Chapter 17: The Rescue Mission pt 2- Enter the Temple of the Laughing Warlord
We cut to the desert as we see Lori/Leona Kahn, Lincoln, Lynn and a troop of lion mutant guards riding blood trackers as they head off to find the lioness warlord's husband/king Bobby, who along with a few lion mutant troops went missing during a mission while Ronnie Anne and Luna are put in charge of the Grand Leone Sanctuary while they were gone.
Lincoln: So how long until we make it to this temple?
Lori/Leona Kahn: Another 100 miles far west of here. But don't worry, these blood trackers are almost as fast as a cheetah so they shouldn't have any problems on getting us there.
Lynn: Well at least they're not turtles, am I right?
Lori/Leona Kahn: (cold glare) Don't mock the blood trackers, even big mutants like yourself fall prey to these beasts like a horde of sharks and pharanas combined if provoked, especially rhinoceros mutants.
The rhino mutant athlete gulped.
Lynn: Noted...
The group continues to head west of the path as the blood trackers was following the scent that will lead Lori and the others to Bobby and his troops. However, they were unaware that they were being watched from afar as a few mutant raiders that were riding on armored mountain bikes while laughing sadistically.
???: (raspy male voice) So the Lioness Warlord and her little friends are heading to our turf, aye?
???: (female voice) Hehehehe.... Yeah, let's go alert the boss that we have fresh meat entering our territory.
???: (Another male voice) Yeah, it'll be fun once they step into her temple.
The mutant raiders laughed maniacally as they drove off through a short cut to where Lori and the others went to.
Meanwhile at the Grand Leone Sanctuary, we see Luna wandering the sacred training grounds as she was looking for her niece Leone.
Luna: Come out, Come out where ever you are lil one....
Leone was hiding behind one of the steel crates stacked up as she was silently chuckling.
Luna: (smiles slyly) I know you're hiding somewhere around here Leone, I have your scent so don't think you can get the drop on me dude.
Leone was climbing the top of the steel crates, looking down on Luna from above as she was ready to pounce.
Luna: Last chance lil one, come on out or I'll start huntin' for ya.
Leone smirks as she then leaps up into the air and went to pounce on Luna, who quickly turns around and caught the young lion mutant child in her arms.
Luna: Hehehehe, try nice little dude.
Leone: Awwww man. I was so sure that I had you there, Aunt Luna.
Luna: Well you were close Leone. (Ruffles the little girl's hair) Ya got a fierce spirit and brave heart like your mother, brah.
Leone giggles.
Leone: Thanks, I do hope to be a great warrior and hunter like my mother. I want to go out and hunt with mother and father but mom said that I'm too young.
Luna: Hehehehe, well big sis ain't wrong about that Leone. I know you want to hunt down and fight strong and bad mutants but charging in head first without the proper training could get you hurt or worse. And I know it's bogus that you have to wait until you're older but your mom's only doing it to protect you & doesn't want to lose you as you have your whole life ahead of you.
Leone: Sigh.... I understand. Thanks Aunt Luna.
Luna: No problem lil niece. Tell ya what, how about I help with some of your training, okay?
Leone: Nice! I would like it!
???: There you guys are.
Luna and Leone turn to see Ronnie Anne walking towards them.
Luna: Hey Ronnie Anne.
Leone: Hello Ronnie Anne, Aunt Luna's gonna help me train to be a great warrior.
Ronnie Anne: Huh? Luna, is this true?
Luna: Well, nothing too brutal. Just a few moves...
Ronnie Anne: It's cool, I help assist you guys.
Leone: Sweet!
Luna: Now get ready Leone cause we're about to teach ya the wolf's style of fighting.
Ronnie Anne: Now let us begin, your training starts now.
After another 100 mile run with the blood trackers, Lori, Lincoln, Lynn and the lion mutant troops made it to their destination. It was a gargantuan, near golden temple with a... massacre of dead mutant bodies were scattered around the area, the scent of blood loomed over the temple as Lori saw the menacing Hyena Crest on the walls of the temple.
Lincoln: The smell of battle and bloodshed reeks over this land.
Lynn: Yikes, it must've been a complete slaughter over here or a huge tornado hit this place.
Lori/Leona Kahn: Hyenas... I've heard of the group running the West of the desert, The Laughing Raiders, an Insane Unit of Carnage.
Lynn: And my guess is that Bobby and his troops ran into these Laughing Raiders and got captured.
Lori growls.
Lincoln: Let's just go in there and find Bobby & his troops.
Suddenly, the doors of the temple started to open up before the group's eyes.
Lynn: Hmmm... anybody else smell a trap here?
Lincoln: Yep.
Lori/Leona Kahn: We all know it's a trap but what choice do we have? We must be aware of our surroundings and keep a sharp eye out, be prepared for anything that dwells within this temple.
Lincoln and Lynn: Right.
Lion mutant troops: Yes your majesty.
The group got off the blood trackers and went inside the temple. It was a bit dark with eerie blue lighting from the candles handing over the walls as the walls themselves had markings written in blood.
Lynn: Man... anyone getting a horror movie feeling here?
Lincoln: This entire world is like a horror movie, Lynn.
Lori/Leona Kahn: Shhhhh...!! I hear something.
Lincoln and Lynn remained quiet as they heard a sound that the lioness warlord and her troops were hearing. It was faint at first but the noise started to grow as it sounded like... laughter.... insane laughter.
Hahahaha.... Hahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahhahahahahaha!!!!
Lynn: Ugh... this laughter is getting really annoying.
Lincoln: We're getting close to the source.
Lori/Leona Kahn: Be on your guard...
The group was going deep into the chamber as it starts to get darker and darker, entering a pitch black room. Lincoln, Lynn, Lori and the others held up their weapons on guard as they heard insane laughter in the darkness.
Hahahaha... Hahahahahaha... Hahahahahaha.... hahaha... haha... hahaha.... Hahahahahaha... hahaha... Hahahahahahahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHA... HAHAHAHA... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Soon, lights shined bright on the group as they saw that the room was a colossal den full of corpses, an arena ring where they were standing in, a huge pit a few feet from the ring and surrounding the ring were an entire army of male and female hyena mutants in armored riot looking gear while carrying plasma knives, sais, swords and all had maniacal smirk & grins while chuckling or laughing sadistically.
Lincoln, Lynn and Lori then noticed a lone female hyena mutant sitting on a throne surrounded by two pet, giant hyenas feasting on corpses. The female hyena mutant was a foot taller than Lincoln, has a feminine and athletic physique, long brown hair slicked back in a wild way, fair skin, light brown & black fur with dark brown spots, sharp ears and crazy yellow eyes. She was wearing a black sleeveless top, a right armored elbow pad, a golden utility belt, black jeans and golden boots.
???: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Welcome to my crazy yet humble den....
Lincoln got a good look at the hyena mutant on the throne, noticing the familiar features as well as the buck teeth with fangs.
Lincoln: Luan...?
Lynn: (looks at the hyena mutant on the throne) Hey you're right! That is Luan!
Lori/Leona Kahn: Luan...
'Luan': Luan? No, I'm something much more exciting! I am the Warlord of the West, Leader of the Laughing Raiders, Carnivore of Carnage! Hahahahahaha!!!
The Laughing Raider was laughing along with her.
Luan: (grins) And it seems like you're far from your home in the north, Leone Kahn as my raiders alerted me of coming here. More fun for me and my troops here...
Lori/Leona Kahn: Enough games! Where's Bobby and his troops?!
Luan: Oh Bobby, Bobby, Bobby....? Oh right, he and his troops are in my dungeon. I was gonna feed them to the giant chimera beast in the pit over there.
A huge, menacing roar was heard from the pit a few feet from the ring.
Luan: But hey, I can have some fun with you guys before I kill ya dead in the ring.
Lincoln: Luan, why would you do this? We're your siblings, have you forgotten who you are-
Luan: (snarled) SILENCE!!! The Luan you all knew is DEAD & GONE! I'm running this game now and this is just the sharp tip of the knife! (Grins insanely) So... who wants to play first? A game of Life & Death? Hahahahaha-hahahahaha!!!!
To be continued...
(Chapter 17 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter as well as my sketch of Hyena Mutant Luan. Lori, Lincoln and Lynn were on the process of finding Bobby only to encounter the Laughing Raiders and their Warlord Luan, who aims to kill them in a game of Life and Death. Can they survive Luan's twisted game & snap her out of it? Find out next chapter, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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