Chapter 7: The wolf always get it's prey
Chandler: (smirks evilly) game over larry, you lose.
Chandler aims his mech bazooka at lincoln and lynn. As he was about to shoot, a loud raspy and growly voice stopped him.
???: NO!!!
Chandler and his army turn their attention to luna, who got up with her hand over her head as she glares coldly at the pair, speaking for the first time.
Luna: (snarled) he's.... mine....
Chandler smirked evilly.
Chandler: well it looks like my champion has finally spoken... and it seems that she's not finished with you larry.
Luna stomped her way towards lynn and lincoln, passing the coyote pack and chandler as she growled angrily while holding her axe in her right hand.
Lynn was about to fight luna but lincoln stopped her by telling her to not move as he slowly got to his feet and faced the mutated rocker.
Chandler: (smug) aww you can still stand... well luna can kill you while you're standing. Go ahead my champion, do away with this loser!
Luna: (looking in lincoln's eyes; snarled through gritted teeth) sure thing.... your........ majestyyyyy.........
Then luna turns around and grabs chandler by the throat with her left hand, choking him as he drops his bazooka.
This surprised lincoln, lynn, chandler and his army as luna was gripping the weasel mutant by his neck.
Chandler: luna.... ack.... wh-what are you d-doing... ugh...!
Luna: (chuckles darkly) ehehehehe.... I'm finally myself again... and right now I'm angry.... no not angry.... (yells furiously) I'M BLOODY PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW!!!!
Chandler: luna... ack... stop, I order you-
Luna: (snarled) shut up!!! You don't own anybody and you certainly don't own ME!!! For months and years, you put me through hell messing up my body and my mind driving me wild and insane, not to mention back then lori told me and my sisters you were a red haired spoiled punk who used her and my lil bro and that angers me!
Chandler: (angry) you... traitor-
Luna slams chandler into the ground as the weasel mutant coughed up blood, luna stomped on his back to keep him from escaping.
Luna: you did a lot of horrible things to me & my two siblings.... took away my sanity, made me kill and devour millions, captured my sister and brother, chained up lynn and forced me to fight and maim my lil bro.... YOU HAVE RUINED ME!!!!!!!!!!
Chandler: stop her you fools!
Luna turns to the army of coyote mutant bikers and glares coldly at them while unleashing a loud, threatening howl and roar, sending a wave of fear to the coyote mutant army as they turn tailed and ran away from luna. Luna picks up chandler's bazooka and shot the missile at the fleeing army, engulfing them all in the explosion, killing them all.
Chandler: my army!
Luna: (ballistic) there goes your perfect army. After years of putting up with being your puppet, everything, including your life is in my hands! You have nothing & no one to protect you from me now! You're going learn that no one makes a slave out of luna loud and lives to tell about it!
Luna then grabs chandler and throws him through the piles of bones as luna soon followed in ramming her knees into the weasel mutant's chest making him cough up blood as luna wasn't through with him yet.
Lynn and lincoln watched as luna was completely brutalizing and maiming chandler, who was screaming for help and mercy which he did not receive as luna continues to beat him with an inch of his life. The brutal beatdown lasted about 19 hours as the sun started to set as luna continues to dismember chandler, torturing him savagely.
Lynn managed to get the keys that chandler dropped as she pressed a button and 5 minutes later, lincoln's RV drove through the gates as lynn got the now unconscious lincoln inside to tend to his wounds.
Soon, nightfall came as luna stood over chandler, who's been through one hell of a brutal massacre. He looked worse than lincoln through bloody wounds and bruises. He tries to crawl away but luna stepped on his back to keep him from escaping.
Luna: ohnonono... little dude. It's already night fall and now this is your last night on earth.
Luna picks up the axe and raised it up high as chandler helplessly tries to get loose from luna's foot but failed as he saw the moonlight illuminating luna's terrifying form as she was about to kill him with the axe.
Chandler: (terrified) no, no, noooo!!! Don't do this! Don't kill me I beg you!I'll give you anything you want! I have tons of gold, take it! It's yours cause please let me live! (Sobs)
Luna: (glares) how many times have I begged and pleaded for you to stop torturing me?! You simply laughed in my face and kept doing it... well you ain't gettin' any mercy from me! You provoked the wolf brah... when night falls, the wolf always get her prey..... and right now, you're my prey....
Chandler: (sobs) I'm sorry okay?! I'm really, really sorry! Just put the axe down and let me go, I'll never bother you or your two siblings again, just put the axe down please!
Luna then formed a crazy and enraged smile on her face.
Luna: ohhh.... I'll put IT down alright...!
Luna raised the axe up even higher as chandler helplessly stared into the eyes of luna loud, his killer in true fear.
Chandler: no... please no, no, no, no, no, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Luna brought down the axe on chandler's neck, decapitating and killing him.
Luna was breathing heavily as she sighed in relief.
Luna: it's done.... it's finally over....
Lynn walks towards her as luna looks at lynn.
Lynn: luna... are you.... you?
Luna: (smiles a little) yeah... I'm me again... thanks to you... and... linc... oln...
Luna begins to fall forward with lynn catching her.
Lynn: luna! Are you okay?! What's wrong?!
Luna: (weakly) n-nothing's wrong with me... lil sis... I'm... just... soooo... tired.... let me sleep please....
Luna fell asleep in lynn's arms as the rhino mutant smiles a little.
Lynn: congrats on giving that weasel chandler the brutal beatdown and death he deserved for putting you through all that pain. I wished I could have killed him myself.
Lynn carried luna to the RV as she puts her in the futon bed.
Lynn: well time to go... but before that, I'm going to take chandler's supplies and gold. It's not like he needs it anymore since he's dead.
Two sisters down... eight to go.
To be continued...
(Chapter 7 is finished! Luna finally regains her senses and kills chandler and his army. Now with luna passed out from exhaustion and lincoln passed out of exhaustion and losing blood, lynn's gonna hold down the fort while her big sis & lil bro recover. What's gonna happen next? Find out next chapter. Please like and comment on this chapter as well as my sketch of luna, this is omegacrow fading to black......)
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