Part 22
Alec ran out from their home not able to swallow the thought of what his so-called father mentioned earlier. "You're not my son, you're just my wife's affair results." The words kept repeating over and over again in Alec's mind and he felt like exploding. He felt like a ticking bomb that waited for the right moment to explode. He didn't know where his feet went but the next thing he knew is that he was in the forest in the backyard and there was a small shed that look abandoned. He remember they used to have one like this back in New York, where he and his sibling used to hang out and do fun stuffs. The memories hurts him like a knife stabbing him repeatedly.
He clenched his chest as his body fell on the floor kneeling on the cold tiles that filled with dead leaves. His tears won't stop leaving him as he remembers how cold his father was at him ever since he was a kid. Now everything is all explained why. He was fool to believe that his father loves him that way but the fact was he was never his in the first place. All the cold stares, the harsh talks, and the forceful decision is mainly because he wasn't responsible for him in the first place and Alec wonders all these years why Izzy always the favorite one, she was the only heir of Lightwood property and company. Alec was at the verge of breaking when he remembers all of these in his head and he couldn't help but feeling betrayed, betrayed by his mother and the thought of his own father was actually there right under his nose but he didn't know anything.
The thoughts of Amari and his death made Alec remembers few glimpse of his past. How he stroke Alec's face when he was merely unconscious. He remembers his face so closed to his in his dream as he whispered something in his ear but the voice weren't audible for him. How his eyes were cold but warm at the presence of Alec and he thought it was lust for him but it was the other way around. How he used to repeatedly mentioned to Alec how he belongs to him and Alec was taken away from him. Those were the only thing he remembers and everything after that blurs and if he forced it he will get another headache.
He was staring into the blankness not aware someone is approaching him in the shed. He could hear footsteps and later a door open and shut. He was sitting on the dirty floor with his knees to his chest as he rested his forehead on the knees. He didn't want to see anyone, he didn't want to raise his head to see who was the person stood next to him. Later, he feel the person sitting next to him and sighed. "Alec." The voice were so soft and comforting but it only hurts him more. He turned his head to his side and gaze upon his sisters face. She has been crying and Alec knew how bad she cried if she was looking like this. Puffy eyes, redden nose and pale lips. Izzy always had make up on and when she looks like this means she is rather sad or depressed.
"Alec, I'm really sorry." Izzy placed her hand on Alec's shoulder and next thing he knew Alec pulled her for a hug, his body shudders in tears and Izzy rubs small circles on his back. She wished she could say anything to soothe Alec but she knew better that nothing in this world could make him feel any better. So she let him cried his heart out for a moment and they both didn't say any words in respect for each other's feeling.
"I'm so sorry Alec, I wish I could make you feel any better but I know it won't." Izzy pushed him back so their eyes could meet, he kept his face down on his hand and Izzy saw the guilt on Alec's face. She cupped his cheek and ran her thumb over Alec's, wiping his tears away. Alec couldn't faced his sister, even now he knew she is his half sister only.
"Izzy, I'm-" Alec was cut off by his sisters finger on his lips. "Alec I want to tell you and I want you to listen to me. No matter what dad told you, you are my brother, flesh and blood, you and Jace, no matter what. I don't want you to feel you are alone. I am here for you no matter what. Me and Jace and we are gonna stick together like we used too. Remember? Three goes in, three comes out." She held her hand and Alec eyed it before he placed his palm on her, "No matter what, you are my brother, never for once think you don't belong with us. No matter you will go, I will always be there as your sister, you hear me?"
Alec nodded with tears fall on his cheek and pulled Izzy for another hug. "I don't know if you remember this, when I lost you I was devastated but when we met at Magnus' office, I was beyond happy and I swore I will never let you out of my sight again. I made sure that promise sticks." She whispered into Alec's ear not bother to hear for any answers or whether or not Alec remembers. They rested in the shed for a while before Izzy convinced him to get back to the house. He refused at first but Izzy could see how Alec was shaking in cold and he probably hungry as he arrived here this evening with nothing eaten. He walked slowly towards their house with Izzy wrapped her hand around his arm. Alec stopped and stood in front of their house not wanting to take another foot further. "Izzy I can't face them, not right now." Alec pulls back his hand away but Izzy holds it tight, "I'm here okay. Its gonna be okay." She assured him.
They walked into their home and soon after they reached the living area, he was surprised by a bone crushing hug, "Alec I'm so worried, are you okay?" Maryse asked as she pulled away from her hug. Alec didn't react to any of her affection and remained cold and stiff towards her. His eyes looked anywhere but at his mother. He shrugged off her hand away from him and that's when he sense the familiar scent and figure behind his mother. "Magnus?"
Magnus stood behind his mother and she stepped to his side giving them space to reconnect. Jace came by Magnus side and pat him on his shoulder. "I called him, I know you needed him more than anything right now and truthfully because he threatened to kill me if I didn't tell you where you are." Alec scoffed in a short laugh but tears starts to roll on his cheek. "What are you doing here?" He asked, his throat felt dry and his voice cracked with tears caught his throat in such tone.
"I was worried, I tried to call you but your phone is off and when I went to your place it was empty. I was out of my mind worried when I tried to find you and I thought-" Magnus stopped himself and darted his eyes down to the floor beneath him. Alec stepped closer to him tilting his chin so he could met his eyes. "You thought what?" He asked with a smirk. Magnus clenched his lips together before he answer. "I thought I lost you again." Alec couldn't respond to Magnus thought of losing him while in his head all he wanted was to disappear in this world.
"What's going on here? What's that guy doing here?" Robert came from another room and pointed his finger towards Magnus which he then turned and faced him. "With all do respect I have a name and I would appreciate it if you would address me in appropriate name sir." Magnus raised his one eyebrow at Robert and Alec felt the tension in between them. He held Magnus shoulder to hold his anger back. He knew Magnus never did like his family, not right after what happened.
"Excuse me? You are in my house, you will behave properly as I told and I address people however I want in my own home! You are not welcome here." He pointed back at Magnus and Alec could feel Magnus' breath hitched in more anger. "Magnus please, lets just go okay." He said and Magnus turned around facing Alec in confusion. "What why? He just being a jerk and you know it." Alec didn't answer but insisted they should leave. "Alexander, a word?" Robert called and Alec clenched his lips together while his eyes are closed, he wishes this nightmare would be over.
He walked with his father and before they could walked further, Maryse stopped them, "You are not to let me lose my son again Robert. He is my son, our son no matter what!" She screamed at Robert but he ignored his wife and headed towards other room. Alec followed suit glancing at Magnus for the last time before he entered the room. Alec closed the door shut behind him and waited for his father to say something, anything so he could decide what to do with his life.
"I'm sorry." Alec said since Robert didn't say a word. He kept his gaze down on the floor not wanting to see his eyes. "For what?" Robert asked, Alec sighed before he continued. "I blame you for everything but all you did was took care of me. We are not even related to each other but you took me anyway. I was wrong to do so. So I have decided my future in this home." Alec said with such a heavy heart. Tears began to streamed again but he held it in and tried to be brave and strong for once in his life.
"I decided that I will leave from this house, I don't belong here anyway. I will not received any of your support anymore, I will earn my own money. You don't have to pay for my studies or my allowance as you are not obligated for it." Alec wants to continue further but worry he might say something he'll regret later. He heard Robert sighed and walked closer to Alec. They both stood before each other not saying a word and before Alec knew, Robert held his cheek with his palm. He look at the man before him and saw tears in his eyes. "You willing to give up everything after all these years I took care of you? Just because we are not related by blood?"
Alec couldn't stop his tears and he fail to hide his emotions anymore. He went and wrapped his arm around Robert's and cried out his feelings on his shoulder. His body shudders in his tears and Robert rubs his back softly to comfort him. "No matter what, you are my boy. Its not your fault for what happened. I am sorry for being harsh to you but I want to toughen you up so you wont be weak facing obstacles in your life. You are stronger than I am and I am sorry for everything." Robert said and Alec could feel guilt in his throat. He pulls away from their hug and face his father.
"Why didn't you look for me?" Alec asked the million dollar questions. Robert sighed before he answered. "Believe me I did. I sent all those people to look for you and I know Amari has you. He threatened to kill your mother if I did anything to take you away. He threatened to do horrible thing to your sister and I have been watching from the side lines for years. I couldn't face you after what happened cause I'm a coward. If only I am as strong as you, I would have save you and your mother. The moment Amari's dead, his people were pulled from Italy and I was free to go back to New York. My business was turned to illegal selling because of Amari's and the moment I stepped in New York I would be jailed for fraud and stealing. It was all of his plan and I am sorry for what you have gone through."
Alec took a step back clearing their space from each other. "You let him have me raped and tortured? You let him have me in a relationship with my own stepbrother? You could have stop it. Why didn't you? Why didn't you stop him from doing this to me? WHY?!" Alec slapped the vase off the table and it broke into pieces after it shatters to the ground. Then he hit another and by the fourth vase and glasses his hand were bleeding in cuts and anger rise inside of him. "I'm so sorry Alexander. I couldn't risk my family over one person." Robert didn't mean to say those words to Alec and the look on Alec's face made him wish he had the chance to take it back.
"How could you be so selfish? I guess one soul is okay to sacrifice to save the rest of them huh?" Alec rubbed his aching temple as he couldn't believe his father's word. "I gotta go." He said trying to leave but Robert stopped him by gripping his arm, he turned back to look at his father, "I never meant all of this to happened to you, I swear. I hope you find a piece of your heart to forgive me one day." Alec shrugged his arm off of him and swallowed hard. "Like you find your piece of heart knowing I was treated like a slave begging for death to come by and ended my misery." Robert was taken back at Alec's word as it cut deep in his heart.
Alec stormed off the room and headed to his room not bothering his mother waited outside the door. "Alec where are you going?" She asked but Alec ignored her and went straight to pack his stuffs. He entered his room followed by Magnus and his mother which then followed by Jace and Izzy. "Alec what is going on?" Magnus asked but he kept packing his bag stuffing his other clothes and books in his room that he didn't managed to bring when he went to London. "Anywhere but here." He said wiping his tears away with his sleeves hiding his bleeding palm.
"Alec please." Maryse begged but Alec chose to ignore her. "I can't do this mum, please, I need time." He said and carry his bag on his shoulder. He went out from the room not bother to say goodbye. "Alec." Maryse called before he able to step another foot. "I know mum, I just need time. I'll come back when its calm, okay?" He said as he remembers how this event replay feeling dejávu. The same exact feeling he had years ago was replayed again. He went to his mother and kissed her on her forehead, "I know what you did is to save me and I am forever grateful for that and I forgive you. I just need time to clear my head okay. I love you." He said and Maryse hugged him for the last time before he pushed her away.
Izzy and Jace stood behind him with Izzy in Jace's arm, "Alec please. Don't leave us again." She begs but Alec pulled both of them into a group hug and they all cried in tears, "I'm not leaving you guys, you know where I am this time. You can always find me in London. I'm always there when you guys need me okay. I just need space. Please understand that." Izzy and Jace nodded before they sealed their goodbye with another sibling hugs.
"Don't worry, I keep an eye on him." Magnus said handing out his palm for Alec and he took it with his. left palm willingly. Alec took one last glance at his family and left his house for the second time this year. He promised them he will return but only god knows when it will be.
A/N: People said things they don't mean, they say they love you but the fact is they only love themselves, they said they take care of you but abandon you when things got rough. Never believe anyone else in this world but yourself, never depend on other's to take care of your feeling cause the only one who cares is yourself. People would noticed the changed of attitude towards them but never realized its their attitude that makes it changed.
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