Chapter 15: Possessed by the Machine
Within the basement, Ronnie Anne remained in the same spot she was with shock, fear and confusion running through her mind. Her best friend, Sid threatening to hurt her if she breathes a word of the gauntlet to the others... Now the Santiago teen knew something was up, it was not like Sid to act all cold and menacing towards her and those eyes... those red eyes weren't Sid's.
Ronnie Anne: What just happened...?
Then Ronnie Anne heard rattling and banging as she turns to see the suits of armor and mannequins Sid destroyed started to shake, levitating and suddenly reforming back to normal... as if they were never destroyed, much to Ronnie Anne's surprise.
Ronnie Anne: ...... Ok maybe I've been awake too long and... now I'm seeing the suits of armor and mannequins Sid destroyed rebuild themselves on their own. I better get back to bed, hopefully I can figure something out with Sid and the gauntlet in the morning.
Ronnie Anne heads upstairs, unaware that the portrait of haiku's great, great, great grandmother Willow's eyes were watching her every move.
Narrator: The Next Stormy Morning...
Within the living room, Fright Wig suddenly awoke with a loud gasp, looking around frantically. She wasn't at the mall and no Zombozo around either, she sighs in relief but the former circus freak member wondered where was she?
???: Hey. You're finally awake.
Fright Wig turns to see Ben walking in from the kitchen with a bag of chilli fries. Before Fright Wig could make a move, Ben raised his hand in defense.
Ben: Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy there. I'm not gonna hurt you.
Fright Wig: ......
Ben: Seeing as you're not laughing crazily anymore, lisa's cure got the poison out of your system. (Holds up a bag) Chilli Fries?
Fright Wig: No... (turns away from him)
Ben: Ok. (Eats a couple chilli fries)
Fright Wig was silent for a moment, pondering her thoughts before speaking to the alien hero.
Fright Wig: I still don't understand... Why did you help me?
Ben: As I said, you may be a bad guy but you didn't deserve this kind of punishment from anyone, even Zombozo. You wanted to quit and start over but he wouldn't let you go and tortured you for wanting to.
Fright Wig: Where is he?
Ben: I took care of him, with the help of Lucy of course. You won't have to worry about the ghostly, energy draining vampire clown anymore.
Fright Wig: He was more a zombie type mutant monstrosity than a vampire.
Ben: I know, I once called him a goofball emotional vampire when I fought him as Ghostfreak while he was draining people of their live forces through happiness and fear than blood, kinda a joke.
Fright Wig: Hmph... so what are you gonna do with me now?
Ben: Nothing at the moment, you haven't really done anything bad or harm anyone as of late.
Fright Wig: Oh thanks but don't get any funny ideas, we're not friends.
Ben: Heh. If someone like Kevin could change, perhaps the same thing could be said about you.
Fright Wig: (Stutters; embarrassed blush) I... You... S-Shut up!
Ben chuckles.
Ben: If you need help with your new powers of Fourarms, Heatblast and Diamondhead, I'll teach ya how to use them.
Fright Wig: I don't need your help, I can handle myself. (Crosses her arms with a huff)
Ben: (smirks) Suuuuure.
Soon after they freshened up, The louds and the group were in the dining room & enjoying their breakfast. The only ones who were absent was Sid, Ronnie Anne, Haiku, Carol, Fright Wig (who was eating in the living room) and Maggie (who was in the shower).
Polly Pain: Ah, nothing like a nutritious breakfast to start the day.
Lola: Ugh, it's raining cats and dogs outside.
Leni: I thought it was raining water?
Lola: ..... It was just a phrase Leni. It's not literally raining cats and dogs.
Leni: Oooooh.
Lincoln: So Lori, how's Carol?
Lori: She's fine. I'm not sure how Carol retained her sanity when she was corrupted by the alien waves effects but at least Carol is still on our side.
Luna: Sigh... True but the same can't be said about Mazzy.
Sam: Yeah, when Luna, Tabby and I awoke from our rest, Mazzy got loose from her restraints and tried to attack us. Luckily, Lana and Lisa build a special cage to contain her.
A loud scream was heard.
Bobby: That's carol's voice!
Before anyone can get up, footsteps can be heard running as Carol came bursting through the door. Everyone gasped as Carol was... normal?!
Carol: Guys! Look at me, I'm back to normal!
Bobby: That's unbelievable! She's back to normal!
Lori: How?!
Carol: (raises her arms) I don't know!
Suddenly, Diamond shards shot out of her hands to the ceiling, much to everyone's surprise.
Renee: Holy shamoly!
Francisco: You shot diamonds out of your hands!
Tabby: But she changed back to normal somehow!
Ben: Hmmm... You must be like Alan.
Carol: Huh? Who's Alan?
Ben: He's a friend of mine and a Plumber's kid, who is half human half alien. The wave didn't corrupted you... not entirely, it must've awakened your dormant alien DNA.
Carol's eyes widened in shock.
Carol: I'm... half alien?
Lola And Lana: She's half alien...?!
Lori: When and How?
Ben: I'm not sure when but how... maybe one of her parents is an alien.
Carol: B-But my parents were normal! H-How am I half alien?!
Ben: It is a possibility that one of them is an alien, you managed to turn back to normal and you're not going crazy due to the DNA rupture wave's effects so that could be it.
Carol looks down at her hands.
Carol: I... I... think I need to be alone right now.
Carol turns and runs out of the dining room, Lori, Leni, Becky and Bobby got up and ran after her.
Lynn: That was mind blowing.
Luan: Ditto.
Meanwhile upstairs, Maggie got out of the bathroom, all freshen up and with her casual attire, wanting to check out more of this dark mansion.
Maggie: Hmmm... This place gets bigger and darker every time, I wonder what else is within this gloomy dwelling.
Maggie takes a walk through the halls but as she was about to head to one of the rooms, she heard a creaking sound.
Maggie: Huh?
She heard the creaking sound again as she looks up as the sounds were coming from the ceiling, she looks around to see a stretch cord leading to the attic. The 16 year old emo reached to grab the cord, pulling it down as the ladder way entrance opened to the attic. Maggie then heads up the ladder to the attic, much to her surprise, this attic looked absolutely wide than any she's seen before.
Maggie enters the attic as she looks around, admiring the dark and alluring designs of the attic as well as the artifacts, paintings and portraits here.
Maggie: Whoa... who knew that Haiku's great, great, great grandmother had style in the dark arts.
Then she heard something. It sounded like a giggle, a deranged, eerie giggle. Maggie then took out her blaster from her jacket and looks around, being on guard for whoever or whatever is up here. Suddenly, a large noise was heard as Maggie turns to see the attic entrance slammed shut but no one in sight as she heard the giggling again.
Maggie: Grrrr... Luan or Giggles, this better not be one of your pranks to scare me. You're wasting your time and mine.
Then a familiar voice was heard.
???: I'm afraid that you're wrong on both answers but at least you tried.
Maggie turns around to see a shadowy silhouette in the far side of the attic room, she narrows her eyes and recognize the silhouette to be Sid Chang.
Maggie: Sid, whatta you doing up here?
The shadowy silhouette of Sid showed a strange smile & red eyes that made Maggie feel uneasy.
Sid: Oh nothing. I was expecting Ben, Lincoln or the loud sisters to come up here but oh well... (smile widens) I could have some fun with you.
Maggie: (narrows her eyes in annoyance) Whatta you mean...? I'm not in the mood for games.
Sid Chang then stepped out of the shadows, revealing herself as Maggie's eyes widened in shock. Sid's right arm changed into a bulky, silver and platinum blue techadon-like arm with half the right side of her face & body covered with silver metal like tendrils.
Maggie: What did you do to yourself?
Sid: Oh, just getting a little upgrade is all.
Maggie: You almost look like those robots that Vulkanus guy brought in.
Sid: I know, pretty cool, right? I thought this gauntlet was very interesting but now I'm learning a lot of its capabilities and development as I go with the flow (grins) I never felt so excited in my life!
Maggie: You've gone crazy, that thing is spreading on you like a parasite. You need to get it removed.
Sid have a dark frown on her face upon hearing that.
Sid: Sigh... first Ronnie Anne, now you. I'll tell you the same thing I told her... (stares coldly at Maggie) The Gauntlet is mine & I ain't removing it.
Maggie: (Aims her blaster at Sid) Then I'll make you remove it.
Maggie fires at Sid, who grins as she dodges the blasts and fires her own at Maggie. The 16 year old emo saw this & barely get out of the way of the larger blast which made a big hole in the wall but Maggie was caught off guard by a monstrous sucker punch to the face from Sid.
Maggie groans as she fell to her knees but saw Sid going to another blast, she got up and begins to run as Sid shoots lasers at her. Maggie fires back with her blaster but soon her blaster was shot out of her hand as Sid made a beeline for Maggie, who tries to fight back with fists but was quickly overwhelmed by the sudden strength Sid now possessed.
After a fury of combo attacks, Sid finishes Maggie with a strong uppercut that sent the emo teen flying and crashing into the ground. Sid chuckles coldly as Maggie tries to crawl towards the attic exit but Sid jumps up high & lands in front of the injured emo teen.
Sid: (Glares down at maggie) I don't think so. Ya know... I only threatened Ronnie Anne to scare her into keeping quiet about the gauntlet but you... (slowly laughs maniacally with red eyes glowing & a predatory grin) I don't have a problem with putting you through a world of hurt.
Maggie was frozen in fear as the possessed Sid was about to do something very painful to her.
Meanwhile within the master bedroom, the lightning flashed as the room was illuminated for a second before going dark, revealing haiku still in bed. The 13 year old goth was tossing and turning as she wasn't feeling well, Haiku let out a loud, pained groan throwing her head back.
Haiku: Uuugghhhhh... oooohhhhh....
Opening her eyes, Haiku slowly sat up as she saw the storm raging outside, the goth was breathing heavily as she was breaking out a cold sweat, skin sickly paler with usual and darker rings around her eyes.
Haiku: (roughly coughing) Ugh... what's wrong with me all of a sudden...? I feel... weaker...
???: Wrong... You're merely becoming stronger....
Haiku's eyes widened as she looks around.
Haiku: Who's there...?
???: I'm inside your mind...
Haiku: Y-You're where...?!
???: Yesssss... I've been dormant within your mind since you were born.... now thanks to your great, great, great grandmother Willow... I have awakened.
Haiku: What does my deceased grandmother have to do with you? What awakening?
???: All will be explained in time but for now.... it is time for your metamorphosis.
Haiku: What... What are you-
Haiku begins to cough roughly and so loudly as she felt even worse inside. The 13 year old goth's groans suddenly grew more haunting and distored with her falling off the bed with blankets covering her. The lightning flashed as haiku's hand shot up from the side of the bed, turning into a sharp, elongated bone-like claw.
Within the living room, Lana was fiddling around her omnitrix and looking at the alien icons. Lola walks up to her tomboy twin, wondering what she was doing.
Lola: What are you doing to your watch?
Lana: Just checking out the alien icons in it. Man, I wonder what else I can turn into.
Lola: Well don't do it in here, I ain't getting dragged into trouble you have in mind involving your omnitrix.
Lana: I should be telling you that.
Lola: (glares) What did you say?
Lana: (glares) You heard me.
The twins were about to fight but Lincoln broke them up.
Lincoln: Hey, break it up you two. How about we take this outside, in a sparring match.
Lola: Hmmm... Alright.
Lana: Now we're talking.
Lincoln: Let's head to the backyard.
Lola and Lana: Okay.
Lincoln and the twins take their leave while Ronnie Anne can seen walking down the stairs with a tired look.
Ronnie Anne: Yawwwnnn....
Clyde: You okay Ronnie Anne?
Ronnie Anne: I'm fine, just a little tired. Have you seen Ben, I need to talk to him.
Giggles: He's in the library area with Lisa.
Ronnie Anne then heads towards the room that was a large, library area as she saw Ben with Lisa, who was working on the green techadon she caught.
Ronnie Anne: (in her mind) Lisa has one too? At least she's not wearing it.
Ronnie Anne towards the two.
Ronnie Anne: Hey Ben, I need to talk to you about something.
Ben turns to her.
Ben: What's up?
Ronnie Anne: What exactly do you know about these techadon robots?
Ben: Well they're made from techadon weapon masters, designed to be very strong, durable armored war machines.
Ronnie Anne: I see.
Lisa: The armored machine is quite intriguing, build with cunning edge, nanite base technology.
Ben: True and it can also regenerate it's form when a single piece of it remains, like it's hand.
Ronnie Anne went as pale as a ghost.
Ben: It once happened when my old school bullies Cash & J.T stole a techadon glove from my friend's car after we defeated it. The techadon took control of Cash as he wanted to get revenge on me for standing to him, I stopped him as J.T. talked him to his senses, allowing him to regain control & get the glove off.
Lisa: So the techadon has the ability to reconstruct and repair itself due to attaching a piece of itself to a host, hmm?
Ronnie Anne: .......
Ben took note of Ronnie Anne's expression and sudden silence, looking at her with a stern look.
Ben: Ronnie Anne... what's going on?
Lisa: Is there something you're not informing us?
Ronnie Anne: Sigh... it's Sid. She's in trouble...
Ben: What's wrong?
Ronnie Anne: Last night, I woke up and found Sid not in her bed. I went downstairs to investigate and I found her in the basement... shooting lasers at suits of armor and mannequins while wearing a platinum blue techadon gauntlet.
Ben: What?!
Ronnie Anne: She was very excited about the gauntlet's power but something wasn't right about her, I tried to get her to remove that glove but she wouldn't take it off, her eyes were glowing red & she was acting cold & threatening.
Ben: This is bad, where is Sid now?
Ronnie Anne: I don't know, when I went back to bed, Sid wasn't there.
The lightning flashed and thunder roared as the lights went out, the group can be heard, yelling or complaining of the power being out.
Lisa: Looks like the power is out.
Ronnie Anne: Who cares about the power! Sid is somewhere in this mansion with a techadon glove that's planning to control her & harm anyone who might see her!
Lisa: I'm aware of the situation, Ronnie Anne.
Ben: We need to find her and fast.
Then Ben, Lisa and Ronnie Anne heard a loud scream. Maggie's scream.
To be continued...
(Chapter 15 is finished! Please vote and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it. Carol is Half-Alien? What's happening to Haiku? And the techadon is already starting to grow on Sid, who made Maggie her first victim. Can Ben and the others find and stop the possessed Sid Chang? Find out next chapter, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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