Chapter 13: Bring down the Curtain
Group 1 was fighting off the Zombozo infected alien civilians, Lori (Fourarms) was fighting Thumbskull and Lincoln (Humungousaur) was fighting Acid Breath. Lana (Armodrillo) was fighting off Carol Pingrey, who became a corrupted Diamondhead as both were locking hands with each other.
Lana (Armodrillo): Carol, snap out of it! We're your friends!
Diamondhead Carol: Grrrrrr...!
The two deliver heavy hits to each other as Diamondhead Carol forms a giant diamond blade to slash Lana (Armodrillo), who uses her jackhammer arm to strike the Diamond blade, breaking it in two as she send her flying with a strong punch. Diamondhead Carol shook her head as she glares at Lana (Armodrillo) before charging at her.
Meanwhile, Thumbskull was delivering massive hits to Lori (Fourarms) before lifting her up over his head and electrocuting her with lightning.
Lori (Fourarms): Aaaaagggghhh!!!
Thumbskull: Hahaha! This is amazing, now I'll break you in two!
Thumbskull slams Lori (Fourarms) back first into his knee as the eldest loud alien grunts while Thumbskull throws her against the wall. Lori (Fourarms) groans as Thumbskull rams his elbow into her face, the eldest loud alien growled as she tries to get Thumbskull off her but he wasn't budging. She noticed Lana (Armodrillo) sent flying as Diamondhead Carol was approaching Ronnie Anne and Bobby with diamond blades drawn.
Lori (Fourarms): No!
Using her arms, Lori (Fourarms) pushed Thumbskull as the Frankenstrike Circus Freak stumbled back to his feet but had little time to react as Lori (Fourarms) ran at him at full force, hitting a couple of strong haymakers to the face and gut before hitting a severe right hook to the jaw of Thumbskull, sending the Frankenstrike Circus Freak crashing through three walls out of the mall, unconscious.
The eldest loud alien then runs towards Diamondhead Carol and grabs her from behind to hold her down, keeping her from harming Ronnie Anne and Bobby.
Lori (Fourarms): Carol! Listen to me! Get a grip on yourself, you know us! You're not well!
Diamondhead Carol: Rrrgghhh... L-Lori... can't... control...!
Lori (Fourarms): Carol, you're stronger than this. You have to fight the corruption plaguing your mind!
Diamondhead Carol: K-Knock... me out... before... I hurt... someone else... H-Hurry!!
Lori (Fourarms) felt sympathy for her friend in this mental pain but nodded as she let's Diamondhead Carol go and holds both hands together over her head and with immense strength, she slammed her closed fists on Diamondhead Carol's head as hard as she could. Diamondhead Carol grunted as she fell to the ground, unconscious.
Lori (Fourarms): ......
Ronnie Anne: Thanks.
Bobby: I know it's hard babe but Carol will get the help she needs, I promise-
A loud scream was heard, interrupting Bobby as the three turn to see Lincoln (Humungousaur) blinded by the slime spit as he, Lana (Armodrillo) and Sid were having their hands full with the Zombozo infected alien civilians while Renee was backed against the wall with Acid Breath approaching her.
Renee: Get away from me! Help! Someone!
Acid Breath: Time to become part of the act-
Someone taps his shoulder as Acid Breath turns around.
???: Lights out ulgy.
Acid Breath was punched in the face against the wall, knocked out by Lynn (Fourarms).
Renee: Thanks.
Lynn (Fourarms): Don't mention it.
Leni (Cannonbolt), Lucy (Ghostfreak), Rocky, Haiku, Giggles, Polly Pain, Benny and Francisco appeared to help out Group 1 fight off the infected.
Lori (Fourarms): Lynn, guys!
Lynn (Fourarms): Hope we didn't miss the party here!
Lincoln (Humungousaur): (rips the slime off his eyes) Phew... nope, you're just in time! (Punches away a Zombozo infected alien wildmutt)
Polly Pain: Talk about a clown-i-fied alien army!
Lana (Armodrillo): Tell me about it!
Benny: Well we're here to back you guys up.
Lola (Diamondhead): Let's show these clown-i-fied aliens why you don't mess with us!
???: We couldn't agree more!
The others turn to see Luan (Eyeguy), Luna (Ultimate Echo Echo), who was carrying Blitzwolfer Mazzy, Becky, Clyde, Sam, Tabby and Maggie came in to help.
Luan (Eyeguy): Watch out! (Shoots a clown-i-fied Jetray alien behind giggles with a beam from her eye) Saw that coming from a mile away, Hahaha! Get it?
Giggles: Thanks!
Lincoln (Humungousaur) knocks away a few Zombozo infected Ditto aliens with his tail before nailing an uppercut to a Zombozo infected Fourarms alien and shoulder tackles two Zombozo infected Armodrillos away.
Lincoln (Humungousaur): Hey, I don't see Lisa or Darcy! And who's that you're carrying?!
Luna (Ultimate Echo Echo): Lisa stayed behind to treat that Frightwig chick and Darcy wanted to keep Lisa company. Also, it's Mazzy, she's one of our bandmates that got corrupted too.
Lincoln (Humungousaur): Okay and what about Ben?
Lori (Fourarms): He was here a moment ago!
Lucy (Ghostfreak): (appeared out of nowhere) Sigh... he's on the roof of the mall, fighting Zombozo.
Lincoln (Humungousaur) & Lori (Fourarms): Ah! Lucy, don't do that!
Lucy (Ghostfreak): Sigh... The habit never dies. (Disappeared again).
On the rooftop of the mall, we see Rath fighting Zombozo himself as the tiger alien was delivering swift jabs to Zombozo, who was evading them as one of the tentacles grabs rath's right arm and spins him around a couple of times before slamming him into the ground 5 times and throwing him a few feet away from him.
Zombozo fires a dark blue energy beam from his hands at Rath, who dodges the attack as he runs at the Ghostfreak-i-fied Clown monster, Zombozo continues to fire at Rath, who dodges the beams.
Rath hits a devastating dropkick to Zombozo.
Zombozo: Guh!
Rath dodges a hit from Zombozo and got behind, caught both hands and connects the suplex. Zombozo slowly got up and growled, taking out several spray bottles of acid with his tentacles and fires at Rath, who dodges it as the floor was getting eaten by the acid.
Zombozo: Go ahead, run and dance for me, Hahahahaha!
Rath was running around to avoid the acid attacks as he made a beeline for Zombozo.
Rath was hit in the head by a large mallet from Zombozo.
Zombozo: Sometimes you just gotta put the Hammer down, hehehehaha-hahahahaha!!
Zombozo hits a strong boot to the jaw of Rath and lands a left hook on Rath into the ground.
Rath: (dazed; stars spinning above his head) Lemme tell you something stars, you wanna... spin around rath's head? Rath will knock... your lights out.
Zombozo then fires his energy beam at Rath.
Rath: Aaaaaggghhhh!!!
Zombozo: You ain't stopping me this time, Tennyson. Once my new Psyclown is activated, this whole town's gonna be my circus full of laughs and screams!
Rath: Guuh... not when Rath is... on the job!
Zombozo: Well then... it's time you were FIRED from your job, Hahahaha... permanently.
As Zombozo was about to deliver the killing blow, he got a punch to the blue nose outta nowhere.
Zombozo: Hey! Who's the wise guy?!
Lucy (Ghostfreak) appeared at Rath's side.
Lucy (Ghostfreak): You're not getting to that machine.
Zombozo: Hahaha! So you wanna get in my way, huh? Well then kid, let's see what you got. (Grins)
Lucy (Ghostfreak): Ben, I got an idea. (Whispers in rath's ear)
Rath: (listening and nodding) Uh-huh... Ok ya got it. (Turns to Zombozo) LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING ZOMBOZO, IT'S TIME FOR ROUND 2 BUT RATH IS TAGING IN A NEW PARTNER!
Rath slams his hand on the omnitrix symbol to turn into....
Lucy (Ghostfreak) flies towards Zombozo, who fires his energy beams at her. The ghost alien goth dodges the beams as she got close enough to nail Zombozo in the nose again with her fist. Zombozo growled as he attempted to shoot out sharp tentacles at Lucy (Ghostfreak), who swiftly evaded the attacks as Chromastone charges in and hits a right hook to Zombozo, followed by a left swing to the face and grabs him to throw him aside off the roof.
Zombozo then flew into the air and sees Lucy (Ghostfreak) messing around with the control panel to the New Psyclown.
Lucy (Ghostfreak): Sigh... where's the deactivation button?
Zombozo: Hey! Get away from that! That ain't a toy Kid!
Zombozo lunges at Lucy (Ghostfreak) with a large mallet and brought it down as the ghost alien goth barely dodged it but Zombozo got her with an energy beam.
Lucy (Ghostfreak): Ugh!
Zombozo: Hahahahahaha!
Zombozo kept blasting Lucy (Ghostfreak) with energy beams as the ghost alien goth wailed in pain until Chromastone tackles him away from her while throwing him a few feet away as Zombozo lands on his feet.
Zombozo: Ha! Ya gotta do better than that to keep old Zombozo down. But here's a gift for tryin'!
Zombozo fires a bigger, dark blue energy beam at Chromastone, who tries to take it into absorbing as it was a lot more than he could normally handle.
Chromastone: Ngh.... Grrrrr...!
Zombozo: What's wrong? Can't take the heat? Hahahahahaha!
Chromastone: Grrrrrr... GRAAAAAA-AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!
Chromastone's body showed a huge display of ultraviolet lights from the energy Zombozo was firing at him as he aims and fires a massive energy beam back at Zombozo.
Zombozo: Aaah!!
Zombozo quickly got out of the way of the blast.
Zombozo: Ha! Ya missed!
Chromastone: Wasn't aiming at you.
Zombozo: What?
Zombozo heard the sound as he turns around to see that the blast hit the New Psyclown, which received tremendous amount of damage.
Zombozo: No! Nooooooo!!!
The machine exploded, sending out a huge dark blue shockwave around the mall as every corrupted alien civilian infected was caught, the clown face paint vanishing, the maniacal laughs fading and insanity diminishing as they all fell unconscious before the louds and the rest of the group's very eyes.
Lincoln (Humungousaur): Look, the aliens are returning to normal.
Ronnie Anne: The people are still aliens, Lame-O. But the clown face paint is going away.
Sid Chang: And they aren't laughing like crazy.
Maggie: Plus, they're falling like the dead.
Luan (Eyeguy): 'Eye' noticed that, hahaha!
Maggie groans.
Clyde: Ben must've stopped Zombozo's plan.
Back at the rooftop, Zombozo stares at his machine now reduced to rubble.
Zombozo: My New Psyclown, my plans for a comeback of the ages, all dashed! No!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!
Zombozo turns to Chromastone with fury in his eyes but that fury quickly vanished as Chromastone was still glowing with ultraviolet light and was aiming a massive energy beam at him.
Zombozo: (now starting to get scared) Uhhh... I-I surrender...?
Chromastone: Now this time... I'm aiming for you. My cousin gave you a haunting message so how about I gave you mine!
Chromastone fired the massive energy beam at Zombozo, who had little time to react as he was hit.
The Ghostfreak-i-fied Clown monster was engulfed by the blast, his skin steaming and burning as Zombozo let out a wail of pain and fear while he was blasted off into the sky & out of sight. The Light of the attack soon faded as Chromastone fell to his knees, transforming back into Ben.
Ben: Huff... huff... well looks like I got the last laugh. (Slowly got to his feet) You okay, Lucy?
The ghost alien goth slowly got up with a groan, transforming back into Lucy.
Lucy: Sigh.... I'll live. (Small smile appears on her face) Thanks for the save.
Ben: No problem, your idea worked wonders. Let's meet up with the others.
Soon, Ben and Lucy meet back up with the others as Lori (Fourarms) was carrying an unconscious Diamondhead Carol.
Ben: Hey guys, the clown's act has been shut down.
Lucy: Sigh... indeed.
Lincoln: Great Job Ben and you too Lucy.
Lucy: Thanks Lincoln.
Ben: Hey Lori, what's with the Diamondhead you're carrying?
Lori (Fourarms): It's Carol... her suit got damaged during the fight and... well you can already guess what happened.
Luna (Ultimate Echo Echo): We also found our friend and bandmate Mazzy as well, she was also turned.
Ben: Oh. I'm sorry.
Lori (Fourarms): Don't be, Hopefully Azmuth will get the ingredients needed for that cure to turn everyone else back to normal.
Luna (Ultimate Echo Echo): Don't forget about that Corruptrarom guy.
Lynn: Yeah, if he isn't defeated, then he'll just corrupt the earth again when Azmuth gives you the cure to fix everything.
Ben: Yeah. I know.
Soon, Lisa, who was now Frankenstrike appeared carrying Darcy and an unconscious Frightwig.
Darcy: Hello!
Lisa (Frankenstrike) I take it you neutralized the one known as Zombozo?
Ben: Yeah.
Luan: How's Frightwig?
Lisa (Frankenstrike): I managed to synthesize a remedy for the toxins in Frightwig's body, she is stable.
Luan: Okay.
Bobby: Let's get out of here, guys before these aliens wake up.
Ben: Got it.
The group then take their leave out of the mall.
To be continued...
(Chapter 13 is finished! Please vote and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it. What's gonna happen next? Find out next chapter, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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