Part 1


"Why did you lie to him?" Jade asked me when I walked back to the door after Magnus left, it was heartbreaking to see him broke down on the floor begging me for Alec to be alive, if only he knew. "I had too, its his mother's wishes, to be reunited with their family again, no distraction. They need to find themselves first before they find each other. If fate would had been kinder, I would let him know the truth but he need this. They needed this. Plus its his mother request to bring him back to Italy after he stable. The rest of his family is coming in few hours. I'm sure Magnus is the last person they want to see after what his mother told me." I told him and he didn't say any word. He just nodded as we walked to Jax's room to see our brother. We told him what happened and he sighed thinking it was over but things with Alec and his family need to be solve first. Magnus need this space, he need this for his own good.

Present day

Alec POV

I woke up again middle of the night jolted from my dream. My sheets are soaked with my sweats and so does my body. I wiped my forehead with the back of my palm. I sat up trying to catch my breath. Its always the same dream, dream of him. I don't know who he is, I can't barely see his face. Every time I want to see his face, its blurred and I will hear gun shot. Odd how I never heard gun shot my whole life only in a movies but this one is closer and more softer. I woke up from my coma almost two years ago after being hospitalized for more than two weeks. I woke up in Italy not knowing my life that happened in New York. I didn't have any memories other than our childhood and going to high school and everything after that is blurred.

Every time I tried to think about it, my head gets throbbing and pain and I passed out or sometimes even worst I had seizure. The doctor said I'm fine and I will heal but I had to take my medication and it stopped for like a year ago. My parents told me that I was kidnapped for years they are trying to search for me but failed and when they found me they immediately took me far away from the States and now we are living in Italy.

I wondered when I woke up, my hands and legs are bruised on the joints and they told me its because of the ties the kidnapper did to me. I never knew who my kidnapper was and they told me, it was a business rival with my dad. They were all killed when they found me. Mum and dad had been weird when I woke up, they all acted like they haven't seen each other in a while and mum said she also were kidnapped by them and doesn't know it was the same kidnapper that took me. We found each other after the police found us and I know she was hiding something from me.

All their stories is too good to be true and I was contented to find out. Dad never been the same since I woke up, he kept his distance away from me and barely spoke to me. I tried to find out why but Jace and Izzy just said that he needs time to adjust after all those years I'd gone. I kept dreaming since I woke up about a guy with black hair and a boy. I don't think that boy is me since I can vaguely remember our conversation. Sometimes the words are vivid and sometimes it doesn't, makes it harder for me to remember.

Every single time I woke from my nightmare, my head throbbed in pain and I need to relieved myself with pain killers. So I got off my bed and headed to the bathroom for my supplies. I looked at myself in the mirror and I kept saying this isn't me. I know its weird but the only thing I remember is how I look but I got skinnier since I got kidnapped and now I managed to put a little bit of weight and Jace forced me to workout with him, hence, the muscles. I grabbed the glass from the cabinet and one tablet of Advil before I gulped it down. My throat dried after I swallowed and finished my drink before I went back to my bed.

I sighed remembering the first time I woke up from my coma, I can barely remember anything. The last time I did, my mother had shorter hair and so does Izzy. Jace is way skinnier and my father definitely not losing that much of hair as I remembered. I still remember Max, when he died. Our family grief and we moved on but I felt like I need another closure.

Lives in Italy is not like in New York. My body might be here but my heart does not. I kept trying to put the puzzled back together but failed. Izzy said its okay not to remember and made new memories with it but I still can't shake the feelings I had like I left something back there in New York. You know the feeling when you rode an airplane then you feel like you forgot something but not quite sure what it is. its frustrating to remember something you don't even know.

I planned on going back to sleep but my body is much alert to do so. I got off from the bed for the second time and noticed the clock is almost four in the morning. I decided to take a walk instead. I put on my shoes, grabbed my jumper and a beanie for my head before I walked out from the house. My mother would kill me if I fall ill since its mid January. Since the coma, my body is quite fragile and I easily get sick so my mother has been overprotective around me.

Our house is amazing since its at the vineyard. We can see the whole vine at the back and the smells of grapes is just something I won't miss every morning. I sat by the bench and looked forward as my mind again wanders. I remember Izzy and Jace were telling me they continued their college life in England and they had so much fun there. Learning their languages, partying, although mum did glared at them for the word party but both of them just smile as its happened years ago. Now they both had jobs and independent on their own without me had to be the big brother as always.

Sometimes its hurt to feel that they don't need me to protect them anymore and instead of me, they are the one who is being over protective. Then it hits me, why don't I go to England and further studies my own. So that I could get a decent job and I could be independent just like them. Maybe then dad would be proud of me.

I decided to stay a little bit more to watch the sunrise before I will wait for all of them to wake up and tell them the good news.

Magnus POV

Its been two years since Alec is gone from my life. Its too painful to go to sleep every night with guilts run through my chest and the pain I felt in the pit of my stomach never left since the day I found out. I tried to contact Bella and tell her how sorry I am for her brother's death but she just yelled at me for not telling what happened and she never wanted to see me nor forgive me for letting her brother go.

I can't deal with my grieve especially living in the mansion every single day pretending that Alec was never here. Every single thing I touch or wherever I look, I saw him. His smile, his laughed, his groaned at his apple pie for being over burnt. So I decided to move back to London and we stayed here for almost a year now. Rafe had grown so much and now he's almost eight years old.

He never did brought up about Alec as he know whenever he mentioned him, I would teared up and my whole mood would be spoiled. But I know how every night he would look up to his window and talked to the stars. I know he's talking to Alec, telling him what happened during his day, how was my mood, telling him how much I missed him that he knew I didn't properly took care of myself and how he always ended their conversation with 'I miss you Alec, I wish you were here.' I can't handle my heart knowing how much Rafe loves him, I do too but my stupidity ruins it all.

I decided to open a new business here in London and expand my hotel more towards the Europe. Over the past two years, I had drown myself in work and became one of the successful person at such young age. I had all the money in the world and I can buy anything I want but Alexander thought me, money can't buy happiness, they can't buy people back from the dead. They can't buy a time machine to turn back the clock. So no matter how much money I earned, the hole in my heart never did patch up. I left my heart back in New York where I left my memories with Alexander. I took Mary with me and gave Jaxon and his family forty percent of my last profit as a bonus for helping me out. Although they refused to accept the money but I insisted and they can do whatever they want, split into four of them and I released Jax from being my chauffeur.

The event of that day still haunts me every night when I went to bed. Alec's faces was the only thing that appeared and I will wake up crying. Rafe sleeps in my room all the time just to make sure I was okay but I need my space, my personal space so I could cried my heart out. Its get better almost few months ago with the help of therapist and support group also some medication but when the time comes to the anniversary of Alec's death, I mourned and grieve again. I never knew his birthday, we never did get a chance to celebrate it but when I found out from Maia from his previous record, we decided to have a small birthday celebration honoring his lives.

Alec POV

Breakfast seems foreign to me cause every time I sat down, dad won't look at me, not even reply to my greeting. I was playing with my food poking it with the fork in my hand when my mum cleared her throat. "Is everything okay sweetheart? You barely touch your food." She asked. I nodded with a smile and continued my breakfast before I gather up some courage to tell all of them my plan.

"I have something to tell you." I started. They all looked at me with such worries like the first time I tried to walk after woke up from my coma. It was brutal and after months of physiotherapy, I finally managed to walk without crutches. Apparently the blow to my head is so strong that it cracked my skull and caused bleeding inside. The doctor also said that it involves my muscle cause it hits my brainstem. I woke up feeling numb and I thought I was paralyzed.

"What is it?" Mum and Izzy said at the same time with Jace and dad stares at me. "I'm thinking on going to college. Maybe the same place Izz and Jace went. I want to continue my studies and I want to apply for job with a proper degree. Its not that I don't appreciate your help dad its just I want this and I know I can do this." I tried to be reasoned and I saw my mother woke up from her seats to grab more coffee from the coffee maker machine.

"I protest. Alec you still recovering. What if somethings happened to you." My mum pointed it out like always expecting I would get hurt. "They have doctor there mum, and hospitals. I'm sure I'll be fine." I said and my mum gazed on my dad. He placed his iPad slowly on the table and let out a sigh. "When are you planning to go?" He asked and a smile crept up on my lips as I answered him, "Probably next spring, in March for their next intake." Dad nodded but mom was not happy and kept protesting, "Robert no, we've talked about this. Alec is not strong enough yet, what if he had seizure and he's all alone? He will die choking in his own vomit or saliva or maybe he will fall in the bathroom hitting his head and another brain injury won't helped his survival rate, Dr Jensen said so." She argued with dad and I can see he's getting a little bit annoyed.

"For god sake Maryse, how long you wanna keep him under your arm? He's twenty six years old, let him breathe. Plus its good for him being independent and live on his own." He said and my mother's gaze changed suddenly. She slapped my father's face hard causing him to tilt to the sides a little, "I have lost him once, I am not gonna lose him again." With that she's gone and headed upstairs to her room. We know she went there after she slammed the door and it banged through the whole house.

Izzy and Jace escapes after not wanting this argument to prolong leaving me with dad alone on the table. He sighed rubbing his temple and I noticed the worried he had in his face. "Dad, I'm sorry I won't go if that's made you and mum stop fighting." I said hoping he would not agree. "No, you need this. You need your freedom. I will send cheque to the university you want to go and I will support you till you graduate if that's makes you happy." He said, there's a different in his tone like he's covering up some bad things he did in the past. "Dad, what does mum means when she said she lost me?" I thought she was kidnapped too and we both were missing, why she said me not us?" I asked and this time I can see him fidgeting in his seat. "You're mother is not thinking right Alec. Don't worry she'll be fine."

I know she'll be fine but the problem is would I be fine knowing she is sad and reluctant for me to go. So I decided to talk to her convincing her to let me go. I finished my breakfast and brought all the dishes to the sink. Our maid, Liz tried to push me away but I told her I felt ease in completing the chores in hand. So instead of arguing she helped me and together we finished in a short amount of time. She was surprised to see I was such handy at handling the kitchenware and I don't know exactly where did I got my skills from. Probably something from the past.

I head upstairs to see my mum and I knocked the door few times before I enter. My father had gone to the office and leaving us alone in the house. The room is light beige with smells of jasmine and lilies. I love how my mother brew her own essence from her flowers garden and made her own soothing oil. It felt like home every time I smell her. "Mama?" I said and I saw the balcony door was opened.

I walked towards the balcony finding my mother sitting with a scissors in her hand surrounded by her flowers. She had a green thumb I must say and everything she planted it grew healthy. She was fixing the flowers that crawling through the balcony rails and few on the flower pot. "Mama?" I called and she literally jumped upon hearing my voice. "Jesus, Alec you scared me." She said while holding her chest. "S-Sorry." I said.

"Sweetie? Why are you stuttering? Is everything okay? Is it the aura?" She asked. I know that when I stutter is one of the sign my brain didn't work and probably I would have my seizure but this time, I was stuttering because I was too scared to convince her I want to go to England. "No mama, I'm fine. Can we talk please." She released her hand from my cheek and sat at the chair patting her seat next to her for me.

"Mama please. I need to go and pursuit my studies. I can't live in here anymore. Seeing Jace and Izzy so successful and have money by their own handwork makes me want to be like them too. I was the one who supposed to be first not them but all those years of us trapped, now is my chance to start over. Please let me go. I promised I come home every Christmas." I held my pinky finger to her and then the image of that boy appears in front of me. "Promise Alec?" his small voice echoing in my head. I couldn't see the boy but I could hear his voice. The vision is black and white for me and I had the throbbing headache as I kept pushing my brain to remembers.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" My mother asked as she saw me rubbing my temple while both of my eyes are closed. I shook my head and the vision is gone. "Nothing. Its just something in my eyes." I lied while rubbing my eye faking it itch. I looked back at my mother and she had the worry look in her eyes but I smile wider to make her happy. She fails and smiled at me back before wrapping her arm around my neck. "Only if you promised to come home as much as you can." She said and I chuckled nodding my head. "Of course mama, I love you." I told her and she replied the same to me. Yes! Finally I got my chances and now I'm gonna prove myself that I can be like Jace and Izzy too.

A/N : Whats up guys, hope you gonna love this story as much as the first one. Can't wait to start on this journey with you guys. I want to dedicated #maxmaksart for his brilliant art that always inspired my malec photos..

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