Chapter 20: Dial A for Animo Pt 1

Lincoln, Lynn, Clyde and Ben stared at the static television in silence after seeing Dr. Animo and his threatening message to them and the world.

Ben then stood up and heads for the door.

Lynn: Where are you going?

Ben: I'm going to find Animo, if he's working with the Corruptrarom then he's not gonna waste time in spreading the rupture wave quickly in what maniacal ideas he has in his head. I mean, you guys saw what he did to that newswoman.

Lincoln, Lynn and Clyde shudder in disgust at the grotesque transformation Katherine Mulligan went through by Animo's touch of his new power.

Lincoln: Well you can't go alone, we'll help you fight against him.

Ben: No. This mission I'm going solo, Animo once tried getting my old Omnitrix faceplate from a mistake I've made and created hybrids out of animals & my grandpa once from the alien DNA. I ain't risking him getting yours or putting your friends in danger of being turned.

Clyde: But Ben-

Ben: I'm going alone, you need to stay here and keep your friends guarded until I get back.

Lynn: And how are you doing to find that crazy doctor anyway?!

Ben: Oh I have my ways.

Ben opens the door and heads out, closing the door behind him. Lincoln, Lynn and Clyde looked at each other in silence.


Meanwhile, Dr. Animo flew his mutant Jetray bat-like creature to a location far outside of royal woods where the DNA rupture wave hasn't reached which was a rather large and old looking mansion covered in moss and plants.

Landing near the area, Animo jumped off the creature.

Dr. Animo: Ah, home sweet home.

To Animo, this place was one of his secret bases throughout the world whenever he has to experiment with a new project and move on to the next one or move his work to the next location if his plans were compromised. Animo then heard something coming, he turns to see a gigantic and wide upchuck frog-like creature appear before him.

Dr. Animo: (grins) You're back from your hunt. Have you found some subjects who weren't turned... yet?

The upchuck frog-like creature nods as it arches it's head back to spit out a few people from it's mouth, covered in slime. Some people were revealed to be Mollie, Girl Jordan, Mick Swagger, Bobbie Fletcher and Chandler.

Mollie was a 13 year old girl with fair skin, short brown hair with it partially covering up one of her eyes, buck teeth and possesses a beautiful & slight athletic body. She was wearing a black, red & pink leather jacket, pink shirt, blue jeans and brown boots.

Girl Jordan was a 13 year old girl with light brown hair which is tied in a braid ponytail, fair skin and has a beautiful graceful figure. She wears pearl earrings, was wearing a yellow and blue jumpsuit jacket and pants, a blue shirts and sneakers.

Mick Swagger was tall man with light fair skin, long brown hair with some silver gray covering his eyes and has a lean build figure. He was wearing a long custom blazer/trench coat, a pale purple shirt with an indigo circle on it, white pants and black boots.

Bobbie Fletcher was a slightly tall woman with fair skin, freckles on her cheeks, long brown hair that went down to her waist, had an athletic, pear shaped body and was top & bottom heavy in curves. Instead of her race car outfit, She was wearing a custom red & yellow jacket, black shirt with the number 88 on it, dark blue jeans and red shoes.

Chandler was a 13 year old boy with short alburn hair, fair skin with freckles on his cheeks and had a lean athletic body. He was wearing a custom leather jacket, a dark green shirt with a silver gear symbol on it, black pants and black sneakers with green stripes.

Girl Jordan: (groans) Ewwww, so gross.

Mollie: I can't believe that frog thing ate me, glad I wasn't digested...

Mick Swagger: Not really my cup of tea, where are we?

Dr. Animo: Welcome my test suspects...

The civilians including the familiar five stared at the mad doctor radiating with energy from the Corruptrarom & his two monsters in shock and fright. 

Mick Swagger: Oi! I know you... you're that crazed scientist. Animo, right?

Dr. Animo: (glares) Dr. Animo.

Mollie: Whoa, you know this crackpot doctor?

Mick Swagger: Well when I was on my daily world tours, a place called Bellwood was my next destination. This crazed bugger nearly ruined the gig with monster badgers and mutant hornets in trying to find a rare gem in my possession to power his bizarre invention. Luckily, that Ben 10 guy stopped him and Bellwood had a great time.

Dr. Animo: Yes... And thanks to you, the rare artifact was taken away and the plan was a failure. I will pay you back for it but for now, I plan on using you for a special research. Now get inside.

Chandler: I'm not going anywhere near that mansion cuz a crazed old man told me to. Chandler McCann takes orders from nobody.

Animo grins evilly and snapped his fingers, Chandler heard growling and turns to see the Jetray bat-like creature and the upchuck frog-like creature looming over him with a angry & hungry glare.

Chandler: (scared) Ummm... I'll give the house a second thought.

Dr. Animo: Wise choice. Now all of you, inside now unless you want to be a snack for my pets....

The civilians including Mollie, Girl Jordan, Bobbie Fletcher, Mick Swagger and Chandler had no choice but to follow Dr. Animo into his hideout. The place on the inside was very old and decrepit, a complete mess but some items & materials organized. Soon, they entered the basement where it was massive and converted into an underground lab of machinery, pods full of grotesque experiments, chemicals, tools and weapons were seen like it was a horror movie.

The civilians including Mollie, Girl Jordan, Bobbie Fletcher, Mick Swagger and Chandler felt uneasy, shocked and horrified by the sight of Animo's heinous work.

Dr. Animo forced them all into cages as he got to work.

Bobbie: Hey, you can't keep us here!

Girl Jordan: What are you going to do with us?

Dr. Animo: You're going to be part of my genetic experimentation. By combining my genius at work and the powers gifted to me by the Corruptrarom, I will spread the alien rupture wave in my own image of spliced species at a rapid pace as well as rid of Ben 10 and his new little helpers...

He showed a projection of Ben 10, the louds and their friends.

Mollie: The Louds?!

Girl Jordan: Lincoln?!

Dr. Animo: Ah I see you know these... pests. According to my benefactor, those louds you call them seem to have possess their own Omnitrix.

Mollie: Omni-what?

Dr. Animo: The Omnitrix, a device of greater power filled with numerous alien DNA to alter the weilder to species from outer space. (Showing another projection of Ben and his transformation via Omnitrix to Ultimatrix)

Everyone was shocked, especially Chandler who was jealous and upset.

Chandler: (in his mind) No way. How did Lincoln Lame and his sisters get a cool watch like that? If anyone deserves that power, it should be me! Not that Ben guy, Lincoln Lame or his loser sisters!

Dr. Animo: Tennyson and his team won't stop me this time. His only choices are to surrender or fall.

Mollie: This time? So he's beaten you before?

Dr. Animo growls.

Mollie: (grins) How many times? A hundred? A thousand? A million?

Dr. Animo growls furiously, his black and white energy flaring.

Mollie: Am I hitting the ball everywhere near in the park?

Dr. Animo: SILENCE!

Everyone flinched from Animo's tone, Mollie only grinned.

Dr. Animo: You seem like a very defiant individual. (Glares at Mollie) Brave but foolish, perhaps you would like to be the first test subject for my new project.

Mollie: Uh oh.

Chandler: Hey, I'll be first! We can help each other, I don't even like Lincoln Lame and his sisters! Let me out and I'll help you get rid of them!

Everyone in the cage looked at Chandler like he was crazy! Dr. Animo looked at the red haired teen curiously.

Girl Jordan: Chandler, what the heck?!

Mollie: Are you nuts?! Those are our friends!

Chandler: Tch! Who cares?! Why should Lincoln Lame have a weapon with all that power, much less his sisters? If anyone should have that kind of power, it should be me, not that loser or his sisters.

Bobbie Fletcher: (glares) Are you seriously gonna side with a mad man because you think you deserve something?

Mick Swagger: (frowns) Judgin' by your spoiled attitude, what you deserve is a kick in the pants.

Chandler: (rolls his eyes) Whatever. I deserve more than those loud losers.

Dr. Animo: So... You hate them, eh?

Chandler: Yep. Let me out of here and I'll remind them to know their place which is below me.

Girl Jordan, Mollie and the others glared angrily at Chandler. This is a new low, even for him. Before Mollie could put a smackdown on Chandler, Dr. Animo approached the cage, unlocks it and let's Chandler out before slamming the cage door and locking it.

Dr. Animo: So it seems we share some... common interests with destroying our enemies.

Chandler: Yeah. So... When do I get that power? (Smirks)

Dr. Animo: (grins evilly) Patience, once my work is finished... my greatest achievement will be Ben 10's greatest failure.


Meanwhile, Ben was flying through town as Big Chill to find any leads or clue to Dr. Animo's whereabouts. Then something caught his eye, it was Katherine Mulligan, who was infected by Animo and turned into a wildmutt/stinkfly hybrid, feasting on a dead bulldog. Big chill then got close to her unseen and once he was at a good distance, he pressed his Ultimatrix symbol and morphs into Blitzwolfer, sniffing the air and the scent near the mutated Katherine, he picked up the scent of Animo on the corrupted newswoman and sniffs the air even more, finding the right direction to where Animo went off to.

He left the newswoman and runs off, following the scent while avoiding any corrupted civilians. He didn't have time to fight them right now, his concern right now was finding Dr. Animo. Heading outside of town, into the woods where the rupture wave hasn't reach, Blitzwolfer stops in his tracks. He gets another scent, groaning via facepalm.

Blitzwolfer: I know you're here. You might as well show yourself.

Coming out of the bushes was Lincoln, Lynn, Lana, Lola, Clyde, Polly Pain and Becky.

Blitzwolfer: I thought I told you guys that you're sitting this mission out.

Lincoln: I know but I had a feeling that this Animo guy is baiting you to come to him so he can snare his trap.

Lynn: And yeah, you're gonna tell us that you've been in this situation before, you're no stranger to this and all that but we ain't lettiin' you do it alone.

The alien hero sighed.

Blitzwolfer: Fine. But be careful. Did all of you follow me?

Becky: No. Just us, the others stayed behind for now.

Blitzwolfer: Alright, follow me.

The seven then followed Blitzwolfer down the path through the woods in order to track Dr. Animo. Once they were getting closer, the group was stopped in their tracks by the Jetray bat-like creature and the upchuck frog-like creature who roared at them.

Blitzwolfer: Animo sent his feral pets.

Lynn: Well let's send them packing.

Lynn activated her Omnitrix and turns into XLR8.

Lynn (XLR8): What?! I wanted Fourarms, oh well... Speed can work as well.

Lincoln, Lana and Lola activated their Omnitrixs. Lincoln turns into Swampfire. Lana turns Upchuck. And Lola turns into Buzzshock. Clyde, Polly Pain and Becky ready their blasters and fired at the two creatures. The Jetray bat-like creature fired a massive lazer at the group, who narrowly dodged the attack as the beast swooped in and grabbed Blitzwolfer by using it's feet, carrying him into the air, Lincoln (Swampfire) and Lana (Upchuck) went after them.

The Upchuck frog-like creature was firing it's multiple tongue at Lynn (XLR8), who was avoiding them and striking the beast with swift blur strikes with her claws.

Lynn (XLR8): What's the matter, frog-chuck? Can't catch your morning meal?!

The creature named frog-chuck growls angrily as Lola (Buzzshock) ensnared it with electricity, heavily shocking the beast.

Lola (Buzzshock): How's that for a shocker?

Lola (Buzzshock) teleports in and out of nowhere via electricity to dodged the multiple tongue of frog-chuck while Lynn (XLR8) aims high and low. The beast jumps high and lands down with a earthquake thud, making Lynn (XLR8) lose her balance as she was struck by frog-chuck's claw, making her hit a tree.

Polly Pain: Lynn!

Polly fires the blaster at the beast but it only annoyed frog-chuck, who opened it's mouth to eat to the blasts.

Polly Pain: Uh oh.

Clyde: Run!

Frog-chuck's cheeks puffed up and shot massive glowing orbs from it's mouth at Polly, Clyde and Becky, who barely managed to get out of the way as the orbs created a forest fire.

Lola (Buzzshock): Guys!

Frog-chuck's multiple tongues ensnared Lola (Buzzshock) and quickly pulled her into it's mouth, swallowing her whole.

Lynn (XLR8): LOLA!

Lynn (XLR8) runs towards frog-chuck and hits repeated bicycle kicks to it's gut.

Lynn (XLR8): Spit her out! Spit her out! Spit her out! Spit her out! Spit her out! Spit her out!!!

Frog-chuck's stomach grumbles as it releases a huge belch, the speedy alien athlete stopped and got a whiff of it.

Lynn (XLR8): Ugh, your breath smells rancid!

Frog-chuck's stomach started to expand immensely, groaning sickly. Then it was electrocuted from the inside out, roaring with it's stomach exploding and slime filling the area with Lynn (XLR8) moving out of the splash zone.

Clyde: Gross.

Becky and Polly Pain: Ewwwww...

Out of what's left of the frog-chuck's stomach appeared Lola (Buzzshock), who was covered in slime.

Lola (Buzzshock): Ewewewewew! So gross! I'm covered in stomach goop!

Lynn (XLR8): Well look on the bright side.

Lola (Buzzshock): (angry glare) What bright side?

Lynn (XLR8): You weren't digested.

Lola (Buzzshock): ..... Let's just go find Ben, Lincoln and Lana.


Meanwhile, the Jetray bat-like creature were carrying Blitzwolfer in the air.

Blitzwolfer: Ok Bat-ray, mess with the wolf, you get the fangs!

Blitzwolfer then opens wide and sinks his fangs into the beast named Bat-ray's leg, causing it to screech and drop Blitzwolfer from the air but was caught by a stream of vines from Lincoln (Swampfire).

Lincoln (Swampfire): Gotcha!

The Bat-ray came back with a threatening screech, firing lasers at the three. Lincoln (Swampfire) and Blitzwolfer was dodging while blasting fireballs and sonic howls at the creature, who screeches. Bat-ray came in for repeated aerial attacks but Blitzwolfer and Lincoln (Swampfire) would avoid the strikes, Bat-ray would come back and fire more lasers but Lana (Upchuck) caught a mouth full of them as her body expanded all blob like and fired a huge barrage of glowing orbs at Bat-ray, who screeches in pain with the orbs hitting it's eyes. The creature managed to retrieve it's sight only to crash into a massive tree with a thud, sliding down and hitting the ground, unconscious.

Lincoln (Swampfire): Nice work Lana.

Lana (Upchuck): You're welcome.

Soon, Lynn (XLR8), Lola (Buzzshock), Clyde, Polly Pain and Becky approached them.

Lynn (XLR8): There you guys are, I see you took care of the bat freak here?

Blitzwolfer: Yes, now let's go find Animo.

The group followed Blitzwolfer.


Dr. Animo's hideout....

Dr. Animo himself was seen manning a strange machine, using his gauntlets and power the Corruptrarom bestowed upon him to deconstruct, reconstruct and mixed molecular DNA structure into a signal glowing orb which flashed the entire room in light, the light faded as the orb was fully stable.

Dr. Animo; (smiles triumphantly) Yes... Excellent!

Chandler was waiting impatiently, wanting to get his power up so he can show Lincoln who is the superior one here.

Chandler: Are you almost done?

Dr. Animo: (glares) Do not spoil my glorious work, brat. Don't forget that you're alive because I allow it so don't tempt me.

Chandler: Fine...

Dr. Animo uses his gauntlets to grab the orb but he stopped upon seeing the orb replicate in small numbers and counting.

Dr. Animo: DNA replication... absolutely exhilarating...

Dr. Animo pulls out one of the orbs out of the machine, holding it in the palm of his hand. The orb was glowing green with white and black aura radiating off it.

Dr. Animo: YES! I, Dr. Animo, had done it! Using cunning edge genetics technology and the power of the Corruptrarom, I created the Omni sphere!

Then his alarms sounded as Dr. Animo spots Ben, Lincoln, Lynn, Lana, Lola, Clyde, Polly and Becky on camera, heading in the direction of his hideout. The mad doctor growls that his two pets failed to stop them but a grin formed on his face, turning his attention to Chandler.

Dr. Animo: You wanted power and opportunity to remind that white haired teen where his place should be...?

Chandler: (smirks) Oh yeah...

Dr. Animo: Well... Here's your chance!

Dr. Animo drives the Omni sphere into the chest of Chandler, who yelled out in pain with the glowing orb burning his shirt & skin, phasing into his chest. Chandler's eyes widened with said eyes glowing green with white and black aura radiating off his body. Dr. Animo laughs maniacally as Chandler started to change, Girl Jordan, Mollie, Mick Swagger, Bobbie Fletcher and the rest of the prisoners watched in horror as the shadow silhouette of Chandler was changing into something monstrous.


To be continued...

(Chapter 20 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Ben and a few members of the group go hunting for Dr. Animo. Girl Jordan, Mollie, Mick Swagger, Bobbie Fletcher and Chandler McCann make their debut. Dr. Animo creates a new invention to aid in the corruption of alien DNA and Chandler has made a sinister deal with the mad doctor, becoming his first test subject of the Omni spheres, what's gonna happen next? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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