Chapter 9: Runnin' Wild
In the large and destroyed backyard of the house they were staying in, lincoln and lynn were taking this time to spar with each other while luna went hunting for food.
Lincoln: raaahh!!!
Lincoln delivers a flying kick to lynn, who blocked it and sends lincoln flying as the wolf mutant lands on his feet.
Lynn: (smirks) c'mon linc! Are you a wolf or just a lil puppy, hahaha!
Lincoln growled as he lunged at lynn with a couple of strikes to the rhino mutant, who was on the defensive. Lincoln then delivers some low kicks to the back of lynn's knees, making the rhino mutant fall to her knees. As lincoln was about hit a spinning heel kick, lynn grabbed him by the leg and flips him into the ground.
Lynn: try again!
Lincoln kips up and kicks lynn in the face, making her stumble back. Lynn growled as she charges at lincoln, hitting him with a massive shoulder tackle, sending him flying and crashing into the ground.
Lincoln was slowly getting back up as he glares at lynn with a fanged grin.
Lincoln: all right rhino woman, let's go!
Lynn smirks as she crouched down into a defensive quarterback stance.
Lynn: get ready linc cause I'm seeing red and you're my target!
Lynn charges at lincoln, full force with her rhino horn ready to stab somebody. Lincoln runs at lynn with his sharp claws ready to slash. The two lunged at each other as lincoln was about to dodge lynn's rhino horn and slash her but as he did, lynn gets him with a massive fist to the gut.
Lincoln: graaah!
Lincoln went send crashing into the ground. Lynn stomps her way towards lincoln and helps him out.
Lynn: you okay linc?
Lincoln: yeah... that was so difficult.
Lynn: (grins) well what can I say, my offense and defense is crazy.
Lincoln: yeah I know.
The two mutant louds sat down and took a break as luna came back from hunting. She has a dead large, three eyed bear over her shoulder while dragging a dead two headed deer by its long, sharp tail.
Luna: hey dudes, I brought lunch!
Lincoln: sweet!
Lynn: dibs on the bear hands!
Lincoln and lynn prepare the fire as luna tears apart the dead mutant animals with her claws, placing the huge pieces of meat on the fire as they sat down to relax.
Lynn: so how was the hunt lunes?
Luna: crazy sis. The two headed deer was a runner on the edge but it couldn't outrun me. Then the three eyed bear monster appeared and tried to take my kill but I had to put him down, adding the bear to our lunch.
Lincoln: sweet.
Lynn: I would of put that bear mutant in a headlock and snap his neck.
Luna laughs.
Luna: Funny thing is I took a page outta your book there lynn.
Lynn laughs.
Lincoln: food's done guys.
Lincoln, Luna and Lynn then got the roasted deer and bear out of the fire as they begin to feast.
Luna: oh man.... this sure tastes good dudes.
Lynn: yeah, these bear hands really hit the spot!
Lincoln: meat tastes really good when it's well roasted.
As the three mutant louds continued to eat their food, luna suddenly stopped eating. Lincoln and lynn noticed.
Lincoln: luna?
Lynn: everything okay lunes?
Luna: (sniffs the air) I smell something heading for us dudes...
Lynn: whatta you mean? I don't see anything.
Luna kept sniffing the air as the large wolf mutant rocker saw some partially destroyed building a bit far from them were slowly coming down in rubble as a huge cloud of smoke was headed straight for them, making luna's eyes widened in shock as she screamed.
Lynn: what, why?!
Luna: something's coming right for us and something tells me that we're gonna be this thing's dinner if we don't get out of here! Look!
Lincoln and lynn look at the direction luna was pointing at. Numerous destroyed houses were sinking down to the ground as a huge cloud of smoke was headed straight for them. Lynn and lincoln then had a look of horror on their faces seeing an enormous monstrous armored worm-like creature with endless rows of sharp fangs emerging from the huge cloud of smoke, letting out a ghoulish roar.
Lincoln, luna and lynn made a run for it as the worm beast went underground but was going after the three loud mutants as the ground shook.
Passing the destroyed house they were staying in, Lincoln, Lynn and Luna made it inside the RV as lincoln fired up the engine and drove away from the deserted neighborhood as the worm beast was following them, destroying every ruined house in its path.
Lynn looks at the monitor and sees the armored worm beast on their tail.
Lynn: guys! It's gaining on us!
Lincoln: I'm giving the RV all she's got!
Lincoln activated the nitro boost to escape the armored worm beast but it was still pursuing them and awfully close too.
Lincoln: luna!
Luna: yeah bro?!
Lincoln: see that weapons control panel on your right?!
Luna sees the control panel on her right. She nodded.
Lincoln: I need you to type in the code, "silverfang"! It'll activate a high level explosive grenade launcher but for it to work.... I need to slow the RV down that way when the worm beast emerged from the ground, you launch the energy grenade into its mouth!
Luna: sure dude!
Luna starts typing in the code lincoln explained on the weapons control panel, activating the black and blue highlighted armored grenade launcher which appeared on top of the RV compound roof. Lincoln then slows the RV down as the armored worm beast got closer and closer to the RV while underground.
Lincoln: lynn, radar!
Lynn: it's coming up fast and strong!
Lincoln: luna, do you have the target ready?!
Luna: got it bro! Just waiting for the monster to show!
Lincoln: okay, on my mark in 5... 4...
The armored worm beast got closer and closer...
Lincoln: 3... 2...
The armored worm beast emerged from the ground as it set it's sight on the RV with lincoln, lynn and luna inside. The monster opens its mouth and let's out a massive ghoulish roar, ready to devour its prey.
Lincoln: 1...!
Luna: ROCK ON!
The large wolf mutant rocker pressed the red button as the grenade launcher activated. It fired a large, high-tech, black and blue glowing grenade which was shot up in the air and flew straight into the armored worm beast's mouth.
Luna: it's in! Step on it bro!
Lincoln then turns up the nitro boost as the RV quickly drives away from the armored worm beast as within seconds, the monster exploded completely. The ground started to shake uncontrollably as the armored RV was dodging falling large and broken bones and guts of the fallen monster.
Lincoln, Lynn and Luna were cheering in victory.
Lynn: oh yeah! We blew that monster straight to kingdom come!
Luna: (smiles at lincoln) ya got some heavy gear bro. How'd you get it?
Lincoln: well the mutant who build me this RV made some great upgrades to it, the energy grenade launcher being one of them. He told me to use it only for the worm beasts that stalk you while in the underground of the sand pits. Guess there was one near the neighborhood we were staying in, anyway the armor of the worm beast is indestructible on the outside is what the mutant guy told me... nothing can penetrate it's skin... so the only way to kill it is to blew the worm beast up from the inside. The inside is more vulnerable and only a high level explosive device can get the job done.
Lynn: now that is hardcore.
Luna: that is sick bro.
Lincoln: well now that we have gold and more supplies thanks to lynn. Again thank you.
Lynn: no prob linc.
Lincoln: we're heading north of here. Hopefully, we'll find a fortress there to get some upgraded weapons and a play to stay for a while. But some of these fortress warlords in the north side aren't cheap and won't let us in without a gold piece or two.
Luna: don't worry bro, if these warlords won't let us in, lynn and I will take care of them.
Lynn: yeah which ever mutant is charge of the fortress, we'll be ready for them.
Lincoln: yeah, let's roll guys.
The armored RV took off into the north.
To be continued...
(Chapter 9 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter. Next chapter, when lincoln, luna and lynn make it to the mutant fortress in the north, I won't spoil the whole surprise but I'll at least let you know that a loud sister is going to be the leader of the fortress. Who is it? I'll let guys guess that, this is omegacrow fading to black...)
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