Chapter 21: Dial A for Animo Pt 2
(A/N: Welcome back to LH: Omni-force, as you all know last chapter was an important message about my story getting replicated on without my permission by a writer named Jerry Ruffin. Thankfully, the writer been took his story down. Hopefully, he learns what he did was wrong & he can make his own Ben 10 x loud house story without using anything from my LH: Omni-force story, there are a lot of possibilities to make a Ben 10 x loud house story, don't use anything from my story to do so. But enough about that, Enjoy the chapter!)
Ben, Lincoln, Lynn, Lana, Lola, Clyde, Polly Pain and Becky spotted Dr. Animo's hideout and proceeded to head inside. The old mansion was quiet... too quiet, it was no surprise that the mad scientist has a trap ready and waiting for them but Ben and the group have to be on their guard.
Becky: This place sure reeks of mold and debris.
Lola: You're telling me and this Animo whack job picked this dump for a hideout. Ew.
They look around the area.
Clyde: It's very quiet here, too quiet.
Lincoln: It's the same old thing in a hero vs villain scene. They investigate a villain's lair as some heroes invertedly fall into the villain's trap-
Lynn & Polly Pain: Nerd!!!
Ben: Shhh! I hear something...
Everyone kept quiet and looked around, blasters and omnitrixs ready. Ben listened in and heard a strange noise, it sounded unnatural and very inhuman no doubt with the alien hero knowing that One or more of Dr. Animo's experiments should lurking in the shadows ready & waiting to strike. Then the group heard Animo's voice but the doctor was nowhere in sight.
Dr. Animo: Ah, Ben Tennyson and his little helpers. Intruding upon my humble abode.
Lola: Humble abode? More like a trash heep.
Ben: Where are you, Animo?
Dr. Animo: You may try to find me as you wish but you are too late! I, Dr. Animo have create the perfect DNA altering visage of corruption and evolution itself! It's glorious and controlled power is enough not only change human and animal species into a new breed species of the ultimatrix but evolved into a more developing form compared to the mindless and bizarre abnormal hybrids you've encountered so far! Obverse!
The group heard groans as figures appeared out of the shadows, there were humanoid in different shapes and sizes, male and female with a heatblast like appearance in trim molten armored exoskeleton with a glowing flame visage but it was it was concentrated hot water based instead of fire.
Ben: Whoa. It's like Heatblast and Water Hazard combined.
Dr. Animo: Combined yes but more different from the wandering specimen throughout the royal woods central but with the Omni Spheres I've created, it'll evolve them further to spread the corruption at a accelerated molecular rate, improving them with a will... a will to serve me and my benefactor.
Lincoln: The Corruptrarom...
Dr. Animo: Ah, the white haired rabbit looking boy, Lincoln Loud was it? Yes, my... first subject of the Omni Sphere seems to have in for you, perhaps you two should get reacquainted.
Lincoln: What the-
Out of the darkness, a deep green fire blast shot out aimed at Lincoln, who barely dodged it with the others scattering. The group heard heavy stomps with a large figure appearing before the heat hazard (heatblast & water hazard) army. It was a 11 ft 8 large humanoid alien with a bulky body, had molten armored skin and fire which was a deep green (Fourarms & Heatblast), a molten skull face with four menacing eyes, jagged fangs & long horns (Jetray), long fiery alburn hair, crystal like shoulder armor & fists (Diamondhead), plant vine like tentacles on it's back with circuitry patterns & sharp moth like wings (Wildvine/Upgrade/Big Chill), extra arms tiger like with blades in it's knuckles (Rath), a wolf like tail (Blitzwolfer) and molten armored legs and wheels below it's feet (XLR8). He was surrounded in black & white ominous aura like Animo.
Polly Pain: A mega sized alien!
The alien spoke in a malicious deep voice.
???: Ah missed him, oh well I have the time in the world to dish out some more damage to the buck tooth loser.
Lincoln glares at the monster.
Lincoln: Who're you calling a loser, you overgrown platter?!
???: Oh gee, who do I know who's been a loser all his life through school & home with nothing to show? (Grins) Oh right... It's you, Lincoln Lame!
Lincoln's eyes widened.
Lincoln: Chandler?!
Lana & Lola: Chandler?!
Ben: Who?
The monster known as Chandler gave Ben a flabbergasted and anger look.
Chandler: You don't know who I am?! I'm Chandler McCann! The most coolest, most popular and richest guy in royal woods!
Ben: Never heard of you.
Lynn: He's a red haired bully of my brother with a self entitled, arrogant and jerky complex vibe.
Lana: He thinks he's better than everyone because his rich dad owning a sewage plant.
Ben: .... That's just sad and I thought Cash & TJ were a pain.
Chandler: Grrr!! Don't talk about me as if I'm not here! And I'm better than everyone, now with this new power I'm gonna show you that you're nothing compared to me!
He pointed to Ben and the four louds.
Chandler: (to Ben) Big time alien hero, my foot! If anyone's the coolest hero here, you're looking at him (points to himself) Why do you get the fancy watch with all the alien, powers and fame and past the that upon these pathetic louds losers?! If anyone deserves all that, it's me!
Ben gave him a deadpan.
Ben: Are you done with the pointless bragging and complaining?
Chandler: What?!
Ben: Look, there were times where I've used the watch for myself but in time, I've used the Omnitrix up to the ultimatrix to help people, I've saved the universe more times than I could count because it's the right thing to do & how I use it. And as I said to my friend when he was in a power hungry state, I don't even like being famous like that, I'd rather have my secret identity back.
Lincoln: We didn't get these omnitrixs to show off and get famous, Chandler! We chose to help Ben in order to stop a galaxy, a universal threat but apparently you're stuck in your "I'm more important than you" world to understand!
Lynn: You think you deserve what Ben got, fat chance. What you deserve is a spoiled, privileged, ass whoopin'!
Chandler was now livid.
Chandler: Shut up!!
He fired flaming crystals at the group who scattered, Ben activated his ultimatrix and turned into Spidermonkey.
Spidermonkey: Spidermonkey! Ooh! Ooh! Aaah! Aaah!
Lola, Lynn, Lana and Lincoln activated their omnitrixs and transformed into their alien forms. Lynn got Fourarms, Lana got Wildmutt, Lola got Rath and Lincoln got Humongousaur.
Lincoln (Humongousaur): You got handle the heat hazards and find Animo, I'll handle Chandler.
Spidermonkey and the group went after the legion, who begin shooting beams of extremely hot water, they dodge the blasts which caused whatever it made contact with to burn and eat away like acid.
Chandler charged at Lincoln (Humongousaur) who charged at him, the two trading fierce punches and kicks to one another in a heated brawl as Chandler tackles the alien loud boy through a couple walls until they were outside.
Lincoln (Humongousaur) recovers and glared at Chandler, who was approaching him with a satisfied grin while cracking four of his knuckles.
Chandler: This is gonna be real fun!
The two charged at each other, hitting each other with solid punches, kicks, throws and various combos to overcome the other. Chandler was sent crashing through trees by Lincoln (Humongousaur), Chandler rips a large tree from the ground and throws it at Lincoln (Humongousaur) who punches it in two, but he was ensnared in the arms and legs like the plant vine like tentacles and shocked with green electricity.
Lincoln (Humongousaur): RRGGGHHH!!!
Chandler flew at Lincoln and nailed with a quadruple crystal/bladed knuckle fist to knock the alien loud boy down with a large thud.
Chandler: Hahahahaha! How's that taste Lincoln Lame, like the knuckle sandwich?!
Chandler's answer was a tail whip to the face by Lincoln (Humongousaur), who grew in size with more armor skin plating.
Lincoln (Humongousaur): You tell me?
Chandler flew into the air to shoot flame induced crystal shards at Lincoln (Humongousaur), who blocks them with his arms crossed in an X formation.
Lincoln (Humongousaur): (blocking) I knew you were an egotistical jerk before but this is a new low even for you! Why would you side with a maniac like Animo?!
Chandler: (attacking) Heh, you make it sound so complicated. Ever since middle school, I slowly begin to loss my cred as the most popular and coolest guy around and yet I hear you & your sisters got alien watches with alien powers by the Ben 10 himself?! I'm the rich, cool guy here so I should get all the good alien stuff & power, not a buck tooth loser like you or your freaky sisters!
Lincoln (Humongousaur): So you teamed up with Animo because you were jealous of Ben had and what he help make us? That's the stupidest reason I've ever heard!
Chandler: What was that?!
Lincoln (Humongousaur): We're trying to stop the Corruptrarom, this is bigger than you and your screaming ego! We're trying to save this world from a terrible fate, not trying to get famous off our omnitrixs! And you think you deserve to be the one who possesses the omnitrix, if you had it then you'd just use it for yourself, you wouldn't know what to do with that power other than use it for selfish reasons or hurting people if they even looked at you funny!
Chandler furiously growls and fires Jetray lazer beams from his eyes at Lincoln (Humongousaur), who would get hit with a grunt but took it and runs at the flying Chandler and grabs his legs to slam him into the ground.
Lincoln (Humongousaur): People wouldn't like, worship or want to be you, they would hate you, see you as an annoying nuisance, a glory hog, a monster like you are now, not a hero!
Chandler: Shut UP!!!
Chandler tackles Lincoln (Humongousaur) with a barrage of crystal/bladed knuckles punches before grabbing his large arm and flip him over to hit the ground with an earth shattering thud.
Chandler: No one talks to me like that, no one! I'm Chandler McCann, I deserve everything valuable that's coming to me! You, Lincoln Lame & losers like you deserve nothing but to be below the food chain & I'm gonna make an example out of you to never mess with me when I beat you and take your omnitrix to attain more powers and add Ben & your sisters to the next victim list!
Lincoln (Humongousaur) growled and stood up, placed his hand on the omnitrix symbol, a light engulfed him and turned into NRG.
Lincoln (NRG) Fine. If you won't listen to reason then I'll pound the message into that freakish, thick skull of your, McCann!
The two lunged at each other.
In the underground lab, Animo was watching the fight between Lincoln and Chandler, he was absolutely ecstatic with the absolute power Chandler was displaying with the mad scientist's Omni Spheres capabilities radiating within him as well as seeing the heat hazards fighting the group was a glorified sight to him.
Dr. Animo: Yes! Yes! Truly magnificent! And with the nearly limitless supply of my Omni Spheres, the world of corruption and evolution shall-
Mollie: Do you ever stop monologuing to yourself?!
The mad doctor turns to Mollie, Mick Swagger, Bobbie Fletcher & Girl Jordan imprisoned with an annoyed glare.
Dr. Animo: I almost forgotten about you four when I got through with the others I merged my Omni Spheres with to sent out there to deal with Tennyson and his allies.
Girl Jordan: You won't get away with this!
Dr. Animo: Oh but I am, my dear. Even if Ben Tennyson managed to get through my army, he won't stop my plans of further evolution of the corruption order!
Using his gauntlet to take out another Omni Sphere from the strange machine, walking towards the four imprisoned.
Mick Swagger: Oh no, I don't like that look in his eyes, mates.
He unlocked/opened the door and grabs Mollie.
Mollie: Hey! Let me go, you psycho!
Dr. Animo: Never. Perhaps you could be less of a nuisance when you've been given a new life as my alien slave.
Mollie: I refuse!
Dr. Animo: Your... Compliance isn't a factor.
Girl Jordan: Mollie!
Mollie struggles as Animo was about to drive the Omni Sphere into her chest to corrupt/mutate her only to have it knocked out of his hand and stuck to the wall by a spider web.
Dr. Animo: Agh! Who dares?!
???: We Dares Dr. Whacka-mo!
Animo turn to see Spidermonkey, Lana (Wildmutt) & Clyde.
Dr. Animo: (growls) Tennyson...!
Spidermonkey: (mocks with a growl) Animo...!
Dr. Animo: So you've managed to get pass my evolved army?
Clyde: Pass doesn't begin to describe it! They were deadlier than the mindless ones we've encountered! Luckily, Lynn and the others carved a path for us.
Becky and Polly pain were blasting at the Heat hazards and new evolved hybrid aliens appearing, who were putting up one heck of a fight. Lola (Rath) and Lynn (Fourarms) were laying the smackdown on them but more seem to show up in place of the ones they took down.
Clyde: I don't know what was scarier... The new alien hybrids or Lynn & Lola...? (Shivers)
Lana (Wildmutt) noticed Bobbie Fletcher in the cage.
Lana (Wildmutt): Graaaghh?! Raaaaagghhhhh!!!
The tomboy twin alien realized that Bobbie Fletcher couldn't understand her "language" so she placed her claw on the omnitrix symbol to change back to her human form.
Lana: Bobbie Fletcher, it's me!
Bobbie Fletcher: Lana?
Lana: (glares at Dr. Animo) Let her and the others go Dr. Freaka-mo!
Dr. Animo laughs sinisterly.
Dr. Animo: You think you're a position to give me orders, little girl?!
Lana growls.
Spidermonkey: Aaah! Aaah! Ooh! Don't get cocky Animo!
Dr. Animo smirks as black and white aura radiated his body even more as his grip around Mollie tightened.
Mollie: Aaaaggghhh!!!!
Girl Jordan: Mollie!!!
Clyde: Let her go!
Dr. Animo: With pleasure!
He throws Mollie near the group but added his corrupted energy to her, mutating the girl.
Girl Jordan: Mollie no!!
Mollie: Aaaahhh! GRAAAAGGGHHHH!!!
Spidermonkey, Lana, Clyde, Mick Swagger, Bobbie Fletcher and Girl Jordan watched as Mollie transformed into a corrupted, female version of Rath.
Mollie (Rath): ROOOOOAAAAAAR!!!!
Dr. Animo: Hahahahahaha! Now you will the true unbound brilliance of my potential!
Dr. Animo begins to transform, his gray white hair getting longer, his shirt ripped off as his body grew more muscular with the black & white aura radiated immensely with his glowing eyes. He looked nearly like his other alias, D'Void!
Dr. Animo: You and your allies won't stop me this time, Tennyson! The Omni Spheres will replicate to an endless supply and once I unleash them upon the earth, the new age of corruption & evolution shall be a glorious image to conquer!
Spidermonkey: Not while we're alive and kicking'!
Dr. Animo: (grins evilly) Then I'll happily oblige in your destruction! Take the two brats, Tennyson is mine!
Mollie lunged at Lana and Clyde while Spidermonkey and the empowered Dr. Animo go at it.
Meanwhile outside of the mansion...
It was a massive battlefield as Lincoln and Chandler were engaging in heated combat. Lincoln was trained how to use the omnitrix and with his fighting styles he's learned in the mix, he was taking the fight in dealing great damage to Chandler but the transformed red haired bully wasn't showing no signs of getting tired or staying down.
While Lincoln had 5 aliens (2 he hasn't used yet) under his disposal, Chandler had the power of 10 aliens plus the corrupted boost he got from the Omni Sphere Dr. Amino implanted in him. Chandler was disappearing and reappearing in blur via XLR8 speed to hit Lincoln (NRG) from all sides with big, crystal hard/bladed fists before knocking him through trees until he had his wheeled foot on Lincoln's (NRG) face.
Chandler: Ha! That's right, stay in your lane loser! Right under my feet!
Lincoln (NRG): Ngh! No Thanks, your feet smelled like molten sewage!
He grabs Chandler's foot and pushed him off, firing a radiated lazer at him for good measure, sending Chandler across the area.
Chandler: Agghhh!! Grrr!!
Chandler recovered and flew into the air.
Chandler: Trying to be hot stuff, eh? Then maybe you should "cool down!"
Chandler inhaled deeply and fired a huge wave of Big Chill's ice breath to encase Lincoln (NRG) in a huge frozen block. The red haired bully turned alien monster landed to the frozen loud alien boy.
Chandler: Cool enough for ya, Lincoln Lame?! Well then allow me to break the ice!
He inhaled deeply again but instead of Big Chill's ice breath, it was Blitzwolfer's sonic howl that shattered the ice and sent NRG crashing through multiple trees into a stone wall, falling to the ground & turned back to lincoln, who groaned.
Chandler: Look at you, alien or human form you're still as I said you were; A complete and total loser compared to the coolest guy which is me.
Lincoln: Tch. You talk big as if you won this fight. If you think you're the victor because you got the most power then I got some news for you, you're an even bigger idiot than I thought.
Chandler: Oh I'm the bigger idiot?! In case you haven't noticed loud freak, I'm not the one kneeling on the ground with injuries. I have the power and I will take your watch as a trophy I rightly deserve!
Lincoln: There you go, acting all high and mighty again, thinking you're owed something because of your wealth & status. All this power has done is make you a monstrous jerk with an inflated ego the size of Mt. Everest.
Chandler: Watch what you say to me loud or it'll be your last!
Lincoln gets up and glared at the red haired bully turned alien monster.
Lincoln: I'm not scared of you Chandler and you're not the coolest guy around, as school times have passed no one barely acknowledged you as that, you were just a bully in your own world trying to intimidate & mess with others including me to get attention like a spoiled brat!
Chandler was growling as his fire was rising, firing flame crystals at Lincoln, who dodged it & avoids the continuous attacks.
Lincoln: And you gave up your humanity to Animo with those Omni Spheres because your jealousy & ego couldn't handle that my sisters, Ben and I have something you don't? We're trying to save humanity, not get famous! You think Animo or the Corruptrarom care about you & your selfish needs, you're being used & your greed is blinding you to see it! If anyone's the loser, it's you!
Chandler: SHUT UP!!!
He fired his plant vine like tentacles and ensnared Lincoln, shocking him.
Lincoln: Aaaaggghhh!!!
Chandler: (angry grin) C'mon Lincoln Lame, run your mouth! Run your mouth now, you white haired freak!!
Lincoln grunts from the electric shocks he was receiving. He slowly gets one of his arms loose and reaches for his omnitrix, turning the dial and slams it down as an orange light engulfed him. Chandler was blinded for a moment before the light fades and he sees Lincoln... melting?
Chandler: What the?!
Lincoln's entire body melted and fell to the ground in a pile of orange goo, much to the red haired bully's confusion. Then the pile of goo twitched a bit and rose up from the ground to take shape into a slightly tall, humanoid orange goo form with orange eyes, a black, silver & orange anti-gravity projector over it's head and the omnitrix symbol on it's chest.
Lincoln was now Goop.
Chandler: You melted and became a pile of goo (laughs) That's the best alien you've got?! What an absolute joke!
Lincoln (Goop): (high pitched male voice) I wouldn't laugh at me if I were you.
Chandler: Or what? You're gonna slime me to death? Get real!
Chandler fired jetray eye lasers at Lincoln (Goop) who exploded with goo flying everywhere on the ground and trees. Chandler grins at the sight but it slowly fades away upon seeing the piles of goo twitch and coming back together to reform Lincoln (Goop).
Chandler: I just blew you up to multiple puddles, how are you still here?!
Lincoln (Goop): (singing tone) I told you soooooo~. You underestimate me young red hair fool, power is how you use it but you let the power use you, making you completely arrogant. You lose the fight, Chandler.
Chandler: I didn't lose and I won't lose to a loser like you!
Chandler charged at Lincoln (Goop), firing flame crystals as he dodged them, only to receive a bladed blade to splatter the alien loud boy to the floor but he quickly reformed his body. Chandler grew furious and starting attacking in rage but each time he splattered Lincoln's (Goop) body, he would come back together & reform his body.
Lincoln (Goop): (mocks) Getting mad, chandelier?
Chandler: It's Chandler, you idiot! CHANDLER! And besides, you still can't win against me! All you've done is put yourself back together like slime based clay, you haven't attacked me once as this slime ball! Hahahaha! How'd you gonna beat me if all you're gonna do is reform, dodge or run?! Face it Lincoln Lame, with the Omni Sphere within me and the omnitrix I'll take from you, no one will ever forget My Name!
Lincoln (Goop): (thinking) He's right on this one, I can't play this reform & dodge game forever, I gotta defeat him but he got 10 aliens power from the Omni Sphere... Within? Wait... That's it!
Chandler: Why don't you just give up & save yourself the extra humiliation. I'm the winner and you'll always be the loser!
Lincoln (Goop) Not gonna happen, McCann. I just got a plan.
Chandler: Like your plans would ever work!
Chandler aims and fired flame crystals at Lincoln (Goop) who would dodge and run straight at him.
Lincoln (Goop): Well this one will!
He got close to Chandler, who was gearing up for a blitzwolfer sonic howl but was stopped when Lincoln (Goop) formed into a trail of slime and launched himself into Chandler's mouth, down his throat much to the red haired bully alien shock and disgust as he tried to grab the slime alien but he slipped through his fingers with the alien slime finished going down his throat.
Chandler: (coughs) Ack! Guaahh!! Gross! You b-AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!
He roared as his stomach was rumbling and growling loudly, he held his upper body which started to expand and move around, his pained roars getting louder and louder.
Chandler then stopped roaring as he felt something build/coming back up. He fell to his knees, coughs roughly and hacked until a wave of orange goo shot out of his mouth across the floor.
Chandler: (Coughs) Ack! Gross!
The piles of goo reformed back into Lincoln (Goop).
Lincoln (Goop) Trust me, I didn't like that anymore than you did but my plan worked.
Chandler: All you did was invade my stomach. If your plan was to get me sick, it worked cuz I'm sick of you! Now I'll rip you open like a pinata and sees if there's any candy inside for the buzzards!
Lincoln (Goop): Not exactly my plan but I got this...
In his hand, Lincoln (Goop) revealed something with Chandler's eyes widening in shock, it was an Omni Sphere! His Omni Sphere!
Chandler: ....!!
Lincoln (Goop): Surprised?
Chandler felt his power getting weaker as he yelled out in anger and dismay.
Chandler: F************K!!!
He slowly started to shrink down with his alien limbs and parts fading away as he repeated swears and yells.
Chandler: F**k! F**k! F**k! F**k! Nononono! F**k! F**k! F**k! F**k! F**k! F**k!
Lincoln (Goop): (to the readers/audience) Seriously guys and gals seeing this, does he kiss his mother with that mouth?
Soon, Chandler was back to his normal form and wearing only tattered pants, standing & breathing heavily. The alien loud boy walks towards the red haired bully.
Lincoln (Goop): And that's done. If I couldn't take you down from the outside, go for the inside.
Chandler glared angrily at the alien loud boy.
Chandler: My power! You'll pay for this, that was my power! I had you beat! I can't lose! I'm Chandler McCann, I deserve that power! I deserve the omnitrix! I deserve-
Lincoln (Goop) returned to his human form.
Lincoln: You deserve a knock out punch!
Lincoln hits a solid fist to Chandler face, knocking him unconscious with a black eye & a couple of teeth knocked out.
Lincoln: That takes care of him.
Meanwhile, Spidermonkey was fighting the empowered Dr. Animo while Lana and Clyde were dealing with a corrupted Rath Mollie. Lana had transformed into Armodrillo to match Mollie in power while Clyde backs Lana up in long range shooting on stun to the tiger alien girl.
Mollie roared and fired back with bladed fist strikes, tackles and throws to Lana (Armodrillo) but the tomboy alien twin fought back with her own haymakers, wrestling techniques she learned from wrestling alligators and putting her jackhammer like fists to work.
Lana (Armodrillo) Try this on for size!
She nailed the corrupted Mollie with a large jackhammer punch to send flying and crashing into the cage door of the prison Bobbie Fletcher, Mick Swagger and Girl Jordan were in, breaking it. The corrupted Mollie recovered and glares at the three who screamed as she was about to attack them but received a double fist shot to the head, knocking her out courtesy of Lana (Armodrillo).
Lana (Armodrillo): You're free now.
Clyde: Are you guys okay?
Mick Swagger: Well besides bein' abducted by a whacko bloke of a scientist, no physical damage.
Bobbie Fletcher: I'm fine, thanks for the save.
Girl Jordan: Yeah. Thanks. (Looks at the unconscious Mollie) Oh poor Mollie.
Lana (Armodrillo): We'll get her some help but right now we gotta stop that Animo guy.
Then they saw spidermonkey thrown across the room as the empowered Dr. Animo approached them.
Dr. Animo: Trying to escape, eh? Well I'm afraid that it's too late for that!
Lana (Armodrillo) got in front of Girl Jordan, Mick Swagger and Bobbie Fletcher to protect them while Clyde fires at Animo with his blaster but Animo merely deflects them with his one hand like they were nothing and hits a force of gravity from his other hand to knock Clyde back to hit a book case as he fell & the book case lands on him.
Lana (Armodrillo): Clyde!
Dr. Animo: I worry about myself first if I were you, child!
Dr. Animo was about to attack when a green light caught his attention, turning to Spidermonkey, who was ultimate.
Dr. Animo fires black & white energy at Ult. Spidermonkey, who jumps with his spider legs to leap and flip to dodge Animo's attack until he lunged at him, his jaw opening to shoot out & ensnare Dr. Animo with webs and started delivering punch after punch to him, Lana (Armodrillo) joined in to assist but Animo's aura flared and unleashed a shockwave to free himself while grabbing Ult. Spidermonkey by the neck to hammer away at his gut and slammed him in the ground before throwing him aside.
Dr. Animo: Is that your best efforts, Tennyson?!
Lana (Armodrillo) uses her jackhammer arms to create tremors of earthquake to catch Animo off guard as he was trapped lower body first in the ground. She jumped up to nail an armored fist but Animo grinned and caught it, rising from the rubble, blasting the tomboy alien twin away to hit the wall.
Lana (Armodrillo): Aaaaggghhh!!!
She fell to the floor with a large thud, returning to her normal form. Lana groans from the injuries and sees Dr. Animo standing before her, she goes for her omnitrix but Animo lands his foot on her arm.
Lana: AAAAAAH!!!
Dr. Animo: Did you really think you could hold your own against the likes of me? Even with your omnitrix, you have a made mistake in challenging me... (holds up his hand & powering up a blast) your first & last mistake...
Mick Swagger, Bobbie Fletcher and Girl Jordan watched helplessly as Dr. Animo was about to wipe Lana out, Clyde and Ult. Spidermonkey were down while Lynn & the others were busy with Animo's army upstairs. Bobbie saw Lana closing her eyes as doom was about to fall upon her, the racer eyes narrowed as she ran towards them.
Mick Swagger: Mate, what are you doing?!
Girl Jordan: You'll be killed.
Bobbie Fletcher didn't listen and runs towards Animo and Lana, her eyes glowing green with her body turning into a blur.
Bobbie Fletcher: C'mon... C'mon!
Dr. Animo: Now die!
He brings the blast down on Lana, who braced herself at the blast hitting. Animo smirks but it vanished upon seeing Lana not there where the blast should've hit. He looked around and sees Bobbie Fletcher holding Lana.
Dr. Animo: Hmmm?
Mick Swagger: What the?!
Girl Jordan: Did she just...?!
Bobbie Fletcher: Lana, are you okay?
Lana: S-Sore but I'm good. How'd you do that?
Bobbie Fletcher: I'll explain later.
Ult. Spidermonkey recovered and sees Dr. Animo, Bobbie Fletcher and Lana.
Dr. Animo: So... You're a meta-human of some kind or an alien hybrid? Either way it makes no difference, I plan on extracting it from as painfully as possible!
Ult. Spidermonkey: Not if I can help it.
He placed his hand on the ultimatrix symbol and changed into Heatblast.
Heatblast: Heatblast!
Heatblast forms a couple of fireballs to throw at Animo, who would deflect but miss a chance to retaliate with Bobbie Fletcher running towards him to deliver dash like strikes & kicks to the mad doctor. Animo growls and blast her away, Heatblast comes in with heat induced strikes, Animo counters and fought back with his enhanced strength and power before he caught Heatblast's fist and spun him around to throw him across the room.
Dr. Animo: This is a battle you won't win this time, Tennyson. All you're doing is prolonging the inevitable! With my Omni Spheres replicating and my power growing, I shall-
Animo was cut off when he was run over and sent into the walls by a giant, spiked metal ball which backs up and unrolls into a large alien.
???: You talk too much!
Animo, Heatblast and Bobbie Fletcher see Lana standing there but she was now changed into Ultimate Cannonbolt with a few differences; she is a hulking, broad-shouldered female alien with hard light metallic blue-ish white skin, her dark blue armored shell/plates had cylindrical studs, two on each back segment & one on each shoulder, waist & leg armor plate, dark blue eyes, sharp fangs, claws & a dark blue, black & silver bodysuit. Her omnitrix symbol was on her chest.
Dr. Animo: (sneers) You seem to be a glutton for punishment child...
Lana (Ult. Cannonbolt): (glares) Not as much punishment you're in for, bub! You hurt my friends, family & others, including the animals for your twisted experiments!
Dr. Animo: I wouldn't expect a mere child to understand my goals for a new age!
Lana (Ult. Cannonbolt) I understand completely, you're a deranged scientist who hurts human & animals!
She turns to the machine with the Omni Spheres inside radiating & replicating. Animo saw that look in her eyes and yelled out.
Dr. Animo: Don't you dare!!
Lana (Ult. Cannonbolt): I'm gonna stop you but not before I smash your precious machine first!
Lana (Ult. Cannonbolt) runs at the machine, Dr. Animo runs after her to stop his machine from getting destroyed!
Dr. Animo: Get away from my machine!
He was about to stop her but got a kick to the back by Bobbie Fletcher.
Bobbie Fletcher: I don't think so!
Dr. Animo: You wretch!
Dr. Animo then received a large fireball to send him to the walls by Heatblast.
Heatblast: Forget about me, Animo?
Mick Swagger and Girl Jordan help get the bookcase off Clyde to help him. They see Heatblast and Bobbie fighting Animo while Lana (Ult. Cannonbolt) rolled into a spiked ball to speed towards the machine and collided with it, a shockwave formed as it shook the area and send her flying. Lana (Ult. Cannonbolt) grunts and slowly gets to her feet, turning to the three.
Lana (Ult. Cannonbolt): Take Clyde and get him out of here now!
Mick Swagger and Girl Jordan did what they were told and left with Clyde. Lana (Ult. Cannonbolt) ran forward and rolls into a spiked ball again to speed towards the machine and collided with it a second time, a shockwave sound off again with the machine short circuiting as the force send the tomboy alien flying again.
Dr. Animo, who was fighting Heatblast and Bobbie Fletcher, saw his machine dented with spark flying out of it. He avoided the speed attack from Bobbie and grabs her to knock her away while catching a fireball from Heatblast, charges it and fires it back at him before running towards his machine.
Dr. Animo: My machine! My Omni Spheres! You're disrupting it!!
Lana (Ult. Cannonbolt): That's the idea & third time's a charm!
Lana (Ult. Ultimate Cannonbolt) runs forward again as Dr. Animo stood there and fired a large black & white energy attack at the tomboy alien twin, who rolls up again into a spiked ball to speed forward to collide with Animo's beam, both in a stalemate for a moment before Animo begins to push back.
Dr. Animo: Hahahahahahaha!! You have spunk and guts, kid! I'll give you credit for that but you're very foolish for your actions and for that, you'll pay for it dearly!
Lana (Ult. Cannonbolt): Rrrrggggghhhh!!! C'mon! I ain't giving up yet!!!
Lana (Ult. Cannonbolt) rolled faster to try to get through Animo's beam. Animo laughed and increased the beam's power to push the tomboy alien twin back but Lana (Ult. Cannonbolt) felt another rolling object roll beside her to keep from being blasted away further, it was Ben in his Cannonbolt form.
Lana (Ult. Cannonbolt): Ben?!
Cannonbolt: Don't worry, I gotcha!
Dr. Animo: You think Ben Tennyson will tip the scales in your favor?! This time, I Dr. Animo, shall finish you off for good for this is my new world order-
Dr. Animo was cut off when he received a flying kick to the face by Bobbie Fletcher with the doctor sent crashing to the wall with the attack cancelled, giving both cannonbolts an opening as the two rolled faster to the half damaged machine.
Both: Let's Roll!
The two collided with the machine full force, giving an immense shockwave and impact, completely damaging the machine and Omni Spheres within it, shooting sparks and smoke until it lit up bright and exploded widely, sending both cannonbolts and Bobbie back against the wall. The explosion shook the mansion greatly but surprisingly it remained intact. The smoke as Dr. Animo emerged from the rubble and looked around, spotting his machine and work destroyed.
Dr. Animo: No! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!
He heard a sound and sees Lana (Ult. Cannonbolt) and Cannonbolt emerging from the rubble, he was furious that his plans were dashed again, all his supply of Omni Spheres blown away in a flash. He was about to make Ben and his ally suffer for this, then a glint caught his eye and Animo look to the right, near him a few Omni Spheres still intact, about 5 or 6 of them. Quickly turning away from them to look at Ben and Lana recovering and back to the remaining Omni Spheres, he managed to grab the remaining orbs. He was still outrageous that his work was destroyed but Animo thought about bringing the remaining orbs to his benefactor at once, to recreate more.
Cannonbolt: It's over Animo. We got a cell with your name on it.
Dr. Animo: I think not! Enjoy this victory while you can, Tennyson! But know this, your defeat is at hand! You won the battle today but you shall lose the war in the next, mark my words! You haven't seen the last of me!!!
Dr. Animo teleported away.
Lana (Ult. Cannonbolt): Aww man, he got away!
Cannonbolt: Don't worry. We stopped him for now, Old Animo shows his face next time, we'll stop him again.
A groan was heard. Cannonbolt & Lana (Ult. Cannonbolt) head over to the source of the sound help up Bobbie Fletcher to her feet as the two aliens return to their normal forms.
Lana: You alright?
Bobbie Fletcher: I'm fine. Man, that was crazy.
Ben stares at her.
Ben: The way you moved that fast, you wouldn't happen to be a Plumber or a Plumber's kid, right?
Lana: Bobbie?
Bobbie Fletcher: .... Yeah, my father was a plumber & an alien. I'm sorta half alien as Mom told me before, my powers would come out randomly so I hid them & never told anyone.
Lana: Wow... A famous racer half alien, awesome!!
Bobbie Fletcher: You're not freaked out?
Lana: (smiles) Of course not! I'm still your huge fan Bobbie, and you're even cooler than before!
Bobbie smiles at the tomboy.
Bobbie Fletcher: Thanks.
Lynn's voice: Hey!
Ben, Bobbie and Lana turn to see Lynn, Polly Pain, Becky, Lola, Mick Swagger, Girl Jordan (who were carrying an unconscious Clyde) and Lincoln who dragging a tied up & gagged Chandler.
Lana: Guys!
Lynn: Sorry we're late, The whole alien army suddenly vanished when we were fighting them. What happened?
Ben: Lana and I destroyed Animo's machine with some help from Bobbie but Animo escaped. (looks at Chandler) Who's this?
Lincoln: That's Chandler.
Lana: He's back to normal? How'd you do it?
Lincoln: I don't wanna talk about it.
Lola: He used Goop and entered Chandler's body to get the Omni Sphere out of him.
Lincoln: Lola!
Lola: What?!
Lana: Whoa.
Chandler muffled yells angrily.
Becky: Oh shut up. Anyways how are going to back everyone back to the mansion?
Lynn: Whatta you mean?
Lola: (rolls her eyes) Lynn in case you haven't noticed, not all of us has an omnitrix or a special suit to shield from the rupture wave.
Lynn: Oh right. Well we need to get these four back to Haiku's place without them going alien crazy?
Girl Jordan: What about Mollie, can you save her?
Lana: Lincoln, maybe you should-
Lincoln: Nope! I'm sorry but I had to deal with fishing the Omni Sphere out of Chandler's alien guts, I'm not doing that again!
???: Perhaps I can help...
Everyone was spooked by Willow appearing.
Lynn & Lola: Don't. Do that!
Girl Jordan: GHOST!!! She's gonna swallow our souls!!!
Ben: Easy, she's with us. What are you doing here Willow?
Willow: Sigh... I had a hunch you might find survivors during your fight with Animo. So I had to follow you here, seems you took care of things with the mad doctor before I arrived.
Mick Swagger: This is gettin' too dang mental for me and I've seen many things on my travels.
Becky: Can you get us back to your mansion?
Willow: Yes. I'm more than just an Ectonurite, I know magic...
She pulls out a strange & mystic looking black & dark purple book. Flipping the pages, Willow found the spell she was looking for.
Willow: Ah... Here it is, the portal spell. Focus on the place of your choosing and...
She closed her eyes & started speaking in an inverted chant as a swirling dark purple portal appeared before the group.
Willow: Enter the portal and you'll be in my mansion.
Mick Swagger and Bobbie Fletcher entered the portal, followed by Polly Pain and Becky helping Clyde. Lynn, Lola, and Lana entered the portal followed by Lincoln dragging a struggling Chandler. Ben transformed into Fourarms to pick up the unconscious Mollie and goes through the portal with Willow following. Girl Jordan was the last but before she could go through the portal, she noticed something, it was faint in glow as Girl Jordan noticed about 4 to 5 Omni Spheres nearby.
She eyed them curiosity and quickly reached to grab them, running through the portal.
To be continued...
(Chapter 21 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! The battle with Dr. Animo rages on with Chandler debuting again with a new monstrous form, one of the louds friends get corrupted, Dr. Animo enters a new form nearly akin to his previous alias D'Void, Lana is the second loud sibling to have an Ult. Alien transformation, Animo escaped with a few Omni Spheres & it seems that Girl Jordan has smuggle some remaining Omni Spheres with her back with the others to Willow's mansion. As for Bobbie Fletcher, I decided to make the racer woman a Plumber's kid, soon maybe to be a honorary plumber with her XLR8 like power. What's next for the group? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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