Part 42
A/N: I am so disappointed with you guys, when I said alternate ending doesn't mean both of it has a bad ending, of course I'm giving them both happiness, what do you think I am? You think you guys had enough of them had to suffered? Imagine I'm the one who writing it, don't you guys think I suffered too? Since you made your choice, you don't get my epic ending, and yes, this is my last malec fanfic, I just don't see the reason for my writing anymore, do you?. Sorry to disappoint all of you but I have disappointed enough people in my life already.
"Daddy," Rafe called his father that was currently sitting on the couch with his iPad, he turned his head to his side and smiled gesturing him to come and sit on his laps. "Hey bud, you ready for dinner?" He asked, everyone else is busy preparing for Alec's family to come tonight at their mansion and Magnus hired certain people to help Mary in the kitchen.
"Something is wrong with Alec isn't it?" He asked and Magnus sighed placing his iPad down by his side.
"Rafe, Alec has been through a lot, it will take time for him to adjust." Magnus explained and he stay silenced. "What is it?" Magnus asked knowing his son might have something else in mind. "Does adjusting means he talk to himself like there is someone else there?" Rafe asked and Magnus was taken back on his words. "What do you mean?"
"Earlier today, I saw Alec in the bathroom, telling someone to leave, I thought somebody is in there but when I went, nobody. Alec is scaring me dad, he uhm, he's not himself." Rafe explained and Magnus looked at him with his stern face.
"Don't worry, I will make sure Alec will get the help he needed okay?" He reassured him and he nodded in happiness. He wonder, why didn't Alec told him this, why he must kept everything a secret after everything they have gone through.
Rafe jumped from his father's lap and headed to the kitchen and Magnus was about to check on Alec when the doorbell rang, great, the Lightwood has arrived. He headed to the main door instead of checking on Alec to welcome his future in laws.
Alec POV
I woke up feeling my head a bit lighter than before, I can never tell which is reality and which one is a dream anymore. However I woken up and saw the clock by the night stand and it shows almost six in the evening, I rubbed my face with my palm and headed to the bathroom, my family is coming for dinner around seven and Magnus gonna need all the help he's gonna get to gone through tonight.
I finished showering and went to the mirror to brush my teeth, as I looked at myself behind all those fogged covering the bathroom I could see it, I could see him standing behind me. I gasped turning around but no one is there. I could feel my heartbeat thumping out of my chest, my breath hitched but no one is there in the bathroom but me, I'm going crazy, I must have.
I turned back around and wanted to pick up the toothbrush that fell in the sink and want to put some water on it, I looked up in the mirror and he stood just right behind me with that evil grin of his, the grin that I couldn't shake ever since I got my memories back. He looked pale, dead pale, his skin is white and blue and his head is bleeding, from the gunshot, his teeth is seethed with blood and when he smiled, it dripped on his chin. "Liam." I said and I felt his hand gripped my hair back and stretching my neck.
"Hello Alexander." He said whispering in my ear, I swore that none of this is real, I blinked my eyes repeatedly, praying all of this isn't real, but the pain I felt in my head and the hot breaths on my neck felt too much convincing.
"This isn't real, you're dead, you are not real." I whimpered mumbling the words over and over again but he gripped my hair harder pulling it backwards, "I am as real as you're gonna get, I will never leave you Alexander, I will always be in your head, your fear, your sorrow, your darkness is always gonna be there in your mind, and I am part of it, in your mind." He said and tears dwelling in my eyes as I heard him say all those words.
"Get out of my head!" I said but he wrapped his hand around my neck tighter and I couldn't breathe. "I missed you." Liam said and start kissing my neck and my cheek with his disgusted mouth, "Join me Alexander. I'm lonely over here." He said and I pushed him back and when I turned, no one is there but me.
I can never escaped him, our past is too linked that even though I know Liam is dead, he still exist in my head and somehow deep inside of me, I'm afraid that he might be alive. I shook my head and let my body fell on the ground, I cried my heart out clenching my chest and worst I'm not even close to be ready for the dinner.
Maybe Liam is right, I should be dead, I was dead but they revived me and I got second chance, if this is the live that I had to deal with for the rest of my life, then I don't want it, its not fair for Magnus. Its not fair for Rafe, oh god Rafe, the look on his face yesterday after I almost hurt him, it sickening me till the pit of my stomach.
"Alexander?" I heard Magnus called me and I couldn't answered him, I don't want him to see me like this. But I was too late when he barged in the bathroom with me on the floor with tears on my face, "Oh god, babe what happened?" He went to my side cupping both of my cheek, he used his thumb to wipe my tears and I couldn't contain my heart any longer. I went for his hug instead and sobbed, I could feel his warm hand rubbing my back and my head.
"Alexander please tell me what is wrong, please so I could help you." Magnus begged and I couldn't form any words, I was starting to hiccup in my tears and my chest hurts so much. He pulled me from his embrace and looked me deep into my eyes. "Please baby tell me." He begged and the only words I could say to him, "Liam." I could see his face changed from worry to anger.
"What about him?" He asked and I swallowed my guilt, "I saw Liam. He tried to hurt me. Magnus he was here a while ago." I said trembling in fear and for that moment I could see Magnus looked at me like I'm crazy. Maybe I am.
He didn't say anything, he kept his silenced keeping his hand on my shoulder, his eyebrow crooked and his mouth gaped apart. "You think I'm crazy isn't it. I can't do this anymore Magnus, he wanted me dead, he wanted me to be with him and I think - maybe he's -" Magnus cut me off grabbing my chin.
"Alexander! Don't ever say that. I will never think like that of you. Never, ever, say you want to end your lives. I love you and we will get through this baby." He said pulling me into his embrace and rested his face on my head. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I keep mumbling for my forgiveness and he shook his head, "There's nothing for you to be sorry about Alexander, we will get through this, I promise." He said looking deep into my eyes, I nodded and he planted a kiss on my lips, our kiss were wet with our tears and I felt safe, for once, I felt safe again.
Magnus stayed with me till I finished my earlier task and helped me with my clothes. I felt worn out, I felt tired but my family is downstairs. That is why he was looking for me. I put on my long sleeve grey jumper and my black jeans with my white sneakers on. Magnus helped me handing the hair gel and I put some amount before I pushed my hair back. I let it ruffled with my curls and fixed as much as I could but the hair is stubborn as it gets. I huffed in annoyance but Magnus chuckled beside me, "Here let me." He said and start to mend the damaged.
After a while, he managed to keep the curls at bay and I smiled, he leaned for a kiss and pulled me up to stand, we both walked out from the room and headed downstairs for dinner, we both took a deep breath looking into each other before we were greeted by our family.
"Mary this is amazing. You gotta share me the recipe." Maryse complemented and she smiled the widest smile. "Sure thing." She said and Magdelene looked at her with the same smile. "So Magnus have you guys decided on the date yet?" Robert asked and both Magnus and Alec looked at each other, "Uhm yeah, three weeks from now, probably in Italy, at your backyard, if that's okay with you?." He said and all of them gasped.
"Alec don't you think its a bit in a hurry?" Maryse asked and before Alec could say anything Magdelene cut him off, "Nonsense, they both know each other for quite some time and they are practically married, why hold back." She suggested and Magnus mumbled thank you at his mother.
"I think its time mama, you need to cut the cord between Alec and you." Izzy suggested and Maryse looked at her with sadness clearly in her eyes. "Its fine, he'll be fine." Robert suggested tapping her palm and she nodded with a sad smile.
After dinner they all sat by the fire and talked more, mostly about the wedding. "The wedding planner will come by next week in Italy to look at the location if you don't mind Robert. Me and Alexander shall be in New York for his contract." Magnus asked and Robert smile nodding, "Sure, whenever he's ready, tell him to just come. We'd be happy to entertain him." Robert added and Magnus smiled grow wider.
"I just want to say that this means a lot to Alexander having you around and the family stronger than ever." Magnus claimed and Robert tapped on his shoulder, "Let the past stays in the past, we all had our closure." Robert said and something hits Magnus in his mind, he knew what to do to Alexander and helped him with his hallucinations, but he tend to keep it a surprised.
"Magnus." Alec called carrying sleepy Rafe in his arm, "I'm gonna put him down to bed now." He said and signed for him to handle the rest of them. "I can do it." He said but Alec pulled himself away, "Handle those." He pointed his pursed lips and Magnus turned to see Izzy and Jace are bickering again. He sighed but in his heart he felt amused.
"I'm gonna be the bridesmaid so I get to do the speech!" Izzy remark and Jace scoffed, "I'm Alec's best man, I'll do the speech plus there is no bride so why bother having a bridesmaid?." Jace huffed in smug looking facial expression as ever. "Alec told you he wanted you to be his best man?" Magnus asked and he looked at him with a confused look. "Won't he?" Jace asked innocently.
"Alec won't mind any of you giving the speech plus why not you both give it together? Wouldn't it make it easier? and Isabelle, you would make a lovely bridesmaid, invite your 'friend' to come along too. " Magnus suggested and Izzy and Jace nodded in agreement and Izzy smiled at him, mouthing thank you.
Alec came down minutes later and Magnus never felt relieved seeing his beautiful fiancé coming down the stairs, he thought Alec would be stuck with his nightmare especially when he's alone. "What are you guys talking about?" He asked as soon as he joined them and Magnus pulled Alec to sit beside him.
"When are you taking us for our bridesmaid's dress?" Isabelle asked and Alec looked at her rubbing his lips together. "After I came back from New York." He answered and they all nodded, eager on the dress shopping. "How long you both will be in New York?" Robert asked and both Alec and Magnus looked at each other and turned their gaze back at Robert.
"Maybe a week. I have plans for Alec there." He said and Alec immediately turned to the side looking at Magnus. "We are?" He asked with a sheepish smile. He nodded before sipping his bourbon.
Maryse was at the kitchen washing her hands after she had slices of the delicious cake Mary made. She was looking down at her already cleaned hand and not realizing Magdelene standing behind her. "You're worried." She said and Maryse jumped in fright, "You scared me." She said turning the tap off and dried her hand with the clean paper towels.
"What's in your mind?" Magdelene asked as she leaned against the counter top. The boys were still at the living room talking while Izzy excuse herself for a bathroom. "Let me guess, Alec." She said and smiled, Maryse on the other hand wasn't amused by it, she had her reasons.
"I just don't think New York is what he needed right now, and suddenly he's deciding to get married, he didn't even talk to me first." She mumbles feeling hurt, "I think New York is what he needed and Magnus loves him more than anything in this world. I think you are scared cause Alec is still recovering from the past." She added.
"He still having his nightmare isn't it?" She asked her and Magdelene sighed looking to her side. "Almost every night and Magnus isn't there, I am. I think its worst when he's alone." She said and Maryse sighed pressing her fingers on her temple.
"I've lost my time with Alec when I let him walk out from the house. I regret it every single minute. I should have fought harder, I should have try to listen to him, I should have not let my baby go." Maryse broke into tears placing her palm on her face but Magdelene comfort her and hugged her. "It's never too late, Alec loves you more than anything in this world. When he found out you were dead, he was heart broken." She choked in her own words reminiscing the time when Magnus begging her help to comfort him. She released their hugs and looked at her eyes, they are almost the same height only added few inches of heels they are wearing.
"He told me that you are beautiful, how he wished he had just one more time with you. I can never forgive you for what you did to my son, how you lied to him about Alec's death but then I realized, I would have done the same thing. We're mothers, our instinct are strong. We want nothing in this world than our children's happiness." She wiped her thumb on Maryse's cheek wiping off the tears away with a soft smile on her face.
"But whatever happened, you guys are together now. Enjoy every moment." She cupped Maryse's cheek and she smiled nodding. "Our family is growing, its the best thing in the world." Maryse exhaled a relieved breath before wiping the rest of her tears. Later they both joined the rest of them and Alec noticed her mother's face especially when she came to his side for a seat.
"Everything okay?" He asked wondering why her eyes are swollen, "Yeah, just patching up the old hatch." She said and Alec smiled. He leaned against his mother shoulder resting his head with their hands tangled with each other. Their night filled with laughters and bickering over Jace, Alec, Magnus and Izzy.
"Do you know how bad I miss you right now?" Magnus claimed as they were talking in the phone. "Mags we just see each other a few hours ago and we will see again tomorrow." Alec claimed, snorting in laughter. "I know I just got you back and now we have to stay far away from each other. How am I supposed to sleep tonight?" He said and Alec sworn if he is there he could see how his fiancé pouted.
"I'll see you tomorrow, I love you Magnus." Alec said and he heard him sighed, "Good night Alexander, call me if anything, I love you."
Alec put the phone on the table and went under the blanket trying to get some sleep. He tossed around and he couldn't get his mind at peace. The image of Liam got him alert and awake and the last thing he wanted is seeing that bastard again. But slowly Alec drifted himself to sleep and soon darkness invaded him.
"Welcome home Alexander." Magnus said after they both had arrived in New York by his private jet. Alec smiled at him while holding his hand. Magnus had few people load his luggage in the car. They both climbed in Magnus Audi R8 and drove away from the airport heading to one of Magnus' hotel.
"Why don't you rest and I'll get the room services up here." Magnus noted and Alec nodded before stretching himself and lay on the comfy bed. He wishes Rafe is here, the view is amazing but again, he needed some time alone with Magnus and Rafe has school to attend. They haven't discuss the moving arrangement yet with him and somehow Alec felt like Rafe is going to agree in moving back here.
Alec woke up hours later and Magnus is by the balcony enjoying the breeze of New York's evening view, he was on the chair typing his laptop for his work when Alec came behind him and wrapped his arm around his neck.
Magnus tilted his head back and pouted his mouth for Alec to kiss and he obeyed. The kiss was soft and he could feel Alec is more relax after his nap. "Good rest?" Magnus ask and he nodded before kissing him again. He then sat on the chair beside Magnus sipping the coffee on the table.
"What are we doing tonight?" Alec asked and Magnus looked at him, "How about a session of naked and lube?" Magnus suggested and Alec smacked his arm earning him a groaned. "I'm serious Mags." Alec said, clearly his cheek is red as tomato by now and Magnus couldn't hide his smirk.
"How about dinner, stroll around the city, anything you want." Magnus suggested and Alec nodded with a smile. "What time is your meeting tomorrow with the agent?" Magnus asked and Alec checked on his phone for his email, "Uhm around nine, at The Regis? It'll be just contract signing and I'll be off, how about you? What is your plan tomorrow?"
Magnus took another sip of his coffee and placed it back on the table before he answered him, "I have a meeting with the board of directors and interview with the guy your father recommended." He said and Alec nodded, feeling happy Magnus accept the offer although he knew well he can provide better person for the job. But due to respect of his future father in law, he is willing to give it a chance.
"What if you come by my office tomorrow and we'll do the interview together." Magnus suggested and Alec looked at him with his eyebrow crooked in confusion. "What? Why? I don't know anything about being a project manager." He claimed and Magnus stood, went behind his back rubbing his shoulder, massaging his fingers on Alec's tense body, he leaned down and whispered down his ear, "I don't know, office sex is kind of hot to me."
The memories of Alec and him amorous activity back in the office in Magnus' mansion is clear as the sky and his face red flushed in embarrassment. He could feel his heart thumping and his skin is hot when Magnus starts kissing his neck. He tilted his head back and let Magnus enjoyed the foreplay.
"Screw it, lets order in tonight." Alec said and pulled Magnus on his lap and he straddled his legs between Alec. He could feel his growing member hardened upon the touch and Alec moaned in his kisses making it harder for his member to breathe.
Alec let his hand roamed around Magnus' body and landed on his butt and without any notice, he slapped it earning Magnus a shocked face. "Did you just?" Magnus asked and he smirk, "Now you know how it feels when you did it on me." Alec said and Magnus grabbed Alec's both arm and pinned it on top of him. His body leaned against the chair and its pushed back to the balcony wall. Magnus continued assaulting him with his kisses and he bit Alec's lips back.
He held one hand for both of Alec's wrist and the other palming Alec's jeans. He gasped and his mouth formed and 'o' upon Magnus' touch. Magnus let his hand unzipped Alec's jeans and released his hardened cock. He let the jeans rolled until his knees and stroke Alec's cock.
Magnus stroke Alec's cock in his hand while he's on Alec's lap. He didn't bother for anyone that was in front of their building nor the sides, or the fact the constructions held nearby could have seen them. He wanted to pleasure Alec and the look on Alec's face right now is a jackpot for him.
"Magnus, ahh, not here." Alec stopped his hand from stroking further before he could come but Magnus pushed his hand away and get down on his knees. "Nothing is more pleasurable than seeing your face cum Alexander, I want to see it." He said before letting his tongue roamed around the tip of his cock. "Teased." Alec said and he gripped Magnus' hair in his fist letting him bobbed up and down sucking his cock.
"M-Magnus." Alec licked his lips before continued his panting and he was already out of breath, he wanted to explode but Magnus continued his sucking and his other hand pressed on Alec's based while the other he massaged his balls.
"C-Coming." Was Alec could say and next thing he knew, he ejaculated all his seeds inside Magnus mouth and he could hear him gagged but he swallowed it eventually. He popped the last stroke with his mouth and Alec continued panting, wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of his palm.
"That was amazing." Alec said as Magnus went back to sit on his lap and kissed him. Alec could taste the saltiness in his mouth and it turned him on again. "Your turn." He said as he stood carrying Magnus still strapped with him and got inside the room.
"Mr Lightwood, we are glad to have you in our team. We heard a lot of good things about you and congratulations on the wedding again." The guy said after the signing of contract and Alec paused, good things? "What do you mean?" He asked the guy, "Oh Mr Bane put a lot of good words for you, he said you were amazing at what you did and we would be fool on not hiring you." The man said and Alec huffed in annoyance, Magnus gonna get it, he surely did. He nodded before he went out the hotel and hail a cab to Magnus' office.
"Alec!" Maia called and literally sprint towards him and gave him the most longing hug. "I miss you." She said and Alec replied the same with exchanged of smiled. "I didn't have my invitation card printed out yet but I'm inviting you to our wedding." Alec said and Maia smiled, "I know, Magnus told me the first thing when he entered this office in the morning." She said and Alec raised an eyebrow, "Did he?" He clicked his tongue and looked around.
Things changed over two years and the office seems a bit brighter for him, the designed changes and the new head of department is definitely make some amazing changes, the staff is still dedicated as they were before.
"Is he in?" Alec asked and Maia nodded, "Interview, you wanna wait?" Maia asked and he shook his head, "Nah, I just came to see you but I have things to do. Would you please tell Magnus I came by?" He asked and Maia nodded. "Of course." She said and they exchanged another farewell hugs and Alex waved his hand before he leave.
Seconds later Magnus opened the door and looked for him since he heard his voice but he was already in the elevator, "Where is he?" He asked Maia but at the same time he looked around the hallway for him, "He left, he told me to tell you that he stopped by and he has things to do." She explained and Magnus face changes, he quickly went back inside the office to end his interview.
Robert was right, the guy knew his stuffs, it was no doubt that he was perfect for the job so Magnus promised to call him later. As soon as the guy left, he grabbed his phone and called Alec. It took him five rings before Alec answered, "What took you so long?" Magnus asked as soon as Alec answered.
"Hello to you too lover." He said and Magnus huffed, "Where are you? I thought you want to come by and we would go out together?" Magnus asked, pinching his nasal bridge, "Like you told me that you put a good words for my contract agent?" Alec remarked and an anger tone is hinted clearly, Magnus sighed, he thought Alec wouldn't find out.
"Well, did you forget you are interning at my company? Who else gonna put a good word for you then?" He snide back and he could hear Alec scoffed, "Magnus they knew we are getting married, I don't want this job is mine because of you, I want to earn it myself." He replied and Magnus understand why he was angry, "I know sweetheart, but they like you before they got my recommendation letter, you have nothing to worry about." Magnus reassured but Alec kept his silenced.
"We'll see about it." He commented and Magnus exhaled a relieved breath, "Where are you?" He asked and he could hear like he's in the car, "Uhm, visiting someone." He said and Magnus had a bad feeling about it. "Who?" He asked and Alec kept his silenced, "Alexander, you're scaring me, where are you? I'm coming to get you." He asked as he gathered all of his things.
"No, let's just meet at the hotel okay." Alec said and Magnus felt anger rising in his chest, "Alexander tell me where you are or I'll send a police squad to come and get you." He warned and Alec stayed quiet for a while, "You wouldn't dare." He asked and Magnus gripped the phone in his hand tighter, "You wanna wait and find out?" He threatened and Alec huffed in disbelief.
"Alexander please, you're scaring me." He asked and Alec fall silenced, Magnus could hear him sniffs after, "I want to see Max." He said and Magnus heart dropped. "I miss him Magnus." He said and Magnus nodded, knowing Alec couldn't see it, he replied, "I see. Okay then. Call me if anything. I love you Alexander." He heard Alec sniffed and then he answered it back, "I love you Magnus." Their call ended and Magnus couldn't stay put.
He picked up his phone again and dialed the only number that could helped him, after few rings it finally answered, "Isabelle."
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