Part 25

The one worth all the wait, you might wanna need a holy water in this chapter and views discretion is advised. It contained sexual content and mature language. Not edited yet, later maybe.

Magnus brought Alec home after a while he and him calm down afterwards. He was worn and tired after a long day of exams and classes with his shifts at the cafe, he's all tired out. Magnus offers to drove him home and surprisingly for Alec he drove instead of his driver, Henry. Alec open the front door with his keys and invite Magnus in. He hung his coat on the hanger next to the door and so did the same with Magnus and later he throw his bag on the couch.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Alec asked as Magnus look around his house. "No thanks." Alec felt the awkwardness between him and Magnus and he couldn't shake the blushed he had since earlier. "Well, uhm, i-if you want to stick around then, help yourself with anything. I'm j-just gonna take a shower." Alec stutters in shyness while rubbing his neck, he wouldn't dare to look Magnus in his eyes so he just ran upstairs to his room after hearing Magnus mumbles an answers.

He sighed as he leaned himself on the door banging his forehead on it several times. "Stupid, stupid. Why would you let him in. You are an idiot Alexander. What to do now?" He groaned mumbling to himself thinking how awkward tonight would be with Magnus in his house. How would he ask him to leave, did he even want Magnus to leave? But if he stays then what is gonna happened? Alec keep questioning all of these in his thoughts while he strip off his clothes and headed for the shower.

Alec loves a hot shower after a long day of of emotions and activities draining him out but tonight he decided he took a cold shower instead. After a while in shower he turned the tap off and wrapped a towel around his waist just below his belly button showing his v-line. He stepped out of a shower and found Magnus on his bed with one of his books. "Oh god, you're still here? What are you doing in my room?" He asked as he picking up his dirty clothes and placed them all in the laundry basket.

"Not to be a stalker but how much of a nerd are you?" He said flipping the pages of books he found on tables with a smirk on his face. He didn't bother looking at Alec that still picking up his clothes on the floor. "I'm not a nerd, I just loves books. Now would you stop and put it back, you gonna ruined the pages." Alec said with one hand holding his dirty clothes and the other snatching a book from Magnus hand.

He was caught surprised at first but when he turned his head to his side he saw Alec in his towel and his heart stop beating. His sculpted chest and abs defined him definitely. His usual weak frail body that Magnus used to hold that covered with scars are now like soldiers that went for battle. His abs toned body made Magnus mouth waters and his throat dry at the same time. Alec saw Magnus was gawking at him and he was rather amused by it. "What?" He asked innocently but he wasn't expect what happened after blows his mind.

Magnus crashed his lips on Alec's and he was stumbled a bit but he stood the ground. Magnus mount him like he's a hills to hike and Alec accepted it willingly. His hand roamed around Magnus back but somehow it landed on his perfect round ass. He squeezed Magnus' butt and Magnus moaned in his mouth. Alec didn't knew where he found the courage to do such things and for starter he didn't have sex for two years and most of the time if he finds it difficult to control his sexual desire he would jerk off but not that often. His sex drive has been hiked up whenever Magnus is around. Even around Mateo he didn't feel the urge like he did with Magnus.

Magnus pulled away from kissing Alec to catch his breath and he eyed Alec's swollen lips. He loves when Alec licked his lower lips like that meaning he begged for more. But the Alec he kissed now is not the same Alec he knew before, the Alec stood before him were more dominant than before and its hard to read him now more than before. He doesn't want to force Alec in doing things he will regret later.

He didn't realized that he was staring at Alec's face with his hand cupping his cheek. Alec looking at him breathlessly and his eyes void with concerned. He too didn't want Magnus to regret his decision but they both had done concerning too much and waited long enough for this too happened. So Alec didn't think twice but let his hand travel on Magnus' shirt and unbuttoned it with speed. He was already on the middle when Magnus' hand stopped him. "Alexander."

Alec eyed him and he saw the concern on his eyes, "Are you sure? I don't want to if you-" Alec stopped him and crashed their lips together. His hand kept doing the tasks that pending earlier and continues till he reach the end. "I want this, I want you." He said as he removed Magnus' shirt off his shoulder and Magnus smiled in happiness. His hand later went to Magnus' belt and he undid them throwing it on the floor. He unbuckled Magnus' pants and before he knew it, Magnus throw him on the bed and got on top of him.

Their lips were never apart, not even in a slightest second and Alec was a moaning mess underneath Magnus. He was moaning and groaning and he couldn't hold it much longer so he flipped them over and the table turned, now Alec is on top of Magnus and he deliberately rubs his hips on Magnus' growing bulge. He could sense its driving him crazy as he kept his hand on Alec's hips and digging his nails deeper. The towel he had only had a mere effect as the fabric constricting his growing cock straining him underneath.

Alec raised from the bed and pulled Magnus' pants off and he eyed the black brief with a bulging hard on tracing on it. He let his eyes roamed on Magnus' cock letting the fabric rubbing against it. Magnus moaned and let his head falls back when Alec teased him but as Alec removed his briefs, his cock sprung out and leaks with bead of pre cum on the tip. Alec didn't remember having sex with anyone since his memory stops at age of seventeen. Anything happens after that is a blur to him and the only thing helping him is his dreams of his past. But somehow he knew exactly what to do next as if he has been doing it for the rest of his life. He took the hard cock and squeeze it with his palm and start stroking it. The more Magnus groaned the faster he went and later he tried something he never thought he would. He placed his lip on the tip of Magnus cock and starts kissing it.

The kiss turned into a lick and Alec let his tongue finding its way on Magnus shaft. Like a kid on a popsicle, Alec sucked the cock from the tip till the base. He switched between sucking till the back of his throat could take it and let his hand did the rest at the base. Magnus moaned became louder and his hand gripped the sheets under him as his breaths were quickened. Alec found it pleasuring and his other hand went underneath his towel and start stroking himself. He switched between sucking Magnus' shaft to licking his balls from under to the top and every time Alec did it, Magnus would raised his hips to let Alec sucked it deeper.

"Alec! Stop, please stop." Magnus pulled Alec's head away from his cock and he wiped his wet mouth with the back of his palm, "Why? Am I not good? Am I hurting you?" He asked insecurely but Magnus chuckled at the thought. "No, fuck no, you are too fucking good and if I let you continued, I would have come so soon." He said as he close their lips together and kissing Alec's mouth. "Isn't that supposed to be good?" He asked innocently but Magnus let his stood and pulled away his towel letting it pooled around his feet. "I'll let you decide. You want to come early or you want to come when I fuck you hard."

Alec didn't get a chance to answer when Magnus placed his mouth deep into his cock. He gasped and gripped Magnus' shoulder as he bobbed his head up and down. Now he know why Magnus didn't want to come so soon, if the sucking is already putting him on edge, bet he couldn't last during fucking. Magnus was unlike Alec ever thought he was, he was rough but gentle at the same time. Every time he let his tongue swirled around Alec's shaft, he rubs Alec's balls and sucked them harder. "Magnus, I'm uh,- I'm gonna- fuck! Magnus. I'm gonna cum!" He didn't let go of Alec's shaft in his mouth but instead he went deeper and the felt the warm saltiness at the back of his throat. Alec's body shudders as he jerked and he gripped Magnus' shoulder harder than he thought cause afterwards he saw marks formed and he know its gonna hurt tomorrow.

"That was hot. Now you feel better?" Magnus asked but Alec still trying to catch his breaths so he just nodded and fell on Magnus' lap straddling him. He picked Alec up and placed him on the bed while keeping his leg wrapped around Magnus' waist. "Why did you made me cum but you didn't let me make you?" Alec asked and Magnus just lay on his chest stroking Alec's cheek. "Because unlike me, this is considered your first. I want to make you cum as much as you want me too." Alec smiled and couldn't help but blushed. He covered his face with his palm hiding his redness but Magnus pulled it away. "Now why would you cover that beautiful face of yours? I want to see it. I want your face to be the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see before I close my eyes." He pulled Alec's hand away so he could gazed upon his beautiful face and Alec smiled at the thought. "I want that too." He whispered and Magnus kissed his lips with a wide smile on his face.

"Do you have a lube?" He suddenly asked making Alec raised his head and looked around the room. He clicked his tongue and shook but shocked that Magnus laughed at him. "How can you not have a lube? You're a guy!" Magnus giggled but Alec wasn't amused so he slapped Magnus' arm with a frown face. "Maybe because I never had sex in this house? Did you ever think that?" Alec said crossing his arm while he sat up against the headboard. He pushed Magnus away with a sulking face but he kept kissing his forehead repeatedly say his sorry. "I'm sorry baby, i'm glad you didn't have sex with anyone and your ass is only mine, you got me? Now did you have any sort of oil that I can use?" Magnus lay beside him raising his body on his one elbow while kept his upper body on Alec's legs.

"I think I have a massage oil in the bathroom." He said and Magnus jumped out from the bed volunteering to get it which helps with making Alec smirks. He went to the bathroom and opened the cabinet and his heart broke into pieces. The drawer filled with Alec's medication and he read them all one by one. Seizure medication, headaches, pain killers, antacids, multivitamins for the brains, for the muscles, for the memories, inhalers for the panic attacks, medication for anti depressants, for panic atacks. He read them one by one and surprisingly for Magnus, all of the medication is untouched. He closed back the cabinet not without taking the massage oil but also with some of the medications.

He walked back to the room and Alec was looking at him with his precious smile but his smiles faded when he saw Magnus holding his medication. "Magnus what's wrong?" He asked but Magnus showed him his seizure medication in his hand. "Why is this unopened? Alec you missed how many dose?" He asked angrily but Alec clicked his tongue rudely and looked away. He went to Alec's side and sat beside him not before he cupped Alec's cheek to make him look at his angry eyes.

"Don't click your tongue at me or I will punished you. You know this medication is important Alexander why didn't you take them? What is wrong with you?" He asked and Alec looked at him with the same anger he had earlier. "Everything is wrong about me Magnus Bane! From head to toe, what do you want from me? I'm damaged and broken and you still expect me to accept that I am not? This medication does nothing to me and its all useless!" He took the container from Magnus' hand and throw them across the room. Magnus was speechless with his sudden outburst but never he thought Alec was triggered by this. "Alexander talk to me." He begged.

"Why you have to ruin everything? We were having our moments and you just have to ruin it!" Alec tried to escape but Magnus pinned him down on the bed and stared at him deeply. "Listen jerk! I was concerned about your health and if you didn't someone has too. Stop acting like a child and start taking responsibilities for yourselves. If these medication is the only thing that made you better than I'm gonna shoved it up in you one way or another! You hear me?" Magnus saw the tempted soul in Alec's eyes like he challenged him to but he control himself not to burst out in laughter cause the way he said it its just too weird for him and Alec. "For started the medication didn't work shit! It only makes me sleepy and I couldn't focus in class. Second it made me not seeing my past and I couldn't remember anything when I took the medication."

Magnus released Alec from his grip and sat on the bed before him. He was stunned at Alec's words and he never knew the medication did that to Alec. "I'm sorry Alexander I didn't know." He mumbles but Alec scoffed pulling the blanket to cover their nakedness. "No one does." Alec mutters and Magnus couldn't help feeling bad for him.  He slowly grabbed Alec's hand in his and kissed his cheek. He flinched at first trying to push Magnus away but failed when Magnus starts kissing his neck. "I'm sorry, I really am. I will never you let out of my sight anymore and from now on, I have my eye on you like a hawk." He trails his kisses on Alec's neck and finally gave in.

Alec gripped Magnus neck and deepened the kiss, he let Magnus got under the blanket and spread his legs for him. He eyed Magnus opening the bottle of massage oil he got earlier and rubbed it on his cock. Later he brought his oil covered fingers towards Alec's entrance and Alec hissed in coldness as it touches his skin. "Relax, breathes." Magnus guided, he followed every instructions and when he took a breath, Magnus inserted his one finger in Alec's entrance. He gasped at the pain but exhaled later after he adjusted. He kept his gripped on Magnus' broad shoulder and when Magnus inserted another finger he yelped in pain. "Ughh, it hurts." He said and Magnus shushed him softly in his ear. "I know baby, its just gonna be for a while then it will be fine okay." Alec took few deep breaths in and exhaled sharply after while wrapping his arm around Magnus' shoulder, he kept his face in the crook of Magnus neck and seek comfort there when Magnus scissoring his finger inside him.

"Are you ready?" Magnus asked as he pulled out his fingers and poured more oil in Alec's entrance and the tip of his cock. Alec nodded hesitantly and his face shown fear but Magnus kissed him to ease the feeling. He felt the tip entering his entrance and he couldn't stand the pain, it was worst than the fingers so he kept his gripped onMagnus tighter while his mouth muffled on Magnus' shoulder. "It burns Mags, please." He pleaded but Magnus didn't pulled it out cause he know it will be more painful so he forced it in and he gasped at the tightness. He stopped and let Alec adjusted to his length and kept telling him to breathe.

After a while Alec nodded giving him a sign to move and so he did. His paced were slow at first and when he noticed Alec is finally relaxed, he quicken his pace. Soon his grunt turned into a moaned and moaned turned into words. "Faster Magnus. God I'm gonna cum again." Alec said but Magnus raised himself higher so he could stared at Alec's face. His hand that was supporting his body earlier went to Alec's cock and he pressed it hard. "Don't come yet baby, hold it a little while longer." Alec tried and sucked a breath when he kept his pacing and control his breathing so he couldn't released too soon.

He feels Magnus thrust become sloppier and in coordinate and he knew Magnus gonna come. He grabbed both of Magnus butt cheek and squeezed it hard so he would go deeper. He could feel his wall tightened around Magnus' cock and when it hits his prostate he swore he would come anytime soon. "Come for me baby, come inside me." Alec whispered as he stares at Magnus' eyes. His face were flushed and sweats glistening on his skin. "Fuck Alec, that's it, oh god, fuck, yeah. I'm gonna cum." Magnus thrust harder and deeper when Alec squeezed his walls against him and his hand squeezed his tightened butt and he released it inside of him. His hand stroked Alec's cock and he spurted out warm milky semen all over his torso.

They both panting in breaths as Magnus collapse on top of Alec not bothering the sticky substances on him. "That was worth waited for." He mumbles and reaches out the towel by the bed side and wiped Alec cleaned. He later wiped himself cleaned and when he looked at Alec, he was already fall asleep. He chuckled at the cuteness and placed himself on top of Alec's and soon he too fall asleep cuddling the man he love.

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