Part 45
This is it, the wedding day, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and the journey we had together after all these years. Get you tissues ready, you blankets or whatever you need to comfort you. Cause the next chapter would be an epilogue, the very last chapter. Please read the author note at the end. ITS IMPORTANT!!!!
Song of this chapter :
Light me up - Ingrid Michaelson (During Alec's entrance)
Hold on - Chord Overstreet
Us - James Bay (Dance scene) I'm an afternators now, Shadowfam is still my heart and soul.
You mean the world to me - Freya Ridings
I get to love you : Ruelle
"Unbelievable." Alec said shaking his head with his palm on his face hiding his embarrassment. "Are you gonna stand there or you gonna help me?" When Alec stepped in the room, Magnus was all on heat, groaning, moaning clutching his manhood with his tight grasp bathing himself under coated of sweats glistened all over his naked body. The only thing covering him was the thin sheet that cover up to his thigh.
"You couldn't wait?" Alec asked. "How am I supposed to know you are going to break my mother's rules. If I knew I would have waited for you love." He said smiling ear to ear with his hand still stroking his manhood. Alec smirked climbing on the bed sitting himself in between Magnus leg. He grabbed Magnus' hand that stroking the hardened shaft in his and replaced the movement.
"Fuck how did you do that?" Magnus asked as he tilted his head back and one arm clutching Alec's free arm on his side. "Do what?" He asked innocently trying his best to hide his proud face. "Touch me and make me cum within seconds." He said and Alec smiled, grasping a little bit harder than earlier. "Did you masturbate on my photo?" He asked and Magnus was over the edge with his raspy voice. "Fuck yes." He groaned biting his lower lip.
"Then cum." Alec whispered letting his tongue lingered over his aching nipples. "Come for me babe." He whispered kissing Magnus' jaw and neck which made him closer to his released. "Alexander, I'm uhh- oh god." He grasped harder on Alec's arm letting him stroking him harder and faster. "No sweetheart, just me." Alec whispered and they both locked eyes, his brown met Alec's hazel's eyes and he found his peace and his heart was at home.
He found his released shortly after and squirted his warm seeds all over his abs and on Alec's hand. He panted in his own breath as he looked at Alec's. "I love you." He said and Alec leaned to kiss him, soft but just what he wanted, "I love you."
They both cleaned up and afterwards Magnus wanted to return a favor and already start kissing Alec's neck and when he went lower to his abdomen, Alec pulled him back. "I just want to sleep with you tonight before we are officially married tomorrow." He said and Magnus crooked his eyebrow in confused over Alec's refusing to have sex with him.
Alec leaned to kiss him and let his body lay on his side while he continued kissing him, "We have our whole life together to have sex but lets just sleep tonight." He said and Magnus smiled. "Okay sweetheart, anything you want." He said stroking Alec's hair back from his head. He pulled him closer so Alec would rest his head on Magnus' chest and he fell asleep a few minutes after. They both were.
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" A sudden shrill of woman's voice startled both Alec and Magnus from their sleep and quickly detached from each other. "Magnus I told you! It's superstitious!" Magdalene screamed holding both of her cheek with her palm. "Mother you told me and I did. I stayed in the room as you told me but no one say Alec couldn't come in here." He said smugly with Alec still half asleep on his chest.
"That's it, this wedding a disaster and you both better get your ass up and get ready." She said storming out from the room with Magnus laughing behind her. "Separately!" She screamed and slammed the door shut. Alec startled by the sound and immediately got up from his embrace, "What happened? What time is it?" He asked rubbing his eyes off and grabbed Magnus' phone from the table. "Shit!" He said looking at the time almost eight in the morning and quickly jumped out from the bed.
"Relax darling, the ceremony won't start without us. We're the VIP's remember?" He said rolling on his stomach looking at Alec standing putting on Magnus' shirt over his body, Magnus couldn't believe how hot he look when Alec wear his clothes. "Very funny, come one, get ready." He said and was about to turn and leave but Magnus pulled his hand and he twisted back and crashed his chest together.
Their lips crashed together and Magnus hand travels all the way to Alec's ass and squeezed them together. Alec groaned in their kisses and Magnus smirked, "I'll see you in couple of hours." He said giving him one last kiss and Magnus nodded releasing his hand and watched him left the room.
After shower Alec dried his body with a towel and start putting on his clothes. Started with his brief, his white trousers, his dress shirt, his vest and lastly his jacket. He got the cufflinks out and placed them pulling his dress shirt a bit to show them out. The gold band of the cufflinks matches the bow tie he has. Emmet does have an exquisite taste, a satin material is glistening on the light and his hair, well Izzy had it to thank for, she did wonders on his stubborn curls and combed neatly without falling on his forehead.
"You look amazing Alec." Maryse called behind him and he turned to meet his mother's gaze. He smiled holding his arm out for her and she jogged to his embrace. "I can't believe my boy is getting married." She said pulling away from their hugs and looked at Alec up and down, he look incredible dashing. "Mama you said that ever since we said we are getting married."
Alec smiled at her and she had her tears pooling in her eyes. "Mum, please don't start crying. It's supposed to be a happy day remember? We had enough tears shed already." Alec said hugging his mother and rested his chin on her head. "I know I'm sorry. But I guess you could spare your mother for today, it's rather an emotional day for all of us." She said dapping her eyes with her finger.
"May I come in?" A sudden voice came through and the door was opened, Robert came with his black tuxedo's and a white rose placed neatly on his lapels with baby breaths tied altogether, he smirk, knowing it Magnus' idea for the family members flowers. "Dad." He said smiling, it felt foreign to call him that but Alec honored him as his father, though its not his biological father but he is the one who raised him and if he didn't, god knows how Alec might have ended be, probably like Liam.
"Can I have a word?" He said placing his palm on Maryse back, she nodded kissing Alec's cheek and she turned to kiss her husbands and left the room after. Alec smiled seeing his parents happy bring his heart to joy. Robert cleared his throat before grabbed something from his pocket.
"It was your grandfather's, my father, I guess it fits for something blue." He said and placed a lapels pendant on his palm. The pendant was an archer's bow and arrow with a small blue diamond at the arrow head carved into its shape. "Dad, are you- are you sure?" He asked feeling insecure since he wasn't a Lightwood bloodline.
Robert smiled, placing the pendant on Alec's gold lapel and the blue diamond sparkle on its own. "You are my son, a Lightwood, no matter what. You will honor it, and passed on to the next Lightwood." He said tapping Alec's shoulder.
Tears polling on Alec's eyes and it fell without him noticed. He looked into his father's eyes and sobbed came through. "I'm so sorry about Max." He said and Robert looked at him with a sad expression cleared on his face. "Oh Alec, it's all in the past now. Max would be happy to be here with us if he could." Robert said and cupped his cheek. He looked down to his feet and more tears coming, "I'm sorry for everything that happened to our family."
Robert couldn't bear looking at Alec keep blaming himself for everything that happened, he pulled him to his chest and hugged his tall body. Alec wrapped his hand around Robert's neck and sobbed more. "You are never to be blame for what happened. Its all of us together. Please promise me you look beyond it, embrace a new life despite whatever past is dwelling inside your mind Alexander." Alec nodded in his shoulder and smiled a happy smile for him. They pulled away and Robert rubbed his thumb over Alec's cheek to wipe his tears away.
"Now, let's get you walk the aisle before I changed my mind." He said and Alec chuckled.
Before they entered the entranced of their terrace, he noticed the flowers covering the entrance, Emmett had outdone himself. The roses mixed with hydrangea that had more than one color but dashed with couple of baby breaths and lavender. Its beautiful, a gate to his forever happiness. He was caught in his trance when Jace called him and as he turned, Jace hugged him in a brotherly hug. "Congratulations man." He said and Alec smiled thanking him.
"Do you got the rings?" He asked and Jace scoffed. "Alec when do you ever gonna believe me?" He said and opening his palm with his ring to be given to Magnus. He placed them back in his pocket and tapped Alec's cheek, a little bit harder on the last slap on his back encouraging him but he didn't like it. He wrapped his strong arm around Jace's neck and he fought best he could. "Boys behave."
His mother voice stopped them from playing around and when Alec looked at his mother, she walked in with Isabelle by her side, beauty as Aphrodite herself. Her long black hair pinned to one side with a rose gold colored flower pin, her long dressed hugged her curves nicely and her hand carrying a bouquet of flowers just like Alec had imagined them. Her make up is light but it's astonishing for a groom's sister.
"Won't you guys ever stopped with the childish play? Seriously Alec you are getting married." She said and Alec and Jace smiled. "You look stunning Isabelle." Alec said eyeing his little sister, the first person he saw when they were separated for years. He remembered the first day when he met her after how many years apart.
Izzy knows her brother better than anyone so she went up to him and hugged her petite body around Alec's torso. "Don't cry." He said but Izzy can't help his tears from falling. Alec pulled back rubbing his thumb over her cheek, careful on not to smear her make up. She nodded putting back her happiest smile on her face. "Come on Lightwoods, the Bane are waiting." Emmet said behind them and Alec chuckled, all of them stood at their places where they should be. Izzy walked first followed by Jace and Maryse. Robert would walked Alec together to the altar.
As the door opened, the terrace is heavenly beautiful. White wooden chairs placed neatly facing the altar and the sun sets high up the sky lighting the whole room with its dimmed fall lights, the breeze blowing in the air agreeing to the mood. The path towards the alter had fallen white roses petals, leading his way towards the love of his life.
Everyone turned at the moment of the door opened and gazed upon the Lightwood to enter. Smiled plastered on each and everyone's faces. They waited one by one entered and take their places, with Izzy and Jace walked and stood by the alter, Maryse took her seat at the front row, it was Alec's turned. He couldn't felt happier, he doesn't have any doubts nor second mind to change everything, he was looking forward to this, from the day he laid eyes on Magnus.
As he stepped to walk in side by side with his father, all of the guest stood and looked at him with a widest smile they could. One by one Alec passed, he recognized each and everyone of them, they are all his family. The bell chimed in beautiful melody as he walked towards Magnus and there he saw him stood in all his glory.
The beautiful angel himself, stood in his own magnificent, with his white tuxes matches Alec's but a little different from him. His lapels doesn't have the flowers like Alec's but something different, something blue for him. The hydrangea Alec solely asked for is at his chest pinned with couple of baby breaths, his hair spiked up as usual with a golden streak highlight on his right side. His smile, Alec had never seen him smile like this before, his eyes glistened with tears when he saw Alec walking in.
Alec almost forgot to see the small version of him by his side, Rafe with his white tux just like his father and his hair combed nicely with gel to keep it from messing around. The lights were blurring his face and for the moment he saw Rafe, he thought he saw Max, smiling at him, waving. The happiest face he could remember off him flashes in his mind but when he looked again, it was Rafe. But he knew in his heart, his brother is at peace, he would be happy for him either.
As he reached the alter, Magnus handed out his hand for him but not before he shook Robert's hand thanking him and he returned it with a hug. Alec stood in front of Jace and face Magnus with a male ordained stood in between them. Rafe stood by their side holding out a ring on a small pillow. Behind Magnus stood Cat wearing the exact same dress as Izzy, no matter what she will always be Magnus' best friend, always there when he needed her. Alec nodded at her and she gaze, returning it with a smile and an approving nod.
"Ladies and gentleman, welcome." The ordained said and they all sat back on their seats. "We are gathered here today to witness love and sacrificed these two had made after their such long journey. Magnus Bane and Alexander Gideon Lightwood, have set in agreement to cherish their relationship more official than their love has provided."
Alec looked at Magnus with a smiled exhaling his breath through his pursed lips, Magnus eyed him with an assuring nod and he returned with a smile. "I believe you two had prepared your own vows." The ordained spoke again and Magnus started first before Alec as promised.
"Alexander, my whole life, I believe only in numbers and facts on the sheets of my papers, or in my bank account." The crowd laughs and Alec chuckled. "But none of those numbers told me on how are my possibilities of meeting you. None of those numbers says the possibilities of us falling in love. The moment you walked in to my office, I knew then you are different. The way you were then were nothing you are now. You were scared, beaten, broken and yet you survived each day with a smile and you made me smile. When I lost you-"
Magnus choked looking down at his paper in his hand, Alec stepped forward cupping his cheek begging him to continue, he looked up meeting his eyes although tears had blurred his vision, Cat handed him a tissue from behind and he wiped his tears, with the help of Alec's comforting finger he exhaled a deep sighed before he continued.
"When I lost you, I was not the same person anymore, I was lost. If it wasn't for my son, I would have let it taken me to the abyss." He looked down at Rafe and smiled. "But when I met you again outside the coffee shop, you were not the same Alec I've met back then, the old Alec won't cursed at me." Again another laughter filled the room with him and both joined the scene.
"I was given a chance to fell in love with you again, I was never fell out of love for you, but I was given a chance to make you fall in love with me all over again, to get to know the real Alexander Lightwood before he was hurt." He turned to Rafe and grabbed the ring from him and took Alec's hand in his, "Alexander, I promise you an eternity with me, no more our darkest past, no more pain, no more suffering for you, for us. With this ring," he slipped the ring on Alec's left finger and gazed upon his eyes, "I thee wed."
Alec took a deep breath and exhaled them before he started. "I made two vows." He said holding up his papers and they all chuckled. "One for you and one for Rafe." He looked down to the small boy who hold the special place in his heart, he was grinning jumping a little with joy and eagerness for his.
"Magnus, my whole life, I have been living in fears, walking around the eggshells with people who claimed I was their love. I never knew what love was, nor was I willing to fight for it. I have to admit that you aren't exactly the guy I hoped a future with. The first time I met you, you are nothing but a snob, arrogant, narcissist, spoiled brat."
"Hell yeah." Magdelene confirmed it from the crowd and all of them laughed,
"But when I get to know you, only then I know, how an admiration of a boss you are towards your colleague, how a role model you are with Rafe, a loyal friend, and an amazing lover. I fell in love with you, the way you taking care of me, how you hate to see me vulnerable. You never pushed me below my own self, but you always lifted me up, always helping getting the best for me. I know I would never survive without you in my life, and for that I thank you. My life would never meant anything without you in it and I promised you I will fight it, I will fight my own demons each day for you, for us because you are my savior."
Alec looked at Rafe beside him and he crouched in front of him, he looked into his blue eyes before he started, "Rafe. I never said this before but all of these won't happen because of you. Without you, your little brave act, you sweet voice, none of us would open our eyes to see it. How I wish everyone in this world would see it like you do, and I want you to keep looking at people in nothing but kindness."
Rafe looked down, his hand still clutched together in front of him and Alec cupped his chin, "Don't cry sweetheart." He said and Rafe rubbed his eyes with the back of his palm nodding although he is already at verge of bursting into tears. "If it wasn't for you, I won't be alive today, you showed me how an adult should behave, you taught us more than what we learn by our own. You did more than we expect you do, you might not know who your real parents are but I'm telling you that, this is your family now. I am happy to tell you that from now on, you are officially my son."
Alec took a paper from Jace's and unfolded them to show it to Rafe. He read the sentenced with the help of Magnus and Alec and by the sentenced of the court saying he is officially adopted by Alec, he cried. He cried like someone had hurt him and Alec pulled him for a hug, he sobbed more in his shoulder not wanting to let him go.
After Alec hushed him softly in his ear, he pulled away and Alec wiped his tears away, promising him that from now on, they will always stick together. He nodded in happiness and he wanted nothing more than that. Alec stood and grabbed the ring from Jace's hand and held Magnus' hand in his, "With this ring, I thee wed." He slipped the ring and they both held hands in together.
"Do you Magnus Bane take Alexander Gideon Lightwood to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold in sickness, or in health, till you both shall live?" The ordained asked and Magnus smiled, "I do."
The ordained repeated the same question to Alec and he returned the smile, "I do."
"By the power vested in me, I now pronounced you as one, husbands for lives, you may sealed it with a kiss." As soon as the ordained said, Magnus pulled Alec to him and crashed their lips together, they all cheered with joy and happiness, Magnus released their kiss and picked Rafe up to hold them together in one embrace. Nothing felt happier, nothing felt more whole than having this with their family. The family that both Alec and Magnus never thought of having. The love that they both never dreamt of having, and yet, they stood stronger than ever.
They walked together hand in hand heading out from the terrace, they tossed them the rose petals even more as they walked through and head for the banquet in the garden.
Magnus and Alec had their first dance to the song that became Alec's favorite that somehow he kept playing it over and over again and yet when they played during his dance, he was shocked and almost burst into a cry but Magnus pulled him to the center and swayed their body together.
'Tell me how to be in this world,
Tell me how to breathe in and feel no hurt
Tell me how I could believe in something
I believe in us'
The song played and Alec and Magnus felt like floating in the clouds, he let his head hide away in the crook of Magnus' neck and so does he. "I love you Alexander Lightwood-Bane." He whispered pulling their face together as their forehead touches, "And I love you Mr Bane." He said leaning for a kiss and continued their dance for the night.
They dance, they ate, they laughed all night and they couldn't felt happier, their family grown with Jax's included and all Alec could feel was excited to start his life as Magnus' life partner and being Rafe's father.
They kept passing around dancing with each other and somehow separated the two love birds apart for the whole family dance.
As Magnus sat there in his seat eyeing the love of his lives, playing with his son, their son, he felt like all of these was nothing but a dream. He was lost in his trance when his mother came beside him and tapped his shoulder. "He's a good father to Rafe." She said and Magnus nodded with happiness, sipping his wine glass and placed them back on the table.
"Your father would be so proud Magnus, you have a greatest success in both love and life. You have an amazing partner, a beautiful son and a new family members that would die for you." She said placing her palm on his shoulder. For years it always had been him and his mother which he pushed her away for quite some time until he got Rafe they were close but not closer as when he had Alec. "Yeah but it still sucks he's not here with us." He said and his mother smiled, "He's here." She said placing her palm on his chest and he nodded.
He felt not just he got Alec for his love partner, but he also bring his family closed to each other, his mother especially and he gave Rafe the greatest guardian of all time, Alec would protected Rafe with his life and he knew nothing would tear them apart.
"Thanks mama." He said letting her rested her head on Magnus shoulder while gazing on Alec and his family. "What are you doing? It's a party not a funeral." Isabelle said and grabbing Magdelene and Magnus hand to the dance floor and they kept dancing all night, throwing away all the high heels, they enjoyed each other company till the last drop of wine left.
A/N: It's an epic journey to say that I had with these stories. I want to hear you guys, I want to know what you had in mind. What your plan afterwards? What you expected from me. I know I might not be able to write more stories cause everything is pretty much covered by the whole fandom, I might not write about malec anymore but there is this story I have in mind that I'm currently writing, not gay couples but normal couple.
From the day I started writing, I always thought my stories was not that good, until now, I still feel like it. Whenever I look around the ranks, my story never got the first place of being the most read story or the most like, the most read, numbers does meant everything, its a simple fact. What I noticed is that, the more smut you put. the more sex you had, the more people are going to read your story. But never the real struggle of being gay, of having an abusive family, the struggle of Maryse having a gay son and the struggle of Robert coming down with his ego in embracing his own son with his decision. It's a real deal out there, I know.
For all of those LGBT community, I heard you, I feel you. I know the feeling of scared to come out, afraid being punished for what you are. My stories aren't basically sex, and I don't mind now if no one wants to read my story. I remember the real reason why I wrote them, it's because I want to read it. I want to write something that other's don't write. I just hope you guys would not hold grudges with me of what I said in the past. To think of other people not believing in you is hard, but to actually see the person doing it in front of your face, its much harder. I never got the support I wanted from my family, the shadowfam is my only family. The only family that never failed to put wonderful words in the comment and made my day. I love you all.
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