Chapter 6
1 Week Later:
Lincoln was mopping the floor with Threebate. Picking up the bucket, Lincoln dumped a good part of it on the floor as Threebate asked: "You know, sir, nothing much has happened this past week,"
"Yeah, that's normal. I've only been here for... about 5 months, so I don't know what would really be normal," Lincoln replied
"So... what do you do for fun?" Threebate asked
"Well when I'm not covered in beer and bleach, I go out back and do some target practice,"
"You actually shoot, sir?" Threebate asked. Lincoln stopped as he looked back at the droid, "Who the hell saved your life when your leg was shot off?" Lincoln asked
"Sorry, sir," Threebate said
"*Sigh* Nevermind, speaking of; how's the leg?"
"It's doing fine, sir,"
"That's good to hear,"
"Know what else is good to hear, kid?" Ruzz asked as he appeared out of nowhere behind Lincoln
"HOLY HELL! What the fuck?!" Lincoln shouted, causing Ruzz to laugh. Ruzz lifted his head back as he pointed at Lincoln "Hahahahaha! Got ya good, kid!" Ruzz said as he clapped
"What do you want? We're cleaning," Lincoln said
"I got another job and I promise, you won't be missing a part of your head by the end of it," Ruzz said. Lincoln slowly moved his hand to the back of his own head, feeling the part of his skull that was almost blasted off "F-fine, what's the job?" Lincoln asked
"It's simple, we're going to another town to collect, some poor bastard borrowed some money from Zil' Oal and the Hutt wants his money back," Ruzz said
"You sure I won't be shot at?"
"I'm... 90% sure," Ruzz said
"And the other 10?"
"You'll be missing either an eye or half-a-ear," Ruzz said
"Those sound like good odds," Threebate said
"I never asked you," Lincoln said, "but you do make a good point... let's go, Threebate. Grab your gun and mine, please?"
"Roger roger!" Threebate said with a salute as he quickly made his way to the room he and Lincoln share. Ruzz watched as the ran droid ran, slowly turning back to Lincoln saying: "He's gonna die,"
"Why? You afraid he's gonna replace you?" Lincoln asked with a smirk
"No that's your job worry about, kid," Ruzz said, patting Lincoln's back
"I hate you,"
"Love you too, kid,"
"About time, droid," Ruzz said as he saw Threebate walking up the ramp
"Sorry, I had to top myself off before we left. I brought Lincoln's blasters," Threebate said. Ruzz took them from Threebate as Ruzz nodded "Huh, I'm actually surprised you got the right ones, know that your product line has a tendency to screw-up," Ruzz said
"Excuse me, sir?" Threebate asked
"All I'm saying is," Ruzz said as he pulled his blaster-pistol and held it up to Threebate's head, " you better watch the kid's back, droid. Or else you'll be in worse shape than when Lincoln put you back together,"
"Y-yes, s-sir," Threebate said with a hint of fear
"Glad we came to an understanding, just remember I have no problem turning you into a toaster... maybe a hair-dryer," Ruzz replied as he holstered his blaster. Turning around, Ruzz motioned for Threebate to follow as they walked into the ship. Lincoln was trying to push a door open as the two walked by "H-hey, Threebate, can you help me?" Lincoln asked
"Yes, sir," Threebate said as he walked over and pulled on the door. Lincoln managed to get between the door and started to push it open with his legs while Threebate pulled. When the door opened, garbage fell on top of Lincoln while Threebate jumped back "Whoa!" Threebate shouted, "Commander! Are you alright?" Threebate asked as Lincoln popped out of the garbage pile with a bucket on his head
"Yeah, I'm fine," Lincoln replied, "but... could you help me out?"
"Roger roger!" Threebate said as he helped Lincoln out of the garbage. But as Lincoln stood up, with Threebate's help, something fell down onto the floor. It was large with black armor. Lincoln looked down and saw another droid "What the hell is this?" Lincoln asked as he threw off his bucket. Threebate then looked at it as Lincoln turned it over
"It looks like a B-2, sir," Threebate said
"A what?"
"A B-2 Super Battle Droid, these things are expensive. If I remember correctly, for every 100 B-1's, there's one B-2," Threebate explained
"Really? Well help me get'em out of this junk, we'll work on him when we get into town,"
"Roger roger!"
1 Hour Later:
Lincoln, Threebate, and Ruzz were walking down the ramp when Ruzz turned around "Hey, droid, stay here and guard the ship, will ya?" Ruzz said
"Roger roger," Threebate replied with a nod
"Wait, why is he not coming with us?" Lincoln asked
"Let's just say I don't fully trust that clanker all that much," Ruzz replied
"O-okay... Hey! Threebate! Think you can find tools in there while we're gone?"
"Roger roger!" Threebate replied as Ruzz and Lincoln walked off the ramp. Ruzz then pulled out a small device and pushed a button. The ramp then closed up as Ruzz put the device in his pocket "Okay, let's get going," Ruzz said as they continued to walk. Walking through the small town, Lincoln saw many different aliens, but mostly those with chalk-white skin, bald heads, and black tattoos on their faces. Soon, Ruzz and Lincoln came up to a house as Ruzz looked back at Lincoln, "Hey, stand next to the door," Ruzz said
"Okay," Lincoln replied as he stood next to the door. Ruzz walked up to it and knocked "Mister Daquc! Are you home?" Ruzz shouted
"Who is it?" a voice on the other side of the door asked
"Listen, I don't want any trouble. Maybe if you open the door, we can talk... this doesn't have to end with blaster bolts in your head," Ruzz said as the door opened up to reveal a man with chalk-white skin, a comb-over, and black lines underneath his eyes and going down his chin "Who are you?" Daquc asked as Ruzz turned his head toward Lincoln
"Stay outside, kid, this will only be a minute. Don't let anyone inside, either" Ruzz said as he pushed Daquc back into the building and closed the door. Lincoln heard a click "He locked it?" Lincoln whispered as he pressed his head against the door
"What's the big idea?!" Lincoln heard Daquc asked as there was a loud 'TWACK' from inside
"You know why I'm here!" Lincoln heard Ruzz shout, " You owe, Zil'Oal money, you Rattataki son-of-a-bitch," Ruzz continued as there was a 'CRASH' from inside
"I've got a bad feeling about this," Lincoln said as he slowly removed his head from the door, "well, as long as I don't get shot again, I guess I've got nowhere to talk,". Lincoln leaned against the side of the building as he continued to hear Ruzz and Daquc fight. He waited and waited until Lincoln saw a couple of guys walking up to the building "Hey, kid, beat it," the first one said. He had red skin with black markings on his face and horns on his head with strands of hair. Lincoln shook his head as he said: "Sorry, I don't understand you. Speaking Huttese would help,"
"Well, well, well, looks like we got a smart-ass here," said the other, in Huttese, a Weequay with a braid over his left shoulder
"So you can understand what I'm saying?" Lincoln asked
"Yeah, loud and clear. Now get going to your mommy before I beat ya," the Zabrak said. Lincoln shook his head as he said: "I can't do that,"
"You really want me to beat you like a copper-skinned step-child?" the Zabrak asked as he started to crack his knuckles
"No, not really... but I can't exactly let you in either, trust me," Lincoln said as there was a bang against the door, "see?"
"Listen, kid, either you move or we bury your corpse," the Weequay said as he pulled out a blaster
"Excuse me? Is there a problem here?" asked as voice as the three turned around to see a man with brown hair and tan skin wearing light-brown robes
"Yeah, I think there is," the Weequay said as he continued to point his blaster as Lincoln
"Put down your weapon, I don't want to hurt you," the man said as he pulled out a small metal cylinder to his side
"This is getting boring, just shoot the kid," the Zabrak said as the Weequay started to squeeze the trigger. Lincoln tried to pull out his blaster, but the Weequay's hand went through the air as he screamed in pain. Standing between Lincoln and the Weequay was a girl around his age
"Beat it," the girl said as the Zabrak and his friend ran away. Lincoln took a sigh of relief as he said: "Thanks for helping me, I didn't want to get shot at,"
"It's nothing, sir," the girl said
"Sir?" Lincoln asked
"Ventress, don't make assumptions... I think he's younger than you think," the man said
"Oh!" Ventress said with a slight blush, "S-sorry, my name's Asajj Ventress and this is my master,"
"Hello young man, I'm Ky Narec," the man said
"Nice to meet you both, name's Lincoln," Lincoln said
"Pleasure to meet you," Narec said
"Hey, mind telling us why those guys were causing you trouble?" Ventress asked
"Well, I was sorta the one who started it," Lincoln explained. He had a shy grin on his face as Narec smirked "Really now? And you choose not to pull your blaster first?" Narec asked
"I didn't want to get shot at, almost died nearly a week ago," Lincoln said as he pointed to the back of his head
"I can see that," Narec replied
"So what are you doing here?" Ventress asked
"Just some... work," Lincoln said
"Work? For who?"
"Zil'Oal the Hutt," Lincoln replied. Narec's face became stern when Lincoln said that name. Lincoln didn't see Narec's change in demeanor as Lincoln looked at the glowing sword in Ventress's hand "Hey, what's that thing?" Lincoln asked
"Oh, this? Is this a light-saber, I just got it, so I'm not used to it yet," Ventress said
"Cool, do you think I can make one?" Lincoln asked
"No, not unless you're connected to the force,"
"The force? What's 'the force'?" Lincoln asked. But before Ventress could explain, the door opened behind them, revealing Ruzz with a bag in his hand and blood on his gloves, "Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Daquc. I'll be on... my... way," Ruzz said as he saw Narec and Ventress, "Lincoln, mind introducing me to your... friends?"
"Oh, this is Ventress and her master Narec," Lincoln said as Ruzz nodded
"Okay, nice to meet you both, but we have places to be... Lincoln, let's go, we're done here," Ruzz said
"Alright, we'll see each other later, okay?" Lincoln said as he started to walk along-side Ruzz
"Okay, see you later, Lincoln!" Ventress said as she waved good-bye. As Lincoln and Ruzz walked away, Narec waved his hand. Lincoln then stopped and looked to his left and his right "What the hell was that?" Lincoln asked
"LINCOLN! Hurry up!" Ruzz said
"Coming!" Lincoln shouted. Narec seemed to be surprised as he touched Ventress by the shoulder "Let's go home, Ventress, we have to practice your Jedi training," Narec said
"Yes, master," Ventress replied
'That boy... he's connected to the force,' Narec thought as he watched Ruzz and Lincoln walk away.
[Hope you enjoyed the chapter, sorry it took so long to make]
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