Part 11
Enjoy the chapter
"Alexander?" Magnus whispered under his breath, thinking it wasn't loud enough for Alec to hear him, they stood before each other with Magnus stand at top of the stairs and Alec at the bottom. It wasn't that much of heights different considering the stairs is only five steps in, for some reason Magnus felt their distance is close but yet so far away from each other. They stared upon each other when Mary notice the silence awkward moment in between them and cleared her throat, bringing both of them back to reality. Magnus shook his head clearing his throat before turning his head to his side facing Mary. She raised her eyebrow and with a small smile curved at the edge of her pale lips. Magnus looked at her with confusion but then decided to ignore it, he turned back his head to face the man he once loved, or still in love who had his eight years old child in his embrace, this brings back memories.
He took his steps down the stairs and closing the gap and for some reason, Alec's breath hitched and his chest starts to thump like a drum, he could feel it in his chest and he sure bet Rafe would too but he was fast asleep in his embrace. "We haven't been properly introduce, I'm Magnus, Magnus Bane." He held out his hand for Alec which he had his eyes on them and slowly lifting his hand to meet Magnus'. "Alec, Lightwood." He said with confident and for some reason he wonders why he had this tingling feelings in him. Their hands met and the sparks hit in between them, Alec felt tingling in between his palm but he doesn't want to let go, he want to keep it there for the rest of his life.
Flashes of image appears, black and white but he could make out a guy sitting on a chair behind the desk, his sleeves folded to his elbow, Alec couldn't see his face but only his forearm. Muscular and intimidating, hairless but an arm that he felt safe if being wrapped in them. The fingers were long and the nails were trimmed nicely, probably manicured but he felt the urge to wrap his fingers between them, his eyes never leave the guy hands but he had his focused there for some reason.
"Alexander, Alec!" Magnus shook his shoulder and his eyes moved from their hand towards Magnus brown eyes. He cleared his throat and blinked several times and the images gone, he was back at the current state, facing the guy who he bumped few days ago. "Y-Yeah sorry, I was lost in my thoughts. Umm he- uhm." He was trying to find his words but couldn't figured out a single sentenced. "I'll take him." He said handing out his hand for Rafe and Alec feeling of emptiness and longing when Magnus pulled Rafe away from him but to his luck, Rafe refused to let go of his neck and instead of pulling Rafe away, Magnus accidentally pulled Alec towards his chest.
He stumbled and their body bumped into each other with Rafe in the middle separate them from their intimacy. "Uff." Alec almost fell towards Magnus chest but he held Alec's both shoulder preventing him from it. "S-Sorry." He apologized which Magnus snickered. "Its not your fault Alexander, he always like a boa constrictor when he fell asleep like this." There's something about how he said Alec name that he find it odd.
They stood before each other with Tom and Mary witnessing the encounter, for Tom it would be really awkward but to Mary she can't stop smiling her cheek hurt. "I-I guess I should bring him inside to put him on the bed then." He said and Magnus smirk at the thought. "Sure, I'll show you where it is." He held out his hand showing his way but Alec turned back to his driver, "Tom, it'll be just a minute." Alec said and he nodded with a smile. "Nonsense, you're coming inside, its freezing out here." Magnus said waving his hand to let him into his house. "Its not necessary Mr Bane. I'll be fine out here." He said but Magnus' face changed, his face is stern and its shown anger, "I don't let people freeze outside my house and I expect you obeyed otherwise you can leave, I will take Alexander home." His voice is fixed and stern and for some reason, his dominancy made Tom agreed and he turned off the car heading inside following the rest of them.
Once they were inside, the decor is even breathtaking, its like being in a house of a king back in 1800. The floor is white marble with his walls pearl white but the hanging chandelier that screams money caught their attention, the banister was covered with dark red wood and the floor is carpeted leading the stairs to the top floor, probably five floor up Alec thought. He wasn't aware he had his head tilted so high he felt dizzy so he looked back down and saw the grand piano by the hall next to the stairs, he can only see the edge of the piano but his eyes caught at the design, its was pitch black and shiny. Mary pulled the coat away from Alec and he fixed his holds on Rafe.
"The room is upstairs. Come on. Mary showed Tom to the kitchen, we're having dinner together." He said and Mary nodded, "Yes sir." she signed Tom to follow her to the kitchen leaving Alec alone with Magnus. He lead the way with Alec followed behind and a floor later they finally stopped climbing. Alec was panting holding Rafe in his arm and he had to fix his posture. Magnus smirked at the gesture but decided to hides it. He walked towards the long hallway and after three rooms later, he opened the room with white door and blue lettering on it.
He opened the room and its was cluttering mess, Alec had to gasp at the view and shook his head, "Welcome to an eight years old room." He said and Alec still had his jaw dropped, the room wasn't exactly dirty but just messy, he hated mess but he sure as hell picking up after his things. The toy is all over the ground and he almost stepped on the toy lego, which he knows by fact, hurts like a bitch. The bed was luckily made but the toys are uncountable, rich kids, he thought.
He placed Rafe on the bed and took off his shoes and placed them on the ground. As he pulled the blanket over him, he rolled to the side and hugged his pillow. His snores continued and Alec had to find it adorable. Magnus was leaning against the wardrobe next to the door and kept staring at Alec when he got caught staring. He accidentally made the wardrobe tilted a bit and almost fell, he caught it quickly so it wont fall and wake Rafe up with the noise. He fixed his posture trying to hide his silly act earlier and embarrassment in front of Alec.
Alec on the other hand had to hide his laugh and pressed his lips together. "Uhm, lets go, we're having steak tonight." He said and Alec was confused, was he expecting any company? He just nodded and followed him towards the kitchen which he would lost in the house if he expect to find it himself. The whole time they walk together is silenced. Magnus and Alec tried to say something but somehow nothing came out. But finally he man up and spoke for conversation starter.
"So, how did you met my son?" He asked and Alec looked to his side, "Uh, I volunteered at the museum today, escorting the kids for my college points." He said and Magnus nodded and the silence continued.
"So, you're in college? Studying what?" Magnus asked and Alec smiled scratching his head although is not even itch. "Uhm yeah, Brunel. I'm in architecture." He stated and Magnus just kept his gaze at him, listening with such adoration, who does he fooled, its the same Alec who loves designing and he had the same expression in his eyes when he mention his courses.
They reached the kitchen shortly after finding Tom and Mary engaged in conversation together holding trays of food. Steak as promised with mashed potatoes and gravy and red wine. Magnus pulled a chair for Alec to sit like a perfect gentleman and Tom did for Mary after they placed the food on the table. "Smells amazing here Mary." Alec said and Mary dropped her fork on the plate make it clanged with a loud noise. Everyone looked at her with confusion and so does Alec . "H-How did you know my name?" She asked and Magnus had the same expression, he shot his head towards Alec on his left side and Alec looked at both of them with confusion as well.
"Uhm, I heard Mr Bane called you earlier outside. Is something's wrong?" Magnus and Mary looked at each other before a sight of disappointment flashed on their faces. "Oh sorry, I completely forgot about that. Wine?" She asked as she poured down on Magnus' glass and was about to pour on Alec when he held his hand stopping her. "No, not for me thank you." He smiled at her and she nodded before pouring it in Tom's glass. "Same Alec." She mumbles to Magnus as he nodded and kept his gaze towards Alec.
"So Alexander where are you from?" Magnus asked, starting their dinner conversation. Alec was about to swallow his meat down when he stopped and looked at him and Mary. "Uh, Italy." He said and then turned his head to his left and stared at Tom. They both had a weird look probably since Alec lied that he came from Italy instead from New York.
"Ohh, that's nice. Are you an only child?" He asked and Alec is fidgeting in his seat, not feeling comfortable with questions about his personal life. "Uhm, no, I have a brother and a sister. They all lived in Italy with my parents." Magnus looked at Mary and raised his left eyebrow and Mary looked at him with confirming look. Alec and Tom had the feeling of awkwardness between the two but choose to ignore it. "Uhm, your name sounds familiar, what do you do for living?" Alec asked turning the table around and waited for his answers.
"I have business here and there, hotels and stuffs. Why are you interested?" He asked but Alec felt unsatisfied about the answer, "No, there's something about that name, I heard it before." He said and his eyes kept wandering on the medium rare beef in front of him, he poked the meat with his fork playing it before his brains hits. "Oh my god, you're the billionaire that involved with the Amari arrest!" He said a little bit too loud for a dinner table conversation and Magnus and Mary had the same jaw dropping expression.
"How did you know about that?" Magnus asked and Alec looked at them both inhaling a deep breath knowing his in a deep shit for bringing it up. No one knows the identity of the victim except for the person who investigate the case and Alec being blabber mouth, he slipped. "Uhm, my boyfriend's friend was the investigating officer, he told me about your son being kidnapped." He mumbled trying to cover himself from being the center of embarrassment. Magnus felt pain hit the centre of his chest, burning flooded his chest upon the word boyfriend, Alec was in love with someone else but him. His fist clenched under the table and how he wished he could kill the person who stole Alec's heart.
"Alexander, didn't you remember anything?" Magnus whispered before placing his palm on Alec's hand by his side. He felt warm when his hand touches with Magnus but soon pulled away and hid under the table. He shifted in his seat feeling the awkwardness in between them and not too mention the stares from Mary and Tom made it more uncomfortable. "What do you mean?" He asked but Magnus sighed rubbing his forehead. "Forget it." Silenced again invaded the dinner table and the only thing could be heard is their fork and knifes cutting through the meat.
"How long have you been working here Mary?" Alec asked trying to lose that awkwardness. "Mary is practically family, he's like my second mum. Been here for me as long as I could remember." Magnus explained and placed his hand on hers and she tapped it with a smile. The thought of mum made Alec thought of his own mother. He promised to call her tomorrow since its almost days since he last spoken to her. She didn't knew exactly the seizure attack he had couple days back and so does Tom. He intend to keep it a secret, not wanting to worry her more.
"May I asked?" Alec questioned looking at Magnus and Mary, "Sure, shoot." Magnus said continued eating his dinner. "I haven't seen your wife around, I-I mean Rafe's mum." He asked hoping he wont get offended by the question but he could see Magnus stopped eating and stared at his plate for a while. "I'm sorry for upsetting you. I shouldn't have asked." He apologized but Magnus shook his head, "No need. I'm not married. Rafe is my adopted son, his parents is unknown." He explained and Alec couldn't help but feeling bad about him growing up without a mum, especially at this age.
"Oh, you aren't? But why? You're successful and not bad looking, surely you had someone in mind." He asked and smiled crept upon his lips, not sure why he said those word but probably he wanted to know whether Magnus is single or not. "I have my heart at only one person but he's gone. He saved me from making the worst mistake of my life in marrying someone wrong but I let him go." He said and kept his eyes towards Mary and she rubbed Magnus forearm softly soothing him.
"I'm sorry for your lost, is it the Alexander that Rafe kept talking about?" He questioned and Magnus and Mary head shot up looking at him curiously. "H-He mentioned Alec?" Magnus asked with his face pale in horror, Alec couldn't understand this family and he looked at Tom with the same look. "His name is Alec as well?" Alec questioned and Magnus was about to answer only to be interrupted by phone rang.
"Sorry I have to take this." Alec said reaching for his phone to answer. He stood and left the kitchen table and stepped out the main hall. "Hello?" He answered the call. It was Mateo and knowing its dinner and he hasn't come home yet and he completely forgot to tell him.
Mateo : Where are you? I thought you finished the tour at five, now is almost eight.
Alec : I'm so sorry, I got lost track of time, I send one of the kid home, he was left alone so I had to do something. I'll be home soon babe okay.
Mateo sighed before answering him and they both ended the call shortly after. Alec placed his phone back in his pocket and looked around the hall, he spotted the piano he passed earlier and smiled. Its been a while since he touches those, running his fingers through the key. He sat down and opened the lid before letting his minds controlled his fingers, it always been the same song, his mother lullaby.
His fingers moves like water, smoothly and soft, his eyes were closed and his throat humming the songs. He wasn't aware that he had an audience behind him. When he was done, he stood and turned but caught by surprised when he saw Magnus leaned agains the wall with his arm crossed against his chest. He looked ravishing and Alec couldn't help staring, his mouth waters. "Sorry I didn't mean to touch it, its been a while since I play." He said but Magnus kept his eyes on the piano behind him completely ignoring the words.
Alec walked passed by him which then he gripped Alec's arm back and pushed him on the wall behind him. Alec was stunt by his sudden behavior and gasped when Magnus locking him between his arm. Their face is barely an inch closed to each other. They could feel each other's breaths and both of them pants. They both had the rushing in their chest and hearts beating like they are running for a marathon.
"Please stop this game Alexander. Stop torturing me like this." Magnus traced his fingers along Alec's hand and later placed them on Alec's waist. "W-What game Mr Bane?" He asked and he could feel himself breathing more in difficulty. Magnus placed his lips on Alec's neck and he could feel him shudder reacting to his touch. Magnus traced his hand up to Alec's neck as he moans in Magnus' kisses and his hand goes further up to his head. He gripped Alec's hair and he felt his fingers traced a bare skin underneath the hair line.
Alec closed his eyes as Magnus gripped his hair with his fingers and didn't even realized he had stopped touching him. He opened his eyes and saw Magnus staring at his scar. His eyes were red and tears begging to fall, which confuses Alec even more. But his eyes, his smells and his body, he felt familiar, he felt comfortable touching him rather than guilt since he closed to cheat on his boyfriend. But he couldn't move, the more he looked into Magnus eyes, the more familiar he got and the images came back flashing before him. He saw Magnus' mouth moving but he couldn't process what he said, he chose to ignore it and focused on the images instead.
Like flickering lights, Alec had difficulty in seeing the images, its like broken tape, with lots of disturbance in his view. "You always smells so good Alexander." He couldn't see the person before him, but he could feel his breath on his neck. "Your drunk." He heard his voices but the person won't budge. Then he heard it again, "I-I'm sorry, please forgive me." The voice said, he couldn't hear it clearly and it sounded like its under water.
"Alec. Come back to me?" Magnus shook his body bringing him back to reality. Alec looked at him with tears fell on his cheek. He doesn't know why he was crying but he felt Magnus rubbed his thumb wiping the tears away. "What happened? What's this?" He asked tracing his fingers in Alec's hair touching the scar. Alec pulled away and pushed Magnus apart from him. He was taken back for Alec sudden roughness. "Y-Yeah, I-I need to go. Thank you for dinner." He said and rushed back to the dining room. To his luck Tom was done with his dinner and Alec pulled him by his arm and he looked at him in surprised. "Lets go, now!" He commanded and Tom nodded before mumble a thank you to Mary.
Alec was running towards the door with Tom already out from the door with coats in their hand when he was caught by Magnus again, "Alec please, let me explained. You are not what you think you are. You are my Alexander and you are alive. For two years I thought you are dead and for some reason god heard my prayers to make up my mistake and I am not letting you go again, not now not ever. Not even your family could separate us apart again." Alec pulled back his arm and he pushed Magnus away from him, "Stop talking, I don't know who you are. You got the wrong person." Alec ran out and found Tom already by the car holding the door for him.
"Alexander if you don't trust me asked your perfect family! Who exactly kidnapped you and you mother and why? It all started with your family that you so loved!" He shouted from the main entrance and Alec didn't bother looking back. He slide into the car after putting on his coat and Tom drove away into darkness. Magnus fell on his knees as soon as the car leave the area and Mary hugged from his side. "Its Alec Mary! Its him, I know its him. Something must have happened that made him forget." He mumbled in his tears and Mary couldn't say anything, she was shocked as well but she doesn't want to say the wrong things. So instead she rubbed circles on Magnus back and let him cry his heart out.
The drive back was silenced and Tom heard Alec sniffed in tears but when he looked through the mirror, Alec hides his tears. "Sir is everything okay? Do you know Mr Bane?" He asked but Alec kept his silenced ignoring him. He didn't bother answering him and kept his gaze to the outside world, shutting everyone out.
Alec thank Tom for the ride back and entered his home. The moment he did, the smell of pizza invaded his nostrils and he saw Mateo by the kitchen, "Glad you're back, pizza night." He raised his hand on the pizza box he had and Alec eyed him with guilt. He almost kiss Magnus today and he let Magnus touched him but most disturbingly, he felt something for Magnus not like he felt for Mateo. "Alec what's wrong?" Mateo asked looking at Alec still stood by the door. He tried to say something but he gave up and ran upstairs to his room.
Mateo follows him and the moment Alec entered his room, he slammed the door shut and locked it. He never locked his door even his bathroom when he showered. Countless time when Mateo barged in him half naked but tonight was different, Alec was different. He banged the door couples times begging for him to open. "Alexander please tell me what is going on! Alec please let me in!" He banged the door again and again but Alec didn't answer. The other side is quiet and its haunting and Mateo felt scared leaving Alec in such state. He gave up banging on the door for a while and assumed Alec wants some alone time. He gave up and went to the couch instead. His pizza was left untouched and he kept calling Alec's phone but only went to voicemail every time it reached him. So he had no choice to let Alec be with his own self for tonight and demanded for answers tomorrow.
A/N : How do you feel about the chapter? Did you guys die yet? Need the infamous hangover kit? @EmmaStoneBone I need you in this.
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