Chapter 16: Ghosts & Machinery

The storm was drizzling so hard outside while within the mansion, Ben, Ronnie Anne and Lisa met up with the others except Lincoln, the twins, Carol, Lori, Leni, Becky, Bobby, Maggie, Haiku and Sid.

Ronnie Anne: Guys, We have a big problem!

Luna: What's going on, dude?

Lynn: The dang power just went out, Whatta you think?!

Renee: It's not just that, I heard a scream!

Luan: We all heard it, that sounded like Maggie. Let's head upstairs!

Lisa: Luckily, I have flashlights for us to use, here take them. (Hands a flashlight to Luan, Luna, Clyde, Francisco and Sam, keeping one for herself)

Ben, Lisa, Ronnie Anne, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Clyde, Renee, Tabby, Sam, Francisco, Polly Pain, Giggles, Rocky, Benny and Darcy head upstairs to see where Maggie was. Looking around in the dark with their flashlights, the group heard a low pained groan as Luan aims her flashlight ahead to see Maggie lying on the ground, very injured.

The emo teenage girl had a black eye, bruises on her face with some blood, her right arm was broken, her clothes were tattered a bit and her light left was fractured.

Luan: Guys, I found her!

The group ran towards the comedian, who helps the injured Maggie up.

Luan: What happened to you, Mags?

Benny: Who did this to you?

Maggie: Ugh... Sid.

Lynn: Sid? Hahahaha! You sure about that? I don't think Sid could hurt a fly!

Lucy elbows Lynn in the gut.

Lynn: Hey!

Lucy: Continue Maggie.

Maggie: I went up to the attic after hearing a noise, I saw some dark and alluring artifacts, paintings and portraits... then suddenly the attic entrance was slammed shut as I heard horrible giggling. At first, I thought it was Luan or Giggles pranking me but Sid came out of the shadows, looking like a half robot abomination...

Ronnie Anne: The Techadon gauntlet...

Maggie: She looked & sound crazy with the robotic limb spreading on her like a parasite, she attacked me as I defended myself but... you already see me all bruised and bloody.

Clyde: Where is Sid now?

Maggie: I don't know... after she was done with me, she left the attic and wandered off somewhere.

Ben: We need to find Sid and fast, each second that techadon gauntlet is rebuilding it's body onto Sid, it'll spell bad news for the girl.

Rocky: How are we going to find her?

Ben: We split up.

Tabby: No way mate! Did ya see the damage on Mags here, we split up and Sid will try to pick us off one by one!

Giggles: She's right. Not all of us have those alien watches.

Lisa: Actually we should split up, one group checks upstairs and one group checks downstairs. We also should warn Lincoln, the twins, Lori, Leni, Bobby, Becky and Carol before Sid gets to them first.

Lucy: I better go check on haiku.

Lynn: Luce you might-

Lynn turns around to see Lucy had vanished.

Polly Pain: Ok... that's scary.

And so the group split up in order to search for Sid Chang; Ben, Lisa, Ronnie Anne, Renee, Tabby, Clyde and Rocky decided to check upstairs while Luna, Sam, Benny, Darcy, Lynn, Polly Pain and Francisco decided to check downstairs and Luan & Giggles decided to take Maggie in the other room to tend to their friend's injuries.


Outside of the mansion in the backyard, we see the twins glaring at one another while Lincoln was in the center.

Lincoln: Alright this is a one on one alien sparring match, no hair pulling, no scratching the eyes and no means of cheating, you may begin.

Lola: Alright my twin, allow me to show you who your better is.

Lola activated her omnitrix as a pink light engulfed her while the glamorous twin transformed into.... Rath. However, there are a few differences; Lola (Rath) was a bit shorter than the original, being 7 ft tall while the original Rath is 9 ft. Lola (Rath) possesses the appearance of a tiger but with white fur, pink & black stripes, a slight muscular yet beautiful figure, pink eyes, black sharp claws coming out of her wrists and was wearing a black and pink leotard with the omnitrix symbol on her chest.


Lana: (smirks) A tiger alien, huh? Alright then, since you're a cat type, I'll go all dog!

Lana activated her omnitrix as a dark blue light engulfed her, transforming her into her Wildmutt form.

Lana (Wildmutt) RAAAGGGHHH!!



Lana (Wildmutt) jumps out at Lola (Rath), tackling her as the two rolled around on the ground in a cartoon-ish fight cloud while Lincoln watched this from the sidelines.

Lincoln: Never really thought I'd see Lola as Rath of all aliens.

As Lincoln was watching the twins in alien forms sparring with each other, the white haired teen had no idea that someone was watching him from one of the windows with red eyes and a deranged smile in the darkness.


Lucy walks into the master bedroom of her friend Haiku's great (x3) grandmother Willow, the goth looks around the darkened room to check on her ill friend.

Lucy: Haiku? It's me, Lucy. I need to warn you about Sid.

Lucy goes for the covers of the bed and sees no haiku in it. The lightning flashed as the goth loud gasped loudly in shock, the dark room illuminated eerily in light with Lucy noticing scratches on the walls, the eyes of the deceased willow portrait staring down at her with a cold glare, some strange purple slime and what shocked the goth to her core was two words carved into the ground where she was standing near.


Lucy: Gasp! Could it be Willow...? But she doesn't come out to attack unless there's an intruder.

???: (Dark and raspy female voice) GET OOOOOOUUUUUUUUT.......

Lucy felt the room grew cold as she heard the voice again with the bed and objects shaking on it's own.

???: (Dark and raspy female voice) GET OOOOOOUUUUUUUUT.......

Lucy looks around the room, trying to find the spiritual presence to see if it's was the ghost of Haiku's grandmother Willow or perhaps a different spector.


Lucy ignored the warning as she continues to look around for her friend Haiku and to reason with the spirit but when she turns around... there was a ghostly white, skeletal like face with black and purple eyes staring Lucy in the face with a low moan.

The lightning flashed as Lucy let out a loud yet monotone scream in the dark.


Within another room, Carol was laying in bed and lost in thought while Bobby, Becky, Leni and Lori try to comfort her. Mixed emotions were spiraling around in Carol's mind, being half alien and yet she finds out now, how long have her parents kept this from her? Is one of them an alien too? A lot of questions in her head that needs answers once this corrupted alien apocalypse is over.

Lori was using her phone's flashlight to see due to the sudden power outage. Leni was spooked as was Becky and Bobby a bit when they heard a loud scream.

Lori: What is going on out there?

Leni: I don't know but I'm scared.

Becky: Me too.

Bobby: Guys, stay calm. There's nothing to be afraid of, the storm probably blew out the power.


Bobby: AHHHHH!! What was that?!

Becky: Shhhh... listen.

The five remained quiet as they heard the sound of footsteps in the halls soon came to a creaking stop, then they see the knob of the room door started to turn hastily.

Leni: (whispers) Someone's trying to get in...!

Becky: (whispers) It could be your sisters or brother or the others.

Leni: (loudly & nervously) Uhhh... n-n-nobody home!

Becky and Lori covered Leni's mouth, chills going down their spines but the fear quickly vanished when they heard Ronnie Anne's voice.

Ronnie Anne: Hey guys, are you okay in there?!

Bobby quickly hurried over to the door, opening it and letting Ronnie Anne into the room, hugging his little sister.

Bobby: Oh it's only you Ni Ni, are you okay?! You're not hurt, are you?!

Ronnie Anne: No, can you let me go now? You're squishing me...!

Bobby let's go of Ronnie Anne.

Bobby: Sorry.

Ronnie Anne: I have to warn you guys.

Lori: What's wrong? Warn us about what?

Ronnie Anne: Sid! She got a hold of a techadon robot gauntlet and is on the loose somewhere in the mansion!

Leni: NO! NOT THE TECHADON! What's a techadon?

Becky: Those Robots we fought from the brawl with that Vulkanus guy?

Ronnie Anne: Yeah, the gauntlet is controlling Sid. She's not herself, we found Maggie injured by her and everyone split up into two groups to search for Sid so we can find her before the transformation continues.

Lori: Alright, I'll come with you to help out on the search for Sid. Leni, you stay with Bobby, Becky and Carol to keep them safe. Don't open this door if Sid answers, got it?

Leni: Like, you can count on me Lori.

Lori: Good, let's go Ronnie Anne.

Ronnie Anne: Right.

Lori and Ronnie Anne leave the room as Leni locks the door, ready for guard duty.


Meanwhile in the backyard, Lincoln was watching the twins in alien forms still going at it as both Lola (Rath) and Lana (Wildmutt) were knocking the living daylights out of each other with no means of giving in.

Lincoln: Man, this has been going on for a while now. I know Lola and Lana fight various times but this is the longest fight I've witnessed so far.

Lana (Wildmutt) was now on the ground with Lola (Rath) having her in a Rings of Saturn Submission Hold.



Lana (Wildmutt) attempts to lift herself up to counter the submission hold but Lola (Rath) reversed it into another submission hold. The dog alien tomboy tries to fight out of it but the more she did, the more pressure and pain she got from the tiger alien princess' submission which left the dog alien tomboy no choice but to tap out.

Lincoln: And here's your winner.


Lola (Rath) releases Lana (Wildmutt) and presses her hand on her omnitrix symbol, returning to her human form.

Lola: Checkmate.

Lana (Wildmutt) presses her hand on her omnitrix symbol, returning to her human form.

Lana: You win this round but next time I'll win. I gotta admit those submission holds were impressive, didn't know you were a submission artist.

Lola: Thanks and I don't know how I did it, I guess the alien I turned into had the knowledge of various fighting styles or something.

Lincoln: Good fight, you two. Let's head inside now.

Lola and Lana: Right.

The three louds head inside the mansion but they were confused to why the lights were out.

Lola: Why is it so dark in here?

Lana: I don't know, a power outrage?

Lincoln: Could be... wonder where the others are?

Then Lincoln and the twins heard a voice, it sounded ill and familiar.

???: Lin... coln...

Lincoln knew that voice.

Lincoln: Sid? Where are you?

Sid's Voice: I'm in the basement... something happened, I got hurt really bad... p-please help m-me...

Lincoln: Hold on, we'll be right down!

Lincoln and the twins head down to the basement, going down the steps but were unaware that the basement entrance slammed shut. It was completely dark within the basement only the eyes of Lincoln and the twins were visible in the dark.

Lincoln: Sid! Are you down here?! Where are you?!

Lana: This place is giving me the creeps.

Lola: Ditto. I mean, this place is called the mansion of no return. Not saying that there's ghosts but I'm no fan of the darkness either.

Lincoln: Let's just find Sid and get her to the others for help.

The three louds walks through the darkness of the basement but then... another pair of eyes appeared in the dark but they were red as they followed the three louds.

Lincoln: Sid, if you can hear me, answer! Where are you?!

Lana: Maybe she passed out from what injury she had?

Lola: Yeah.

While the three louds were walking, the red eyes were seen following them, heavy footsteps being heard from behind. Lola felt someone breathing down her neck and looks at Lana.

Lola: Lana, can you stop breathing down my neck, it's disgusting!

Lana: It ain't me, Lola! I'm not even near you!

Lola: Lincoln!

Lincoln: I'm ahead of you two, how can I breathe down your neck from here?

Lola: Well then if you guys aren't.... (getting nervous) who is....?

Lola and Lana turned around to see a pair of menacing red eyes staring down at them as a creepy smile appears below the red eyes at the dark. The twins screamed as they ran off from the figure and bumped into Lincoln, the three bumping into a couch.

Lincoln: Ouch! Lola! Lana! What the heck?!

Lola and Lana: Lincoln! We saw something scary! We saw something scary! We saw something scary!!

Lincoln: Calm down! Calmly tell me what it is that you both saw.

Lola: Well something was breathing down my neck and I thought you or Lana did it so Lana and I turned around...

Lana: .... and saw these creepy and menacing red eyes staring down at us with a scary smile! I'm not sure what it was but it was towering over us like a giant monster!

Lincoln: Are you sure?

Lola: Of course! We're telling you Lincoln, something's lurking down here!!!

Then Lana just remembered something.

Lana: Hey, I just remembered that I have a flashlight in my hoodie pocket!

Lola: (glares at tomboyish twin) You just REMEMBERED?!

Lana: (glares back) Don't judge me.

Lana checks both pockets and finds her flashlight and turns it on, shedding some light in the dark basement.

Lincoln: Good thinking Lana.

Lola: Much better, now keep a lookout for that red eyed monster!

Lana: Ok.

Lana waves her flashlight to look around the basement with Lincoln and Lola following her but then the light slowly shines something standing near the corner which spooked the twins while Lincoln stared in shock at the figure staring back at them.

Standing there was Sid Chang... but she barely looked like herself as she undergone a metamorphosis. She was now standing at 15 ft of height, looking like the techadon robot with a feminine yet muscular body in a black bodysuit with platinum blue, black and gray outer plating of armor, gauntlets and boots, her head retains its normal features with a silver metal like tendrils covering most of her head as she had red eyes and a creepy smile.

Lincoln: What the...?

Lana: Cool!

Lola: Lana!

Lana rubbed the back of her head, smiling sheepishly.

Lincoln: Sid, what happened to you?

Sid: (robotic distorted voice mixed with her own voice) Just an upgrade, I'm liking the results so far. What about you, Linc? Like the new me...~? (Strikes a pose)

Lincoln: Sid, you look like those Techadon robots Vulkanus brought to attack us. Are you feeling okay?

Sid: I'm more than okay, I'm absolutely AMAZING! I feel the Techadon's power flowing through me right now... (scary grin) and it feels so great!

Lincoln: Sid.... I think you need to think twice about this. With that expression on your face, you look like you're about to kill someone. We need to take you to Lisa and find a way to remove the armor off you.

Sid: NO!

Lincoln and the twins barely dodged a red laser shot that came from Sid's robotic arm.

Sid: (cold glare) This is the greatest thing I've gotten so far and No One is taking it from me!

Lola: It's official... that armor has driven her CRAZY!!

Sid fires a laser at Lola but Lana managed to shield her which caused both twins to crash into the wall, now unconscious.

Lincoln: Lola! Lana!

Lincoln then turns to the Techadon Possessed Sid Chang.

Sid: I get it now... You all want to take this special gift from me. And if you try to... you will be destroyed!!!

To be continued...

(Chapter 16 is finished! Please vote and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it. Also, comment on my sketch of Sid Chang now in a Techadon form and tell me what you think of it. The mansion of no return is starting to get very frightening, what was that haunting presence that found Lucy in the darkness? And can Lincoln stop the Possessed Sid, who's now gone all techadon? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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