Chapter 6: Lincoln vs Luna-Lynn breaks out!

Lincoln stared at the sight of the large and carnivorous wolf mutant luna loud as she begins to run towards him.

Lincoln: luna! Wait, it's me!

Luna then leaped and pounced on lincoln, throwing him across the battlefield, crashing into the ground.

Lincoln groans as he got up only for luna to grab him run straight for the wall, slamming him back first into the wall, creating a huge crack in the wall.

The coyote mutants howled to luna beating the crap out of lincoln as chandler and Ironjaw laughed in amusement.

Lincoln was against the wall with luna strongly gripping him by the throat and proceeding to strangle him.

Lincoln: ack...! Ngh! L-luna... please... it's me... Lincoln... your brother....

Sadly, lincoln's words fell on deaf ears as luna roared and jumped high in the air still holding lincoln as she slams him back first into the ground, creating a huge crater.

Lincoln spat out some blood as he slowly got to his feet and turned around to see luna ramming her fist into his stomach, making him gasp in pain while coughing up blood as luna proceeds to repeatedly punch him in the gut as the crowd was howling at this grueling beatdown.

Luna then picks lincoln up and throws him across the battlefield, crashing into the huge pile of bones. Luna lets out a loud howl.


Lincoln tries to get bearings together as he slowly got out of the pile of bones. Luna spotted him and got on all fours and begin running towards him, ready to pounce as lincoln managed to dodge luna, only for the mutated wolf rocker to grab lincoln's tail and started spinning him around and around and around until she slams him into the ground.

Luna didn't stop as she continues to slam lincoln into the ground repeatedly as chandler and Ironjaw laughed in amusement at how luna was brutalizing lincoln.

Lincoln was lying on the ground, trying to crawl away but luna stepped on his tail to keep him from escaping as her long black claws came out, slashing lincoln in the back while he howled in pain.

A huge bloody gash was shown on lincoln's back as luna proceeds to repeatedly slash lincoln's back, making the white haired wolf mutant howl in pain. Lincoln quickly grabs a handful of mud and slings it in luna's eyes, causing her to stop her attack and stumble away from lincoln.

Lincoln backs away from luna, who was getting the mud out of her eyes. Lincoln took this opportunity to attack her. Luna tries to defend herself but due to the mud in her eyes, lincoln was gaining the upper hand on her on delivering an assortment of hard strikes to the bigger wolf mutant.

As lincoln was about to finish his attack, luna instantly caught lincoln and slams him back first into her knee, causing him to yowl in pain.

Luna finally got the mud out of her eyes and glares furiously at lincoln as she grabs him again only for lincoln kick her upside the head as he leaps away from luna to catch his breath.

Lincoln: (in his mind) man, chandler really messed luna up.... now she's a dangerous and crazy beast. I have to find some way to bring luna back to her senses.... or she'll kill me or eat me or both.

Lincoln snapped out of his thoughts as he noticed luna stomping her way towards him, growling ferociously. Lincoln growled himself as he lunged at his big mutated wolf sister, sparking an all out death match.

Narrator: with lynn.

In the dungeon, lynn was trying to escape from these stronger and reinforced chains but to no avail.

Lynn: grrrr... this is so damn annoying!

A tv monitor then came up, getting lynn's attention.

Lynn: huh?

The tv monitor turns on to reveal Ironjaw.

Ironjaw Hyde: welcome slave to chandler's coliseum where the strong survive and serve him & the weak perish if they defy him. Right now the white wolf mutant punk is taking on the alpha of the wasteland and the devourer of countless mutants who dared to step up to chandler, his personal slave and undefeated champion, luna loud!

Lynn: HUH?!

Ironjaw Hyde: right now, the whole colesium is watching luna brutalizing the living hell out of this runt who happens to be her little brother... hahaha... talk about a not so happy reunion.

The tv monitor then shows a heavily injured lincoln taking on a barely injured mutated luna as the larger wolf mutant was beating and maiming lincoln as well as throwing and tossing him like a rag doll. Lynn gasped in absolute horror.

Lynn: luna?!

Ironjaw Hyde: like the previous mutant fighters before, luna isn't showing any ounce of mercy to her opponent. It won't be long until luna kills and devours this one.

Lynn growled in rage.

Lynn: that's it! I don't care how strong these restraints are, I'm getting out of here now! Aaaagggghhhhh!!!!!

Lynn thrashed around and pulled with all her strength and rage as the reinforced chains were starting to weaken. With one final pull, lynn broke free of the chains, breaking them apart as lynn roared in victory.

Lynn: that red haired freak is gonna pay big time for this!!!

Lynn charged through the dungeon, making a huge lynn body shaped hole in the door, making her escape.

Narrator: with lincoln.

Lincoln was breathing heavily as he was covered in major bloody cuts and bruises while luna barely has a scratch on her.

Lincoln fell to his knees, breathing heavily as luna approached him and grabs him, turning him around as she sunk her sharp fangs into his shoulder.


Chandler and Ironjaw were smiling smugly.

Chandler: that's right my champion, rip that loser to pieces!

Lincoln was screaming loudly in pain as luna sunk her sharp fangs into his shoulder, drawing out blood. Lincoln uses his right arm to repeatedly elbow luna in the stomach until she finally let him go.

Lincoln then attacked luna with all his might, trying to knock some sense back into her.

Lincoln: luna listen to me! I know you're hurting and you're not in your right mind but please fight your instincts! You're not chandler's slave, you're luna loud, the rockstar of the loud family and my big sister and guardian, please come back to your senses!

Luna then caught lincoln's next punch and strongly flips him, slamming him into the ground. 

The numerous coyote mutants howled for luna in amusement. Chandler and Ironjaw grinned evilly.

Lincoln was on the ground, coughing up blood as he was getting exhausted and losing a lot of blood from his wounds.

Ironjaw Hyde then picks up a large black and red executioner axe and threw it far to the battlefield near luna as the larger wolf mutant spotted the axe and walked towards it and picks it up while she walks towards the fallen lincoln with the axe in her right hand.

Lincoln tries to get up only to fail as he noticed luna standing over him with a large axe in her right hand as she holds him down by the neck as she raised the axe up high, preparing to chop his head off. Lincoln felt afraid and mostly sad that he was going to die at the hands of his mutated big sister.

Lincoln: luna... please....

Luna was about to bring down the axe.... but she suddenly stopped herself.

Lincoln: luna... this isn't you.... sis...

Luna's left eye started to twitch as she shook her head, growling and... whimpering.

Luna: grrrrrrrrrrrrr....!

Lincoln: please sis...

Luna begins to shake uncontrollably while breathing rapidly as she felt pain in her head, staring at lincoln, seeing him now as his normal eleven year old self in her grip.

Luna: aaauuuhh....

Lincoln: (11 years old; hallucination) luna please... I love you big sis...

The hallucination of 11 yr old lincoln faded back to 21 yr old wolf mutant lincoln who was looking at luna with sad eyes. Luna was breathing rapidly as she felt rage, confusion, craziness, sadness, hurt, pain and guilt. All of that was going through luna's mind as she was ready to snap.

Luna: huff-huff... huff-huff... huff-huff... huff... huff... huff... huff-huff.... agh... aaaauuuuhhh.... RRRAAAAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

Luna raised the axe up and was about to decapitate lincoln, who closed his eyes.

Chandler: (smirks) yes! This is it!

As luna brought down the axe, a loud crash caught everyone's attention as lynn came crashing through the gate from the dungeon. Lynn then runs straight for luna, hitting her full force with a shoulder charge, knocking luna away from lincoln.

Lynn: (looks at the heavily injured lincoln) lincoln! Are you okay?! Can you hear me?!

Lincoln: y-yeah I've been better...

Chandler: (angry) how did she get loose?! Ironjaw, deal with her!

IronjawHyde: yes boss!

Ironjaw leaped into the battlefield with a mech-chainsaw in hand, running towards lynn and lincoln.


Ironjaw was cut off when lynn delivers a powerful fist, sending the big coyote mutant flying straight out of the colesium and straight into the hot sun.

The coyote mutant bikers and chandler's jaw dropped at lynn's display of strength.

As lynn was tending to lincoln, luna, from outta nowhere attacks lynn as they stumbles away from the heavily injured lincoln while the two go to blows. Both lynn and luna were even matched despite the differences between them as they were matching each other blow for blow. Lynn saw the sheer pain, hurt and aggression in luna's eyes as the rhino mutant sports fanatic hated seeing luna like this and was angry at chandler for putting luna through that pain.

Lynn then dodged luna's attack and grabs her from behind.

Lynn: I'm sorry about this luna... RAAAH!!

Lynn then delivers a powerful german suplex to luna, dropping her really hard head first into the ground, knocking her out.

Lynn then went to her brother.

Lynn: lincoln....

Lincoln: huff-huff... I need... the medical supplies in... my RV....

Lynn: don't worry, I'll-

Chandler: you'll what?

Lynn and lynn turn their attention to chandler, who was holding a mech bazooka and the keys to lincoln's RV wrapped around his neck in a necklace. The entire coyote mutant audience was leaping from their seats to join chandler in surrounding lynn and lincoln.

Chandler: you guys ain't going nowhere but to your graves. You fought well against your sister larry but failed miserably and when I kill you, I'll have lynn joining her big sis as my slave once I put her through the numerous tortures I did luna.

Lynn and lincoln growled angrily at chandler.

Chandler: (smirks evilly) game over  larry, you lose.

To be continued...

(Chapter 6 is finished. Lincoln and luna brawled, luna brutalized lincoln, lincoln tries to reach luna, lynn breaks out, lynn kills Ironjaw in one hit straight to the sun and now lincoln and lynn are surrounded by chandler and his army. Can they make it out alive? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow fading to black....)

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