Chapter 12: An all-out war in the grand leone sanctuary

The three loud mutants head out into the battlefield as they were unleashing wild firepower loud style against the mutant lizard army.

A couple of lizard rogues were surrounding a lion mutant family of seven, the mother and father trying to protect their cubs. As they advanced towards the family, the lizard mutants were getting shot by lincoln as he cuts them down with his pulse blade.

Lincoln: get to safety, now!

The lion mutant family of seven nodded as they fled to hide. Lincoln saw more lizard rogues coming as he lunges at them with his pulse blade and starts taking out most of the enemy as more kept coming with blasters as the lizard mutants were shooting at lincoln, who ran for cover as he tries to shoot them away with his shotgun type blaster.

Lynn was charging through the lizard mutant horde, skewering the rogues with her horn. Several lion mutant guards were getting the civilians to safety while lynn would buy them time to do so as she would bash lizard rogues left and right with her high tech war hammer.

Lynn: you think you reptiles can stop me?!

The lizard rogues were ganging up on lynn, swarming all over her until the rhino mutant athlete sent them all flying.

Lynn: I eat punks like you for breakfast!

Lynn grabs one lizard rogue by the tail and starts beating the other lizard mutants with him. She then sees a water tower sprayed by lizard acid spit as it was about to fall on four lion mutant children cowering in fear of the lizard rogues. Lynn threw the rogue aside and runs through the attacking lizard rogues to get the children out of the way as the water tower falls, releasing water that splashed some rogues while some lion mutant guards killed a few by throwing their spears.

Lynn looks at the four lion mutant cubs.

Lynn: you ok?

The four scared cubs nodded.

Lynn: here I'll help you find your family, where do you live?

They pointed south as lynn told them to hang on as she would ram through the lizard mutant horde while keeping the lion mutant children safe from harm.

Meanwhile, luna was having her hands full with some lizard rogues. She was slashing them with her twin axes as the wolf mutant rocker was on total offensive mode against the horde as one tries to sneak behind her with an acid dripping grin to attack but it didn't go unnoticed by luna's wolf senses as she turns around and impales the rogue with a spear.

Luna: hmph.

Luna throws him aside as she storms the lizard mutant horde, striking anything that moves as she assists the lion mutant guards in taking down more incoming rogues.

Lion mutant guard: thanks for the assist wolf warrior.

Luna: (smirks) no prob dude, just lending a hand.

After getting the four lion mutant children to their home safely, Lynn took out her war hammer and starts beating lizard rogues all over the place and breaking their skull beneath her feet.

Lynn: come get some!!!

The lizard rogues hissed/roared as they swarmed Lynn with green pulse daggers to stab her but it was doing nothing to her steel rhino skin. Lynn smirked menacingly at them.

Lynn: bad move...

Lynn sends them fying into the sky with her war hammer.


More lizard rogues lunged at lynn.

Lynn: (grins) bring it!

Lynn lunges at the rogues.

Meanwhile, lincoln was running through the city of the grand leone sanctuary, shooting incoming lizard rogues through the chest and head while slightly dodging acid spit from them.

Lincoln: damn, they just keep coming!

A loud piercing roar was heard in the west direction.

Lincoln: huh? What was that?

Lincoln heads in the direction of the roar, while running there, he saw numerous corpses of lizard rogues which looked like they were ripped open and mauled to death by a predator.

Lincoln: man...

Lincoln got to the center of the city, seeing leona kahn mercilessly and effortlessly ripping apart numerous lizard rogues limb from limb. They tried to swarm her but she was wiping them out with her large, curved double edged sword as blood and guts of the numerous lizard rogues were scattered around the ground.

Lincoln: whoa....

Leona kahn turns her attention to lincoln and growled ferociously as she was about raise her weapon at him.

Lincoln: whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm here to help!

Leona kahn lowers her weapon.

Leona kahn: hmph. Wise choice outlander, if you were to turn on me... you'd be dead. 

Lincoln: I know you still don't trust me and my sisters but I'd rather have you as an ally than an enemy.

Leona kahn: hmph. Very well.

More lizard rogues appeared with malicious looks in their eyes.

Leona kahn: well here's your chance to prove yourself as an ally of the grand leone sanctuary. Leave no lizard rogue alive!!!

Lincoln: (smirks) gladly.

Lincoln takes out his pulse blade and howls while leona kahn roars loudly as the two lunged at the lizard horde, unleashing destruction in an all-out brawl. Lincoln then ducks as Leona kahn threw her double edged sword, severing lizard rogues heads as it came back to her like a boomerang while catching it. She dodges a couple of acid spit from the lizard mutants as lincoln would leap up and shoots a couple in the head with his shotgun while landing on his feet, slashing more lizard rogues with his pulse blade.

Leona kahn showed no restraints as she begins mutilating each lizard mutant rogue she could get her claws on, driving the double blade through their bodies and cutting them up into bits of flesh and guts. More lizard rogues lunged at leona kahn to swarm her but the lioness warlord proved too unstoppable as she sent them all flying and picked apart with her double edged sword.


As lincoln and leona kahn were fighting, a loud, deep slither-like voice yelled out.


The remaining lizard rogues stopped in their tracks as they turned to the source of the voice and immediately bowed down. Lincoln and leona kahn stopped as well as the two look to the source of the voice up on one of the rooftops of the city houses.

It was a male giant lizard mutant who rivaled leona kahn in height and muscle. He had multiple scars on his green reptilian skin, sharp yellow eyes, razor sharp fangs and wearing grey and black battle armor with spikes on the shoulder, elbow and knee pads.

He smiled sadisticly at the two.

???: hello there leona kahn... did you miss me...?

Leona kahn growled ferociously.

Leona kahn: you've come a long way to die, reptile.

Lincoln: you two know each other?

Leona kahn: (growls) apparently yes... that's slimy, conniving reptile up there is Drek... a warlord of the Southwest and ruler of the lizard rogue pits... he's been a persistent, poisonous thorn in my side as he tried to capture my kingdom several times but each time he's failed...

Drek: (smirks) but not today... how much are you paying your guards, huh? Cause I payed one guard more than enough to help me and my men infiltrated your sanctuary's defenses.

Leona kahn: oh yes.... the traitor will suffer for this as well as you. You've ducked, dodged and escaped my wrath on several occasions but this time... you won't be leaving here alive! (Growls)

Drek: (grins savagely) oh really? Tell me Leona.... how's your family? Are they healthy? Are they getting enough rest? Are you telling your... daughter good night as you tuck her in, tell her you love her and would protect her as you say that everything was going to be alright... that the monsters underneath her bed weren't real and they wouldn't get her....?

Leona kahn: GGRRRRRRR!!!

Drek: (laughs maniacally) Hahahaha!!! What a load of garage you're feeding her! In this world... MONSTERS DO EXIST AND THERE VERY REAL! And sometimes.. (grins) they would pay a visit to a certain someone's throne room, kill a bunch of guards and find their little prey, frozen in fear and unable to escape...

Drek's tail rises up as lincoln's eyes widened and leona kahn gasped in shock to see her daughter leone wrapped up with drek's clutches.

Leone: (scared) MOMMY! MOMMY!

Leona kahn: leone... oh no...

Drek: (smirks menacingly) oh yeah!! I have your little princess in my clutches, Hahahahaha!!!

Leona kahn: Leone!!!

Drek: now you and the albino wolf over here drop your weapons and surrender your sanctuary, your throne and your gold to me or else this kid won't live to grow up to be like her pathetic mommy. (Grins)

Lincoln: (snarls) ggggrrrrr! Hiding behind a kid to get your demands?! You're a coward!!!

Drek: (taunts) and you're a paper tiger in front a storm, little puppy.

The white haired wolf mutant growled angrily.

Leona kahn: (furious) damn you drek, I'll have your head on a silver platter if you lay a hand on my child!!!

Drek: yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't think you're in a position to make threats. (Grins) I hold your daughter's life in my hands and the moment you try to attack me, she dies!

Leone was sobbing in fear. Leona kahn saw this and growled at drek.

Drek: you may be fast, strong and an elite and powerful warlord but in the end... You're a puny, vulnerable, pathetic weakling. Hehehehahahaha!!

Leona kahn and lincoln snarled angrily.

Drek: Now drop. Your. Weapons.

Lincoln and leona kahn reluctantly dropped their weapons as Drek landed in the front of lincoln and leona kahn with leone trapped by his tail. He walks towards leona kahn, looking at her with a smug grin as the lioness warlord growls.

Drek: everything you own, your sanctuary, your people, your gold and your power... will be miiiinnne now while you. Have. Nothing!

Drek delivers a massive right to leona kahn's face, knocking the mask off her face as she fell to the ground.

Lincoln: Leona!

Drek: Hahahaha!!!

Leone: Mom!

The lioness warlord growled angrily as she slowly got up. When she slowly turns around to glare furiously at drek, lincoln got a good look at her maskless face and gasped in shock.

Lincoln: oh my god.... You're...!

To be continued...

(Here's my sketch of Leona kahn's daughter, my OC Leone, please like and comment on it.)

(Chapter 12 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter. An all-out war has broken out in the grand leone sanctuary, lincoln, luna and lynn are lending a hand to leona kahn and her people against the mutant lizard rogues and their leader Drek, the Southwest warlord kidnaps Leona kahn's daughter. What can they do to stop Drek? Also, Leona kahn's true identity will revealed next chapter. I know I said that it'll be revealed after two chapter but I decided to have it revealed next chapter. So which blonde loud sister could Leona kahn be... lori, leni, lola, lana or lily? This is omegacrow fading to black....)

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