Chapter 13: Leona kahn's true identity- Sheer Brutality
In the city of the grand leone sanctuary, luna was ducking and dodging several lizard rogues acid spit as she takes covers to regain some distance.
Luna: blimey! These things never quit!
Luna took out several grenades, activating them as she threw them at the incoming lizard rogues, who screeched as they were caught in the explosion. More lizard rogues came as luna gripped her twin axes while she slashes any lizard mutant that gets near her. Then the wolf mutant rocker noticed a couple of lizard rogues being run over like a speeding train, seeing that it was lynn charging through the horde, skewering rogues with her rhino horn and smashing them with her high tech war hammer. The rhino mutant athlete stopped beside luna.
Luna: thanks for the help sis.
Lynn: no problem, but it's not over yet.
More lizard rogues were coming their way but soon, they were being jumped and overpowered by the lion mutant guards, basically slaughtering them as more of them came to the battlefield, tipping the battle scales in their favor.
Luna: Whoa... the lion mutant guards are going beast mode!
Lynn: looks like the numbers game isn't working for the lizard rogues.
Luna: hey... where's lincoln?
Lynn: I thought he was with you!
Luna sniffs the air for a moment until she got the scent.
Luna: he's in that direction, let's go!
Lynn: right!
Luna and lynn head in the direction where their brother disappeared to.
Narrator: with lincoln.
Leona kahn slowly turns around to look at the lizard warlord Drek with furious eyes. When lincoln got a good look at her maskless face, he gasped in shock.
Lincoln: oh my god... you're...!
Leona kahn had a familiar face, still had some lioness features but lincoln finally put in together that the lioness mutant wasn't just Leona kahn, the warlord of the North and queen of the grand leone sanctuary... she was the loud family's oldest sister, Lori loud!
Lincoln: Lori...?
Leona kahn or 'Lori' ignored lincoln and set her furious eyes on Drek holding her daughter hostage.
Drek: (grins savagely) awww, what's the matter? Touched a nerve? I can see it in your eyes that you wish to tear me apart, mutilate me and claw my chest open to crush my heart in your hands... but you can't touch me because you fear that I might destroy what makes you tick, take away your little cub and you're rendered helpless... powerless... afraid... hahaha!!!
Leona kahn(Lori): GRRRRRRR!!!!
Leone: (sobs) m-mommy... sob.
Her anger hasn't completely vanished but Leona kahn (Lori) was worried about her daughter. She wasn't stupid but furious and tries to keep a clear mind because one false move could end her daughter's life. She takes a couple of deep breaths until she calms down.
Lincoln: lori...?
Leona kahn (Lori) looks at lincoln.
Leona kahn (Lori): who's lori...? You mistake me for another, white wolf.
Lincoln: (in his mind) she doesn't remember me...? It must be memory loss.
Drek: you two, hold down the white puppy while the rest of you, make leona kahn suffer.
Two lizard rogues grabbed lincoln, holding the white wolf mutant down as the lizard mutants surrounded the lioness warlord as they ganged up on her. Leone kahn(Lori) could easily rip the rogues apart but with her daughter in Drek's possession, she couldn't fight back or risk her daughter's safety. The lizard rogues would start biting, stomping, stabbing with plasma knives or claw at Leona kahn(Lori), who roars out in pain as Leone was crying and lincoln glares at the laughing Drek.
Lincoln: enough!!!
Drek: oh shut up! It won't be enough until the lioness warlord falls, once she's outta the way, you're next!
Lincoln: why wait?! I'll fight you right now, you spineless bastard!
Drek: (smirks) patients, patients little dog, you'll get your turn.
Lincoln growled as he looks at the daughter, who was crying at seeing her own mother getting hurt. It worried him as he tries to come up with a plan. Then he noticed luna and lynn heading this way behind Drek, who didn't notice them at the time when the two louds saw lincoln.
They were about to jump in but lincoln shook his head, meaning don't jump in yet and wait for his signal. So luna and lynn hid, the lizard rogues stopped attacking and backed away from Leona kahn(Lori), who collapsed on the ground with several wounds.
Leone: MOMMY!!
Lincoln: damn it!
Drek: hehehehehahahahahahahaha!!! It's over, the grand leone sanctuary belongs to me! The warlord of the North, Leona kahn has been bested by me, Drek!
Leone: mom? Mom, please get up! Please!
Lincoln: Lori....? C'mon please...
Grunting and growling, the lioness warlord tries to get up to her feet but could only stay on her knees, breathing heavily and glaring at Drek. From their hiding place, luna and lynn were shocked to see the lioness warlord's true identity.
Lynn: (whispers) Leona kahn is Lori?!
Luna: (whispers) didn't see that coming dude, but we gotta help her and lincoln once the signal is ready.
Drek: (smirks menacingly) I never thought I'd see the day where Leona kahn is on her knees, kneeling before me, the sanctuary's new leader.
Leona kahn(Lori): grrrr... coward...
Drek: hmph, who's cares about what you think of me, this battle and sanctuary is mine now, I can't wait to have your head as my new trophy... (grins) I've won...
Lincoln smirked.
Drek: huh? What's with the smirk?
Leona kahn(Lori) was confused by the smirk on lincoln's face.
Lincoln: won? Hehehe... you haven't won a damn thing but a brutal beatdown, NOW!!!!
Before Drek could react, he was knocked down into the ground with a giant elbow drop, courtesy of lynn which caused him to let go of Leone, who got flung by drek's tail into the air.
Leone was falling to the ground but got caught by Leona kahn(Lori), who hugged her sobbing daughter.
Leona kahn(Lori): it's okay my little cub, it's okay. I'm here.
Luna started to tear down lizard rogues one by one with her twin axes, including the two holding lincoln down.
Luna: you okay bro?
Lincoln: yeah, I'm good.
The two louds saw lynn fighting Drek.
Lincoln: let's give her a hand.
Luna: yeah!
Lincoln picks up his pulse blade as he and luna charged into battle to assist Lynn. Meanwhile, Leona kahn(Lori) saw her army of lion mutant guards approaching her.
Lion mutant elite guard: your majesty!
Leona kahn(Lori): glad to see you... agh! (Winced in pain)
Leone: mommy, you're hurt!
Leona kahn(Lori): those plasma knives... cough, cough, cough, cough, cough... were poisoned... ngh!
Lion mutant elite guard 2: don't worry your majesty, I have something for that! (Pulls out a glowing blue bottle) it's healing medicine, drink it.
Leona kahn(Lori): t-thank you.
The lioness warlord takes the healing medicine and gulps it down as she felt her wounds healing and the poison within diminishing. She stood up, fully healthy.
Leona kahn(Lori): you have my thanks.
Lion mutant elite guard 2: no problem, the lizard rogues numbers are decreasing rapidly as we're having them beaten.
Leona kahn(Lori): excellent work, look after my daughter and don't let her out your sight... I have a reptile to skin alive.
Lion mutant guards: yes Leona kahn!
Leone: be safe mom.
Leona kahn (Lori) smiled at her daughter before turning her attention to the battle between the three loud mutants and Drek. So far, they were unleashing fury upon the lizard warlord but he won't back down.
Lincoln: you're gonna pay for your crimes against this sanctuary Drek!
Drek: you think you three can best me, hahaha!!! I've brought destruction to every feared gang in the wasteland, what can you three do?! I'm the new leader of this sanctuary and-
Drek was interrupted by a loud, threatening roar as he and the three loud mutants turn to see Leona kahn (Lori), eyes full of pure, blazing anger as she stomp towards Drek.
Drek: (smug grin) oh so you want some more, huh? Well prepare-GAK!!
The lioness warlord grabs Drek by the neck as she started beating down on the lizard warlord. Lincoln, Luna and Lynn were watching as Leona kahn (Lori) was unleashing horrific, devastating and sheer brutality upon Drek, who tried to fight back or run but the furious lioness warlord wasn't giving him any shot for a way out.
Luna: should we help Leona...?
Lincoln: I think it's best she handles this.
Lynn: ohh, that's not supposed to bend that way, talk about sheer brutality.
Luna: so bro... Leona kahn is our big sis Lori?
Lincoln: yep. Sadly, she doesn't remember herself or me or you. She might have amnesia.
Lynn and Luna: oh.
They watched the battle-no, the massacre the lioness warlord was releasing upon Drek, who was being maimed as he was yelling out in pain. His cries of agony echoed throughout the grand leone sanctuary for a moment until the cries cease as we cut to Leona kahn(Lori) standing above the beaten Drek, who looked like he was mauled and ripped limb from limb as the double edged blade was at his throat.
Leona kahn(Lori): (growls) this war is over... your rogues are dropping like flies, you tried to invade my sanctuary time and time again and you threatened my daughter's life... a fatal mistake you that'll cost you dearly...
Drek: cough, cough, cough! Agh... p-please... I beg you... m-mercy...!
Leona kahn(Lori): mercy... hehehe... oh no, there's no mercy for people like you. I made you a promise, didn't I? That the next time you invade my sanctuary, you would not escape my wrath this time...!!!
Drek: (frightened) no, no, noooooo!!!
Leona kahn(Lori): what happened... your confidence faded away, turning into fear...? You escaped and hid from me several times because you feared me... and you should fear me, because I am your executioner!!
Drek: no, no, stop! NOOOOOOOOO-GAK!
Drek let out a pain filled screech as the lioness warlord's weapon pierced Drek's chest, penetrating his heart. Drek let out a few painful gasps before he died, a permanent horrified expression on the face of Drek, gazing into the eyes of his killer, Leona kahn(Lori).
The lioness warlord took out her weapon from Drek's lifeless body as she let out a loud roar.
Soon, the roar ceased as the battle was won. The lioness warlord noticed lincoln, luna and lynn walking towards her.
Lincoln: well done lori.
Leona kahn(Lori): (annoyed) lori...? That name again? Why do you keep calling me that?! I am Leona kahn! (Roars)
Luna: dude, it's okay! You may not know us because you lost your memory but believe me when I say that we are your sibs, sis.
The lioness warlord's eyes widened.
Lynn: it's true, we see the resemblance and we know for a fact that you're really Lori loud, our big sister.
A wave of pain erupted in the lioness warlord's head as she clutches her head, grunting and growling.
Leone: mom!
Lion mutant guards: your majesty!
Memories flooded into the lioness warlord's head, memories of her old life and who she was before the explosion.
She now remembers everything.
Breathing heavily, Leona kahn(Lori) slowly turns to Lincoln, Luna and Lynn.
Leona kahn(Lori): L-Lynn... L-Luna... Lincoln...?
Lincoln: Lori, you remember!
The three loud mutants hugged the giant lioness warlord, who was shocked at first but slightly smiles as she hugs them back. The lion mutant guards were shocked by this but leone ran towards her mother and the three loud mutants when they broke the hug.
Leone: mom, are you okay?
Leona kahn(Lori): (slightly smiles) I'm fine my little cub, just a had some memories come back to me. (To the lion mutant guards) rebuild any damage done to the sanctuary by lizard rogues, search for any survivors or casualties and have that traitor in my throne room by nightfall!
Lion mutant guards: yes, Leona kahn!
They took their leave.
Lincoln: so are you okay?
Leona kahn(Lori): yes lincoln... I'm fine. Sigh... everything's coming back to me, my old life, the explosion... the world ending, my entire family transforming and me mutating into a monster... wandered this ruined earth for many years as well as uniting an army of lion mutants and all, becoming the warlord of the North and the queen of the grand leone sanctuary... I lost who I was but you guys literally brought me back, thank you.
Lincoln: no problem.
Lynn: no sweat Lori.
Luna: it's cool dude, glad to see our big sister again.
Leone: (confused) sister?
The three loud mutants look at leone.
Luna: who's the little lion kid?
Leona kahn(Lori): that's my daughter, Leone.
Luna and lynn: YOUR DAUGHTER?!
Lincoln: yep. Looks like I'm an uncle and lynn and luna are aunts.
Leone: so... you're my mom's brother and sisters?
Luna: yeah little one, we're not lions but we are your mom's siblings.
Leone: sweet!
Leone hugged the three loud mutants, who hugged her back. The lioness warlord smiles a little.
Leona kahn(Lori): well then, let's celebrate this victory guys with a feast!
Lincoln, Luna, Lynn and Leone: yeah!
The group heads to the royal feast hall.
To be continued...
(Chapter 13 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter as well as my sketch. For those of you who guessed this loud sister the most, you were right as the identity of Leona kahn is really LORI LOUD!!! The war is over but what's next for the four louds? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow fading to black...)
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