Part 19

They all seated at the living room with Magnus and Alec side by side, Mason on the couch next to them with a bag of frozen peas on his jaw, Jade and Cole sat beside Mason on the arm rest and Jax sat on the other chair in front of Mason with Emma on his lap. Sara in the kitchen cleaning up her mess after cooking earlier. The living room filled with awkwardness of the four brothers staring at Alec. He couldn't kept his mind straight without having the deep eye contest with him.

"Stop staring." Magnus said after he noticed the awkward silenced and Alec fidgeting beside him. "I'm sorry but this is daunting. I told you they would end up back to each other. You owe me twenty bucks." Cole said smacking Jade's arm and he sighed rolling his eyeball. He then took his dollar notes from his back pocket and handed to Cole which he took it with a happy smile on his face.

"You bet on us?" Magnus asked with an anger boiled in his heart. "Oopps." Cole said and Magnus rolled his eyes before he looked at Alec who had his eyes at him too. "How did you guys meet, again?" Jax asked bouncing Emma on his lap, "We met in London, actually Rafe did first, he studying there earlier this year." Magnus started and Jax looked at Mason with a questioning look. "Alec I'm sorry for what happened. If we have found you sooner, it won't be like this." Jax said and Alec shot his head to the side looking at him confused. He didn't say a word but waited for him to continue. Magnus looked at Jax with his eyes pleading for him not to say a word.

"I never thought Amari could be that sick and twisted but Liam though. Could you blame him for being so fucked up?" Cole said but later earned a smack from behind his head by Jade. He eyed him with a side glanced but later he kept his gaze straight. "Not as fucked up as Camille whoring around with Liam. Good for you Magnus, you dodge a bullet right there." Jade continues and Jax nodded in agreement. "Imagine Rafe living with that witch, what did you see in her anyway?" Jax asked Magnus and now he sat in uneasiness, Alec sat still listening to them bad talk people that he had no idea whom.

"Alec you have to be one tough cookie for staying with that creep for years, I couldn't imagined how your life living with that devil spawn, Liam. He deserves the bullet through his brain, nice shot by the way bro." Jax said and Alec turned his head towards him again, "Who's Camille?" He asked and all the brothers looked at him with more confusion flashed on their faces. "Alec you don't remember?" Mason asked placing the bag of peas on the coffee table in front of him. His face is swollen and the bleeding stopped by now.

"Alec you surely remember Camille? Rights?5" Mason asked but he turned his eyes towards Magnus. His eyes begged for him to clear things out but he was wrong. Now he felt worse and he feels like an outsider. He feel like he didn't belong in this part of the world even though he sat next to Magnus. "Guys, stopped. You pressing him in this matter." Magnus said hoping they wouldn't lingering on the matter. "You're joking right Alec?" Cole asked with a smirk thinking that this is all a joke that Alec and Magnus pulling but their faces tells otherwise.

"You didn't remember the one person who single handedly ruined your life? Seriously? Are you even the real Alec?" Cole asked and again another slapped hit him behind his head, he looked at Jade with his hand rubbing his head. "Quit it!" He gritted his teeth between his words. Alec stood up harshly looking at Cole with anger boiling inside of him. He felt rushed through his temple as he stood and Magnus holding him by his wrist. "Alec." Magnus tried to stop him from being lashed out.

"YES! I AM fucking him! I AM ALEC! No! I don't fucking remember who the fuck is Liam or Camilla or whoever the fuck are they cause I got bashed in my fucking head because of them! So if you stopped rubbing it on my face, we're done here!" Alec screamed and yanked his hand away from Magnus gripped and stormed off out from the house. Magnus stood wanted to follow before he lose him but Sara out run him. "Its fine, I got him." She said as she stormed off followed Alec outside. She heard all the argument from her kitchen and she agrees that they are pushing him to his limit.

Magnus sighed rubbing his temple before Jax placed his hand on his shoulder, "What happened? Why Alec didn't remember?" He asked holding sleeping Emma in his arm. Magnus exhaled a long breath before he turned and faced the brothers again. "He was hit in his head and the ambulance was late bringing him to the hospital. His bleeding was severe they had to open his skull and he end up in coma after two weeks. He couldn't remember anything. The last thing he remembered was his lives before it went to hell." Magnus sat back on the couch rubbing his face.

"Its all my fault. If only I took him and Rafe together to the hospital, I could have save him." He said tiredly. Later Mason stood and sat beside Magnus, "I'm sorry for not telling the truth, but Alec's mum was pissed for what you did. She told me to tell you that Alec didn't make it because she wanted you to regret for what you did. I know I shouldn't have be in the middle of this but there's nothing I could say that would make things easier." Mason was being honest when he said those words and Magnus nodded not bothered to look at him. He hoped Sara would bring Alec back, he worried something bad would happened and him not being there made it even worst.

Sara POV

I knew for the fact that my brother in law is either being born stupid or he's acting stupid. Clearly he made Alec upset and the look on that poor boy made my heart broke. He was clueless and I was about to stop this madness when he stood up and start screaming. Damn I was too late. He shouted at Cole with all his might then he stormed off. Luckily Emma was asleep and surprisingly she didn't wake up for that. Magnus stood and wanted to chase Alec off but I stopped him, knowing Magnus he will make it worst so I told him to stay put, I will get Alec back.

I followed him walking out from the house in a rush and boy he was fast. That long legs surely didn't match my mum's thigh. "Alec wait!" I shouted but he kept his legs fast and I tried my best to catch up. I was running off to the streets when my heart is out of my chest, I didn't even realized I could run that fast but when I caught up to him, I pulled his shirt back and he stumbled on the ground. "What the hell?" He screamed before he stood and dust off his pants.

"Are you crazy? You almost could have killed yourself! If I wasn't here the car would have crushed you! Do you have a death wish or something?" I shouted at him and I saw how his eyes lingered to the streets behind me. It was easy for him since I was merely reaching to his chest so his view is basically through me. I saw how his eyes turned from anger earlier to sudden confusion and then redness. His eyes now were glossy and his chest huffed as he back away from me. "Alec? Is everything okay?" I tried to come closer and he leaned himself against a fence of the house when his hand clutched on his chest. Tears flooded on his face and his huffed turned into a sob.

"I am." He said. "What?" I asked stupidly but I have no idea what he was saying. "I was supposed to die." My heart shattered when I saw him broke into tears. I pulled him to my chest as he kept his eyes water and I never seen a grown man being so fragile and not ashamed of it. "Its okay, sh, its okay." I honestly don't know what I'm gonna say and I surely don't want to make things more upsetting for him. "Alec listen, what happened two years ago is no one's fault but starting new is good for you."

He pulled away from my arm and wiped his tears with his hand. It would be awkward for people to see me a married woman hugging a man who is not even related to me. But I ignore the thought since seeing Alec is so upset and his thought on his death gives me shivers. "Every time I'm with anyone, I don't feel like I belong there, I feel like my body is there but my mind and my soul is somewhere in this world, lost. I can't do this anymore. I can't be here, I wanna go home. I wanna- I need- I c-can't-"

Alec started rambling and his face contorted into a blank space and that's when he started to pant. Shit, he's gonna blow. I quickly pulled out my phone and called my husband. Alec leaned and sat on the ground with his hand on his chest and panting. It took Jax three rings before he answered. "Babe? Are you okay?" He asked, "Get Magnus NOW!" I screamed. He didn't say a word but obeyed and that is what I love about him, he never argue in desperate time and he will obey my every command, which I love the most. "Sara? Where's Alec?" I heard Magnus' voice in rush and concern hit in his voice.

"Alec is freaking out, I don't know what to do. Could you please come here? Its by the end of the street." I told him and he didn't bother to respond before he ended the call. I put back my phone and looked at Alec. He was breathless and panting, keep mumbling words I don't understand. "Alec breathe. You're gonna faint if you don't, oh god just breathe Alec." I shook his shoulder to get his attention back to me but I failed miserably.

Seconds later I saw Magnus and Jax only running towards us and crouched next to Alec. He pulled him by his neck with both of his palm and made Alec looked at him. I stood up and went to my husband giving them space. "Alexander, it me. Come back to me. Alec, focus!" Magnus shook Alec to get his attention but Alec kept his panting. "M-Magnus, I-I c-can't b-breathe." Poor Alec for trying to get his life in pieces but its hard when he had his past catching up on him. It feels like he couldn't catch a break.

"Alexander listen to me. Breathe. Follow my breathing. Please, you can do this." Magnus inhaled deeply and begging Alec to follow him which he did. He inhaled a deep breath as he follows Magnus and exhaled it like Magnus told him too. Tears were soaking his face and for some reason, his chest raised more equally and lesser than before. Alec finally turned his eyes towards Magnus and stares at him. "Magnus." He whispered like he hasn't eaten in days. "What did you see Alec? What is it?" Magnus asked. I looked at Jax and he looked back the same expression I had, confused. "Liam." Alec whispered. Magnus didn't say any word but held Alec's towards his chest, he rubbed Alec's hair as he hides his face at the crook of Magnus' neck. As pleasing as it looks that Alec is better but the view is disturbing, something he and Magnus shared only with them and something tells me that they are hiding something from us.

Alec and Magnus went back to the hotel that evening and Alec was more exhausted than usual. Magnus had to help him back to Jax's house and they decided to leave straight after. He hasn't spoke a word since the attack earlier and Magnus kind of worry. He did try to ask him few questions like is he hungry or does he want to visit some other place but he kept staring into blankness and shook his head no. When they both reached the hotel, Alec went straight to bed, he didn't say anything and just got under the covers and fell asleep soon after. Magnus sighed sitting by his side stroking Alec's hair from his face. His sleeping face is calming but somehow his heart saying otherwise.

Alec fell asleep more than four hours now and its almost eight in the evening. Magnus stayed and do his office work while waiting for Alec to wake up but he didn't so he closed his laptop and went to his side. He climbed the bed and Alec was lying on his abdomen with his hand under his face and the other sprawled behind. Somehow it looks like Rafe but less aggressiveness. He leaned on his elbow with his other hand stroked Alec's hair from his forehead. His soft snores escaped from his lips and his eyes closed shut.

Magnus leaned and kissed him on his temple, "Alexander, wake up." He stirred in his sleep, growling a bit. "Alec." Magnus traced his kissed down to Alec's cheek and dangerously closed to his lips. His hands traced his back with his fingers and he heard him growled again. He then shifts on his back with his hand on his tummy but his eyes still closed. Alec turned his head to the other side and Magnus exhaled in defeat.

Alec continued to sleep but Magnus decided he want him to wake up since he's already getting hungry. He straddled Alec and traced kisses on his exposed neck. Its too inviting since the first time he met him, Alec groaned and buckled his hips towards Magnus and Magnus felt hardened in his pants. Magnus couldn't handle his feelings towards Alec anymore, his kisses made Alec opened his eyes wide and surprised when he sees Magnus on top of him. He quickly pushed him off and made him fell off the bed hitting his side on the floor.

"Oh god Magnus, are you okay?" Alec went to his side and helped him up back on the bed. "Yup, yeah, so much of a romantic wake up call." He said groaning while rubbing his back. Alec snorted in a chuckled feeling bad for doing so to him. "Sorry." He muttered sitting next to him. "Its okay, hungry? Lets go out and eat okay?" He said tapping Alec's knee before he stood and went to the bathroom leaving Alec on bed confused.

Magnus decided to bring Alec to his favorite dinner place in New York and they both settled for some Chinese food that night. Feeling full in their stomachs, Alec and Magnus decided to take a stroll in the city after dinner. They were walking at the pavements when Magnus decided to take Alec's hand in his. He flinched at first but finally gave in and smiled when Magnus smirked at him. They were walking in silenced when Magnus decides to break it. "Are you okay?" He asked and Alec nodded. Knowing Alec, he doesn't want to push him to the limit especially when Alec doesn't want to talk about it.

They were walking back to the hotel and passing one of the alley when Alec released his grip from Magnus'. When Magnus turned around, he saw Alec stood and looking at the dark alley like he saw something in there but when Magnus looked, nothing except dark hallway with couple of dumpsters on the side. No one was around walking there except for the homeless who stayed by the side of the streets covered themselves in cardboard or plastic garbage keeping them warm for the cold night. "Alec come one, we're almost there." Magnus tried to pull Alec away but he won't budge and kept his steady gaze there. His eyes focused on something but his mind seems to wander off some place else.

"Alexander." He called but Alec didn't respond. He kept his eyes in the dark alley and when Magnus shook Alec's shoulder, he turned his eyes at Magnus and blinked like he has been dozed off for a while. "Are you okay?" He asked cupping Alec's cold cheek. He nodded weakly but Magnus could see his eyes waters. He nodded before Magnus pulls him away from the alley and headed back to their hotel.

Magnus was curious to what Alec had in mind and he wanted to ask him so when they both arrived at the hotel, Alec was sitting by the window looking outside. He was so lost in his thoughts that made Magnus worried. He stood behind Alec holding his shoulder which he glad Alec didn't flinched. He turned Alec towards him and saw tears in his eyes. "Alec whats wrong?" He asked, his hand went to Alec's cheek rubbing his thumb on his wet tears rubbing it off. Alec leaned his face on Magnus' warmth palm and more tears flooded. "Alexander please tell me what's wrong?"

Alec's tears fall on his cheek and he kept looking down on Magnus chest. "I saw my past. I remembered bits of it." He said lushly and Magnus sighed. He pulled Alec towards the bed and sat him down before taking his seat next to him. He waited for Alec to continue his story quietly and patiently, letting Alec taking his time. Alec sat on the bed with his one leg crossed facing Magnus and his other leg on the floor out from the bed.

"I was homeless, I think." Magnus looked at his face and he felt sudden anger in him. How could someone abandoned him on the streets, knowing Alec has a family means he is not poor nor did he deserves to be treated that way. "What made you think that?" He asked him. "I saw myself in the streets, hugging myself in cold. The shivers, the hunger. The fear." Alec looked at Magnus in his eyes and more tears running on his face. "I remember running. I couldn't remember why." He continued. Magnus sighed before he asked Alec the question that has been pondering since the evening.

"You remembered Liam? What did you remembered of?" He asked and Alec sighed. "I remembered he was my boyfriend. He told me he loves me." Alec said and it triggers anger in Magnus' heart. He shake his head and scoot closer to Alec. "He used too. But then he turns that loved into hatred and made you his slaves by abusing you in doing things his way, raped you to please his desire. He doesn't love you Alexander, I do."

Alec looked at Magnus with the same desired he had since the last time they kissed. He pulled Magnus face into a deep kiss and surprised hits Magnus. Their lips crashed into each other and their eyes closed savoring the moment. The kiss deepened and Alec opened his mouth letting Magnus tongue to enter. Magnus dominate the kiss and pulled Alec on his lap. Alec straddled his legs on Magnus lap and their kiss deepened in the erotic moment and Alec wanted more. He felt safe in Magnus hand, especially in Magnus embraced, he felt complete, he felt like home and all the problem in his world were solved.

A/N: Sorry for late updates, hope you enjoy this chapter.

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