Chapter 10: The lair of the Beast

Nightfall was upon the endless desert as the armored RV continued to drive up north. It was about 50 miles throughout the cracked road until they reached the mountain plains.

Inside the armored RV, Lynn and Luna were fast asleep while lincoln was driving. He too was tired but the white wolf mutant couldn't rest now no matter how tired he was, he wanted to get to the northern fortress which was a few more miles away.

Lincoln: *yawn*.... so tired but must get to the destination...... *yawn*.....

Luna: bro...?

Lincoln turns around to see luna awakened from her slumber as the large wolf mutant rocker was looking at him.

Lincoln: oh hey luna.

Lincoln turns his attention to the road as he didn't want to ram the armored RV into something by accident. Luna got up from the futon and walked towards lincoln.

Luna: linc... I think it's time you stop the RV and get some Z's dude. Look at yourself, you look like you're going to pass out at any moment.

Lincoln: nah I'm good luna... just go back to sleep, okay?

Luna placed a hand on Lincoln's shoulder as he looks at his big sister, who has a worried look.

Luna: c'mon lil bro... stop the RV, you need your rest man.

Lincoln looked at luna for a moment until he sighs as the white wolf mutant drove off road and parked the armored RV. Lincoln collapsed in the driver's seat but luna grabs ahold of him, making him stand up.

Luna: c'mon lil bro, you can bunk with me tonight since Lynn is using your bed and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable sleeping in the driver's seat.

Luna helps lincoln up as the large wolf mutant rocker places the white wolf mutant on the bed as she lays down next to him.

Luna: *yawns*.... well goodnight bro.

Lincoln: goodnight... *yawns*.... luna...

Lincoln and luna both felt asleep.

Narrator: 8:00am.

The sun arose over the mountain plains while inside of the armored RV, three loud mutants were still asleep. After a few minutes of sleeping, Lynn was the first to awaken.

Lynn: *yaaaaaawwwwwwnnnnnn*... (gets up and stretches her large arms) that was a good rest.

Lynn then sees lincoln and luna fast asleep together, she smiled remembering the good times she had, bunking with lincoln when she and lucy were having an argument, though she does miss her little spooky sister and hopes that she can find her and the others.

Lynn: well since linc is out of it from driving all night, I'll take over from here.

The sports rhino mutant heads to the driver's seat and starts the RV as she drives up road, continuing to go north. Another hour or two went by as lynn continues to drive until something caught her eye, it was a bit far but lynn could see something up ahead... it looked like a huge steel gate with a golden lion head crest on it as well as its walls stood by 50 feet. Lynn smiled as they finally made it to the northern fortress.

Lynn: Luna! Lincoln! Wake up, we're here! We made it!

Luna and Lincoln groaned as they awoke from their slumber, letting out loud yawns.

Lincoln: morning already?

Luna: *yawns*.... Lynn, what's going on?

Lynn: (smiles) guys, we finally made it to the northern fortress!

Lincoln: we're here?!

Lincoln and luna run towards the front to see the giant gate with a golden lion head crest up ahead.

Luna: sweet! We're finally here.

Lincoln: let's hope that the warlord who runs the place will let us stay for a while and acquire new upgrades for our weapons. Judging by the crest on the gate, this fortress must be run by lion mutants... we don't wanna underestimate them.

Lynn: don't worry about it linc... if they don't let us in or try to mooch off us, we'll make them wish they never crossed us.

Getting near the fortress, the three loud mutants see the gate opening for them. Once the gate was fully open, the armored RV drove in as lincoln, lynn and luna got a good look at the city within the walls. The civilizations here were heavily builded from scratch, houses and shops were forged out of the heavy scraps of metal. The civilians wandering through the city were made out certain mutants, mostly being lion mutants of men, women and children of different age, height, shape and size. Some of them were gazing at the armored RV, whispering to each other while the three loud mutants noticed they were staring at them.

Lynn: man, mostly half of the population here are lion mutants.

Luna: be on your guard dudes, they're glaring at us suspiciously.

Lincoln: yeah...

The three loud mutants found a place to park the armored RV as they went on foot in the city as most of the lion mutant population were glaring at them and mumbling amongst themselves.

Luna: (growls) they're starting to bug me with these glares.

Lynn: yeah, I say we beat the living crap out of them right now.

Luna: I feel ya sis but we can't. We need a place to stay for a while and some more supplies, if we start attacking these civilians we could get in major trouble dude.

Lynn: (grins) tch. No worries, once we meet the warlord who runs the place, we'll humbly ask for what we need but if it comes to violence... (cracks her large knuckles)

Luna: (grins) yeah, I know what you mean....

Lincoln: guys... we have company.

Luna and lynn look at her brother then at the group of lion mutants in gold and black gladiator-like tech gear with gold and black tech spears approaching them.

Lincoln: something tells me that these are the warlord's elite guards.

Lion mutant guard 1: (growls) who are you and why have you come here to the grand leone sanctuary, outsiders?

Lincoln: we don't want any trouble, we just want to have some words with the warlord of this sanctuary.

Lion mutant guard 2: or maybe you're trying to assassinate our leader and take over our sanctuary!

The lion mutant guards point their weapons at the three loud mutants.

Lincoln: no, we're here for some supplies and a temporary stay at your kingdom. If your leader provides us with that, we'll pay up. We have gold and plenty of it.

The lion mutant guards look at each other for a moment before turning to the three loud mutants with glares.

Lion mutant guard 1: very well, we'll take you to our majesty but one sign of a betrayal and we'll have your heads mounted on our leader's throne room wall, skin off your fur for rugs and devour your furless, lifeless bodies (referring to lincoln and luna) as well as make leather skin armor out of the big one (lynn) after we execute her, remove said armor and offer it to our majesty, got it?

Lynn: (growls) why you little-

Lincoln: (interrupting lynn) we understand.

Lion mutant guard 3: good... follow us.

The three loud mutants followed the lion mutant guards down the path leading to the warlord's palace.

Lynn: (whispers) lincoln, you sure we can trust these guys?

Lincoln: (whispers) yeah don't worry.

Luna: (whispers) bro they threatened to mount our heads on the walls, skin me and you alive of our fur and eat us.

Lynn: (whispers) and they threatened to make leather skin armor out of me, I really want to kill them.

Lincoln: (whispers) look as long as we don't get into trouble, we'll be fine.

The three loud mutants followed the lion mutant guards through the outskirts of the sanctuary until they reached the warlord's palace, the place was huge, well reinforced and has the huge golden lion head crest engraved on the large palace doors.

Lion mutant guard 2: you guys wait right here until we come back.

The palace doors slowly opens as the lion mutant guards went through it the doors closed behind them while lincoln, luna and lynn wait outside as they sat down.

Lincoln: I guess we have to wait here until they come out.

Lynn: ugh... this is boring.....

Luna: I feel ya sis...

Lincoln: c'mon guys, it won't be that long to wait. Trust me.

Narrator: 3 hours later.

The three loud mutants were still waiting for the lion mutant guards to come out of the palace but sadly it's been 3 hours and lynn was getting frustrated.

Lynn: (angry) that tears it! I'm busting that door down!

Lynn was stomping towards the palace door but lincoln tried to hold her back. (keyword, 'tried')

Lincoln: Lynn stop! We're not here to start a war here!

Lynn: I'm sick of waiting here, we've been sitting here for almost....

Luna: (growls; spoke through gritted teeth) 3 hours!

Lynn: yeah 3 hours! I'm done waiting!

Lincoln: (trying to hold lynn back) lynn, you can't do this right now!

Lynn: (glares) why?! It's a damn door!

Lincoln: that's not what I meant-

Lincoln was interrupted by the sound of the palace doors slowly opening up as lincoln and lynn stopped their tracks and luna standing up.

Luna: finally!

The door fully opens as the lion mutant guards came out.

Lion mutant guard 1: the majesty will see you three now...

Lincoln: alright.

The guards lead lincoln, luna and lynn inside the palace. Going through the halls, the guards bring the three loud mutants into the palace throne room which was huge, had a wide golden chandelier and a giant golden lion head crest on the velvet red carpet leading to the huge golden and black throne where the warlord was sitting at.

Lion mutant guard 1: now show your respect & bow before the warlord of the northern fortress, the leader of the grand leone sanctuary, the conqueror of numerous legions and the goddess of all lions, LEONA KAHN!!!!

Lincoln, luna and lynn reluctantly agreed to bow down as they got a good look at leona kahn. She was a lioness mutant who was bigger & taller in muscle and height than both lynn and luna. She has long messy blonde hair and wore a predator cat-like skull for a mask, had sharp fangs, golden yellow eyes, yellow fur and a long tail. She was wearing a black tank top, black and gold gauntlets, a golden utility belt, black leather pants and black armored boots.

The female warlord growled ominously as she spoke in a cold tone of authority.

Leona kahn: address your reasons for entering my fortress and choose your words careful... or else they'll be your last!

To be continued...

(Chapter 10 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter as well as my sketch of leona kahn. Also I did say last chapter that the warlord leona kahn will be a loud sister and a blonde one, so who is leona kahn?)

A. Lori
B. Leni
C. Lana
D. Lola
E. Lily

(Who is she? You can guess if you like but I won't reveal the answer just yet. What's gonna happen next, find out next chapter, this is omegacrow fading to black... )

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