Chapter 5
"What the hell did you do?!" Lincoln shouted as Ruzz placed the crate in front of him
"That's for later, just hold them off!" Ruzz said as he tossed Lincoln an assault blaster from a pile of garbage in the ship.
"That's a 500 Riot Gun, 50 rounds and 2 clips! Use it wisely!"
"Threebate! I need some help!" Lincoln shouted as he saw the droid hiding behind a corner
"With what!? I don't have a blaster!" Threebate said as Lincoln saw a blaster lying on the ground behind him.
Lincoln kicked it over at Threebate as the droid looked down "Huh, that's useful," Threebate said as he bent down and picked it up, "what are my orders?"
"Hold them off until Ruzz gets the ship off the ground!" Lincoln ordered as he tried to push the crate aside
"Roger roger!" Threebate replied as he stepped out of cover and started firing. Lincoln slowly pushed the crate aside as a blaster bolt whizzed by and signed the back of his head "Fucking hell!" Lincoln shouted as he got behind the crate and started to blindly fire
"KILL THEM!" a gang member shouted
"FIRE!" another shouted as another volley of blaster bolts were sent flying by Lincoln. Lincoln peeked from behind the crate as he got down on his stomach and fired. He struck a Weeguay gang member in the head, killing him; meanwhile, Threebate has shot 3 gang members in quick succession. Lincoln continued to fire before he saw Threbate get his leg blown off "AHH!" Threebate screamed
"Threebate!" Lincoln shouted
"Commander! Help!" Threebate begged as a Weequay walked up to Threebate and pointed his blaster at the droids head. Lincoln stood up as he aimed his blaster at the alien and fired, putting several burn marks on the gang member's body. Lincoln ran to more cover as he kept on fire, trying to get to Threebate "Threebate! Crawl over here!" Lincoln shouted
"Roger roger!" Threebate said back as he began crawling toward Lincoln. Lincoln fired passed the crawling droid as he felt the ship start to move "Looks like Ruzz got the ship started!" Lincoln said as he saw Threebate reach out for him
"HELP MEEEEE!" Threebate screamed as Lincoln reached out and grabbed him
"I gotcha!" Lincoln said as he pulled Threebate behind cover
"Thank you! Thank you!"
"Alright, ladies! We're leaving!" Ruzz said over the intercom on the ship as it lifts off the ground. The door then started to close as dead bodies started to fall off and into the ship. When it was closed all the way, Lincoln gave a sigh of relief as he looked at Threebate "Come on, let's go talk to Ruzz," Lincoln said
"Uh, sir, who's Ruzz?" Threebate
"He's... my... master? Well, more like a teacher; truth be told, I've got no idea what to call him," Lincoln replied as he stood up. He helped Threebate up as they both walked up to the cockpit. There, they found Ruzz getting up from his seat and walked toward them "Well that went better in my head," Ruzz said
"Yeah, no shit. Look at the back of my head!" Lincoln said as Ruzz walked over and looked at Lincoln's head. Some of Lincoln's hair was burned or was still burning as Ruzz visibly flinched when he started to smell burned flesh "Ohh, that's gonna leave a scar," Ruzz said
"How am I supposed to fix this?" Lincoln asked
"I'm sure we got medical supplies back at the cantina... but for now, let's talk about the droid you managed to fix!" Ruzz said as he pointed at Threebate, "How in the ever-loving hell did you fix him?"
"I found a book,"
"A book?"
"Yes," Lincoln deadpanned as Ruzz put his hands in the air
"Well fuck me! At least tell me the droid has a name,"
"My name is R3-B8, but the commander says to call me Threebate," Threebate said with a salute. Ruzz looked at Lincoln as the ladder shrugged "I'm not even gonna ask, he's your problem now," Ruzz said
"Wait, what?" Lincoln asked
"You heard me, you take care of him. Like a pet. Do the usual stuff, change his oil, take him out for shooting, fix his leg when it's missing, I could go on but I won't," Ruzz stated as Lincoln almost forgot about Threebate's leg. Lincoln turned around with Threebate as he said: "Come on, let's fix your leg,"
"Roger... roger," Threebate replied as they both hopped out of the cockpit.
Zil'Oal looked down at the crate with a smile as he had a Twi'lek slave give him a bag of credits "Well done, Ruzz, well done indeed," Zil' Oal said
"Um, quick question, Lord Zil'Oal, but what was it we were sent to get?" Ruzz asked as Zil'Oal snapped his fingers. The Twi'lek slave opened the crate to reveal a large aquarium filled with eels, "Eels... Eels?! With no respect at all sir, that is a great misuse of your power!" Ruzz said
"I'm gonna misuse my hand upside your head! These are Fanteel's from the planet of Kamino! They make good steak," Zil' Oal said as Ruzz shook his head
"Lincoln lost the back of his for this shit?" Ruzz asked as he walked out of the room, leaving Zil'Oal to drool over his new food.
With Lincoln:
Lincoln was sitting in a chair as Yujnobi was wrapping his head with bandages "Ow, ow!" Lincoln fussed
"Oh, stop that, it was hard enough to shave the burned hair off your head. Besides, you needed a hair-cut," Yujnobi said as Lincoln continued to flinch
"But it hurts!"
"Quit whining,"
"I'm not whining, I'm complaining. There's a difference," Lincoln replied as he was hit in the back of the head "OWWWW!"
"That was for disrespecting me,"
"You're not my mother," Lincoln said as he crossed his arms
"You know, you never do talk about your family," Yujnobi said
"Why are you asking?"
"I wanna know about them, to pass the time," Yujnobi stated, Lincoln sighed as he smirked. He took a deep breath as he spoke, "My family was mostly girls, 10 sisters, a mother, and a father," Lincoln said
"10 SISTERS?!" Yujnobi shouted, "how did you survive?!"
"I just... rolled with it, ya know?"
"No, I don't. I grew up with a brother and sister... but who knows where they're at,"
"You had a family?"
"Like anyone else. My little brother was a toddler when I last saw him... and my sister, well she was working with me before I was bought by Zil'Oal," Yujnobi explained
"Yeah, my oldest sister, Lori, was always trying to be the boss of the house when our parents weren't around, but she wasn't as demanding as Lola, my third youngest sister," Lincoln said
"Sounds like they got well together,"
"Maybe? Lola tried to be a beauty queen while Lori tried to rule over the house,"
"Okay, so what about your parents?"
"I'd say, mom and dad... really... just weren't there enough for me. I'd always go to my sisters' events, but when I wanted to do something... they just said they couldn't do it," Lincoln said, "*sigh* I never really did why I did the things I've done. I'd always try to make plans and keep 'peace' in the house between my sisters, but it always blew up in my face,"
"Sounded like you were the thinker of the house," Yujnobi complemented
"No, that goes to my second youngest sister, Lisa... she's the reason why I'm even here in the first place,"
"How old is Lisa?" Yujnobi asked
"4 if I remember right,"
"WOW! She must've been a genius,"
"She was; taught at a college before too, she was brilliant... but I don't think I'll ever see them again," Lincoln said. He soon started to cry and choke on his tears as Yujnobi wrapped her arms around him, "Do you have any regrets?" Yujnobi whispered into his ear
"A few... I never got to say good-bye... I never told Ronnie how much she meant to me... a-and I never did get Lynn back at the 'Bad Luck' incident, I-I really wanted to punch her for being an idiot," Lincoln cried as he fell back into Yujnobi's embrace. She then began to rock him back and forth "I know what you mean, I didn't even get to say good-bye to my family," Yujnobi whispered, "how about you go to sleep. You've had a rough day,"
"Y-yeah, s-sure," Lincoln said as he wiped his tears away and walked over to his bed. Threebate walked into the room with a new leg as he said: "Commander, do you want me to do anything?"
"Y-yeah, c-can you do my chores for me?" Lincoln asked
"Chores?" Threebate asked
"G-go ask Yujnobi, s-she'll tell you. N-now leave me alone, I-I'm gonna take a nap,"
"*Sigh* Roger roger," Threebate replied as he hung his head and looked at the Twi'lek, "What are the commander's chores?"
"Here's his list," Yujnobi said as she handed Threebate a scroll. When he opened it, he rolled down onto the ground as Threebate smacked his head "This has got to be the worst job on this planet," Threebate said
"You wouldn't know the half of it," Yujnobi whispered as she sat down and rubbed Lincoln's head, making sure he fell asleep.
[Hope you enjoyed the chapter]
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