Chapter 2

2 Months Later:

"Alright, Lincoln, let's hear your Huttese," Ruzz asked as he placed a piece of paper in front of Lincoln, "read it to me,"

(From now on, Huttese and other languages will be in italics)

"My water is clean... and my... money... is... hollow?" Lincoln recited as Ruzz nodded

"Alright, you can read some of it, but the last word was 'vast'. Thank god for the sleep-recordings," Ruzz said as he took the paper away from Lincoln

"So you think I'm ready?" Lincoln asked

"More th-"

"RUUUUUZZ!" Zil'Oal shouted, causing Ruzz to sigh

"What is it, Zil'Oal?"

"Get in here!"

"Coming! Let's go, Lincoln," Ruzz said as Lincoln stood up from his chair. Lincoln's wounds were better, but his normal clothes were torn. So now he wore what seemed to be robes, boots, and a flat hat.

As Lincoln followed Ruzz, the ladder started to slow down in order to stand next to Lincoln. Lincoln looked over to his right just as Ruzz put his hand on his shoulder "I would advise keeping looking forward," Ruzz whispered

"Why?" Lincoln asked

"Just someone I don't want to talk to," Ruzz replied as they walked into Zil'Oal's room. Zil'Oal seemed to smile as he saw Ruzz "Finally! Hurry up, I've got a bitch of an itch on my left ass-cheek a... can the kid understand me?" Zil'Oal asked

"Y-yes, a-a little bit, sir" Lincoln replied in Huttese with a hint of fear in his voice

"Well, this changes things,"

"What does this change?" Ruzz asked

"Tell me... what is your name, boy?"

"L-Lincoln, s-sir," Lincoln said. Zil'Oal nodded "Lincoln, what an odd name for a human... tell me, do you come from Coruscant?" he asked

"W-what?" Lincoln asked

"Coruscant?" Zil'Oal asked, causing Lincoln to shake his head, "Mandalore? Alderaan?"

"N-no, sir, I don't think I've ever heard of those places before... a-are we talking cities? C-Countries?" Lincoln asked

"Interesting... do you know what planet you're on?"


"Oh my god, this kid probably doesn't know what part of the galaxy he's in!" Zil'Oal complained

"Yeah, something tells me I'm gonna have to be teaching him more, huh?" Ruzz asked. Zil'Oal put up his hand and said: "No! I have jobs for you that you can only handle. I'll have your... girl-friend, take care of him,"

"W-what?! Yujnobi? Teaching?"

"You got a problem with that?" said a female voice, making Ruzz and Lincoln turn. Walking toward them was a woman with purple skin and 'things' coming out of her head. She had a collar and a chain around her neck and a smile on her face.

"You think because I'm a slave I can't teach, huh?" she said as she stood in front of them

"N-no, that's not it! I-It's ju-"

"Stop talking! My itch as spread to both my cheeks and now I'm getting a head-ache!" Zil'Oal said

"Yes, sir," Ruzz replied as he looked at Lincoln, "alright, kid, this is my girlfriend. Yujnobi, this is Lincoln, he'll be s-"

"Working for me,"

"Working?! Doing what?"

"Clean the floors, the bathroom, dishes, normal things... and maybe help the slaves,"

"Will I get paid?" Lincoln asked

"I can see you're already starting to speak my language, but yes, you'll be paid what I find is suitable for the condition of work you do," Zil'Oal said

"Okay... not like I'll be getting home anytime soon," Lincoln whispered, remembering the time he asked Ruzz to help fix the device his sister gave him.


"So, can we get it fixed?" Lincoln asked as Ruzz looked down at the pieces of the disk. Ruzz looked down at the disk and then up at the ceiling "Kid, we've got a saying back from where I come from... I remember it going; you're more screwed than a whore in a village of sand-people," Ruzz replied

"So in other words, that's a no?" Lincoln asked

"Yup, this tech is so primitive, I think only an archaeologist could fix it. Even then, the components I don't even think exist," Ruzz said, causing Lincoln to bang his head against the table.

End Flashback:

Lincoln hung his head low as Yujnobi walked over to him and put her hands on his shoulders, "Come on, kid, we've got lessons," she said

"You start work next week, for now... just get used to the environment," Zil'Oal said as the two slowly walked out. But before Lincoln and Yujnobi could leave, Ruzz tapped Lincoln's shoulder and put Lincoln's gun in his face "WHOA! WHOA! WHAT THE HELL?!" Lincoln shouted

"This is yours, take it," Ruzz said as he flipped the gun so the grip was facing Lincoln

"W-why are you giving it to me?"

"You're gonna need it, just a feeling," Ruzz replied as Lincoln took it. Lincoln put the gun around his hip as they walked out of the room. Ruzz then turned back to Zil'Oal as the Hutt said: "Good, first order of business, my itch has passed,"

"Oh thank god,"

"But my second deal... is with a certain person I need removed,"

"Finally, a real job!"

"He's a Gungan that stole credits from me... I want those credits and his head on my floor, but the head in a bag, I don't want his stink touching the floor,"

"With pleasure!"

With Lincoln:

Lincoln was walking behind Yujnobi when a man with giant yellow eyes walked up to her "Hey, baby, how about you and me get together later?" he asked

"Sorry, but I'm busy later," Yujnobi replied

"I'm sorry, did I say that as a request? What I meant to say was, you're gonna give me a little show, here and now," the Arconain replied

"Well no, I've got something important to do my order of Lord Zil'Oal,"

"This is sad... you're a pretty girl," he said as he punched her and grabbed her, putting his arm around her neck. He held up a blaster to Yujnobi's head

"Alright! This is how it's gonna go down! I leave with the Twi'Lek and nobody has to die, got it!?" the Arconain said

"Yujnobi!" Lincoln shouted as Yujnobi put her hand up

"No! Lincoln! J-just back away! I'll be fine... this happens a lot," Yujnobi said

"You better listen to her kid... or do you want to die?" the Arconain said as he pointed the blaster at Lincoln. Lincoln froze as the blaster was pointing at him. He didn't know what to do... and then he looked down at the gun at his waist. But he couldn't kill, he was just a kid. Still deciding what to do, Lincoln was brought out of his thoughts when he heard a single 'pew' and the Arconain fell to the ground, dead. Lincoln looked behind him to see a blue-skinned man with a wide-brimmed hat with a blaster pointing where the Arconain stood.

"People always wanna ruin my drinks," he said as he walked over to the dead man, "serves you right for ruin my vacation,"

"Thank-you," Yujnobi said

"You can pay me back with some free drinks," the man said. He then started to have a conversation with Yujnobi when Lincoln noticed a man in the corner of the room with what seemed to be an assault rifle in his hand.

Lincoln saw the man raise his rifle up and saw that it was pointing at the man who saved Yujnobi. Lincoln, with no idea what he was doing, pulled out the gun at his waist and just as the man fired and missed, Lincoln shot him in the head. A loud bang echoed through the cantina as smoke from Lincoln's gun was still rising from it. The blue-skinned man turned around with his blaster ready, but he saw the man in the corner with a hole in his head and Lincoln pointing his gun at the corner. The blue-skinned man then smelled something and brought down his hat to see a hole in it "Damn bastard put a hole in my hat... little brat saved me," he whispered, "consider your debt paid,"

"What?" Yujnobi asked

"You heard me," the man said as he reached down and grabbed the Arconain's blaster, "Hey, kid!"

"Y-yes?" Lincoln asked as he was still shaking from killing a guy

"I don't think he'll be using this anymore... or that guy," the man said as he tossed Lincoln the blaster. Lincoln caught it as he was in shock "B-but I kill a man!" Lincoln stuttered

"So did I, who cares?" the man said

"W-who are you?"

"Bane. Cad Bane, remember it, kid," Bane replied as Ruzz came into the room

"What the hell happened?!" Ruzz shouted as he looked at Bane

"Well, well, well, Ruzz the Bruise,"


[Hope you enjoyed it!]

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