Chapter 15 ~ Haldir

Lighting flashes and thunder rumbles through the skies. Rain starts to fall, the drops can be heard falling on the metal armour of Theoden and his soldiers. I look up to the sky and smile as the rain gently falls against my face. I take a deep breath before looking back out into the darkness. I glance beside me to see the scared faces of all the men and silently wish I could tell them that they would survive. As another flash of lightening fills the sky I see the massive amount of Uruk-hai draw closer.

I gulp down a breath of air as the sheer realization of what was about to happen hits me. "Don't worry lass," I hear Gimli say and I slowly look around Legolas toward him and give a forced smile. Suddenly I feel something touch my hand and looking down realize that it is Legolas. His fingers intertwine with mine as he stares out at the Uruk-Hai army with worry in his eyes. I stare at him in confusion before he suddenly turns toward me and says, "Av-'osto," Then without thinking I reach up and gently running my fingers through his hair say, "Na lû e-govaned vîn," Then I gently place a kiss upon his lips before I turn and quickly make my way away from him and to Haldir.

When I reach his side he glances at me and giving a quick bow says, "My Lady," I nod giving him a faint smile as the Uruk-hai reach Helms Deep. I watch as an Uruk captain stands on a rock and raises his hand. 

Aragorn walks amongst the lines of elves as he says, "A Eruchîn, ú-dano i faelas a hyn an uben tanatha le faelas!" (Show them no mercy! For you shall receive none!) The Captain Uruk raises his hand and signals for the Uruk to stop moving forward. A silence fills the Fortress as the Uruks grunt and growl. 

"What's happening out there?" I hear Gimli say and I glance over toward then to see him jumping up and down trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening on the other side of the wall.

"Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?" Legolas says and I smile as Gimli laughs. 

The Uruk-hai begin stamping their spears on the ground in unison and beating their chests. Aragorn takes out his sword and holds it in front of him. The men load their bows and draw them back ready to fire. An old man loses his grip on his arrow and it shoots an Uruk in the neck. Aragorn holds his hand up, "Dartho!" (Hold!) As the Uruk falls to the ground dead I say, "Oh shit," The others growl ferociously. The captain Uruk thrusts forward his scimitar and shouts and the Uruk-Hai advance upon Helm's Deep at a run.

"Tangado a chadad!" (Prepare to fire!) Aragorn shouts to the elves making them load and aim their bows. I draw my sword as Aragorn calls out, "Leithio i philinn!" (Release the arrows!) Arrows rain down on the Uruks and many fall dead. Suddenly more and more arrows fill the sky hitting the uruks killing many. Aragorn raises his sword to the elves on the ground behind the Deeping Wall and says, "Ribed bant!" (Full volley!

More Uruks fall from the onslaught of arrows, but more come. "Send them to me! Come on!" I hear Gimli say and I smile at his impatience. The Uruks begin to fire at the elves with their crossbows and I lift my hand shielding the elves from the onslaught of arrows. Other Uruks set ladders against the Deeping Wall and I cry out, "Pendraith!" (Ladders!) As I walk close to one of the ladders and taking a bow from my back start firing arrows down at the climbing Uruk-Hai.

"Good!" Gimli cries out as he readies his axe. The berzerker Uruks are raised on the ends of the ladders as they are pushed to the top of the Wall. 

"Swords! Swords!" Aragorn shouts to the elves causing them to unsheathe their swords. Aragorn, Legolas, Haldir, Gimli, Me and the elves fight and kill the berserkers as they appear. 

"Legolas! Two already!" I head Gimli cry out and I smile as gracefully bring my blade across the throat of and Uruk as Legolas replies with, "I'm on 17!" 

"I'll have no pointy-ear outscoring me!" He says as he turns round and kills a berserker just as it reaches the top of the wall. 

After a few minutes I hear Legolas say, "Nineteen!" 

I roll my eyes before I turn to an Uruk and gripping my swords tightly in my hand rush toward him and using the nearby wall jump onto his shoulders and lifting my swords up forcefully bring them down piercing my opponent's' heart.

They continue to fight and kill the Uruk-Hai as Aragorn pushes down one ladder, which falls and kills many of the uruks still on the ground in front of the wall. I glance back toward my comrades and smile as Gimli is standing on top of the Deeping Wall swinging his axe and killing Uruks with each sweep as they climb up the ladders to the top of the wall saying, "Seventeen! Eighteen! Nineteen! Twenty! Twenty-one!" A pack of Uruk-hai are advancing up the causeway towards the Main Gates, shielded by their shields on their backs and at the front of the group. Aragorn suddenly notices them and rushes through the elves pointing to them and yelling, "Causeway!"

The elves turn to fire arrows at them, and the ones at the side of the group fall away dead. A huge metal spiked ball is carried roughly by two Uruk-hai and placed under the wall next to the sluice gates. Another pair carry another ball. The way is cleared and a berserker comes running through holding a lit torch. Aragorn suddenly notices him and shouts to Legolas, "Togo hon dad, Legolas!" (Bring him down, Legolas!) Legolas takes aim with his arrow and shoots the berserker in the shoulder, but does not stop him. "Dago hon! Dago hon!" (Kill him! Kill him!) I hear Aragorn yell out and I turn right as the bombs explode, demolishing the wall, masonry flies everywhere.

As masonry flies around, Aragorn is knocked out and falls to the ground. Gimli is hit by the masonry and too lies unconscious. I lie inches from Aragorn breathing heavily as the Uruk-hai run through the gap in the wall, water rushes through it . The pack of Uruk-hai advancing on the Gate have grown and are close to the Gate. Other Uruks barge through the pack with a massive ram. "Hold them! Stand firm!" I hear Theoden cry out as my mind goes in and out. As the Uruks stream through the gap in the wall, Aragorn comes round and shakes his head. Gimli, sitting up, still on the top of the wall, notices him, as Uruks are running towards him, "Aragorn!" Gimli yells out as he runs and leaps into the pack of spear laden Uruks from the top of the wall .

"Gimli!" I hear Aragorn call out making me find my focus. Gimli survives the jump and stands in the pool of water in the gap of the wall and begins to kill Uruks as they advance, but is thrown backwards by one and lands under the water. The Uruk-hai runs over him. Aragorn raises his sword gesturing to the elves still behind him, "Hado i philinn!" (Release arrows!) They fire their arrows killing many Uruk-hai. Aragorn reaches down and pulls me to my feet and after a quick nod yell, "Herio!" (Charge!) He holds his sword in front of him and races towards the advancing Uruk-hai as me and hundreds of elves follow him. As we fight the Uruks, Legolas from on top of the Deeping Wall, grabs a Uruk shield and throws it in front of him, using it to slide down the steps, firing arrows as he slides, and releasing the shield straight into the body of an Uruk as he reaches the bottom.

Gimli meanwhile, surfaces from underneath the water and is grabbed by Aragorn who drags him away as the Uruks flow through the gap in the wall, fought by the elves. We continue to fight and kill the Uruk-hai behind the Deeping Wall. Theoden looks on and shouts to Aragorn, "Aragorn! Fall back to the Keep! Get your men out of there!" "Nan Barad! Nan Barad!" (To the Keep! Pull back to the Keep!) I follow his eyes to see Haldir still fighting on top of the wall and a sudden memory of Haldir's death fills my mind and without thinking quickly climb up the debris to his side.

When I reach his side I say, "Haldir, nan Barad!" (Haldir, to the Keep!) Haldir nods and gestures to his elves. Legolas and an elven warrior grab Gimli on either arm and carry him, as he protests away. Haldir continues to beckon the elves to leave. "Nan Barad!" (To the Keep!) Haldir calls out to the elves and I keep close to his side and then all of the sudden I am grabbed by my hair and jerked back away from him landing hard against a set of stone steps my air leaving my lungs. 

"Melda heri!" Haldir cries as his eyes glance over to me before he turns to run to me he kills an Uruk, but then one runs up to him and stabs him in the stomach making my gasp in sadness as tears fill my eyes. He clutches his stomach feeling blood, and stumbles. As he turns the Uruk stabs him in the back. "Haldir!" I scream out as I quickly jump back to my feet and still wobbly fight my way over to him.

"Haldir!" I hear Aragorn cry out and I glance down to see him fight his way to the top of the wall. Haldir kneels seeing the dead elves on the ground before him. When I reach him he smiles at me as he says, "Melda heri," 

Tears fill my eyes as I give him a reassuring smile and say, "I am here my friend." 

As Aragorn reaches us Haldir falls back in my arms, dead. Aragorn places a hand on his own chest and then on Haldir's. He suddenly notices the Uruks running towards us and leaps up, punching an Uruk. He glances at me and as my eyes find his he holds his hand out to me.

Taking it I follow close behind him as he jumps to the top of a propped up ladder, swinging it to the ground us falling with it. We jump into a group of Uruk-Hai on the ground, fighting with all our might. Meanwhile at the Gate other Uruk-hai are still battering down the Gate with their ram. They make a hole in it and fire their crossbows through the hole, killing many men. At the Gate Theoden and the others attempt to push the Uruk-hai away. Aragorn grabs my arm and pulling me closely behind him runs up with the remaining soldiers into the Keep.

The Gate is starting to give way. Aragorn and I appear, and he touches Théoden's arm as we join in the fighting at the Gate. "Hold them!" Theoden says and we turn to him as Aragorn says, "How long do you need?" 

"As long as you can give me." He says as he takes his sword back from Gamling. 

Aragorn nods as he pushes Gimli, who had just arrived, and I into a side passage. The men surge forward to the gate and Theoden shouts to them, "Timbers! Brace the gate!" 

Meanwhile outside the wall, Aragorn, Gimli, and I open a secret side door on the right hand side of the causeway on the rocks. There is a gap between the rocks and the causeway. Aragorn peers round the corner of the wall, to see many Uruks fighting to get in through the gate.

"Come on. We can take them." Gimli says obviously pumped from adrenaline. 

"It's a long way." Aragorn says not taking his eyes off the dwarf. 

Gimli looks and hesitates, then mumbles, "Toss me."

 Aragorn tilts his head as he and I say in unison, "What?" 

"I cannot jump the distance! You'll have to toss me!" Gimli says and I smile as Aragorn nods and reaches down to Gimli's back. Gimli closes his eyes. Suddenly his eyes open as he says, "Don't tell the Elf." 

I chuckle as Aragorn says, "Not a word." 

Suddenly he throws Gimli onto the causeway amongst the uruk-hai and jumps after him. Taking a deep breath I follow suit. Between us we fight off the Uruk-hai leaving the gate free from attack. Gimli and Aragorn continue to fight. Meanwhile on the ground before Helms Deep, Uruk-hai are launching massive grappling hooks attached to rope at the Hornburg walls. They pull on the ropes once launched and raise massive ladders, with many Uruk-hai clinging to them, to the walls. Legolas notices this and quickly fires an arrow at one of the ropes causing the ladder to fall back to the ground, crushing many uruk-hai.

Suddenly Theoden calls to Aragorn through the small gap in the Gate, "Gimli! _____! Aragorn! Get out of there!" As Gimli and Aragorn turn to Theoden an Uruk grabs them both and Theoden disappears behind the gate as the gap is filled. "Duck!" I say to Aragorn and as he does so my sword slices through the Uruk-Hai's neck making him release them. 

"Aragorn!" I hear Legolas say and turn to see him throw a rope down to us from on top of the Hornburg wall. Aragorn grabs hold of it, and with his other arm holds onto Gimli. He turns to me eyes full of worry and I grin as I say, "Go!" Legolas and a soldier pull up the rope while I fight off advancing Uruk-Hai's.

When they reach the top I hear Aragorn cry out my name and I turn to see him lowering the rope and I clear my throat before using a nearby fallen Uruk as a step stool and jumping the rest of the way grab hold of the rope and hold tight as he lifts me to safety. When I reach the top he smiles at me before we head off toward the Keep. Inside the Hornbury Theoden sends out orders, "Pull everybody back. Pull them back." 

"Fall back! Fall back!" Gamlling cries out as the Uruk-hai finally break through the Gate.

As we run inside Legolas leaves a departing shot of two arrows as the doors slam shut behind us. "The fortress is taken. It is over." Theoden says and Aragorn replies while running with Legolas to carry more barricades to the door, "You said this fortress would never fall while your men defend it. They still defend it. They have died defending it." I turn toward the king as Aragorn says, "Is there no other way for the women and children to get out of the caves?" Theoden does not answer but looks at the floor. "Is there no other way?" Aragorn says insistently.

"There is one passage. It leads into the mountains. But they will not get far. The Uruk-hai are too many." Gamling says as the Uruk-Hai continue to batter the doors.

 Aragorn puts his hand on Gamling's shoulder as he says, "Tell the women and children to make for the mountain pass. And barricade the entrance!" 

"So much death." Theoden says dreamily as Aragorn and Gamling look at him quizzically. "What can Men do against such reckless hate?" Theoden continues and I look around right as Fili runs up to me a worried look filling his icy eyes. 

The Uruk-hai ram the door again. Aragorn pauses to think, "Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them." 

Theoden turns toward him as he says, "For death and glory?"

"For Rohan. For your people." Aragorn says and I nod in agreement. 

"The sun is rising." Gimli says and I look to the window as Gandalf's voice fills my head. "Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn......Look to the east." 

"Yes. Yes. The horn of Helm Hammerhand, shall sound in the Deep. One last time." 

"Yes!" Gimli says obviously excited. 

Théoden places his hand on Aragorn's shoulder as he says, "Let this be the hour when we draw swords together."

Gimli leaves to blow the horn of the Helm Hammerhand. They all quickly mount their horses and I look at Fili whose ears are pointed back as he growls at the door. Climbing up into his saddle I take a deep breath as the horn sounds in the background and Theoden speaks, "Fell deeds, awake. Now for for ruin and a red dawn." Aragorn draws his sword. Theoden puts on his helmet. Gimli blows the horn. The Uruk-hai break through the inner door. Theoden, mounted on his horse, next to Aragorn and Legolas raises his sword in the air. "Forth Eorlingas!" Theoden yells out as we charge the Uruk-Hai.

We gallop through the masses of Uruk-hai through the hall, killing those in our path. Gimli sounds the horn again, as we leave Helms Deep and ride onto the causeway where thousands of Uruk-hai still crowd. Suddenly Aragorn is drawn to a white light and looks up. Gandalf appears on top of the hill top next to Helms Deep riding Shadowfax who rears, "Gandalf." He says and I follow his gaze to see my father standing on the hilltop. The Rohirrim ride up behind Him and the Uruk-hai stop fighting and look up.

Eomer, Gandalf, and the Rohirrim ride down the steep hill towards the Uruks who surge forward holding their spears in front of them. As Gandalf nears the uruks he sends out a bright white light from his staff, blinding the uruk-hai. They ride over the uruk-hai and into their masses, killing and fighting. The Uruk-hai are fleeing from Helms Deep, Theoden, Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and I ride after them. They run to where a forest of trees has suddenly appeared. Eomer suddenly rides out in front of the men and says, "Stay out of the forest! Keep away from the trees!" They stand and watch as the Uruk-hai flee into the trees. The trees begin to move and screams are heard from the Uruk-hai as the trees apparently kill them.

We ride back to back into Helms Deep, where Aragorn walks up to Eowyn who is very pleased to see him, holds his face and hugs him. I look around for my father and upon finding him I run up to him and throw my arms around him. He smiles as he hugs me back and says, "I am glad to see that you have survived."

 I smile as I pull away from him and say, "I knew you would come, it was just a matter of waiting."

 He reaches up and gently touches my cheek as he says, "Your mother would be proud of you." 

Suddenly my mind goes back to Haldir and my smile fades. I hear a loud howl and turn to see Fili standing on the wall and I know full well why he is. "What on earth is that?" I hear Gandalf say and I chuckle as I say, "Um long story, I may or may not have turned him from a Warg into a giant wolf." 

He raises an eyebrow at me before he says, "You are using your gifts too recklessly." 

I groan as I say, "Mother was impressed with it." He opens his mouth to say something but I quickly walk away rushing to Fili's side where Haldir lies. As I reach him I fall to my knees and plant my head on his chest as tears fill my eyes.


In Helms Deep men are piling up the dead Uruk-hai. Gimli sits on a Uruk-hai smoking his pipe. Legolas walks up to him and stroking his bow says, "Final count.....42." 

Gimli chuckles as he says, "Forty-two? That's not bad for a pointy-eared Elvish princeling. I myself am sitting pretty on 43." Legolas swiftly draws an arrow and shoots it between Gimli's legs at the Uruk-Hai he is sitting on and smirks as he says, "Forty-three." 

"He was already dead." Gimli says narrowing his eyes at his friend. 

"He was twitching." 

"He was twitching......because he's got my axe embedded in his nervous system!" He grabs his axe which is embedded in the Uruks head and moves it so that the dead Uruk moves too. Aragorn walks up to them and says, "Have you seen _____?" Legolas and Gimli look around before they catch a glimpse of a familiar white wolf sitting atop the wall.

"There!" Legolas says as he nods toward her. Aragorn nods before the three of them head up the stairs. When they reach me they stop dead in their tracks as they see me crying into Haldir's chest. 

I feel someone touch my back and I look up to see Aragorn kneeling next to me comfort filling his eyes. "He died while coming to help me, it's my fault he's dead. I could have saved him just like I could have saved Boromir. Why won't the universe let me keep my friends from dying?" I cry out as I turn back to Haldir and grip tightly to golden armour. 

"There was nothing you could have done," I hear Aragorn say but I keep my eyes planted on the fallen elf.

"Aragorn's right lass, There was nothing you could have done to save him." 

Finally reaching my limit I cry out, "No you're wrong, you both are! I knew they were going to die but I wasn't able to prevent either of their deaths so yes it's my fault!" They stare at me in shock and my eyes widen as I realize what I had just said. 

"You knew they were going to fall." Aragorn says his eyes turning from caring to anger. I open my mouth to lie to them but instead give a heavy sigh as I say, "It's about time I tell you the truth."

They all stare at me as I glance back at Haldir and say, "I'm not from Middle Earth, where I am from you three and all of this; is just a story written in a book. I used to read the books over and over again cause they were the only thing I enjoyed. I never dreamed that I was the daughter of Galadriel and Gandalf. I didn't even know that any of this was even real. I tried so hard not to get close to anyone but I couldn't help it. I made so many vows to protect my friends but I keep failing. Why was I sent here if not to change who dies? I know you may hate me but I can't change what happened no matter how much I wish I could."

I look back to see them all looking away from me and my heart clenches. I quickly look back to Haldir and leaning down gently place a kiss on his forehead as I say, "Shall we meet again, Mellon." I grip tightly to Haldir's armour before standing and walking away Fili close behind me. I knew they hated me now, why wouldn't they? I would hate me. I walk back to my father and say as I avoid his eyes, "I wish I could go home." I feel Fili nestle against me and I force a smile as wrap my arms around his warm and fuzzy neck.

Moments later everyone mounts their horses and I slowly climb into Fili's saddle as I avoid everyone's eyes. We ride out and Gandalf rides to the top of the hill at the side of Helms Deep with Eomer, Theoden, Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, and Gamling all on horseback. "Sauron's wrath will be terrible, his retribution swift." Gandalf says and I sigh as I lean down against Fili's warm back. They look to the other side of the hill on Mordor. Thunder and lightning erupt and the darkening sky turns red, "The battle for Helm's Deep is over. The battle for Middle-earth is about to begin." Aragorn looks at Gandalf who looks back at him with a grim look on his face. 

My father looks back to Mordor as he says, "All our hopes now lie with two little Hobbits."

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