right now.
Lola: (Angry) Awwww... but I want to see one now!
Lynn: Lola, shut it!
Lola: Make me!
Lynn and Lola instantly shut their mouths.
Lori: Sorry Ben.
Ben: No problem.
Lana: (downstairs; yells) Guys! You gotta see this!
Lincoln, The Sisters and Ben all ran out of the room, downstairs to the living room to see Lana watching the news.
Lori: Lana, what's going on?
Lana: Look for yourselves.
Everyone gathered around lana as they watched the news, revealing news reporter Katherine mulligan.
Katherine mulligan: This is Katherine mulligan, reporting to you live on royal woods news. We've just received word that a massive outbreak has occurred that is caused by a mysterious and massive wave of green, black and white lighting of some sorts.
Lincoln: An outbreak?!
Lynn: What?!
Luna: Blimey!
Ben: .....
Katherine mulligan: We have footage of what happens when a person comes in contact with the strange wave.
They reveal the footage of 13 year olds rusty, zach and liam walking to games n' grub when they noticed the strange wave.
Lincoln: No! Rusty, Zach and Liam! Get out of there!
The three were confused and terrified as they ran out of there but the wave claimed them as three of lincoln's friends started contorting and mutating into bizarre and freaky beings of... Ben's aliens?!
Lincoln, Loud sisters and Ben: Gasp!
Katherine mulligan: Royal Woods finest scientists are looking into this dangerous matter so citizens are advised to stay away from the strange wave causing this monstrous outbreak and find a safe place to shelter in! This is Katherine mulligan signing off! GAAAH!!!
Katherine mulligan was seen running off screaming, dodging what appears to be diamond projectiles, followed by a loud roar as the camera went dead.
Lori: Oh god...
Luna: Freaky dude...
Lincoln: My friends... they mutated into... (looks at Ben) your aliens...
Lucy: Sigh... A zombie apocalypse is upon us all...
Lynn: Alien apocalypse Lucy.
Lisa: Whatever this... cloaked assailant you spoke of did to the Ultimatrix is causing this... outbreak, correct?
Ben: Yeah... I need to find him and-
Ben was cut off when he and the loud siblings heard loud banging at the door.
Lana: I'll barricade the door and windows!
But before she could, two familiar voices were heard outside of the front door.
???: Lincoln/Lame-O! Please let us in!/Open the door!
Lincoln knew those voices.
Lincoln: Clyde and Ronnie anne!
To be continued...
(Chapter 3 in finished! Please like and comment on this chapter. What's gonna happen next, find out next chapter, this is omegacrow fading to black...)
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