Chapter 4
1 Week Later:
Lincoln stood next to Ruzz as Zil'Oal was looking down at them, "So, you understand what I'm asking?" Zil'Oal asked
"Yes, Lord Zil'Oal. Go to town, complete the trade deal, come back," Ruzz said
"Good and make sure the kid comes back in one piece, the bathrooms have never been cleaner! I could actually eat food off the floor!"
"With all due respect... eww,"
"Get to work!" Zil'Oal ordered. Lincoln and Ruzz left the room as Ruzz looked down at Lincoln "Well, how do you feel, Lincoln? Excited?" Ruzz asked
"Yeah, but I'm kinda nervous,"
"Eh, don't be, you'll just be keeping the cock-pit warm for me," Ruzz stated as he patted Lincoln's back
"W-wait, I'll be staying on the ship?"
"Oh yeah, I'm not letting you actually come with me to the trade deals until you're 16,"
"Oh thank god!"
"But you'll be doing chores while you're there,"
Lincoln followed Ruzz to the hanger next to the Cantina as he stared in awe at Ruzz's ship. It was large and Lincoln's favorite color, orange!
"HOLY HELL! IT'S HUGE!" Lincoln shouted
"Well I need room for my things," Ruzz replied as he walked up to a panel on the side of the ship and started pushing buttons. The ship opened up and out came ship parts, bottles, cans, wrappers, some broken guns, and a bucket. Lincoln's excitement turned to one of annoyance as he realized that he was going to have to clean this up "So I'm going to be cleaning your ship while you do the exciting part?" Lincoln asked
"Yes," Ruzz deadpanned as he walked into the ship. Lincoln soon followed in the ship and trailed behind Ruzz. But Lincoln stopped when he saw something in the corner. It was burned along with the corner.
It looked to be broken as Lincoln walked up to it and tapped it's head "Hey, what's this?" Lincoln asked
"Oh, that? Just a battle droid, never really bothered to fix the thing though," Ruzz replied
"Droid? Like a robot?"
"Sorta, these things have advanced AI, but I've seen these things from afar. They. Are. Hilarious!" Ruzz said as he walked into the cockpit, "I've seen them run around like toddlers that just lost their toys,"
"So then why did you keep him?" Lincoln asked
"Guess I needed something to laugh at... but there's also a slight fear,"
"Yeah, those things are brutal when in large groups, along with the war and everything," Ruzz explained
"War? What war?"
"The war between the Republic and the Empire. Empire has their droids, Republic has clones,"
"Clones? Actual clones, like the same guy?"
"Yeah and I've seen them, it's like looking at a ghost," Ruzz said as he froze. Ruzz then slowly sat in his chair as he spoke: "Every time I see a clone... all I can see is Jango,"
"Who's Jango?" Lincoln asked
"Jango was... the best damn bounty-hunter I've ever had the pleasure of meeting," Ruzz said, "but then... he had a son... after that, he became a slave,"
"Slave? Slave how?" Lincoln asked as the ship started
"That's a story from another time, we've got to get to the other side of the planet," Ruzz stated as Lincoln felt the ship move off the ground
"First time on a ship?"
"First time on a space-ship," Lincoln answered
"Feels nice, doesn't it? Despite her being old, she's still kicking. Sorta like a woman you've been married to for 30 years... except she doesn't really talk back, but she speaks when she needs something," Ruzz said as they flew out of the hanger. When Ruzz did that, Lincoln fell to the floor and rolled back to the corner where the battle droid was and slammed into it "Ow!"
"Oh yeah, fasten your seat-belt," Ruzz said with a chuckle
"Thanks for the advice,"
"You're welcome!"
1 Hour Later:
Lincoln sat in the ship as Ruzz was making sure he had everything "Alright, blasters; check, flamethrower; check, grenades; check... Lincoln you have your blasters?" Ruzz asked as Lincoln pulled out his blaster pistol
"Only brought my pistol," Lincoln said
"Okay, be sure to have it on ya at all times, even in the ship,"
"So how long will you take?"
"As long as it needs to be," Ruzz replied as he nodded. Rolling his shoulder, Ruzz took a deep breath and said: "Hold down the fort, kid, I'll be back,"
"Food's in the kitchen and there's more blaster ammo under the oven," Ruzz said as he walked out
"Wait, this thing has a kitchen?!" Lincoln asked, but Ruzz was already gone, using a jet-pack to fly away. Lincoln watched in awe as he whispered: "Hopefully I get one of those," and closed the ship door. Turning back around, he looked at the mess that was the ship and started banging his head against the wall.
10 Minutes Later:
Lincoln had blood going down his forehead as he moved pieces of old droid parts, wires, and other things he had no idea even existed. As he pushed aside a bunch of wires and sheet-metal, he found a book "What's this?" Lincoln said as he picked it up, "things covered in oil," he stated as he opened it," but the rest is fine... well at least to the point I can read it,". Lincoln started flipping through the pages when he stumbled upon a page.
"Droid blueprints?" Lincoln whispered as he continued flipping through the pages. That was until he saw a sketch of the battle droid burned in the corner.
He looked back at the said droid and back to the book. He then looked at the language and saw that it was in Huttese "Well that makes things easier... and I could use a cleaning buddy... alright, let's see if those lessons with Lana paid off," he said as he stood up with the book and walked over to it, "I'm sure I can use the garbage around me, right?"
5 Minutes Later:
The burned battle droid was sitting on the dinner table in the kitchen as Lincoln sat down next to it and started reading directions out-loud "To start the repair of the B-1 series battle droid, first identify the cause of malfunction, yeah no shit," Lincoln said, "where is the part to fix the damn thing?" he complained as he continued turning pages. He soon found the page he was looking for and read the instructions out-loud again "Begin repair by removing the central command signal package on the back of the unit by pressing the buttons the antenna, huh, seems easy enough," Lincoln said as he did just that. He soon heard a click and the package on the back came off "Okay, what next? Now to start the internal repair, remove the cranial cover and replace internal wiring, making sure to remove all damaged hardware from the unit," he read as he looked at the droid's head "this is gonna take some time,"
10 Minutes Later:
"To fix the internal wiring of the body, replace all triplex wires (marked in green) and check the condition of the panel-feed wires (marked in red) by running power through them, making sure the unit may charge correctly," Lincoln read as he pulled out a bunch of melted wires. He rummaged through Ruzz's garbage and found wires of the same color. He put them in the droid as best he could and found a cord that matched the droids charging port. When he did that, Lincoln was blown back to the other side of the room and hit his head against the fridge, leaving a dent.
10 More Minutes Later:
"To reset droid to factory settings, go through the central command signal package and wipe memory card by holding down the red button for 10 seconds," Lincoln said as he opened up the package and saw the red button. He pushed it as he continued reading, "After hearing a sound signaling the memory wipe, this indicates that the unit has been reset to factory settings. To input commands, simply turn on the unit and state your name and your position, okay this should be easy," Lincoln said as he went to turn on the droid. But when he did, he got shocked with over 100 volts "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!". His hair was smoking and on end as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell to the ground.
20 Minutes Later:
Lincoln woke-up with his hair on end. His face was dirty as he sat up and looked at the droid "What the fuck happened?!" Lincoln asked as he read the manual "Warning: Do not turn on droid when charging... well fuck you too book," Lincoln said as he unplugged the droid and turned it on. The droids lights turned on as he seemed to twitch. The twitching soon stopped as he hopped off the table and looked at Lincoln "Uhhh, who are you?" the droid asked
"I'm the one who rebuilt you, my name's Lincoln, what's yours?" Lincoln asked
"My designated name is R3-B8, at your service!" R3-B8 said as he gave a small salute
"Okay, guess I'm your... commander?"
"What are my orders?" R3-B8 asked as Lincoln shrugged
"Uhhhhhh, help me clean up?"
"Cleaning? Really? My first order is cleaning?"
"Don't complain! I'm cleaning too! And from now on, I'm calling you Threebate!"
"So my name's Threebate now?" Threebate asked
"Yes, yes it is! Now help me clean up, that's an order!"
"*Sigh* Yes, sir," Threebate replied as Lincoln smiled
"This is great!"
"I've got a bad feeling about this," Threebate said as Ruzz came into the ship with a crate
"Start the ship! START THE FUCKING SHIP!
[Hope you enjoyed the chapter]
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