Chapter 7

Ruzz was walking up the ramp to the ship as Lincoln was following behind him, "So, who was that?" Lincoln asked

"He was the local 'wizard' of the planet, or a Jedi, in his own words," Ruzz explained

"JEDI? WHERE?!" Threebate shouted as he pointed his blaster

"There is no Jedi! Put down your blaster, droid," Ruzz said as Lincoln looked at the two with a raised eyebrow

"What's a Jedi?" Lincoln asked

"A Jedi is a monk who has given up their emotions, passions, and even their lives for peace. They use some stupid mumbo-jumbo magic and light-sabers as weapons,. Also, they work 24/7, have no days off, and very few people without money are grateful," Ruzz explained

"Sounds like being a parent with extra steps," Lincoln replied

"Anywho, don't! Go! Near him!" Ruzz said firmly. Lincoln was about to ask why when Ruzz put up his hand, "I know what you're gonna say, and you just can't! I don't trust Jedi... or those of the Empire, why do you think I only take jobs from Zil' Oal?" Ruzz said

"I don't know, because you get free food and a room?" Lincoln asked

"That too, now go sit down somewhere, and here's the money," Ruzz said as he tossed the bag in his hands to Lincoln. Lincoln caught it as he looked down at his shirt and saw some blood "Okay... *sigh* it's gonna some a while getting the stains out of my shirt," Lincoln said as he walked up to Threebate, "so, is the B-2 ready?"

"Yes, commander! The B-2 unit is ready for repairs!" Threebate said

"Alright, let's get to it then," Lincoln replied.


Lincoln was opening the back compartment of the B-2 unit as Threebate was holding a small bag of tools "Can I have the wire-cutters?" Lincoln asked as Threebate handed Lincoln the tool

"Roger roger," Threebate replied

"Thanks... now let's see here," Lincoln said as he held up the book, "to fix the B-2 series unit, start, blah, blah, blah, cut the red and green wires and replace them, nag, blah, more stupid things... ah ha! Here it is!" Lincoln said as he cut a wire. He then got shocked with hundreds of volts as he fell on his back. His hair was sticking up and smoking as Threebate looked down "Are you alright, commander?" Threebate asked

"Oh yes, I'm just peachy," Lincoln said sarcastically

"Oh, that's good, for a second there I thought you got shocked with over 2,000 volts of electricity,"


"Oh... well, how do you feel now, commander?"

"Like I'm gonna turn you into a toaster,"

"Please don't,"

"I won't if you just... help me up," Lincoln said as he extended his hand

"Roger roger!" Threebate said as he helped Lincoln up. Lincoln sat up, thanks to Threebate's help, and rubbed his eyes "Fixing this droid was supposed to be easier with your help, you know that?" Lincoln said

"Really?" Threebate asked

"Yeah, but 'supposed to' are the keywords... *sigh* who am I kidding, hand me the book," Lincoln said as Threebate handed Lincoln the book.

2 Hours Later:

Lincoln was shutting the back of the B-2 unit as Threebate was cleaning the front. Lincoln then wiped his brow as he popped his back with a sigh of relief "Oh man, that felt great... let's turn on his power. Threebate, would you do the honors?" Lincoln asked

"Really, sir?" Threebate asked

"Why the hell not?"

"Roger roger!" Threebate said excitedly as he turned on the droid. The little red light on the side of the droid turned on as it stood up "Well, he's on, sir" Threebate said as he walked over to Lincoln

"Yup, hey! You feeling alright, droid?" Lincoln asked as the B-2 turned around and looked at him

"Who are you?" the droid asked

"I'm Lincoln, this is Threebate, who are you?"

"I am designated as B6-T0 and I am programmed with the sole purpose of killing Jedi," B6-T0 said

"Oh... well, this is something," Lincoln said as he opened the book, "did I mess up anywhere?"

"I don't think so," Threebate commented as Lincoln was quickly going through the book

"May we go kill some Jedi?" B6-T0 asked

"No, not right now... and B6-T0 is a bit of a mouthful... how about I call you SixxTee?" Lincoln said

"My new name is now SixxTee... okay, I agree to these terms... may we go celebrate with a go old round of killing Jedi?"

"We're gonna have to find you a hobby,"

"Acquiring hoppy now," SixxTee replied as he walked out of the kitchen

"Threebate, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid,"

"Roger roger!" Threebate replied as he walked out of the kitchen, following SixxTee. It took Lincoln a few minutes to realize what he had done as he started hitting himself with his book "Stupid Lincoln! You bad-luck moron! What the hell have you done to yourself?!" Lincoln screamed as he ran out of the kitchen, trying to find the two droids.

Even More Later:

Threebate, SixxTee, and Lincoln were outside as Lincoln was shooting targets. Lincoln was using the blaster-rifle he got from the time he saved Bane. He took a deep breath as he fired. He hit the middle of the target as he looked up from his scope "500 meters... huh, did better than last time," Lincoln said as he looked behind him to see Threebate firing at his own targets. There were three of them as he fired several blaster bolts, hitting them "Nice, shot," Lincoln said

"Thank you, commander!" Threebate said

"Hey, SixxTee? Wanna try out the weapons on your wrist?" Lincoln asked as he saw SixxTee looked at a tree, "SixxTee?"

"Hobby acquired," SixxTee replied as Lincoln looked up to see SixxTee looking at a couple of birds

"That's nice, buddy," Lincoln said as he saw Ruzz walking toward them. Ruzz had a small bag in his hand as he walked up to them "Lincoln, here, catch!" Ruzz shouted, scaring off the birds. An audible sigh could be heard from SixxTee as Lincoln caught the small bag "What's this?" Lincoln asked

"Your cut, you did a good job today," Ruzz said

"Oh, uh, thanks?" Lincoln said

"No problem," Ruzz replied, "hey, Lincoln, follow me,"

"Okay, coming," Lincoln replied

"You two, stay here,"

"Roger roger!" Threebate said as he watched Lincoln and Ruzz walk off.

With Lincoln and Ruzz:

Lincoln was following Ruzz through the cantina. Lincoln was wondering what Ruzz was going to when Ruzz walked down a hallway and turned to a door. Ruzz opened it up and went inside "Inside, kid," Ruzz said as Lincoln followed closely behind. Lincoln looked around to see a bunch of animal heads on the walls, along with a bunch of blasters and a bunch of holograms with 'WANTED' underneath them "What is this?" Lincoln asked

"This is my room," Ruzz said as he pulled up a chair, "sit down, Lincoln,"

"Okay," Lincoln said as he sat down in the chair Ruzz pulled up, "so, you wanted to talk to me?"

"Yes, yes I did," Ruzz said as he walked over to a desk. He grabbed something as he walked back over to Lincoln, "Here, take these," Ruzz said as he handed Lincoln a leather book, a key, and a knife.

"W-what are these?" Lincoln asked

"Well, that's an empty book, though you might wanna write some things in there, and that's a vibroknife. It has an internal generator to make the blade vibrate and can cut through many things," Ruzz explained

"Okay, and what's with the key?" Lincoln asked. Ruzz pointed at the wall and said: "You'll know what it's for when you need it... also, Happy Birthday,"

[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry it took so long to make]

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