Part 15
Days become week and Alec was back on his feet. His heart still broken but he toughen himself up and know he wasn't fit to fell in love and open up his heart to anyone is a bad idea. Maryse has left London yesterday since Robert needs her back home. Alec was reluctant at first but he felt better and promised her that he will took care of himself better plus class starting soon and his break is almost over, something he can keep his mind off things and keep himself busy for starter.
He was bored at home alone so he decided to walk around the park. It was crowd with people but it was peaceful for Alec, the weather is colder than usual since its supposed to be summer but London weather is unpredictable. He saw families with their kids around and couple of teenagers playing with their skates and bicycles and the most painful part when he would look at couples kissing each other or holding hands, his mind was wander off to Mateo again and how is he doing at the moment.
He shook his mind off and promised not too think of something depressing when he noticed someone, he was walking alone with no sitter around holding something in his hand. When he look closely, it was Rafe but what is he doing all alone in the park with no one with him? Alec was curious so he followed him and he was walking towards the pond. He sat by the edge stone and placed whatever he has in his hand.
Alec walked closer as curiosity builds in but hid behind the tree so he couldn't noticed him. There was a brown box with a notebook in his hand. He was cute as a button with his oversized raincoat and his blue hat on his head struggling to open the box but failed since he has tiny hands. Alec had to smile at him being adorable but his smiles fade after.
As Rafe struggling to open the box, he slipped on the rock he was sitting and fell backwards into the water. Alec didn't think twice but to run and jumped into the freezing water shouting his name. The water was dark green and the only source of light was from the sky above. Dead leaves scattered on the surface but he could see people crowding on the edge of the pond. He grabbed Rafe that struggled to swim to the surface as his coat is weighing him down and they both emerged on the surface together gasping for air.
Rafe let out a wailing cries and calling for his father as Alec tried to swim pulling him together to the edge. He was crying and struggling in Alec's grip and he was shaking in cold and fear. "Rafe, calm down, calm down buddy, hey its me." Alec removed his soaked coat and one of the people handed him a scarf, he placed them around Rafe's to make him warm. He checked Rafe's head for any sign of injury and later pulled his face towards him and when he made eye contact, Rafe hugged him and continued his cry. "Rafe!" Magnus' voice appears from the crowd that witnessing his hero act earlier and he pushed them aside before grabbing Rafe from Alec's grip and pulled into his. "What are you thinking? I told you not to play around the water! Why don't you listen? I could have lost you today! I told you to wait by the tree, why didn't you listen?!" Magnus was screaming shaking his son into sanity but Rafe sobbed made him calm and he hugged him back pulling his body closer to his warmth. "I'm s-sorry daddy, I won't do it again." He apologized and hide his face in the crook of Magnus' neck.
Magnus then returned his gaze towards Alec that stood on the ground soaking wet with a worried look on his face. "Alexander?" Alec was panting as he still trying to calm himself and he quickly stood and fixed his outfit. It was covered with dead leaves and dirt and Magnus eyed him up and down, "Did you save my son again?" He asked and Alec had his eyebrow furrowed in confusion, "I'm sorry?" He query but Magnus shook his head, "Come, I'll get you a clean clothes." He signed for him to follow but Alec declined. "Nah, its fine, my house is nearby, I could walk by my own.
He was already on his fifth step away from Magnus when he yelled his name, "Alexander! Don't be stupid or I'll carry you myself to the car!" He screamed and Alec had no choice but turned around. "Like you could lift me and Rafe together." He smirked with his one eyebrow raised, "Don't tempt me, you wouldn't like it." Alec sighed in defeat and he is actually hate to walk in soaking wet and his house is actually not that close. He had to get a cab home since his clothes is wet, the cabbie won't allow him to enter either. So he had no choice to let Magnus drove him home. "Fine!" He spat back and stomped his way near him and they both walked together to his car.
He surprised that Magnus drove by his own and when he reached the car, it wasn't the same car as before but its different car, its black metallic BMW i8, if you see it closed, the black is not actually pure black but it had glitter in them. Damn this guy knows how to pick a car and by the side of the car there's a guard standing guarding it, seriously though? The car door opened upward and its only two door. He was struggling with Rafe in his arm and his box and notebook in his other hand when he want to grab his key but Alec immediately relieved him and took Rafe from his arm, "I got him." He looked at Alec with a soft smile before he unlocked his car.
He then went to the compartment area and pulled out a blanket and handed him to Alec. "How did you?" Alec asked curiously but he only smirked, "You always need to prepare when you are dealing with a boy like Rafe. You know he once go home without a pants?" Magnus started and Alec had to laugh. Rafe on the other hand was not too happy on his daddy telling his embarrassing story. "What happened?" He asked as he rubbed Rafe's hair with the towel and wrapped him with it after he removed the raincoat off of him.
"He sat on a pile of mud." Magnus said and Rafe crossed his arm around his chest, "I did not! I fell!" He pouted with his eyebrow frowned as he looked at Magnus placing his stuffs in the compartment. "Yeah, who asked you to jump on the pile of mud?" He said and Rafe got even more upset at him, Alec laughed hysterically at him and Magnus smiled hearing Alec's laugh, he never thought he would hear that laugh again. "Guess you still jumps around like you used to huh Rafe? How many times your daddy has to tell you not too jump?" Rafe and Magnus eyed him simultaneously that their head shot towards Alec. "You remember?" Magnus asked which later caused Alec to froze. No he didn't remember but it slipped from his mouth without even him knowing about it.
Magnus notice the silence in Alec and decided to change the topic to lose the awkwardness. "Come on before you both freeze to death." He said opening the door for him. He carried Rafe and they both sat in the car together in a passenger seat. Rafe refused to go at the back seat and somehow Alec loves the warmth he received by hugging the boy. Magnus then went to his side and starts the engine, the roaring and the vibration made Alec loves it more and he clears his throat to hide his excitement.
Magnus turn on the heater and they both drove out from the park. Minutes later Alec noticed Magnus didn't bring him home so he stopped him. "Where are you taking me?" He asked and Magnus smirked, "Home, my home. You think I would let my car unsupervised at your neighborhood? Its a risk I won't take Alec." He said cockily which earned Alec an eye roll. He thought Magnus didn't see it but he did, he looked at Magnus hands on the wheel, so beautiful he felt the urge to touch it and tangled with his but he kept his coolness and accidentally stares at his legs. He cursed in his mind for staring at his long legs and his eyes stopped at the zipper line of Magnus pants which is bulging but his mind is actually what's underneath it. He cursed again at the thought and it brought back to Mateo, they just broke up and he thought of another guys cock while he sat literally an inch away from him. "You can drool all you want, I know you want me." Magnus suddenly said made him scoffed and rolled his eyeball at him, "You wish." Magnus was about to say something else when he noticed blood seeping through Alec's sleeves. "You're bleeding."
Alec scoffed in disbelief but kept his eyes outside the window staring at people who gawking at Magnus' car. "Yeah, way to go getting my attention to look at you." The car sped a little bit faster than before he knew it, they already reached Magnus mansion. Magnus went out from the car and went to Alec's side in a rush and he opens the door for him, before Alec could react, he reached for Rafe and walked towards the house. He saw Mary by the door looking worried and took Rafe with her and after she did, Magnus climbed back down to Alec who now already exited the car.
He pulled Alec by his arm and dragged him towards the house, and Alec tried to protest but failed, Magnus is so strong for his to fought back, "Magnus stopped, what are you doing?" He asked but Magnus kept his silenced and pulled him towards his room upstairs. After they entered, he closed the door and faced Alec who stood in the middle of his room. "Strip!" He commanded, Alec immediately covered his body with his arm, "Hell no, I'm not gonna strip for you. What do you think I am? A prostitute?" Alec fought back and Magnus exhaled his breath sharply.
"If you are a prostitute, I will have my way in a car already. Now strip like a good boy so I could look at your wound." He whispered at Alec and their face is barely a feet away when he said it. Alec had to admit that he was intimidated by it and somehow felt hard in his lower abdomen, like a knot on a string building in him. He obeyed as he removed his coat and his shirt but not his pants. Only then he noticed blood sipping through his forearm and dropped on the floor. He raised his hand up to see the injury and noticed he had cut his arm and the wound is filled with dirt.
Magnus came back after disappeared into the bathroom with a towel in his hand. "I said strip." He tossed the towel to Alec which he caught it, he want to enter the bathroom to remove his clothing but was caught by Magnus, "Where do you think you're going?" He asked, "To the bathroom, to remove my clothes." He said and Magnus smirked at the shyness that Alec still has in him. "Strip here, I won't peek." He said with a devil smile on his face but Alec know better than to fight so he obeyed, he wanted a show, so Alec will give him a show.
Alec wrapped the towel around his waist and his clothes are on the floor, he had his briefs underneath the towel which he didn't removed, just in case the towel dropped. The coldness made his nipple hard, he had to hug his body to loose the raising goosebumps all over him. Magnus pulled him towards the bathroom and have him sat on the toilet. The bedroom was huge but his bathroom can fit ten people more. The tiles are golden marble and there's a huge tub that could filled at least three to four people. Then there's a shower with glass cover surround it and the shower heads is on top instead on the wall. So when you open it falls like rain. There's a huge mirror covering the sink and the sink matches with the floor. He can see all amazing product of hair styling and skin care including men grooming that he bet Magnus' since its his room.
He didn't realized he was gawking at the design when Magnus was kneeling before him examining the arm. He took Alec's arm and poured something on it that made him screamed and jumped from his seat. "What the fuck was that? Acid?" He asked as he flicked his arm to ease the pain, "Its peroxide, it will removed the dirt away, trust me you don't want to get it infected." He said but Alec keep holding his arm as tears formed in his eyes, "Oh god Magnus it burns. Arghhh!" He gripped his arm and Magnus pulled it to the sink, he rinsed it off with the cold water which made Alec screamed even more. Somehow after the rinsing, the wound felt less burning and less painful but cleaner, no more black spots around it.
Magnus wiped the wound dry and let Alec sat on the toilet seat again, he placed a dry gauze on it and wrapped a bandage on it to secure. He didn't say a word and walked to the bath tub and opened the tap, water runs in the tub and he squeezed some soap bottle in it and seconds later, it bubbled. "What are you doing?" Alec asked eyeing his every movement. He placed the first aid kit underneath the sink and stood up again, "Running you a bath, what do you think I'm doing?" He asked sarcastically which Alec again rolled his eyes back.
Minute later the tub is partially full and foams filled up the rest of it, "Get in." He instructed but Alec shook his head, "Not while you're here." He said still hugging his body, "Alexander why do you have to be shy? I already seen it before. Now get in before you'll catch a cold." He instructed again but this time with a stern and dominance voice. "You have seen the old Alexander, not me." He said and Magnus raised his eyebrow at him, "Does it make any difference? Did your cock shrink in size after you woke up from coma?" He said and Alec could feel his cheek blushed in embarrassment at the word 'cock'.
He tried to say anything but he was too embarrassed by it and he ended up hanging his jaw open with his eyes widen. "Don't worry, I wont look, here, see." He turned and closed his eyes with his palm. Alec quickly removed his briefs and jumped in the tub causing the water to splash a little on the floor and soon as Magnus heard the water splatter, he turned and see Alec already in the bath tub getting comfortable and kept his bandage arm out. "Just relax, I'll go check on Rafe." He said and went out from the bathroom.
Alec took the moment of Magnus disappearance to quickly shower although he actually want to stay longer in the tub but he doesn't want the event earlier happened again. After his shower he went out from the bathroom to see a pile of clothes on Magnus bed. He put on the clothes and the robe beside it to made his body more warm. The shirt is grayish purple and the pants is a bit short since he is taller than Magnus but it fits without a snug. He then walked out the room to find his way to any sort of human interaction in this big house. He felt his stomach rumbling but then he remembers Rafe's room closed to Magnus'.
He knocked on the door before he entered and he saw Rafe on the bed. Cleaned and neat, he's wearing different clothes now, he was under the blanket and a towel is on his forehead. Alec sat beside him and he felt the bed dipped so he looked to his side. "Alec." He smiled, and jumped to hug him. "Thank you." He whispered in his ear and he nodded before they pulled away from each other. "Anytime kiddo." He said rubbing his head, the towel was long gone and he went back under his blanket. "Why did you go to the pond all by yourself?" Alec asked and he looked at Rafe with concern before he answered, "I want to paint there, its more beautiful." Alec sighed not realizing the boy was actually thought his little adventure is causing Magnus' terrified to death and if he wasn't there today, god knows what could happened. "Promised you won't do that again Rafe, you know how it upset your father." he nodded and grabbed Alec's hand with his small palm, "I miss you." He said and Alec doesn't know how to react to it.
"Rafe?" Suddenly someone barged into Rafe's room with Alec on his bed and the woman who had Royal blue dress that stops just above her knees, a white pearl placed nicely on her collar and her hair, black wavy that flows on her shoulder with her pursed she clutch on her side. She stops when she saw Alec on the bed by Rafe side and her jaw dropped. "Alec? What the hell is going on?"
A/N: That's it folks, hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading, and for all the new readers, welcome. I thanked you all for the lovely comments and the votes, really appreciate it.
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