Part 18
Approximately nine torturing hours of sexual frustration and air turbulence, Alec and Magnus made it to New York. Of course Mr billionaire himself had to have his own private jet that he had to flung around Alec's face. Alec slept through the journey since he hated flying and air sickness is something he's not proud of especially long hours. Magnus on the other hand had time to finish off his business meeting and a video conference while on air and some paper work on the upcoming project while watching Alec sleeping.
"Welcome home Alexander." He whispered into Alec's ear as they stepped foot into the big city. Watching the people walking at the pavement holding briefcases and phones always in their head triggered something in Alec's heart, how much he misses home in Italy . The sky is dark and gloomy, clouds thickened as it was about to rain. Fall doesn't seem to agree with Alec in this place as he was longing for the warmth back in Italy. He kept his eyes darted at the view from the window of Magnus' car not saying a word. The coldness of the outside world didn't exactly welcoming him. He felt lone, he felt sadness and he felt running away. Unlike his feelings were back in high school times. How much he loves New York especially in winter where he would go ice skating at the central park with his sister and his brother. This time its too much pain and sorrow and he couldn't figure how the feelings triggered.
"Alexander." He felt warmth on his palm and when he looked to his side, Magnus was looking at him with such concern. Feeling like guilty on this whole trip and probably a bad idea for doing so. He smiled weakly before he leaned and peck him a kiss on his pink lips. Magnus smiled back in between kisses before he sighed in relief. Alec leaned his forehead on Magnus' shoulder and closed his eyes while their hand tangled with each other on Magnus' lap.
They had to leave Rafe behind for his school stuffs but the boy sure put a lot of fight for being left behind. He remembered how he protested his father for not bringing him along since he was the one who suggested it in the first place. He threatened how he would go on a hunger strike but Alec decided that they would be back and he will spend whole days with him doing anything he want him too. Although now Alec is regretting his promises thinking the boy would be up to something, he pray to god nothing too extreme in that boy's mind.
His thoughts were interrupted by his phone vibrating in his trousers and he pulled it out. Magnus didn't mean to snoop and look but his eyes lingered at the screen on Alec's palm. The word 'mama' appeared with Maryse face smiling hugging him side by side at the background of the call screen. Alec didn't answered the call but rather let it hang waiting for answers. Magnus was wondering why he didn't answer to his mother's call and more intrigued why Alec look sad all of a sudden. Then Alec ended the call by pressing the side button and turn off his phone. He shoved it back into his pants and moved his head back to Magnus shoulders seeking comfort and his arm went to Magnus torso.
Magnus wrapped his arm around Alec's shoulder caressing his hair giving him a soft kiss on his forehead before he asked the million dollar question. "Why didn't you answered your mother call?" He was silenced for a while before he sighed and answered. "I don't want her to know. I'll send her a text later letting her know I'm okay. But I need this for myself. I need the truth and they have whole two years to do so. I need this." He explained and Magnus actually felt sorry for him. but he couldn't help but feeling relieve that Alec choose him over his family, for now.
Alec fell asleep again in the car and when they arrived at the hotel, he was beyond exhausted. Magnus didn't have a heart to wake him up but by accident a car honked right next to them, shot Alec from his sleep in a surprised. They both later settled in the presidential suite and when Alec saw the sight of the workers of this hotel when he settled in the room, it hits him. "You own this damn place didn't you?" Magnus chuckled before he went to the phone by the bedside and dialed up the operator, "Lisa can you bring what I asked you." He placed the phone and Alec walked around the large room taking in everything he could take. He opened the curtain and New York view of the skyscraper with the view of the afternoon sky was breathtaking but Alec got a pounding headache and he had to lay on the bed for a while. He doesn't like long travels and he hated air travel.
"Here." Magnus handed him a glass of water as he sat up on the bed looking tired as hell. He gave him two pills for his dizziness and he gulped it down with the water. "Where's your other medication?" He asked and Alec pointed at the bag pack by the couch and Magnus grabbed it. He pulled out Alec's small black pouch bag in them and passed it to Alec. He break the sealed and took another two tablets of his seizure medications. Magnus eyed his every movement and he felt heavy in his heart that Alec had to go through this because of him. If only he stayed and took Alec to hospital the same time he did with Rafe, Alec won't suffered this much, he won't lose him this long and have him forget all of their moments.
Alec saw the stares from Magnus at his hand and he held Magnus cheek to look at him. "What are you thinking?" He asked and Magnus looked at Alec's hazel's eyes and tears starts to form. "How many times you had the attack? Is it painful?" He asked concerned. Alec shrugged his shoulder and sighed, "Couple last few months but my fault because I didn't take my medication, I thought it stopped since the last one I had was a year ago. I thought wrong. I don't remember much after but it hurts if I bumped into anything or my body hit something, pretty much its just sore and I sleep through the next day. That's it." He said and Magnus kept his gaze at Alec's hand, "I'm so sorry Alexander, its all my fault."
Tears fall on Magnus' cheek and it turned into a sob. Magnus pinched his eyes stopping his eyes from watering but it didn't, his guilt is eating him up. Alec looked at him with crooked eyebrow waiting for his explanation. "If only I bring you both to the hospital at the same time, you would have been save, I was stupid to let you go, I'm so sorry Alexander." Alec couldn't bear his heart seeing Magnus cried and he pulled him into a bone crushing hug. He rested his head on Alec's chest sobbing in his tears soaking Alec's shirt with it. "Sh, sh, its in the past, I know you're sorry, I can see that. You're helping me is more than enough for an apology, I forgive you Magnus." He said cooing his soft words to Magnus.
They were both interrupted by a knock on the door and Magnus flinched in Alec's embrace. He wiped his tears away and cleared his throat. "Come in." His voice is soared and rough and tears spilled to the last drop, Alec wiped them away with his thumb. Magnus had his back on the person who came, "Sir, your request is here." The guy entered pushing a big tray cart in wearing a normal waiter clothes with a simple white bow tie and polished shoe. "You may leave." Magnus said handing him the dollar note and pushed the cart towards the table near the plush couch. He then raised his hand towards Alec and he took it invitingly, "Come." Magnus said and Alec put both of his legs on the floor following Magnus to the table and sat on the couch. "Lunch is served good sir." He said while opened the car tray that filled with lots of mouth watering food.
Beef burgers with spinach on the side, lamb ribs with BBQ sauce with asparagus on the side and chocolate ice cream with cherry on top of the whipped cream. "Oh god, you're the best, I'm starving." He said gobbling on the burger with no questions. Magnus chuckled on his attempt to feed his hunger much like Rafe. Which then he remembers to give him a call later.
After lunch Alec fell asleep again on the couch itself with his hand still holding the ice cream spoon and he look adorable to Magnus, he must be really tired cause he never seen Alec slept so much before. Usually Alec would have nightmares but maybe the travel do him so, he fell asleep again. He had plans for tonight and he thought bringing Alec to the restaurant for their dinner but now he's not sure whether Alec would have remembered the place or not.
"Where are we going?" Alec asked as they were walking through the pavement hand in hand. "I want you to remember this place on your own, lets see if you could." He pulled Alec's hand and they both smirked as they went to the path Magnus leading. Minutes later, they stood in front of a high class restaurant with a valet and a maitre'd welcomed customers at the entrance. Funny how they were both walking instead of getting a ride here but he enjoys the walk with Magnus. Nothing familiar with this place Alec thought and he kept his mouth silenced as Magnus pulled him inside.
"Mr Bane, its been a while. Good to have you back in our restaurant." The blonde bimbo said with such excitement and her chest popped out making Alec retracted back his head with a disgusted expression. "The usual table please." Magnus said, his hand still linked with Alec and when he looked at him, he had the same expression he had years ago when he brought him here for lunch.
They were brought to the table by the corner side and both of them sat, "Do you know what you're having or you guys need time." The hostess asked handing them menus and Alec was about to open them but Magnus took it and handed back to the girl. "He'll have the risotto and I have some beef stroganoff, and oaked chardonnay for me, water for him." He said and the girl was about to say something else when Magnus cut her off again, "Bring us blueberry cheesecake for dessert later." The hostess left stomping her heels after being ignored by Magnus.
"Okay if I know you're gonna ordered for me for dinner, why don't you ordered my life around then?" Alec huffed crossing his arm around his chest, slumming his back on the couch. Magnus chuckled at the sight, "Didn't you remember? Risotto? Lunch?" He asked and Alec shot back up fixing himself on his seat. He looked around, the restaurant and the plates before him, images flooded in his mind. Tall men with trimmed beard, him being upset, and him and Magnus at each others throat arguing about something.
"Some people are blessed with life that they don't desire to have but you think they're happy?" Alec mumbled under his breathe and Magnus sighed relieved he remembered. "I'm sorry for upsetting you that time. I was an asshole." Alec looked up, tears in his eyes before he cracked a smile, "Yeah you are." Magnus snorted before he glared at Alec. Later, they both enjoyed their dinner in talking about Alec's time back in Italy. He would love to visit as soon as he and Alec's family are at good terms.
After dinner they both went back to the hotel and Magnus was tired and exhausted. He literally thrown his shoes on the floor and removed his jacket before he jumped on the bed. Alec shook his head before snickered a laugh, picking up Magnus' jacket on the floor and hung it in the wardrobe. "I can see where Rafe got his messy behavior from." He said before removing his jacket. Magnus mumbled in his pillow that Alec didn't quite catch what he said.
Alec went to Magnus' side and before he could react, Magnus rolled onto his side, pulling Alec together with him. He wasn't sure what it got him so riled up but now Alec is on the bed with Magnus on top of him. His body is warm and their breaths hitched. Magnus leaned in and kissed Alec on his lips and after a while, their kiss became deepened and Alec opened his mouth to let Magnus tongue entered. The foreplay went on for a while until Magnus trailed his kisses down to Alec's cheek and neck.
Alec moaned as his hands trailed under Magnus shirt. His cold fingers traced Magnus' muscles and warmth spreading through his lower abdomen. He heard Magnus gets more turned on as he kissed him deepened with a growl. "Alec, we can't." Magnus stopped and climbed off from him and lay on his side. "What? Why? I thought you wanted this." He asked as he raised himself on his elbows. "I know, but its just, not yet okay. Come here." Magnus opened his arm for Alec and he was hesitant at first but eventually gave in and rested his head on Magnus chest. How he wished the chest was bare and so does he. He sighed and soon they both fell asleep.
"Where are we going?" Alec asked as Magnus drove to some part of town that he didn't familiar. "I have someone I want to see." Magnus parked the car on the driveway of a quaint house. The porch is covered with a motor toys and a small pink car and a pick up truck. They both stood in front of the door and waited after Magnus pressed the door bell. Seconds later a small girl with toothy teeth scratched the door to open. She looks adorable when she talked gibberish in her own language but later she was scooped up by a woman in her thirties. Her blonde hair tied into a messy bun and she carried the little girl on her hip. She opened the filtered door and revealed herself with a smile on her face.
"Magnus Bane. I'll be damn, look at what the cat dragged in. Say hello to uncle Magnus, Emma." She waved the small kids hand waving at Magnus and she giggled in adorable. Not until she saw Alec stood behind Magnus and she gasped taking a step forward. "Is that? How is it possible?" She asked and Magnus looked in between her and Alec. "Sara I didn't know you have met Alec before? How did you know him?" Magnus asked.
"We have pictures genius. Come in. Jax is out for a while, he'll be back, he forgot something at work." She said giving them space before Magnus and Alec entered into their humble house. They both seated at the living room and she placed Emma on the floor and let her played by her own. She was cooking something in the kitchen since they both could smell it from the living room.
"I don't understand any of this, who are these people?" Alec asked and Magnus smiled at him. "Jax is my driver, one of the few who save your lives when you got kidnapped. But he got hurt before he could save you." Magnus explained and Alec was stunt to hear it. He kept his silenced and saw Emma slowly walking towards Alec with crayon in her hand and a paper on her other. "Red." She said as she handed the thing to Alec. Alec was surprised but he took her in his arm and placed her on his lap.
"That's right sweetie, red." He took the crayon and starts drawing big love on the paper that she had doodle earlier. She giggled at the drawing and starts to color the space but missed few and end up scratching the paper with long red lines. Magnus eyed them both in adoration when Sara came back to the living area with a tray of lemonade in her hand and she smiled looking at Alec with Emma in his lap. "I can see why Rafe loves him so much, he's good with kids." Sara said and Alec raised his head looking at her, not saying a word. "How is he anyway? I miss that boy." Sara said handing Magnus the glass of lemon drink and he sipped it before he placed them on the table. "He's well, stubborn as always." He said and Sara laughed.
They were talking when moments later they heard car sound parked at the yard and she stood up immediately. Magnus followed but Alec still holding Emma in his arm so he stayed, not wanting to interrupt their reunion. Not until he heard shouting and screaming of people that include Magnus and Sara.
Magnus stood and followed Sara to the door when he saw Jax. "Mr Bane?" He said and pulled him for a hug. "I can't believed it." He tapped Magnus shoulder and later Magnus' eyes turned to the person behind them. All the brothers are there with him and his eyes are only on one person, Mason.
"Magnus?" He said holding his hand out for a handshake but Magnus raised his fist and collides with his jaw. He stumbled on the ground with Magnus on top punching him over and over. "You son of a bitch! You fucking lied to me you asshole! You bastard!" They yelled at him to stop but he kept going and Jax had to separate them so he pulled Magnus body away from his elder brother.
"Wanna explained what is going on here?" Cole asked and Jax had the same expression on his face. But their moments were interrupted when they saw Alec holding Emma at the front door. They were having a standoff with Magnus being held by a well built guy and the rest of the guys that look almost the same features. They all had eyes on him immediately with their jaw dropped.
"I'll be damned. Guess you can't mess around with fate and destiny after all." Jade said with his eyes wider than usual. "How is this possible?" Cole asked Magnus as he eyed him and back at Mason. "Ask him then!" Magnus spat but all of them had the same look, they all looking at each other before their gaze when to Alec. He passed Emma to Sara and she was quite upset either. "Jax care to explain?" She asked and Alec kept his silenced.
"I'm sorry Magnus for lying to you about Alec. Its his mother's request and we didn't think you guys would have met again since you guys are worlds apart, him back in Italy and him here." Mason explained but Sara smacked Jax on his arm, he flinched in pain as he rubbed the area. "I can't believe you lied to me. Why didn't you tell me he's alive, you guys know how much sorrow you put in them?" Sara spat, being the only lady in between the wolves, they stood in silenced with their head down. Mason had bloods pouring out from his nose, Jade handed him a tissue from the car and he wiped them off.
Alec went to Magnus side and decided to ask since he was clueless about this rival turned from reunion to a fight. "Magnus, I don't understand any of these." He said and all of them except Magnus had a questioning look. "Alec you know who I am right?" Jax asked but he looked at him and shook his head. "I'm sorry but I think we haven't met before, I'm Alec." Jax looked at him and back at Magnus, his brother had the same questioning look, "We got a lot to catch on." Magnus explained and they both looked at Alec at the same time.
A/N: BOOMM!!! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.
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