Part 16

"What the hell is going on?" Magdelene looked at Alec and Rafe on the bed with her eyes wider than usual and she had her hand on her waist, Alec was curious why the short woman stood in front of him looking like his mother seeing him eating the junk food before dinner but actually way worst. Alec stood up, dusting his shirt that wrinkle a little. He felt embarrassed that the pants is a bit shorter than usual but he stood confidently and walk towards her.

"Hi, I'm Alec, I believe we haven't met." He said holding out his hand to greet her but Magdelene stood before his tall figure and her small body felt like a dwarf, she stares at his hand that waited for her to greet but returned her gaze back at Alec's eyes. "Magnus Bane! Get your ass in here right NOW!" She screamed which Alec had to retract back his hand to cover his ears. He literally stood two feet before her when she screamed for Magnus. Alec stepped back and stood before her and waited for someone to explain things to him. He sure that this woman had something to do with his past and he intend to find out. Seconds later they both heard Magnus stumbling to the door of Rafe's room and when he entered he had the same look like his mother, shocked was understatement. "Mum? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Explained him?!" She pointed at Alec which he got offended by it a little. He looked at Magnus with a questioning look and begging for some context of explanation. He looked at Rafe on the bed kneeling with the same expression look on his face. "Alec this is my mother Magdelene, mum, Alec is uhm- he's ah, uhm." Magnus couldn't find words to fill in the situation or explained exactly why Alec is standing in Rafe's room alive and well, way well, way hotter now he's in Magnus clothes. He couldn't stop staring at him and drool over him.

Magdelene stomped her way out and Magnus followed her reluctantly with a groan. He knew he is in a big trouble now that his mother knows Alec wasn't exactly dead but worse that Alec didn't knew who she was. "What the heck was that?" Alec asked and sat beside Rafe on the bed. "That's nana, you're gonna love her." He said as he went back under his blanket. ""I'm not so sure about that buddy, she looked like she's gonna stuffed me in a bag and sent me somewhere." Alec said which got Rafe giggled. He had to snicker a laugh after hearing Rafe giggled, he went and tickled his side which made him giggled even more and chuckle in laughter. "You loved that do you, let her send me away." Alec said tickling him some more.

"No, no Alec I'm not, I promised." He cackled which Alec had his side tickles some more, "Say you want me to stay." Alec forced the tickled into him made him squirmed in the bed. "Stay, stay!" Rafe laughed but Alec didn't stop tickling him, "Say you will love me forever." Alec shook Rafe's tummy made him rolled to the side and stood on the bed before lunging himself to Alec made him stumbled and lay on the bed. Now the table has turned. Alec was on his back and Rafe tickled his side like he did to him earlier.

"Say you will never leave me again." Rafe was small but he sure put a lot of strength when he was with all the energy. "I promised, I promised." Alec told him which then he stopped and lay down beside him. "I'm hungry." Rafe said, and Alec turned his head to his side looking at him, "Let me see what Mary did for dinner." He said getting up from the bed and Rafe rolled over the other side to play with his toys. "Don't forget to clean up after before dinner Rafe." Alec said and Rafe answered shortly, "Okay."

Alec walked out from Rafe's room and walked down the stairs, trying to find his way to the dining area by himself, hopefully. As he was walking down the floor below, he heard noises and he recognized the voices belongs to Magnus and then his mother. His heart throbbed at finding out what they were talking about so he followed the sound. He found himself at the room with wooden door slightly ajar and he stopped, he could see Magnus and his mother at the couch, her back is facing Alec but Magnus is visible enough. "I can't stop blaming myself for telling him its all his fault for hurting Rafe. I told him I hate him mum, I told him he's the reason Rafe got kidnapped because his boyfriend is a lunatic freak who raped him and abused him each day and I did nothing to stop it."

Alec gasped at the word that came out from Magnus' mouth. He was raped? Abused? What kind of life did he has exactly back in New York, and worst, why did his family hide it from him? They told him that it was better be untold, but he deserves to know the truth about this. He couldn't believe his ear and he felt his world has been all a lie. "Alexander?" He heard Magnus voice and when he looked, he was staring directly at Alec and he took his leave immediately. He doesn't want anyone to see him like this, vulnerable and betrayal. He ran off towards the main entrance if he could find them, hopefully he would.

"Explained yourself!" Magdelene raised her voice at her own son and shock was actually an understatement. For two years she believed Alec was dead and when she visited Magnus at the hospital a day after the incident, he was devastated and miserable. He was not himself and she got so worried that his health would be affected. He blamed himself for a year for Alec's death and the truth was he does till present day but seeing Alec alive and well in front of her makes her angry and betrayed. Magnus sighed as he sat on the couch in his office, his mother still had her eyes on him clutching her pursed by her side but she put it down later on the table.

"It's Alec, for real. But he didn't know any of us. He lost memory after he was hit in the head." Magnus explained briefly, Magdelene sat on the couch beside him, "What did his family said?" She asked as she crossed her legs and placed her palm on her thigh. "You know what until today they still hasn't replied to me. I'm gonna make sure those people gets it for what they did to Rafe and me." Magnus clenched his fist on his thigh suppressing his anger. Later then he felt a warm hand on his and he felt calm down a little bit. "You didn't asked Alec about it? If he remember any bits from his past?"

Magnus shook his head and sighed. "He remembered the parts with me and Rafe but only pieces and its more like puzzled to him. He only saw images and stuffs but it drained him down. He doesn't remember his other life until the day he-" Magnus chocked in his words remembering the day he lose Alec from his life. "I can't stop blaming myself for telling him its all his fault for hurting Rafe. I told him I hate him mum, I told him he's the reason Rafe got kidnapped because his boyfriend is a lunatic freak who raped him and abused him each day and I did nothing to stop it."

Magnus later heard a floor creak and turned his head towards the door and saw Alec stood there behind the small gaped door. "Alexander?" He called and Alec looked him straight ahead and ran off after. "Shit!" He muttered and followed him, "Alec!" He called but he already on the stairs running towards no where. He probably thought that's the way of exit but it was actually a dead end. The house is quite a maze but Magnus, he's the master of the house so he could out run Alec. Alec was at a different floor but nowhere near the exit. The area seemed like a hall because it contained couches and a long table. Its more like a reading room or a meeting room. He want to go back and find his other way but he bumped into a chest and stumbled on his own feet. He was caught by two pairs of strong arm and a body smelled like cinnamon and burning wood.

"Easy there tiger." Magnus said, but Alec flinched and pushed him away. "Get off me!" He said and pushed his body towards Magnus to walk behind him still finding his way out. Magnus grabbed his arm and pulled him back and they both faced each other. "Alec wait, let me explained." Alec yanked his arm away and his face filled with rage and disappointment. "No! You lied to me! You told me we were lovers but you didn't tell me I had an abusive boyfriend who raped me! And you did nothing to stop it! You knew and you let him hurt me! You let me put Rafe into all of my mess!" Alec started yelling, pushing Magnus away as he kept grabbing his arm to prevent him from getting hurt.

Alec stumbles when he saw images flashes in his mind and his vision blurred. He barely could see what it was but he could see a person stood before him. His head throbbed as he focused which made him stumbled on the table and accidentally knocked one of the vase over the table. It shattered on the ground as it collides and Alec could see better image.

"Where the fuck were you?"

"You're worthless, what's the reason of you to keep breathing."

Alec felt his breath caught in his throat and his vision made his head pounded stronger. Magnus grabbed his shoulder as he stumbled on the table, "Alexander, easy." Alec shook his head and lean against the wall but his head grew in pain more and more, Magnus held his cheek with his hand as he sat Alec down on the floor leaning his back on the wall. "Alec breathe, focus on me Alexander. Look at me, breathe Alexander." He pulled Alec by his neck closing the gap between them. Alec couldn't catch his breath, he starts seeing more image. Alec blinked his eyes repeatedly and it hurts Magnus seeing him like this. "Listen to me Alec, only my voice, come back to me."

"Listen to me Alexander, know your place or you will regret doing thing behind my back!"

Then Alec saw an image of a guy with a bat, the same image he had back in Italy that frightened him to death. His face might be facing Magnus but his eyes are looking through him, looking at his blurred image. The guy swung the bat and it hit him, it feels like he was there, and then he felt pain in his heart and his head throbbed more each time the image swung the bat. "Arghhh! Stop! Make it stop!" He screamed releasing himself from Magnus and gripped his hair. His body slide to the side as he screamed on the floor. Magnus went to his side gripping his arm to stop him from trashing on the floor.

"Alec stopped, look at me, Alec come back to me. Its me! Alexander its me Magnus. Look at me baby." He caught by surprised when the word slipped through his mouth. It felt so fluent and casual but yet Alec and his heart is at different places right now. "Magnus make it stop it hurts so bad." Alec said gripping his hair with his finger and Magnus felt sorry for him. He didn't think twice but to lean in and close his lips together with Alec.

Their kiss are like a soothing lullaby to Alec's cluttered mind. Somehow his kiss calming him down and the images were gone, slowly the view starts to fade from an old empty apartment to Magnus' brown eyes and dark silky hair. His hand grabbed Magnus' neck as their kissed deepened. Suddenly he felt relieved, he felt the weight on his shoulders were lifted as he continued to kiss Magnus. His hands wanders towards Magnus cheek and he wrapped his hand under Alec's neck lifting him off the floor closer to his chest.

"Uhm uhm." Somebody cleared a throat from the corner of Magnus side and when he turn his head he saw his mother crossing her arm on her chest with Rafe beside her smiling ear to ear. Magnus accidentally released Alec from his arm and he fell on the floor with a loud thud. "Oww." He said and Magnus shot his look at him, "Oh my god Alec are you okay?" He said helping him up on his seat again. He nodded rubbing his head looking at Rafe and Magnus' mother in embarrassment. Rafe was jumping up and down in excitement tugging his grandmother to join his joy.

"Is anybody hungry now? Or you both is already full eating each other's face off?" Magdelene smirked with a raised eyebrow towards her son. Magnus quickly stood and held his hand out for Alec to accept but he pushed it away. He stood by himself and seconds later his legs wobbled and he felt dizzy, he lose his grip standing on his own and felt the floor liquid and his legs jelly. Magnus quickly caught him by his side and Alec put his arm around Magnus' shoulder to support himself.

"You okay?" He asked and Alec looked at his gaze, their faces are merely an inch to each other and Alec nodded weakly. "Didn't want to interrupt another hot session but someone is really hungry and cranky so shall we?" Magdelene commented again and they both looked towards her. Magnus looked at his mother with a 'stop embarrassing me' look. He helped Alec walked to the dining area which is only a down the hallway opposite direction and he was walking on his own but Rafe decide to hold Alec's hand after to help him.

They all sat down at the dining area with Rafe sat beside Alec and Magnus at the head of the table with his mother on his side facing Alec and Rafe. Mary cooked the best food for the household and tonight she made them grilled salmon with seasonal vegetable and she made Rafe macaroni and cheese since he hated eating salmon. They all ate in silence before Magdelene started to break it. "So Alec, what are you doing for jobs right now?" She asked and Alec gulped at the question. "Uhm, I studying at Brunel, finishing my first year in few months now." He said and Magnus shot him a look.

"How long have you stayed in London?" He added and Alec looked at him with a curious look, "Uhm since January so half a year already." He said and Magnus still had the look on his face like he can't believe Alec has been closed to him half a year already. Alec felt the stares between Magnus and his mother towards him, but he choose to ignore it so he returned his gaze towards Rafe who now had sauce dripping on his chin. He took the napkin on his lap and wiped the sauce away while Rafe still try to lick it with his tongue.

"Good manners starts from the table manners, napkin in your lap, food to mouth not mouth to food, and take just the right bite, okay?" He said as he poke the fork into the bowl and feed Rafe with it. He opened his mouth and ate the food with a big smile on his face and later took the fork from Alec's hand. Both Magnus and his mother witnessed Alec still being his old self towards Rafe. The scene brought happiness to Magnus heart but also brings back memories. "Excuse me." He stood and left the table before disappear into the other room. He couldn't bear his heart seeing Alec sat right in front of him but still felt him miles away apart.

"Daddy miss you. A lot." Rafe said as he watches his father leave the dining room and his gaze went back to his grandmother who sat right in front of him. She nodded in assurance as he was quite upset at Magnus. "He always talk to you before he went to bed, especially when he drinks too much." Rafe continued and Alec felt bad hearing that from him, probably he seen his father being drunk and talk gibberish and what an eight year old knows how to calm an adult.

"Eat up Rafe, then get ready for bed." Magdelene instructed him and he nodded before he finishes his meal and went to his room. Only Alec and Magdelene left on the table and he doesn't know whether he should leave her alone or should he stayed, he choose the latter. "How bad was it?" He asked. Magdalene looked up at Alec's face and sighed, "Bad, worst. I never seen him like that before. He abandoned his company and almost losing himself for your lost. Kept trying to contact your family but failed and the only thing make him sane is Rafe. But we all knew he couldn't look at Rafe without even thinking about you. Not a single day went by Rafe didn't ask about you. He knows you're gone but he's six, he forgot that dead people won't comes back to life."

Alec sighed in despair and he felt hurt, he felt anger towards his family for doing this to Magnus but yet again, he wasn't really sure what happen but he know one thing, his feelings for Magnus are not fake, its actually real. The realest thing he ever felt since he woke up from coma. The missing piece he's looking for is actually Magnus. 

A/N : Couldn't sleep, so enjoy the chapter lovelies.

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