Help is on the way

 pov. Jason
I was about to lose my mind. It had been less than two hours since we had received Poe's distress call. It had been less than one hour since the leaders of the resistance had voted against a rescue mission."It's not worth the risk." The apologetic words echoed through my head. 

If General Organa had been here, she would never have allowed this. But she wasn't here. She was several hundred light years away and was meeting with the leaders of the new republic. As she had done so many times before, the diplomat tried to convince the government how dangerous the First Order really was. And as she had done so many times before, she would fail. 

Frustrated, I swept some machine parts off the dresser. They landed on the floor with a clatter. I quickly looked over the piece of furniture, didn't find what I was looking for, and next turned to the large shelf on the wall. 

I stopped in front of the shelf for a split second. Unfinished prototypes for modifying an X-wing were lined up close together on the metal shelves. Just yesterday I had teased Poe that the shelf would collapse at some point if he didn't finish some of his projects soon. I took a deep breath, blinked away the tears and continued my search. 

Again I didn't find what I was looking for."Where could it be?" I ran my hand desperately through my hair and squinted in thought. As if I were being controlled remotely, I walked through Poe's and my quarters and scanned every inch for what I was looking for.Finally I discovered the transmitter between two spare parts for BB8. I didn't even want to know how it got there.

 I roughly swept the components for the droid aside and grabbed the device. Still a little hesitant, I looked at the big red button in the middle of the transmitter. My brother Grogu gave me this transmitter only for emergencies. Shortly before he set off with Ahsoka Tano and Luke Skywalker to search for a newly awakened threat. The threat was older than the First Order. Much older and much darker. All three Force users felt this darkness for the first time after Luke's Jedi Temple was destroyed.That was four months ago. No one had heard from them since.I took a quick, deep breath. The First Order had Poe. This was definitely an emergency. Without further hesitation, I pressed the button. 

Immediately, the button began to flash and emitted a quiet, steady beep. I stared at the flashing light, transfixed. There was nothing I could do now but wait. Even though I would like nothing more than to leave immediately to save Poe, I needed support. Because the last tiny part of my brain that wasn't consumed by worry about Poe told me that I couldn't possibly infiltrate this base alone. I would die before I even reached Poe. 

With my shoulders slumped, I looked around the quarters. I couldn't stay here. I saw Poe everywhere. How he tinkered with BB8 at our dinner table. How he grinned at me with his soot-smeared face after he had spent hours tinkering with a new modification to his ship. How he ruffled his hair on the couch in irritation as I taught him Mando'a.I pressed my hand to my mouth to muffle my sobs. 

Angry at myself, I hit my temple with the palm of my hand. Now was not the time to cry. I quickly grabbed my jet pack from the holder on the wall and attached it to my back. I already had my blasters and vibroblade on my body, as well as my armor. On my way to the door, I grabbed my helmet, tucked it under my right arm and made my way to the landing zone. I had no idea how long it would take until Grogu would be here, or if he would even come. I just clung to the hope that he would receive my signal and stand by my side.Because even though the people around me belonged to the resistance, they rarely resisted the orders of their leaders. I could not expect any help from our ranks. Maybe they also knew that it was suicide to attack the First Order on one of their occupied planets. 

As soon as I entered the landing zone, I wanted to kick something or throw something around. It was completely cordoned off. The X-wings and fighters had been brought into our hangar. Only a few Lambda class shuttles were still visible. It was dead quiet. Not a soul was to be seen.Sighing, I slid down some boxes, pulled up my legs, put my helmet on the floor next to me and rested my elbows on my knees. In the ridiculous hope that I would already be able to discover Grogu's fighter I started staring up at the sky. 

Dark clouds were moving over the jungle around me. Thunder rumbled in the distance. A storm was approaching. I just stayed seated. I just put the transmitter in my leather belt pouch so it wouldn't get wet and break. The first drop landed on my head with a smack. I blinked and raised my head. Splash. Another drop. The drops kept raining down on me. My hair started to stick to my face. Drops of water clattered off my armor. 

I couldn't hold back my tears any longer. They poured out of my eyes uncontrollably and mixed with the drops of water on my face. Sobbing, I laid my head on my knees. Fear spread through me. The incredible fear of never seeing Poe again. Of never being able to hold him in my arms again. Or even worse. Of only finding his cold, lifeless body. 

The rattling sound of engines made me look up again. I was by no means an expert when it came to starships, but if a ship made such noises, then it couldn't be good.
With shaking hands, I ran my hands over my eyes and squinted to see the source of the noise through the heavy rain.My eyes widened in disbelief. A comet-like tail of smoke trailed behind the ship. The machine sank again and again, but each time it caught itself again and practically plunged towards our base. It was the Marauder. Omega and Kix have returned. 

pov. Omega
I squinted to see the landing zone through the heavy rain. I stubbornly ignored the warning lights. I was so focused on keeping my ship in the air as best I could that I didn't even notice that there were hardly any ships in the landing zone. 

"Omega, what are you doing!?" Kix clung to his seat next to me and sounded slightly panicked.
I growled slightly, "I know what I'm doing." I let the Marauder drop a few meters in free fall again, then pulled up again and repeated the process again. We didn't have enough thrust left to be able to make a normal landing approach. I just hoped we would make it to the ground before our engine gave up again. 

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Kix raising his eyebrow in disbelief, but otherwise refraining from commenting.With gritted teeth I extended the Marauder's loading device and hit the ground with a bang. Frustrated, I hit the controls with my hands. That was my worst landing in years. Tech was probably turning in his grave.
Next to me, Kix breathed a sigh of relief. "No offense to your flying skills, but please don't do that again."

A grin crept onto my lips. The soldier was actually a little green in the face. "Come on," I jumped up from my seat and went towards the loading ramp, grabbing my helmet and my bow. "let's deliver the boxes and get some rest." 

With the push of a button, I extended the loading ramp. Immediately, the rain lashed down at me. Without meaning to, I thought of Kamino. My home for the first dozen years of my life. In Tipoca City, the weather had hardly ever been any different. Even though my life there was never perfect, this city on the sea had been my home. And then it was destroyed by the Empire. 

I shook my head to get rid of the dark thoughts of my past and stomped down the stairs. Behind me, I could hear Kix following me. He held the transport cart on which we had stacked the boxes with both hands and pushed it down the steps of the Marauder. 

I let my gaze wander suspiciously.Something wasn't right here. It was far too quiet. Normally the landing zone was teeming with pilots. My eyes widened in horror as my gaze caught on a stack of boxes. Or rather, on the person crouched in front of the boxes. Even through the heavy rain, Jason's silver armor flashed at me. For a moment I heard my own heartbeat, my helmet slipped out of my hand and landed with a clatter on the ground next to me. 

Without waiting for Kix, I ran to my best friend. "Jason, what happened?" I practically slid through the wet ground towards the black-haired man."The First Order" Jason looked at me with reddened eyes, his voice sounded rough, as if he was about to die of thirst. "They have Poe." A tear rolled down his cheek and he grimaced as if it was physically painful for him to say these words. 

My hand went to my mouth in horror. It took me a moment to process this information "Who is leading the rescue mission? When are we leaving?!"even if Poe sometimes got on my last nerve, I had somehow grown fond of him. Even if I hadn't. Poe was a part of Jason. That was enough of a reason for me.

 Jason let out a mixture of laughter and sobs. "There isn't one." he murmured barely audibly and ran his hands over his eyes. "The council has decided it's not worth the risk and General Organa isn't here to slap them on the wrist." 

I was speechless. They couldn't be serious. They couldn't just abandon Poe. They couldn't just leave him to die at the hands of the First Order.
"They can't be serious!" Kix said my thoughts. The brown-haired man had picked up my helmet from the ground, held it in his hand and opened his eyes wide in surprise. 

He must have left the boxes behind when he ran after me. Because the scales were in the middle of the landing zone.
Jason shrugged his shoulders in despair. "They have imposed a general takeoff ban. No one is allowed to take off from this landing zone." 

I exchanged a quick look with Kix. Without having to say it, we agreed. We would not leave Poe to torture and death. "Get up." I held out my hand to Jason. "We have to go!" 

A sad smile appeared on Jason's face. "I can't ask that of you, you would be disobeying the direct order from the council."
I tilted my head slightly. "I have never been good at following orders." I held out my hand to Jason again.
This time he took it and let me pull him up. His gaze wandered to Kix, still uncertain. "Are you sure you want to do that?"
The brown-haired man nodded. "Without Poe's help, I would still be stuck in this chyro chamber. I owe him something." He tilted his head slightly. "It's the right thing to help him, and that counts more for me than any orders." 

Jason nodded gratefully at us and grabbed his helmet, which was lying about a meter away from the boxes.
I looked at the Marauders with displeasure. As much as I loved my home, I knew when the limits of this ship had been reached. Namely right now. It was a pure miracle that Kix and I had made it here safely from this moon. There was no way the Marauder would survive another flight. "We need a shuttle." I expressed my concerns and pointed with my head to one of the few shuttles that were still on the runway. 

The rain had lessened. Only a few drops fell now and then and so I had a pretty clear view of the shuttle that we were about to hijack.Without saying a word, the three of us ran towards the ship.
As soon as we reached the shuttle, Jason pulled out his vibro blade and started working on the loading hatch of the ship.
I grinned a little when I saw Kix's skeptical look. "He knows what he's doing." I whispered to him so as not to disturb Jason's concentration. Before Jason joined the resistance, he earned his living as a bounty hunter. This wasn't the first starship he had to crack. 

As if to confirm this, the door opened with a hiss. Before I knew it, Jason had disappeared inside. I followed him with quick steps. Behind me I could hear Kix's heavy footsteps. As soon as I was inside the ship, I went into the cockpit and started to start up the engines. Jason sat next to me and stared at the control panel, as if the machines would activate faster that way. "Kix, go to the weapons as a precaution," I asked him. "Just to be safe." Who knew if they would try to stop us with fighters. 

Kix nodded, put on his helmet and dropped into the seat of the rear gun. "Let's go," his voice rang out from the built-in microphone in my helmet.As if to confirm his words, the engines roared to life. I looked at Jason, who had also put on his helmet, through my helmet. "Let's bring him home." I slowly pulled the controls up and took off from the ground. 

I was not even a meter above the ground when the radio message came from the tower: "Shuttle A7567, you do not have permission to take off."
I ignored the penetrating voice and steered the shuttle out of the landing bay."Shuttle A7567, terminate the takeoff sequence immediately!" the voice rang out again. 

Beside me, Jason growled and clenched his hands into fists. "If you don't want to help Poe, then you'll have to live with it!" he barked into the ship's comms. "But I won't let him down!" 

For a moment it was quiet. I thought we had gotten rid of them. But then the tower's voice crackled again "Shuttle A7567, you won't survive this! Abort the mission!" 

I pressed my lips together determinedly "Negative!" without another word, I hit the gas and we shot out of the landing zone.

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