Ok people this is not just an authors note. Or a thank you. Or a chapter. It is all of dem! 1k READS=1000 MOTHER TRUCKER VIEWS! Ok I'm in love with Zane at my school. (No questions) BAI
(Aphmaus point of view)
My hair. Was red.
It didn't look like I died it, it was freaking glowing red. WHAT IS WITH THE GLOWING? Everyone, continued staring, though it was an awkward silence. There were to many emotions, for everyone that is. "What....." Before Travis could finish I ran off. I knew what was wrong.
(The "Killer's" point of view)
I'm not a murderer. I'm clearly, just, eliminating them, one by one. Don't ask me why, yet there is a reason. Aphmoo will be hard. Next will be, Hmmhmm..... Who knows. Whatever. I really don't care about them, yet I simply put the act on that I do. I'm very good at acting, did you know? Pretending to be "nice". Well inside this gurl ain't got no heart. EXEPT........ Hmmmm no one. Well.... There this one person.... Whatevs. Let's just say that, on the inside I'm, well I'm pretty insane, though I don't prefer that term. Oh well. I'm not that serious I'd say. I mean, when I act I'm not that serious either. I can run around like a sheep being chased by a wolf, while making out with a turtle, while getting married to a unicorn, WHILE, marrying 492,574,386 ants, and they wouldn't think that's weird. Sooooo, nothing to serious. (lol that's how random I am on a daily basis so coming up with that was really simple, lol😂) So I could say that hmmm maybe the brown haired one. You know, the... Wait, Laurence, laurence. Since I'm "close" with Aphmau I can get away with it. Unless, nothing. Hehe.
(Aaron's point of view)
Her hair was glowing. Red. Wait...
When I touched her she glowed... Yellow, then when she got Oh no.
I thought looking at her while blushing the smallest bit after one of those. I could tell she knew what was wrong. "What....." Travis began, but Aphmau ignored him and ran off somewhere. Katelyn and Kawaii chan chased after her, and no one stopped or protested against them. Oh no....
Katelyn's point of view
"APHMAU! DO YOU KNOW WHATS HAPPENING? " I yelled in sadness, yes sadness, and confusion. "Umm yeah! Kawaii chan wants wants to know what happened 'sniff' to you and 'sniff sniff' Dante kun." She said, half crying. She kept on running, and we kept following her, until she hit a dead end. She backed up. But I could tell something was wrong, yet Kawaii chan was half laughing. What's her problem. I noticed when Aphmau teleports, she looks down and closes her eyes, yet she keeps doing this but she's not teleporting. "Aphmau, what happened." I said as a statement instead of a question. All she said back was "if I'm not home by nine Kawaii chan call 911 for a search party." And with that she ran off before we could stop her.
Aphmaus point of view
This is not lit! (CallMeBrey1216 get the reference? Lol lit cows) And what was with the laughing Kawaii chan? Oh well i thought to myself continuing to run, I keep trying to teleport, ok and.... That didn't work... And ..... No. And... YASSS! I really only made it away a few streets. And that gives me a clue who it is. What I know is "Black Magic" got its name from a female demon, named Mage Black. What I know about her is she was the most skilled in magics like that, more than anyone, more than I am at mine. She's very dangerous. She's very good at acting, so I can tell how she did this. I can tell that whoever killed Dante is for someone else next. And Mage is someone close to me, yet I don't know who. About the glowing, it's Mage, and I can tell Aaron knew that too. Unless I didn't put on blockers again.... Whatever. I didn't know where to go and I'm not going home, so a bit out of Mystreet I sat a the outskirts of a forest. The glowing is a sign, saying that the murderer is close. EXEPT with Aaron..... He did that himself......
(LAURNCEs point of view) (kill him!😡)
As I was walking home I had my hands in my pockets and my head down. My best friend died. Garroth was beside me, but probably all he cared about was talking and how much more pizza we get without him. When we got home there was a note on the door and it said ... Ok sorry I still can't read. (Comment of you get the reference😆)
Garroth's point of view
"Don't worry. O n e o f Y o u a r e n e x t. Hehe. - you don't need to know." I said the note out loud knowing Laurence still couldn't read. Even I knew this was a bad thing. "WHAT ABOUT ME PIZZA!" I yelled running into the house, not knowing it said something else. "L a u r e n c e"
Laurence's point of view😡 (sorry about the different point of views, it's just I don't know what to put for everyone. )
Hopefully it's...... I can read now. And he skipped something. My. Name.
L a u r e n c e.
Kawaii~Chan's point of view
"KAWAII ORE HAANATANOO SHIRI WO KÓU KUDAROU!" Kawaii chan said. Kawaii Chan was forced to talk in Japanese for the rest of the day. Everyone playing looked at Kawaii chan Like she's crazy. "I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE OF WHAT YOU JUST SAID BUT IM GOING TO WIN!" Zane Kun said and Aphmau Senpai was laughing like crazy because she understood what Kawaii chan said. Shes not going to translate it. "KAWAIITYANGA KARE ON'NA DATO KÊN TADASHI DESU!" Kawaii chan yelled back at him. It was like a fight between Zane kun and Kawaii Chan, but no body knew, Except Aphmau Senpai, what Kawaii chan was saying. Eventually, Zane Kun won and Kawaii chan threw a fit. "DONOYOUNIKAWAIITYANGA KACHI TAANATAHA OO KINA ABURA FÁNG O SHIRI NONAIFYEA!" Kawaii Chan yelled back and stormed into the kitchen. Zane Kun followed Kawaii Chan into the kitchen. She pouted. Since Zane Kun didn't know what to do he just sat down on the seat next to Kawaii Chan's. "Umm Kawaii chan What's wrong." He stated as a command, not a question. "Zane kimi ni Kachi tatokawaiityan yoshimi ki shi , kawaiityanwo absulutly donoyounakawaiityanga gem teirukotonoaiadeagaaru chi teimasu." Kawaii Chan said. (I'm actually translating this 😝) "oh umm.." Zane Kun started but he was cut off by Aphmau Senpai. "Un warai. Kawaiityanga yoshimi kidzeinkunha Ima ha Kare on'na ka?". This made Kawaii chan blush. "Um warai?" Kawaii Chan said then ran off somewhere, her face as red as a tomato.
Zanes point of view
"Umm what did she and you say?" I asked Aphmau. "She's upset because you won and she likes you. And I said to her that she likes you. " she said very calmly. "I-
SHE LIKES ME?!" I yelled, so confused at was was happening. If only she knew I liked her and too.
Killers point of view
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. How am I supposed to kill him? Hmmmmmmmmmmm. I'll just get him to follow me. Hehe.
Lucindas point of view
I invited Aphmau for a walk to catch up. We haven't talked in a while, yet every time we do talk we end up fighting. This could be interesting.
Aphmaus point of view
Lucinda invited me for a walk. I was sitting at my driveway, yawning, when I saw her walk up. She was in her casual wear and I was in my casual wear. We started off, but it was an awkward silence. "Sooooo..." She started. "Umm..". "Yeah". "So hi?" I said as a question. "Hi" "sooooo how have you been?" I questioned POLITLY. "WHATS WOTH THE GLOWING HAIR?" She yelled at me IN POLITLEY. "WHATS WOTH THE SUDDEN VOICE CHANGE?!" I yelled teleporting in front of her. "WHATS WITH YOU?!" She yelled back, throwing a potion of invisibility on her. I didn't know where she was, yet I knew she couldn't fly, so I turned into my Athena form and flew upwards. I looked down and made a force field of water around and over us, and surrounding that was a normal force field. I did this because I knew she had potions to stop force fields, but potions can't go through water. I think she has one form but I don't know. I sort of got lost in space and the only thing I remember was someone calling my name. Aaron.
Katelyns point of view
I was at my house when I heard a knock at the door. "Who in the world is it?" I yelled. "Travis." He yelled back from behind the door. "What do you want, travis?" I said to him, not on a rude manner but more tired. "To see you!" He yelled, though he was probably smirking. "Fine." I said. I got off the couch and stomped to the door. I in locked it and turned the knob and only pulled it in a tiny bit, then sat back down on the couch. He opened it fully, closed it, then walked over to me. "So Hun, whatch ya doing?" He said. "Don't call me Hun, and I'm watching tv ." I said With a sigh. "K babe." He said, smirking. I rolled my eyes, and he was surprised that I didn't punch him. I was too, but something about him.....
No nevermind I didn't do ANYTHING. Hehe. "Sooooooooooo....." He said squinting his eyes at the tv to see what was on for a second. "So why did you want to see me?" I said absolutely forgetting what I thought before. "Katelyn why do you hate me?" He said. And there I lost it.
Laurence's point of view
I was sitting on my porch when I saw Michi walk up to it. "Hi Laurence~" she said with a fake smile on her face. What's wrong with her? She pulled something out of her pocket then everything went black. A knife.
Words: 1740 Sorry about the cliff hangers! I will give what happens next on the next chapter. And Michi... IS A VERY GOOD ACTOR! Should I do a face reveal? Idk
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