Part 20
Alec didn't know exactly how this guy worked his magic on him but now he is under him half naked only in his briefs with Magnus on top of him. Their kissed were heated and deep, their tongue dominated in every way. Alec felt his body had been craving this for long time but never the same way he felt with Mateo. Damn, why he have to think about him while Magnus kissing the life out of him.
Thoughts wander on Magnus kissing his neck and probably leaving marks tomorrow. Just then his thoughts on him, flashes appears in his mind blocking Magnus in a view. Alec blinked his eyes few times and the ceiling of the hotel changed from pearly white to stain yellow and cracks in them. He turned his head to the side and saw the surrounding of the room is different, the exclusive hotel suite was no longer there. He was on the cracked wooden floor with trash all around it, beer cans and other alcohol bottles lying around the room and it seems unfurnished. He turned back his head and the view of Magnus is no longer in front of him. Even if its blurred, the view is more revealing. A guy, dirty blonde hair with tearing blue eyes looking deep into his soul. He recognized him from one of his images, its Liam. Then he felt a pang, a sting heat travels on his cheek. "That'll teach you not to hide anything from me." He whispered.
Alec tried to push him off of him but then Liam held his arm on the bed gripped it tight locking Alec underneath him. "You're such a tease when you fought back Alexander. You think you're strong enough for me?" His voice boomed into Alec's head. He shook his head, blinking his eyes to clear his thoughts but he seems to be stuck in his nightmare again. Then he felt a hand gripping his neck and blocking air for him to breathe. He grabbed the hand to remove from his neck but failed, the look on Liam's face is like a demon trying to remove Alec's souls. Alec's mouth gaped trying to breathe but failed and he felt the room spinning.
"Alec! Alexander!" He heard screamed of his name and he tried to wake up but his mind still at the place. That's when he opened his eyes wide and sat up straight and he's back in the room. "Alexander, hey what's wrong?" Magnus kneeled in front of him looking concern, his hands on Alec's shoulder but Alec pushed it off of him, not wanting any physical contact. Alec then raised his both knees and hugged it with tears running on his cheek and his chest heaved in catching his breath, he was panting like he has been running for the past hour. His face shown fear and worries Magnus the most since he hasn't look him in the eye but kept his gaze towards his side.
"Alec, what happened? Did I hurt you?" He came to Alec's side on the bed but Alec kept his distance. "I saw him, he h-hurt me." He said in his tears which Magnus knew exactly what he was talking about. He rubbed Alec's back to soothe him and slowly he pulls Alec to his bare chest. "Shh,shh baby, its over, he's not gonna hurt you anymore, I promise." Magnus said and Alec hide his face on Magnus' chest nodded. They both lay back on the bed with Alec in Magnus' arm still crying. He stroked Alec's hair back from his forehead and his body trembled in fear.
"Mum was right to keep it a secret. I shouldn't have come here. I want to go home. Please." Alec looked up and gaze on Magnus' eyes. He saw the look of disappointment in him but he nodded with a soft smile. "Sure, we'll leave tomorrow." He said and Alec rested his head on Magnus' neck and sighed. The silenced again haunting and Magnus felt a knot in his stomach and a feeling he couldn't shake. He felt like losing Alec for the second time, feeling him going to disappear from his world again and he could never have him back. He shake the thought away when he heard soft snores came from Alec and how his chest raised and fell equally unlike earlier, fast and uncoordinated and his trembles disappeared. Magnus kissed Alec on his forehead and tears fall on his temple. He wiped it off with his palm and tried to hold his sob, "I love you Alexander. Always and forever. Please don't leave me again." He whispered even though he knew Alec can't hear him and he spend the night stared at him until his eyes fall to sleep.
They reached London next day after long flight hours and Alec hasn't spoke a word. He answered him shortly if Magnus questioned. A simple yes or no and head movement if he didn't say a word. He kept his gaze outside to the fluffy clouds and not once he look Magnus in his eyes. They were in Magnus' car driving Alec back to his home and Magnus insisted to send him back so he knew Alec is safe and sound. After an hour drive to Alec's house, they both arrived and Magnus walked him to his door. Henry had Alec's luggage in his hand as he carried it to the door and placed them down. "You don't have to walk me to my door, I'm fine Magnus." He said as he fiddling his hand with his keys. "At least you're talking now, I know for fact that you're not fine, but I won't pushed you to tell me. I just hope you would come to me for help instead of keeping it in yourself." Magnus said as he kept his hand in his pocket. His eyes wonders everywhere but to Alec and somehow Alec felt disheartened by Magnus' words.
"Good night Magnus, thank you for everything." Alec said as he walked to his door, he put the key into the slot, he looked down to his luggage on the side of the door and seconds later he was turned and his back was pushed against the door. His lips crashed into a deep kiss and his hands trails to Magnus' neck. "I'm not giving up on you Alec, no matter if you can't remember who I am, I am not losing you again." Magnus said as his lips dangerously closed to Alec's lips. Alec breaths hitched and his tongue licked his lower lip and crashed them into Magnus again.
They continued their make out until Alec's door were opened made him almost stumble on his back but was caught by Magnus in time. The door opened and revealed his one and only brother, "Jace?" Alec called and next thing he knew, Magnus on the ground with Jace punching at him. "Jace! Stop!" He pulled Jace away from Magnus and he helped Magnus get back on his feet. Henry had Jace pinned down on the ground for attacking Magnus but Alec begged him to let him go. He looked at Magnus and he nodded so he did. "What the hell was that for?" Alec asked him, his hand examined Magnus and saw the bruised on his face, his nose bleeds but quickly he took a napkin from his pocket and pressed it on his bleeding nostril. "I'm fine Alec, I probably deserves it." Magnus said and Alec shook his head. He turned his gaze back to Jace who puffed in anger still standing in front of Alec and Magnus.
"Get inside Alec, now! You get the hell out of his life!" Jace commanded pointing at Magnus which made Alec confused at his odd behaviors. "You don't talk to him like that! Who are you thinking you are talking to me like that?" Alec walked a stepped closer to his angry brother and their heights different is inevitable. "I am your brother!" Jace said poking Alec on his chest. He snorted with a smile on his face, Jace and Magnus were both confused at his reaction but choose to ignore it.
"Brother? You meant the kind of where he forgot to tell his brother how he was abandoned all by himself living on a streets like RATS! While his perfect family living in luxury eating caviar, feeding off from a silver spoon, dining with the richest, drinking expensive wine, dancing with bitches all for money! What brother exactly Jace? You never told me anything about Magnus and that is why I felt so lonely, missing, my piece of my heart was right here and fate has brought us back together no matter how much you and mum separates us from each other! The only person is leaving is you, not him!" Alec screamed his heart out and surprised both Magnus and Jace. Their eyes widen and their jaw gaped in shock.
"Alec you remember?" Magnus asked and Alec shook his head as he turned around with tears in his eyes. He was tired of crying, but somehow his heart couldn't take it anymore. If anyone in this world, or his family, he trusted Jace more than anyone. It broke his heart when he thought the least person that would tell him the truth lied to him. He remembered bits and pieces but he is not stupid. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up." He held out his hand for Magnus and he took it gladly but bewildered at the same time.
He walked past Jace with Magnus followed him behind and stopped before he entered his house. "You can come if you want but if you don't behave, find somewhere else to stay tonight or even better go back to Italy." He said heading inside. Jace was offended when he heard Alec talk to him like this but he was right, he was out of control when he punched Magnus without him knowing why he did so. The truth is he was angry at Magnus being back in Alec's life and he worries Alec will again leave him and their family. Worst thought is how Alec will be angry at him for not telling the truth but he blamed himself more than he blame Magnus.
Jace entered Alec's house after some time, he calm himself down before he went back inside and saw Alec and Magnus in the living room seating on the couch, Alec was cleaning him with antiseptics for his wound and Magnus had his hand held an ice pack on his jaw. Alec turned his head towards Jace by the door and returned back to Magnus. Magnus winced as Alec pressed the gauze with iodine on his wound and he apologized quickly after. Jace came to his side and sat on the couch with Alec's back facing him. "We need to talk." He said and Alec sighed. He throw the gauze on the table and sat with his side facing Jace. He crossed his arm on his chest waited for Jace to continue not bothered to look at his brothers face.
"I'm gonna tell you what exactly happened but you can not interrupt me and you will listen till the very end. Not even Magnus knows what happened to you before you guys met, the reason why you and us separated in the first place." Jace said and Alec looked at Magnus for clarification which he then nodded. Alec turned his head back at Jace and listen attentively for his past.
"Dad betrothed you with the Branwell, their daughter Lydia, remember? From school?" Jace asked and Alec looked through him thinking, which then he nodded slowly. "Lydia, our family friends, always come for dinner every months." Alec said and Jace nodded. "You told mum and dad that you are gay that night in front of Lydia's parents and dad got so angry. You left the house with your bags which me and Izzy begged for you not to do so. But you did, the next day dad already had our things packed and we were flying off to Italy. I couldn't contact you and tell you we're leaving since you didn't have your phone with you and that was the last time we see you. Dad sent us here for our studies and Izzy followed after and both of us work for him. Mum was desperate on looking for you which we all did and every month we went back to New York to look for you but we failed and a year after, we received a news that mum's car crashed, she didn't make it. Not till years later when Izzy told me she found you, with him." Jace pointed at Magnus and he looked at Jace with annoyed face for addressing him like that.
"Magnus sort of helped you escaped from your dreadful boyfriend but somehow Liam and his father had you kidnapped and turned out they have mum too. Somehow our fucked up family sort of reunited and dad used your amnesia as his covered up for the bad shit that happened. Somehow all of us got the chances to restart our lives and it scares me the most that if you found out, you will leave us again." Jace had tears in his eyes dripped on his cheek and Alec exhaled a long breath which he didn't knew he held in. He stood up with his hand on his hip, "I'm going to bed." That's all he say and headed to his room leaving Magnus and Jace alone on the couch eyeing his movement.
"I should get going, thank you for that blondie." Magnus said as he went out from Alec's house. He doesn't want to leave but he figures Alec wanted some time alone. Jace on the other hand left alone on the couch and eventually fall asleep around early morning finding hard to sleep after his confession to Alec.
A/N: Sorry for the boring chapter.
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