Chapter 17: Techadon Sid on a rampage, A ghost appears

Lincoln was dodging laser blasts from the Techadon Possessed Sid Chang while attempting to get the unconscious Lola and Lana out of the blast zone.

Sid: You will not take away my power that has chosen me! You try and I'll show you no mercy!!!

Lincoln was dodging the laser blasts as he ran to the unconscious Lola and Lana, carrying them over his shoulder and runs towards the stairs.

Sid: Get back here!!

Sid chases after him. Lincoln reaches the door to open it but the door wouldn't open as it was heavily stuck (thanks to Sid), he cursed under his breath as he saw the possessed Sid approaching and fast. Lincoln quickly activated his omnitrix and transformed into Humungousaur to break down the door, getting out of the basement and alerting the others who were searching for Sid downstairs. Frightwig nearly jumped from the couch and turns to Lincoln (Humungousaur), who was carrying Lola and Lana while the Techadon possessed Sid came out of the basement.

Frightwig: What the heck is going on here?!

Lincoln (Humungousaur): Sid's gone crazy! She's possessed by the Techadon machine!

Sid: Raaaaaahhhhh!!!

Lincoln (Humungousaur) braces himself while protecting Lola and Lana as Sid was blasting lasers at him. Luna, Sam, Benny, Darcy, Lynn, Polly Pain, Francisco run out of the halls while Ben, Lisa, Ronnie Anne, Lori, Renee, Tabby, Clyde & Rocky came from running from upstairs, seeing Sid in her new form.

Ronnie Anne: Oh no...

Sid stops firing at Lincoln (Humungousaur) and turns to stare at the group, especially Ronnie Anne with a creepy grin.

Sid: So... The gang's all here... now all of you know my secret thanks to a certain traitor! (Glares at Ronnie Anne)

Ronnie Anne: Sid, you're not yourself! You need help!

Sid: I don't want your help! I thought you were my friend & you would be happy for me that I got this cool armor but now you and the others wanna take it away from me!!

Ben: Sid, trust me when I say this... you don't want this kind of power. I saw what that living robot armor did to my old bully & he manage to get out of the Techadon's grip. Don't let yourself go down the same road he almost went through.

Sid: I have no quarrel with you, Ben... this is between me and Santiago here. If you or anyone else try to take what's mine... Like Maggie, Ronnie Anne and Lincoln, I'll show no mercy to you.

Polly Pain: That robotic suit is making her crazy.

Sid: Crazy... (growls) I'll show you... CRAZY!!!

Sid starts firing lasers at everyone, who tried to get away but Polly, Francisco, Renee, Tabby, Darcy, Clyde, Benny, Rocky and Sam were hit and knocked out by the lasers.

Lincoln (Humungousaur): Oh no!!

Lynn: That tears it!

Lynn activated her omnitrix and turns into Fourarms, tackling Sid back into the basement.

Ben: Frightwig, Ronnie Anne, Lincoln and Luna, get the others and take them upstairs! Myself, Lisa, Lynn and Lori will handle Sid!

Lincoln (Humungousaur) Got it!

Frightwig: (glares) What am I? A personal assistant or something?! Sigh... fine.

While Ben, Lori and Lisa ran downstairs, Lincoln (Humungousaur) carries the unconscious Lola and Lana while Luna transforms into Blitzwolfer to carry Tabby and Sam, Frightwig carries Darcy and Rocky in her arms while using her hair to carry Renee, Benny, Clyde, Francisco and Polly Pain as everyone went upstairs except for Ronnie Anne.

Ronnie Anne: Sid's my best friend and I'm not gonna hide. I gotta help her see reason.

Ronnie Anne heads downstairs. Meanwhile within the basement, Lynn (Fourarms) was delivering quadruple strong punches to Sid, followed by lifting her up and hitting a backbreaker, dropping Sid.

Sid: Aggh!!

Lynn (Fourarms): Time to knock some sense into you!

Lynn (Fourarms) raised her arms to strike but Sid blasts her in the face with a red laser beam, making her stumble back as Sid got up with red energy empowered fists to hammer away at the tetramand athlete & got behind Lynn (Fourarms) to hit a monstrous suplex!

Lynn (Fourarms): Guuh!

The Techadon possessed Sid smiles as she was about to land a finishing blow but was blown away by a huge gust of wind, crashing against the wall.

Sid: Ugh! What the?!

Sid sees Lori, who was transformed into Terraspin with a few differences; while Lori looked like the original turtle-like alien Terraspin, she had a slight feminine physique, pale blue skin, light blue eyes, flipper like arms with retractable claws, a black, light blue and light green shell with eight holes in the shell and the omnitrix symbol was on her head.

Lori (Terraspin): (Slow, deep female voice) Sid, listen to me. You're not acting like yourself, don't do this!

Sid: Grrrrr!!

Sid fires a large, red laser shot at Lori (Terraspin), who dodges it and retracts into her shell, turning into a fan-like form to fire a tornado wave towards Sid, who growled as she formed a barrier to block the attack.

Sid: Nice try!

With a mighty battle cry, Sid expanded the barrier to launch at Lori (Terraspin), who was sent into the row of mannequins and suits or armor. Soon, Ben and Lisa appeared as Sid shot them a heated glare before firing lasers at them as the two ran to avoid getting shot.

Ben: It's hero time! Come on Chromastone!

Ben activated his Ultimatrix and transformed but it wasn't Chromastome, it was Diamondhead!

Diamondhead: Diamondhead! Aww man, a close second.

Lisa activated her omnitrix and transformed into... Brainstorm but with a few differences; While Lisa greatly resembles the green eyed Crab-like alien with a neck brace/omnitrix symbol, two claws & 6 legs, the difference was that she was slightly larger in size, skin was green and the skull plate was black with green circuit symbols.

Lisa (Brainstorm): (British Female Voice) Incredible, it appears that this form has made my brain power expand to it's full capacity.

Diamondhead shot crystals from his arms at Sid, who braced herself as the shards struck her armor which withstood the attack. Diamondhead ran at The Techadon possessed Sid to deliver a couple of haymakers until Sid caught the next punch and fought back with strong punches of her own before picking him up and throwing him across the basement but he was caught by Lynn (Fourarms).

Diamondhead: Thanks for the catch.

Lynn (Fourarms): No problem.

Lisa (Brainstorm) was avoiding Sid's laser blasts as her skull plate opens, revealing her giant brain, green electricity coming out as the crab-like alien genius shot lightning at Sid, shocking her.

Sid: Aaaaaggghhhh!! Grrrrrr!!!

Though she was still shocked by lightning, Sid stomps her way towards Lisa (Brainstorm), picking up the crab-like alien genius.

Lisa (Brainstorm): Hey, seize this tomfoolery! Release me this instant!

Sid: Oh I'll release you alright.

Sid spins Lisa (Brainstorm) around and around and around until she throws the crab-like alien genius into the TV, destroying it and the wall as large wires shot out from the wrecked TV.

Lori (Terraspin): Lisa!!

Sid: Hehehe... Hahahahahahaha!!

Lynn (Fourarms) puts Diamondhead down as the Crystal alien hero formed his hands into blades.

Sid: Oh so it's a sword fight you want?

The Techadon possessed Sid forms red energy on her hands, forming a large, red shield in one hand and a laser red sword in the others.

Diamondhead: Ok... that's new.

Lori (Terraspin): Whatta you mean new?

Diamondhead: Techadons never formed swords and shields before.

Lynn (Fourarms): Who cares?! Let's just knock some sense into her to get that robot suit off!

Diamondhead, Lynn (Fourarms) and Lori (Terraspin) charge at the Techadon possessed Sid, who charges at them as a heated battle was leveling the basement and everything in it.

Ronnie Anne soon came downstairs and saw the battle taking place between the three aliens and her possessed friend. Ronnie Anne was trying to think of something to get through to Sid. She was cut off from her train of thought when she heard Lisa (Brainstorm) calling her name as the crab-like alien genius was crawling towards her.

Lisa (Brainstorm): Ronnie Anne, you know it wasn't wise to come down here. Now go back upstairs at once.

Ronnie Anne: First off, you're not my boss. Second, Sid's my best friend and I'm not gonna hide while she needs my help!

Lisa (Brainstorm): I understand your need to assist your friend but Sid is no longer in control of herself. Now nearly melded with the Techadon's prime functions, she'll be a danger to herself and others around her, including you! You've seen what She's capable of and I strongly recommend that you go back to the others while we deal with Sid!

Before Ronnie Anne could protest, a loud, angry yet haunting wail filled the area as Ronnie Anne covered her ears while Lisa (Brainstorm) winced at the sheer sound, Sid, Diamondhead, Lori (Terraspin) and Lynn (Fourarms) stopped fighting while hearing the dreadful wail & noticing the objects of the basement shaking immensely and/or flying across the room, the doors were opening and closing repeatedly, the lights flickering on & off and the portrait of haiku's grandmother Willow's eyes glowed an eerie purple.

Diamondhead: The heck is going on here?!

Lynn (Fourarms) I don't know! But that creepy wail is giving me a headache!

Lori (Terraspin): The whole basement is going crazy!

Sid: Aaaaagghhh!! Who is screaming like that?! Come on out so I can incinerate you!!

Ronnie Anne and Lisa (Brainstorm) saw something appear out of the ground and recognized the figure to be Lucy, who was transformed into her Ghostfreak form.

Ronnie Anne and Lisa (Brainstorm): Lucy!!

Lori (Terraspin): (sees Lucy) Lucy, what's going on here?!

Lucy (Ghostfreak) said nothing.

Lynn (Fourarms): Lucy! Are you causing this or do you know who is, Answer us!

Lucy (Ghostfreak) simply pointed to the darkness of one of the rooms as glowing purple eyes appeared within it.

Lucy (Ghostfreak): Willow is angry... an intruder has defiled her mansion... behold.

Lucy (Ghostfreak) points to Sid.

Lori (Terraspin): What? Sid?

Ronnie Anne: But She's not an intruder! She's-

Lucy (Ghostfreak): I'm aware of that but Willow wants her/the machine to pay... and so does Haiku...

Within the darkness of the room, a very tall and slender figure appeared out of the shadows, sending chills down the spines of Lori (Terraspin), Lynn (Fourarms), Lisa (Brainstorm) and Ronnie Anne while Diamondhead was in shock to see Haiku.... but she bared a striking resemblance to Ghostfreak.

She was very tall and has slender yet graceful figure, pale skin now completely ghostly white, her eyes were black with dark purple pupils, longer black hair and a skeletal like face, her dress was tattered and altered in a Ghostfreak like makeover, shoulder bone blades, elongated bone claws and her legs were gone, replaced by a long, black & white striped, ghostly tail.

The 13 year old goth now turned into a monstrous alien specter had a cold, haunting stare which was fixated on the Techadon possessed Sid, who snapped out of her shock and glared at the ghostly goth with red eyes back at her dark purple ones.

Ghostfreak Haiku: (Haunting, ghostly voice) You... dare intrude upon my grandmother's sacred grounds, you mechanized monstrosity? This will not go unpunished, by order of the spirits... you will PAY.

To be continued....

(Chapter 17 is finished! Please vote and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it! Techadon Sid has gone on a rampage as the others try to stop her but they have bigger problems as Haiku has appeared out of the Darkness as a Ghostfreak like Monster, wanting vengeance. Can Ronnie Anne and others bring Sid and Haiku back to their senses or will things go from bad to worse? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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