Chapter 22 Beatings
Katie curled into a ball when she heard the familiar footsteps approach where both her and her mother were. She took deep breaths quietly, only allowing herself to hear her own deep breaths that she was trying to prevent from becoming shallow. She refused to look at anyone, and focused her attention towards her window.
"Don't even think about escaping this time, Katie. There's no use, and you should know that by now."
Katie looked away from the window back to her mother. She sighed and looked down as she knew that there was no escape this time. A part of her wanted to keep going and never give up, the other side wanted to give up completely and accept her fate. She closed her eyes, wishing all of this away. That's all she wanted, and that's all she ever wanted. She kept her focus on something good. Something that will allow her to erase this memory that was going to be made soon.
Dread filled her lungs when she heard the final call, "Your father is here."
Katie gulped hard, feeling her heart drop out of her chest to her stomach. She knew what was going to happen, and she knew for a fact that she was going to hate it either way. She found it best not to speak at all, and only think of what she can do to prevent any of this from happening for a longer period of time than what she was actually given.
"Hello, Katie. Glad that you finally decided to join us again," a deep voice felt as if it appeared out of nowhere.
Katie didn't answer his calling.
"Are we using the silent treatment now, aren't we? Smart girl, smart girl. Have you been a good girl today, Katie? If not, you know what's coming to ya."
Before Katie could answer, her mother cut her off, "No, she wasn't. You know how she didn't come home at all last night, right?"
"Correct. I do remember that."
"Well, I found out why. She claimed that she "forgot" what time it was as she went out."
"Did she say where she was exactly?"
"She also claimed that she went out to a party with people she met?"
"She didn't say."
"Dad, they were-"
He pointed towards her harshly, "Shut up! Don't speak unless you are told to!"
Katie's lips closed faster than they had opened.
Her father looked more satisfied than she knew that he was, "Good girl. Stay like that for the whole day, alright?"
Katie nodded in silence.
He chuckled, "Good. I'm glad that we are able to agree on the same thing for once," he placed his hand on his chin as he was thinking. "Let's see... What shall I do with you today? Is there anything specific that I would want to do, or even you, yourself, Katie?"
Katie didn't answer him, afraid of getting in trouble again. Though, she wasn't in the mood to argue as much as she normally would when she was around her parents. She claimed multiple times that she would only argue when she believed something they were doing was wrong, which to her, felt like all of the time. She felt eyes watching her, and she was forced to return that she hated dearly.
"Katie, answer me."
"You just tol-"
"Just answer my gosh darn question, Katie!"
Katie jumped softly, "Alright, I'll talk. I-I don't know."
"Not an answer! Give me a better answer than that!"
"I-um... I..." she stumbled on her words from fear of her father, since she feared him the most.
"Yes?" He asked impatiently for her response. "What's your answer?"
"I have to answer, don't I?"
"That's a stupid question, Katie! Why would you ask such a question to an answer you already know? Just answer my question or you will get what you deserve! Understand?"
Katie nodded, "Yes, dad. I-I understand..." she thought about her answer this time, "W-Well... um..."
"Stop stuttering girl, and answer! Now!"
She nodded, "Alright. Alright. I promise that I will answer. I'm just making sure I choose the best answer. That's the only reason why I'm taking longer than I probably should." I also forgot the question that you asked. She shook her head, "I don't have a preference... None of them appease me all that well."
He nodded, "I see. Better for me then," he smirked. "Let's get started."
Katie's face was locked onto her father's. The touch of his hand only made her shiver. Please just stop... I hate this... I hate this so much... You make me feel so worthless... I wish I could just report you, but no one would believe me. I don't have enough "evidence" to prove what you both are doing to me. You act as if you are doing nothing wrong, yet you are doing anything wrong imaginable. I hate you both so much...
He chuckled softly, "You should remember your place after this. You better know at least by the time I'm finished with you... daughter..."
You're my tool... You're my tool... You're nothing but a piece of crap laying in the waste of everything else. When others see you, they turn their heads disgusted that you're even still existing. No one cares. No one cares. No... one... cares... The voices in her head drowned any last hope that she had left. She crawled farther away from him until there was no more room to crawl back to, "I-If I was your d-daughter... Why do you do what you do to me?"
"This is a learning experience to teach you to be a better person, and a better daughter for both of us. You ask this so many times, Katie. It's annoying. Just stop repeating every question that you ask us. You know the answer, accept it."
There goes my chance of actually being better. I even told myself I wasn't in the mood for arguing and fighting right now. What's wrong with me? Her chocolate eyes moved around the room, as she tried to distract herself from what her father was going to do to her. It was one of the few to only ways that still kept her alive and keeping her from completely giving up hope, "If I wanted to accept it, I would not be asking these specific questions over and over again. I used to be silent, and I'm tired of being silent. I'm tired of everything you both have done to me. I'll find a way to escape one day."
"Not until you move out of the house. Other than that, you'll never be able to escape us. You should know that by now."
"No buts. Just stop talking, and everything will be over soon. Just like it always is..."
Until you repeat the same cycle over and over again.
Her father turned towards his mother, "Can you pass me my whip, dear?"
"Yes, of course. I'll go get it right now," she sprinted out of Katie's room, leaving Katie and her father alone.
This isn't going to end well. I already know that it won't. She refused to look at her father.
"Look at me, girl. Don't ever take your eyes off me. If you do, you'll only get a worse beating that I was planning on giving you. You hear?"
Katie nodded as she focused her attention to her father.
"Now, no matter what, don't look away. You know the drill."
She nodded once more, not speaking again.
"Good. You're actually listening to me for once," he chuckled softly. "See? What did I tell you? This is all for your own good. Just like I've said. Without everything that we have put you through, you wouldn't have to know how to be good. You would be like everyone else, foolish and naive. Reckless and stubborn in a way that will only hurt you.You don't believe that this hurts you at all, do you, Katie?"
Should I tell the truth or lie to him? Is it worth willing to risk the type of punishment that I will receive, or should I keep quiet and be a good girl? "Wel... I, uh... Don't have too much of an opinion when it comes to stuff like this, dad. I think you would know if I enjoy the pain or not."
He chuckled softly, Again, you are a smart girl, but not smart enough. Though, yes, I would know if you enjoyed this or not. When you scream, it's honestly hard to tell."
Katie felt like she could throw up her food that she ate at her new friends house. You're such an idiot. It's humiliating that I'm even your daughter. How did I ever get parents such as you both? She gave him a "Are you kidding me?" sort of look.
He rose a brow, "What?" He rolled his eyes, "What's wrong with this time? You should be used to my beliefs and attitude at this point. You've known me for what... sixteen years now?"
"Seventeen, dad. I'm a junior this year in high school, and my birthday is pretty early-"
He waved his hands away, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."
... into the year... But of course you would never listen. You don't even know my birthday! Is this what parents are supposed to be? That's what it seems like to me anyway. It probably is... She sighed mentally to herself. I really need to stop talking to myself. It just proves how lonely I actually am, and it's very depressing.
"I'm back, and here it is!" Her mother seemed to cheer as she handed Katie's father the whip. It only made Katie feel even more sick.
Katie embraced for what she was about to endure. The cracking of the whip was heard even before it touched her skin, and she only wished that something was preventing it from actually smacking against her fragile skin that covered her body. That covered a secret that she wasn't proud of.
Crack went the whip as it slid against her right arm. She gritted her teeth, ignoring the sting that she despised. Her hand turned into a tennis ball, as if she was ready to serve for her opponent. She wished that the ball was aimed directed aimed towards both her parents, then she would jump out of her window and run away to somewhere safe. I might even head over to Kara, John; and I believe their brother named Jonah's house. Even though I don't know them well, they seem like trustworthy people. More trustworthy than my "parents" that's for sure.
She breathed deeply as another crack knocked on her right leg. She was tempted to grab her leg from the strong sting that it came off from the whip. Though she was too scared to show her true pain that she was feeling. She stared down her father, which only lusted for more pain out of her, and that's what scared her the most. That he enjoyed all of this; that they both enjoyed her suffering.
It doesn't matter anymore. This will end. It always does. Nothing ever lasts forever... Right? Though the true question is, will something like this will end totally, or will only continue to my adult like? Why am I thinking about this? I don't want to think about this. This only freaks me out just by thinking about it.
How does someone make themselves feel uncomfortable like this? Like, I am right now without meaning to. How the heck does one do such a thing? How is it even possible? Great, now my mind is going all over the place. This sucks.
Katie was bruised from head to toe it felt. She groaned softly to herself, knowing that it was far from over.
Both her parents laughed softly, "You enjoying yourself down there, Katie?" Her mother asked mockingly.
Katie looked down, ashamed, but didn't answer.
"I said... Are you enjoying yourself down there, Katie?" She stole her father's whip and used it on her. "Answer me!"
Katie held onto her stomach, continuing to be the stubborn girl that she knew she was. The whip clashed onto her back, finally making her body bleed out. She shook violently, unable to contain her body any longer. This is only the beginning.
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