Final Chapter

Years later

Life has never been a great for both Alec and Magnus, even though they had their ups and down but they grow stronger than ever. After their honeymoon in Africa, enjoying the safari and the Cape town, they travelled to to Asia, they went to Japan, since one of Magnus' business partner is there and he wanted to see his newly launch hotel and at the same time, taking Alec to see the beautiful scenery of Japan.

After then, they all settled in New York, Alec with his new job, Magnus back to his old company but its bigger and more established since the last time Alec work there. Rafe started his new school with ease, proud that he has two fathers instead of one. Alec was scared at first knowing how difficult it is to adjust into a society but little did he know, the school that Rafe went to, is actually an activist for the LGBT community and they are proud to have LGBT parents joined in.

Years gone by and their life had never been quiet, always the excitement and thrills inside the home and Magnus promised that he wanted more kids with Alec and he did. They adopted a sets of twin girls few years after their marriage. Alec agreed on not having any kids in the early years since he wanted to focus on his job first and Magnus is busy with his so he wanted them to adapt into their living only then to start a family together.

Catarina called them when she had the twins delivered at her hospital. Tragic things happened when the twins was actually involved in the car accident and their parents didn't survived the crash. No one claimed the twins or the body so Magnus did the favor by making proper burial for them. They both lay beside Max's grave as a reminder of them being part of the family. He named them Ember and Ellie. The twins has a pair of green hazel eyes and a sets of auburn hair. Izzy likes to call them autumn in Lightwood-Bane family since they are so reminding the color of autumn leaves when they fall.

But the sky isn't always blue, the grass isn't always greener. When the twins turned six months old, there was a knock on the door. Magnus and Alec was sitting by the fire with Alec holding Ember and Magnus holding Ellie and Rafe on Alec's side. It was usual night for them, after dinner, movies and then the bed. The knock was a surprise for them and when Jax told Magnus privately behind Alec, he got curious.

"What is it?" He asked bouncing Ember on his arm, she had a pacifier on her mouth shaped of a bumble bee. "There's someone at the door." Jax started and before he could finished his sentences, Magnus handed him Ellie, "I'll handle them." He said as he walked out from the room with Alec looking curious and confused as ever. "Jax who are they? At this hour?" He asked concerned of his husband sudden disappearance.

"There's someone at the door, a couple, uhm, f-for them." He mutters looking at both the twins and Alec had a bad feeling about it. "Take care of them." He said putting Ember in the crib and asked Rafe to stay there with Jax while he go and check on Magnus.

As he climbed down the stairs, he saw Magnus talking to a couple, not old enough but same age as his parents. They look well dressed with fur coat wrapped around the woman's body, seems like someone came from money and they were arguing with each other. "What is going on?" He asked as he walked up behind Magnus and placed his hand on Magnus shoulder. "Darling, this is Mr and Mrs Petrov. This is my husband Alexander." He introduced them and Alec shook their hands although at first they looked at him like he has two heads but they shook it anyway, unwillingly.

"Why don't you come inside?" Alec suggested and pulled Magnus but he stand his ground. "No thanks, we are here for the twins and would you please be so kind and give it to us already?" The woman said and Alec could see where the twins inherited their auburn hair, she had some maybe but somehow she dyed it brown and now it looks like a horse's hair or maybe its the other way around, he thinks.

"What do you mean you are here for the twins?" Alec asked coming back to his previous stand. "Look mister, I don't mean to be rude but we need those twins now." She marked with her long sharp nails pointed to the side demanding her request. "Look lady! I don't appreciate you coming into my house at this hour and make demands. If you want them we will see you in court. Now if you please, leave this premises before I called the cops."

Alec said as he turned and climbed back the stairs angrily stomping his way towards the kids room. "Excuse my husband behavior, he's emotional when it comes to the twins." Magnus apologized and the guy who had been quiet since earlier argument nodded with a soft smile. "I know he's feelings, but if that's what you wanted, we will see you both in court, and please remind your husband, that he will be charged for kidnapping." He said smugly and it raised Magnus' blood at peak.

"Look, it's late and everyone is at tense right now. Why don't you go back to your hotel or whatever and we will talk tomorrow, here. Have a lunch with us." Magnus tried to be civil with them and surprisingly they took it. "Very well then Mr Bane, we'll be here tomorrow at lunch." He said and his wife wanted to say something else, probably to protest but her husband pulled her away and they both exited the house in time. Magnus closed the door and shook his head before heading back upstairs.

On his way towards the room, he bumped into Jax, "Where are they?" He asked with his stern voice. "Uhm Rafe already in his room, tucked in, Alec is putting the twin down, still there I think." He explained and Magnus nodded with a smile, "Thanks Jax." He said rubbing his forehead, "Everything okay boss?" Jax asked and Magnus sighed. "I honestly don't know. We will know better tomorrow I hope. I need your helps with something." He explained and Jax nodded, rubbing both of his lips together.

"Go home Jax, say hi to Sara and Emma for me." Magnus said after they had their discussion in the hallway, and he nodded, "Will do boss." He said and head out. Jax is living in the compound with Magnus and he had the house build just for him and Sara, bigger than their previous home and Sara loves how Jax could be closer to his work while she works at the museum. In that way Emma will be together with the twins during the day after her school. Magnus hired a maid for them while they at work and they leaves around six just after Alec got home, he wanted that way since he wanted to took care of the kids half the day, well, almost half of the day. He doesn't want to be the kind of parent who letting stranger raising their kids.

As Magnus walked in the twins' room he saw Alec carrying Ellie to his chest talking to them. Ember in the crib next to him already asleep but Ellie is wide awake. He looked to his side and sighed when he saw Magnus walked in. "They are not taking them." He said and Ellie began to cry but he coos her down and rubbed her back softly letting her head falls on his chest. The sight was too beautiful for Magnus and he loves when Alec calmed the twins down. He is a great father and better than anyone else he known.

"I know sweetheart, don't get feisty with me." He said kissing Ellie on her temple while his arm wrapped around Alec's waist. "They are mine, whoever those people are, I'm calling our lawyer." Alec said still holding Ellie in his embrace, he kissed her head before placing her inside the crib next to her sister.

Alec still stood beside them staring down at both of them thinking back all the years he had before and never he thought he would be here today. Magnus came to his side and wrapped his arm around Alec's waist, he let his chin rested on Alec's shoulder, "Don't worry." He whispered but Alec couldn't shake the feeling. He couldn't ignore the rude remark from the stranger, he shook his head heading out from the room leaving Magnus wondering alone and headed for Rafe's room. He would never fell asleep without seeing all of his kids and make sure they are tucked in nicely in bed.

He knocked on Rafe's door before he entered and Rafe on his bed with a book in his hand and a flashlight on the other. "Rafe we talked about this." Alec said as he turned the night lamp on. He sat beside him letting his long legs dangled on the floor, "You're gonna get your eyes worst if reading in the dark." He said and grabbed the flashlight from his hand. "Who are those people?" Rafe asked closing the book in his lap and stared at Alec's face.

"No one important, don't worry about it." Alec said somehow finding the words is quite ironic to him since he was the one who worried the most. Rafe noticed the frown on his forehead and tilt his head to the side, "Then why are you?" He asked, Alec chuckles at his questions, "Because you and your father are two peas in a pot, always could read me like an open book." He said as he rested on Rafe's bed with his arm folded behind his head and he sighed looking up the ceiling. Rafe changed ideas on decorated his room in years and now he is crazy about constellations, his bedroom ceiling filled with glowing stars and small spots that he placed them according to the shapes of constellations. He fell in love with it since Alec and Magnus took him to the planetarium last summer and he couldn't stop his obsession about it.

Rafe came to his side and lay beside him still waiting for Alec to tell him what exactly happened, "Rafe," he called and Rafe hummed next to him, "When you lose me, what you do to let your mind stop thinking about me?" Alec suddenly asked and Rafe jolted from his position and kneeled beside Alec with a scary look on his face.

"Why? Are you leaving again? You can't do that to me, to daddy. Why are you leaving us again, you promised remember?" Rafe began to sob and Alec quickly sat up facing him, he took both of Rafe's shoulder and let him looked into his eyes. "I will never do that Rafe, I'm talking about me. Stop crying sweetheart, I'm sorry I asked okay." He said pulling him to his chest and Rafe nodded exhaled a relieved in his chest while he sobbed further into his chest.

"Then why did you ask me that?" He asked soon he recovers from his sobs. "Its the twins." Alec stated and looked down between them, Rafe sat patiently waiting for him to say more. "There are some people that wants to claim them and take them away from us." Alec looked at his blue eyes and Rafe didn't say anything, "Rafe, if your mother, your real mother come and want to take you, would you want to?"

The question hit him hard cause he never thought of his real mother want him since she tossed him away and if it wasn't for Magnus, he would die in that alley. He shook his head and his face is stern, "Never. That woman left me, she's had a chance to be my mother but she gave that away, I will never forgive her for that." Alec forgot how much Rafe had grown over the past these years. Ever since he was a kid, he always knew what to say and he had spoken like an adult since the first time Alec saw him.

"What if she had no choice but to gave you up and she still loves you although all these years you guys were separated?" Alec asked again and Rafe shook his head, protested on answering the question. He quickly climbed underneath his blanket and pulled it up to his chest. "You're my family now, she has no rights to take me away from you or daddy. Plus daddy has a very good lawyer that can fight for me, that's what daddy told me." He said and Alec looked at him curiously, his eyebrows raised while his eyes kept on Rafe.

"Wait what? You and daddy talked about this?" Alec asked confusedly knowing Magnus and his son talked about the probability of this could happen. "Of course we did, I need to protect my treasure." A voice suddenly came from behind him and he turned his head around, it was Magnus leaning against the door frame. "Now would you please stop worrying about this." Magnus said as he walked further inside the room and took a seat on Rafe's bed next to Rafe.

"See!" Rafe said and placed his hand under his head with a smug face looking at Alec's still confused face. "Smart ass." Magnus said ruffling Rafe's head with his palm and he squirmed, "Language." Alec reminded him but he shrugged, they kept talking about other things until Rafe began to yawn, Magnus and Alec kissed him goodnight before left the room.

After they entered their room, Alec changed into his short pants and went shirtless, so does Magnus but he put on his sweatpants instead. "I never thought you had that conversation with Rafe before, when was it?" He asked Magnus as he climbed on the bed and joined by Magnus afterwards. Magnus opened his arm and Alec lay on his chest wrapping his arm around his torso.

"A few months after we-" Magnus stopped himself and Alec looked up, he was looking to his side. Alec pulled Magnus chin back to face him and waited, "After I thought you were dead." The event still haunting for Magnus and not any amount of time could take it away. He still feel that was the most darkest time in his life.

"I thought of losing you was bad enough but then it got me thinking, if someday someone will come and claimed Rafe, if they want to take him away from me. I would never survived that." Magnus said as he stroked Alec's cheek with his thumb. "I did some digging and found out Rafe's mum is dead and no one knows who's the father since she's a prostitute and a drug addict." Alec gasped at what he just told him, Magnus aren't surprised at his reaction, he react the same way he did.

"Rafe had a rough childhood, stayed in hospital quite a lot of time. He was born by a crack addict so somehow it affected him a bit. But luckily he is cleaned, but he was sick. I cried almost every time I see him. He was so small when I hold him. He was my world. But now he's already arguing with me who has a better sense of style." Alec snorted smiling at Magnus and he mirrored. "How time flashes before our eyes and before we knew, he already off to college." Alec nodded not saying a word but Magnus knew he agreed with everything he said.

"If I said I'll handled it, don't worry, I will. Do you trust me?" Magnus asked and Alec didn't think twice, of course he trust Magnus, more than his own life. He nodded before he leaned and kissed his husband on his lips. "Rest darling, we have a long day to go through tomorrow, trust me." Magnus said and Alec nodded again letting his mind wander before catching his mind in his dream. He slept easier with Magnus and his nightmare hadn't disturbing him for years.

As promised, the couple came by lunch and Magnus' maid served them with tea and biscuits on the table. They were sitting on the living room couch before prepared the table for lunch but first Magnus need to sort out their problem. The woman, claimed her first name as Olivia and the guy, as Duncan. They aren't from here and their accent is different too which Alec noticed since they spoke in a deep tone and they tried to cover their accent.

"Let me see them." She demanded. Alec and Magnus sat next to each other on the couch in front of them while Jax and Mason stood behind them with arm crossed in their black leather uniform. It seems like Magnus is the Dom mafia but he is just a simpleton with tremendously a lot of money. The people stood behind him might appears like wolfs but they are family and after what happened before with Alec and Rafe, they guarded them more than their own lives.

"I'm sorry but you are not seeing them till we have prove on your relationship." Alec said and they both sighed looking at each other. "We are the parents of Dominic Petrov, the father of those twins who died while visiting your country. We are from Ukraine and we have been looking for them." She said again but Magnus and Alec looked at them suspiciously.

"Why now?" Magnus asked, crossing his legs and placed his hand on top of his knee while his other hand on Alec's trembling palm. "We uhm, we just found out where you live." The guy, Duncan said. Alec snorted looked at them in disbelief. "You think we are fools to believe that? You could have known your son is dead and you didn't claimed his body not until months, my husband had to put them on the ground because no one claimed them. If you have tracked them down, you would know since its on the news worldwide. You can track the hospital record for the adoption details since you want us so bad to settle in the court, so what the hell are you hiding exactly?"

Alec couldn't held his anger since the couple had the audacity to claim the twins just by saying they are blood related. Where were they when the twins needed their family, when they lost their parents, no one came and claimed them, Magnus had put up every advertised he could over the net, the entire New York for the twins family but none answered.

They were arguing with each other both Olivia and Duncan in their own language and Magnus had a strange feeling in his chest. He shook his head knowing well what these two idiots are plotting exactly. After a while, he had enough,  "How much?" He asked and both Olivia and Duncan turned their heads to Magnus. They didn't say anything but they didn't argue or feel offended either.

"I asked how much or I'll have them dragged you both out from this country and never to return here ever again." Magnus spoke again pointing at the two brothers behind him but this time his voice is stern and serious. "Two millions each." Duncan said and Alec gasped. Magnus nodded before he stood but quickly pulled by Alec on his side so he returned to his seat. "Absolutely not!" He said whispering to Magnus. "Excuse us." He said pulling his husband out from the living room and into the kitchen.

As they leave, the smug on their faces literally shown how greedy and a horrible person they are. Jax and Mason kept and eye on them just in case they would take the twins and leave although they might have a hard time to look for them in this huge mansion.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Alec said as they both entered the kitchen, the maids scattered as they entered leaving them alone with their arguments. "What do you mean? They are not leaving without the twins and this is the only way to make them leave for good." Magnus replied, slightly lowered his voice so no one heard their argument.

"You don't see it don't you? How blind can you be Magnus? These people are frauds, they ask for money cause they know you have them but you think if they asked once they won't asked again? Plus two million each baby? Who does that?!" Alec said pacing back and forth in front of Magnus with his hand on his hips.

"Alexander, if we don't give them they won't leave and we have to give up the twins. They have all the rights." He explained but Alec shook his head sighing. "What if they keep asking for more? What if they threatened our family for more money. I don't like this Magnus." He said and Magnus kept his silenced, it was different for Alec to see him so defeated like this. Magnus usually a very over protective person over his family, not the quiet and obeyed person who follows everyone's order.

"What's with you?" Alec asked holding his palms up questioning him. Magnus glared at him rubbing his lips together, "Do you trust me?" He asked and Alec's eyebrow furrowed more staring at his husband. "What? What are you not telling me? Why do you keep asking me that?" He asked but Magnus sighed again tilting his head up, he walked closer to Alec and held both of his shoulder together, "Trust me okay?" He said and before Alec could answered him, he left the kitchen leaving him alone with his dangerous thoughts.

Minutes later Alec joined them back in the living room and they still at their previous places. Alec had a weird feeling burning in his chest as he waited for them to response but the look on their faces irritates him even more. He sat back down beside Magnus and stared at his face. He smiled while looking at Alec's face, he laced his fingers with Alec's and squeezed them tight to assure him but he didn't bother to reply his smile.

But Alec was caught in surprised when he saw the maid carried the twins down the stairs and headed towards them. "Who asked you to bring them down?" He asked and he wanted to stop them but Magnus beat him to it, "I did." He said and Alec shot him a look, if looks could kill, Magnus would be six feet under. But Magnus remained calm and looked at Alec with assurance in his eyes, he mouthed trust me and hoped Alec wouldn't cause a scene.

"I think two millions each is outrages, you can take them both back, we can have another babies cheaper than this." Magnus said with his face expressionless. "Magnus!" Alec shouted and wanted to get up but Magnus kept his hand gripped tight in Alec's causing him to stay on the couch with him.

Both Olivia and Duncan was caught by surprised when Magnus want to hand them the twins and they both stared at each other with their mouths gaped apart, not knowing what to do. "Go on, take them." He signed for the twins to be handed to them and the look on their faces paled in panic. "Uhm, maybe we can discuss the money, how about one million each? Called it a deal." Duncan said holding out his hand for a shake but Magnus stared at his hand in disgust.

"Fuck you all!" Alec said pulling his hand away from the death grip and headed for the twins, he took Ellie in his arm and instructed the maid to bring them both upstairs but stopped by Magnus' voice, "Alexander stop! STAY!" He pointed at the maids, Alec forgot how scary Magnus' angry voice can be and for years he haven't heard them, but today he get to hear it again and he could feel his knees shake. He hold Ellie close to his chest and turned to face his husband in terrifying state.

"I don't do business with snakes." He started and stood, placing his hand in his pocket standing in his proud look. "Tell me Mr Petrov, is it your first time doing business with people or you just mainly suck at it?" He asked as he walked around the table and pour himself a scotch. Alec knew that look well, scotch means a bad deal of business and a bad situation. He drowned himself in it if he lose some good business and now he had the same look.

"Well?" He asked, lifting his one eyebrow upward staring at the couple. Alec stood in between all of this drama with both Mason and Jax looking comfortable as ever. "Fine, I'll take them and leave. No deal." Duncan said and Alec pulled Ellie away from him not wanting him to have her. "Don't fucking touch her you bastard!" He said pulling the maid that holds Ember away and hide them behind his tall body. He eyed Magnus pleaded for his help but Magnus stood his ground with the scotch glass in his hand still. "Magnus." Mason called but he held his finger up to shut him, he also had enough of this play and the look on Alec's face is the queue for him.

"You see that is why I don't deal with snakes. They jumped from the bushes and surprised you, poison you then leave you to die. But unfortunately I wasn't raised by an idiot, my father taught me well on how to deal with your kind of people." He said sipping his last scotch and placed the glass on the table loud that made Alec wonder what he had in his mind and why that glass hasn't broken yet.

"My father taught me that all I had to do is sucked the poison and killed the snake." The moment Magnus said the words both Jax and Mason pulled out their gun and pointed at them. Alec startled by the sudden movement and pulled back on the stairs still holding Ellie in his arm. Both Olivia and Duncan placed their hands up shaking in fear for being aimed at gunpoint and immediately fall on the floor begging. "Please, don't shoot us. It was all his idea!" Olivia spoke and Duncan looked at her in disbelief.

"Who the fuck are you people?" Mason asked and pulled their hand back cuffing them. "We saw the ad, we thought maybe you would pay us money so we pretended that we are the family, we don't know who the twins family is." Olivia spilled the story like water running in the river, no details hidden.

"You bitch!" Duncan cursed at her but since they both had their hand cuffed to their back, he couldn't do anything to hurt her. "Take them away." Magnus said and both Mason and Jax nodded pulling both Olivia and Duncan up from their kneeling position and dragged them out from the house. "If you tried anything like that ever again, remember this, there are plenty of places on this ground to hide your body in it."

The look on their faces hides away the excitement in Magnus' heart but the amusement left as soon as they both were dragged away from their home.

Magnus shook his head and went to Alec but he looked at him with anger in his eyes. "Cara take Ember back to her crib now." He commanded and the maid nodded following him upstairs to the twins room. Alec stomped his foot on the stairs indicating his anger towards the event but he couldn't care less, all he was is upset at Magnus behavior and he couldn't believe how he could risk the twins life just like that.

As he placed the twin back on their crib, he instructed the maid to leave and stayed in the room alone. He sat on the rocking chair tilting his head up and his eyes closed, he inhaled a few breaths in and exhaled them, he felt his anger turned down a bit but as soon as he opened his eyes his anger flared up again seeing Magnus stood in the room with his hand still in his pocket.

"What?" He asked innocently towards Alec and Alec shot up stood before him and shoved his chest back. "How fucking dare you!" Alec started and Magnus snickered, "Are you drunk?" Alec asked in disbelief but Magnus returned the glared in annoyance. "I thought you trust me?" He said crossing his arm around his chest. "Risking our twins life to both of the bastards, I am not trusting you in that! If you had a plan, why didn't you share it with me? I thought we are partners!" Alec raised his voice and cause Ember to cries followed by Ellie. Alec took Ember first and Magnus raised Ellie cooing them in their arm.

"It work didn't it? Plus I told you I had it covered, why didn't you believe me and went out acting like a crazy person?" Magnus snapped back and Alec scoffed, "Because its not you Magnus, its them! This isn't some kind of competition to show people you are good in doing your business, this is our life, our kids! You just handed over our children to some maniac just to prove that you are superior! How fucked up is that?!" Alec screamed louder and Ember cried even louder than before.

Alec tried to calm her down by bouncing her up and down but she cried continuously and he couldn't take the pressure, he let his tears fell on his cheek after months he managed to stay dry but today was too much. Alec sobs holding Ember to his chest and kissed her on her forehead hushing soft words into her ears.

It broke Magnus' heart to see Alec paced around the room trying to calm Ember down while he himself cried at Magnus' fault. "Alexander, I'm sorry, I didn't think it that way." Magnus said as he slowly placed calm Ellie down in her crib. "You're right! You should be sorry! It's disgusting for what you did!" Alec raised his voice again and Ember cried again wailed her loud pitch voice.

"Alexander you can't calm her down if you're like this." Magnus said as Alec kept crying holding Ember to his chest bouncing her to stop from crying. "Its your fault I'm a mess like this! You did this to me!" He said as he kept pacing back and forth, tears kept dripping on his face and he wiped them with his palm and continued to hush Ember in her ears.

"Give her to me." Magnus said and hold out his hand to reach for her and Alec didn't fought him but instead letting him took her. He was tired and Ember is not lightweight, even though she's six months old, she's already reaching eighteen pounds. As Magnus hushed her down Alec took a seat back on the rocking chair and gripped his hair in his hand.

After a while the room became quiet and both twins fell asleep. Magnus placed Ember back in her crib slowly and saw Alec still in the chair looking outside the window next to him. He took his lover's hand and kneeled before him. For all the people out there in his world, only his family he dare to bow and kneeled which Alec's proud of.

"Forgive me, but you know that I would never gave up my family for someone like that. Ever." He stated and Alec sighed looking to his side, his tears kept coming but Magnus raised his hand and wiped the drops away with his thumb. He let his palm cupped Alec's cheek and he leaned towards it.

"Its too much." Alec said, his voice cracks as the words came out from his mouth. "I know sweetheart, I'm sorry, sometimes I forgot how you feel about all of this." Magnus said as he kept his gaze into Alec's eyes.

That is what they are, they fought and then they make up. But sometimes it's too much for Alec to handle and Magnus felt guilty about it. Their fights usually lasted for few minutes or maybe sometimes hours never for days, Magnus couldn't handle Alec being angry with him for days and they also promised themselves not go to sleep being angry at each other.

They promised each other a life filled with love and loyalty and that is what commitment that both Alec and Magnus shown. As the years flew, the kids grew and leaving only Magnus and Alec all by themselves in the mansion, their loves never faded, never dimmed, but stronger each day. Just what they promised each other on their unconditional love. Always and forever.

A/N: I want to thank you all for the amazing journey we had, sorry this took so long and my internet is been upsetting lately. I want you all to know I love you guys and expect something from me in the future - probably new stories, who knows, maybe, I hoped. I love you all.

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