Chapter 8: A day to cool down
11 yr old lincoln was backed into a corner, beaten and bloodied as the large wolf mutant luna approached him with a malicious grin with her axe raised and ready to kill.
Lincoln: no... please no... LUNA PLEASE STOP!
Luna brought down the axe and struck lincoln.
Luna: GASP!!!!!!!
Luna jolted up awake, sweating and breathing heavily. Then she sighed in relief that it was just a nightmare and not real. The wolf mutant rocker noticed that she was in an old bed in an old partially destroyed room.
Luna: huff... huff... huff... huff-huff.... oh man... what a nightmare...
Luna got out of bed as she stretches and walks out of the room, seeing a semi-destroyed hallway with some scorch marks in the ground and the walls filled with holes and burnt marks. Luna walks through the hallway in search of lynn and lincoln.
Luna: lynn...! Lincoln...! You around here dudes?
Luna headed downstairs to see a heavily destroyed living room with lynn relaxing on the huge and slightly burnt couch. Luna walks towards her.
Luna: lynn...
Lynn sits up and looks at luna.
Lynn: (smiles) luna! You're awake!
Lynn pulls luna into a strong embrace.
Luna: aaaaaaauuuhhhhhh...! l-lynn.... c-can't... breathe.....
Lynn: oops! (Let's go of luna; smiles nervously) sorry about that lunes.
Luna: it's okay lil sis.
Lynn: so are you okay?
Luna: yeah.... I feel great right now. I really needed that sleep sis, now I'm full of energy.
Lynn: I'm glad to hear it. Also, congratulations on brutalizing and maiming chandler as well as killing him. I wish I could have killed him myself but it was your revenge.
Luna: yeah.... that red haired spoiled punk drove me insane, I was so feral and full of rage but you and bro managed to bring me back to my senses, thank you.
Lynn: no prob big sis.
The two shared a hug.
Luna: (breaks the hug) lynn.... where's lincoln?
Lynn frowned.
Luna: lynn...?
Lynn: after treating his wounds from the "beatdown" you gave him, he had to rest. Listen lunes, you and linc have been out for 2 weeks.
Luna: 2 weeks?!
Lynn: yeah... I had to hold down the fort while you two were knocked out, I managed to find this house to stay for the time being. I think you were out because you lacked sleep since the whole chandler ordeal and lincoln really lost a lot of blood from the injuries you caused. He's healing but still he's out of it.
Luna looks down in shame.
Luna: oh god.... I really hurt him......
Lynn: luna, don't worry about it, you weren't yourself. Chandler tortured you to the brink of insanity, it's his fault, not yours!
Luna looks up at lynn.
Luna: where is he?
Lynn: luna.... I just got back from checking on him... he's-
Luna: (pleads) lynn! Please....
Lynn sees the sadness and guilt in luna's eyes.
Lynn: okay. He's in the guest room down the hall on the left but don't disturb him while he's sleeping.
Luna wasted no time in running down the hall as she found the door on the left. Luna slowly opens the door and let's herself in and closes it behind her.
Now inside the partially destroyed room, luna spots lincoln still passed out in bed with wraps around the wounds on his body.
Luna walks towards the bed, looking down at her lil bro with sad eyes. The large wolf mutant rocker sat on the bed as she grasps Lincoln's left hand in her own hands.
Luna: (in tears; whispers) lincoln.... bro.... I'm really sorry for what I did... please wake up....
Lincoln remained unconscious.
Luna let go of lincoln's hand as she gazed her hands. Her once human hands...... now huge humanoid wolf like hands.....
Luna then noticed that her hands were shaking as she felt pain and rage inside her.... at chandler for torturing her endlessly and turning into a mindless and carnivorous slave but.... her true rage was at the one who started all of this... the one who made the world a ruined wasteland... the one who ruined her life and turned her into this... monster.
The name kept coming up over and over again in her head as luna clenched her hands into fists while she growled through gritted teeth.
Luna: (snarled) lisa..........
Luna snapped out of her rage to the sound of groaning behind her as the large wolf mutant rocker turn to see lincoln groaning as he slowly opens his eyes.
Luna: lincoln....
Lincoln then turns his tired eyes to the large wolf mutant luna and smiles a little.
Lincoln: oh hey luna....
Luna pulls him into a warm hug but not too strong.
Luna: (in tears; silently crying) oh bro.... I'm sorry.... I'm really sorry for hurting you like that... sob... sob... I wasn't in control of myself.... sob...
Lincoln: luna... it's okay.
Luna: it's not okay! Look at your wounds.... I maimed you! I almost killed you! How is that okay?!
Lincoln: look... I'm healing up just fine and the wounds will fade.
Luna: (sad) I'm really sorry bro.
Lincoln: it's fine. Don't worry about it, at least you're back to normal...
Luna: normal.... no bro, I'm not normal and I don't think I'll ever be the same again. The memories of that day kept coming back to me, piece by piece.... the explosion of that bomb, we were caught in the blast and it mutated me... turning me into this... thing... the world we know gone in a big bang... I wandered this ruined earth, lost and I was feeling my mind fadin' as my animal side was slowly taking over... I tried so hard to fight it and survive but chandler and his army captured me.... I was chained up as he did a lot of horrible things to me.....
Lincoln: (spoke in a dark tone) luna.... please don't lie to me when I ask you this.... did chandler... rape you?
Luna: (looks deep into lincoln's eyes) no... he didn't... he tried but almost got killed by me.... so at least he did was grope me but other than that.... he did nothing else.
Lincoln looks into luna's eyes. She was telling the truth as lincoln sighed in relief.
Luna: chandler then continues to torture me physically and mentally for countless months and years... I felt my mind fadin' away and giving in my animal side until luna loud was gone... only a carnivorous wolf beast was here. Then he would have me as his slave and his alpha champion, fighting mutants who would dare step up to him... taking their supplies, weapons and gold... as chandler had me fight countless mutants, killing them and devouring them... the rage... the primal instincts.... the sheer bloodlust to kill and eat your prey alive.... (looks at lincoln and smiles a little) but somehow, you and lynn brought me back... (hugs lincoln) thank you bro....
Lincoln slowly returns the hug.
Lincoln: (smiles a little) no problem.... human or mutant... you're still my big sis or big wolf sis...
Luna giggles.
Luna: and you're my lil wolf bro. Ya know since I'm your guardian and a bigger wolf mutant... you're kinda like my lil pup. (Smiles mischievously)
Lincoln: (gives a warning glare while smirking) luna.... don't you dare...
Luna: (teases) you're like my son... hehehe... my lil wolf son....
Lincoln: luna... don't you freakin' dare...
Luna: (petting lincoln's head; spoke in a motherly tone) I'm petting you right now... my sweet lil pup.... mama moon will protect ya from the monsters...
Lincoln: (over dramatic) No! No! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Not doing this! Not doing this at all!
Luna then laughs loudly.
Luna: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm just messing with ya bro. Oh, the look on your face is so cute and priceless, I wish I had a camera! Oh my sides, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Lincoln: (rolls his eyes) you just keep finding new ways to tease me, don'tcha?
Luna stopped laughing.
Luna: yeah.... I couldn't resist, sorry bro.
Lincoln: it's okay.
Soon, luna became silent, looking down at the floor.
Lincoln: luna....?
Luna: sigh...... I miss 'em dude. My family, my friends, my idol mick swagger, me playing music.... I miss it all....
Lincoln: luna... tell me what's on your mind?
Luna turns to face lincoln with a heated glare.
Luna: (growls) lisa...... is what's on my mind. Her very name keeps echoing in my head over and over again. This whole mutant apocalypse started with her making & activating that bogus BOMB!
Lincoln flinched at luna's furious rage but understood her.
Lincoln: luna....
Luna: (enraged) as far as I'm concerned, lisa's dead to me! And if I even see or smell her nearby.... (growls angrily and loudly) I'll tear her to shreds and leave what's left of her for the buzzards!
Lincoln: luna... calm down.
Luna: how can I calm down right now?! This whole mess is all lisa's fault! Look at what she's done to me, look at what she's done to you, lynn and our world!
Lincoln: believe me luna, I'm furious with lisa as much as you are but losing your cool and going wild with rage isn't going to solve the problem!
Luna was breathing heavily and angrily as she was about to say something but she fell to one knee, clutching her chest as her breathing became rapid.
Lincoln: luna!
Lincoln gets out of bed and kneels down to comfort his big sis, who's having some sort of breakdown.
Luna: *gasp*.... *gasp*.... my chest... *gasp*.... I-I can't b-breathe.... *gasp*... *gasp*.... *gasp*.... *gasp*... I-I need air... *gasp*... I-I can't... *gasp*... *gasp*.... *gaaasssppp*.... *gasp*....!!!
Lincoln: luna! You have to calm down! Look at you, you're having a rage-filled breakdown and a panic attack! I know that you're enraged at lisa but this anger is making you stressed out and unfocused. Please, calm down and take deep and gentle breaths, don't think about lisa at all!
Luna took some deep breaths for a moment until she was finally calm, falling and leaning against the bed. She looks at lincoln with depressed eyes.
Luna: I'm sorry bro....
Lincoln sits next to luna as he sighs.
Lincoln: it's okay luna, I'm just worried about you... lynn and I have you back and I don't want to lose you again.... (bows his head in sadness)
Luna pulls lincoln into a hug, resting his head on her large chest as she rubs lincoln's head.
Luna: and you won't lose me... I'm your big sis, I have to be around for you and lynn. Just gotta keep a calm and collected mind to kick back so I don't get enraged and reckless again. Hopefully, we'll find the rest of the fam and our friends in this ruined earth... and bro, promise me if we do find lisa....
Lincoln: no need, I already know what you were going to say. If we do find lisa, she'll answer and pay for her crimes...
Luna: thanks bro.
Lincoln and luna then heard huge stomps as the door crashed open, revealing lynn.
Lincoln: hey lynn.
Lynn: lincoln, you're awake! But you shouldn't be out of bed, you need to heal.
Lincoln: I'm okay lynn, really.
Lynn: and luna are you okay? I heard you yelling then breathing like you were having a heart attack.
Luna: sorry dude, I got so riled up and full of rage thinking about lisa that I had a breakdown and a panic attack. Lincoln managed to help me calm down, sorry for worrying you sis.
Lynn: no problem, I'm just glad that you didn't.... (gave luna a big hug) don't worry me like that again.
Luna: I won't dude, I promise.
Lincoln: I'm glad to have you both back.
Luna and lynn smiled as they both hugged lincoln strongly.
Lincoln: okay... okay... can't breathe right now...
Luna and lynn let go of lincoln, who was catching his breath.
Lynn: (rubbing the back of her head; smiles nervously) oops, sorry linc.
Luna: (smiles nervously) sorry bro... guess your big sis still needs to get used to her new strength.
Lincoln: it's okay.
The three mutant louds sat down and lean back to relax.
Lincoln: so lynn, how you doing when luna and I were unconscious?
Lynn: oh I was alright. After the whole chandler thing, I stole his weapons, supplies and gold before driving your RV out of the colesium. 2 weeks of driving and avoiding sandstorms and twisters, I managed to find an abandoned and destroyed neighborhood to stay.
Lincoln: oh okay, great job lynn.
Lynn: (smirks) what can I say, I have a talent for surviving.
Luna: sweet dudes... now that the three of us are back together, we can focus on finding our family and finding salvation.
Lynn: yeah... the sooner we find it, the better.
Lincoln: alright, time to put operation, find the other loud sisters, make lisa answer for her crimes, find salvation and think of a shorter name for this operation into action.
Lynn: oh yeah!
Luna: cool bro!
Lincoln: for now, let's relax a bit.
Lynn and Luna: alright bro.
To be continued...
(Chapter 8 is finished! Lincoln, Lynn and Luna are reunited and are focused on finding the rest of the loud family. What's gonna happen next, find out next chapter. This is omegacrow fading to black...)
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