Chapter 30: Particle Beams
After the amazin' rooms we just went through, I 'spected the Rule Maker's chamber would knock our socks off, but it didn't. The difference between them rooms and this one was . . . was . . . I'm not sure how to say it, cluttered? Junky? Half the walls was cork like school bulletin boards. All kinds of stuff was pinned ta 'em, flyers, posters, maps, and photos. It was layer on layer. They musta had six inch long tacks ta hold all those papers. It smelled kinda musty. There was books stacked from floor to ceiling in every corner like uneven pyramids.
It all reminded me of the newspaper office back home. Thinkin' 'bout home squinched my heart. Ya know, ya can miss sumpin' so bad it hurts. If we failed to stop a war, what would happen to good ol' Burns? There was a lump in my throat as my eyes was wellin' up.
The Keepers of Knowledge collected information, but the Rule Makers looked like they collected everythin' . There was stacks o' books all around, many with papers hangin' out like they was tryin' ta escape. I couldn't see the tops of their desks 'cuz they was behind a curved, raised platform. If'n their desks was anythin' like the walls and corners they had ta be a mess too. I mind-spoke ta Freck, "Did ya ever expect this mess?"
"No way. Doesn't anyone straighten up this place?"
Another voice broke in, but it warn't Gee's, "What, you don't like our work space?"
Both me and Freck jumped like we was jabbed by a 'lectric wire.
"I am sorry. I didn't intend to frighten you."
Freck mind-spoke cautiously, "Who are you? Are you in this room?"
"Of course I am in the room. I am the Chief Maker seated at the raised desk right in front of you."
"Oh my. I'm sorry I thought your room was pretty messy."
"No need to apologize, Freida Ann Motley. She chuckled and mind-said, "The anterooms are for show, this is where the business of governing actually happens. The recent events are causing anxiety. In our attempts to keep the citizens calm, we've gotten a little behind on our housekeeping.
I thought to myself, "A little behind? That's like sayin' the Titanic suffered a little boo-boo."
She seemed nice. I sure did hope so. I was expectin' someone like a serious, scowlin' judge all ready to send us up the river. This Chief Maker was different. She smiled. She warn't dressed in black robes neither. In fact all of the Rule Makers were surprisingly casual. I liked it. People take themselves too serious when they wear uniforms and such.
Freck communicated, "You knows our names, we would like ta know yours."
"Everyone calls me Ethyl. My real name is too difficult to pronounce, even for some Arianni."
"Should we call ya Ethyl, Chief Maker, your highness, or what?"
"Ethyl is fine. I would fall off my chair laughing if anyone addressed me as your highness."
Her voice in our heads was soothin'. "It's good you brought Wishes with you, Freck. We have followed your adventures for quite awhile now."
"Ya have?" said both of us at the same time. That took me aback. If they knew about us, why did they try to keep us away?
"I have a request. Is it all right if we speak aloud? Some of our Makers are unable to communicate mind-to-mind."
Freck stammered, "Okay."
The Chief Maker began, "Wishes and Freck we welcome you to Shangri-La in the land of Shambhalla." As she greeted us all of the Rule Makers stood. They opened their arms and hands in the universal gesture of welcome. Their eyes were bright and so was their smiles.
Freck made a little curtsy and I attempted an awkward bow, but kinda botched it. I probably looked as silly as a cat on stilts. We spoke together, "Thank you, very much."
Freck continued, "We were afraid to meet with you because we are Topsiders. You have an understandable reason to distrust humans. We didn't know if you would be mad enough by what Admiral Byrd did, to take it out on us. On the way the streets was crowded. Some in the crowd was very hostile. We didn't know what we had done to cause them to threaten us. But, I believe they wanted us dead.
Ethyl looked disturbed by this news, "I'm very sorry for your ordeal. We suspected something like that might happen. That is why we sent out Finny, and twelve of our finest guards, to escort you. You must have been terrified."
Her shoulders slumped and she bowed her head a little. "Despite the ill manners of our malcontents, we hope you won't think badly of the rest of us."
"Of course not," Freck sympathized, "we've met our share of angry people. Enough to know that most ain't really that way."
"Thank you Freck. Your empathy is much appreciated. I can assure you both it won't happen again. Are we okay?"
Ethyl musta been a little nervous 'cuz I noticed her shoulders relaxin'. "Now we have that out of the way, let's talk, okay? We've had strange reports of an invisible wedge that pushed the rowdies aside. Is it true?
Freck carried on while I checked in with Gee. I overheard Freck 'splainin', "We didn't do it alone..."
"Gee what should we tell 'em?"
"Wishes, they appear to be straight forward and appreciate honesty—besides Ethyl can mind-read."
I reached out to Freck, "Gee says ta them the truth. They will know if we hold back."
"Excuse me for my pause. I just received an important message. As I was sayin' we did not do this alone. There are three of us. The third did not come because he believed his presence might be a detriment."
"Why would he think that?"
Freck stammered because she warn't sure how to say it. Finally she spoke, "The third member, and honesty the most important one in our group, ain't exactly human."
If he is not human, what is he?"
The whole group of them stared at us so hard I had the feelin' they was all tryin' ta read our thoughts. If they wanted to see Gee, I was gonna let 'em. So I formed a real clear picture of him in my mind. Six of the Makers including Ethyl gasped. At least we now knew who the mind readers was.
Freck told 'em, "Gee is a giant white salamander, who is also a Cigam Master."
It was easy to guess the next question. "What is Cigam?"
"Cigam," Freck continued, "is what most people call magic, but it ain't. The Keepers . . . "
"Keepers? What are these 'Keepers' you speak of?"
Gee mind-whispered ta Freck, "Go on."
"The Keepers are the Keepers of Knowledge. They record everythin' ever learned by humans. They believe it's their God given purpose. They've faithfully been doin' it for millions of years.
"As for your people, it was believed that ya'll died off in the ice age. That is until Admiral Byrd published his journal 'bout his visit ta Holl'a Earth. Since it came out, the Keepers got very excited ta learn all 'bout ya. They sent many expeditions, but were unable ta contact ya. Since they ain't human they reasoned that ta open communications ya'd need humans. That was 'bout the time me and Wishes discovered the Kingdom of the Keepers. Actually it really warn't our doin'. We was 'bout ta be killed by vicious beasts when the Keepers swooped in ta save us.
"That is facinating. Why would these people . . . am I right in calling them people? Or are they a race of salamanders, perhaps?"
"They are human . . . ish. Humans and Keepers share many things in common."
To show 'em I mentally pictured my momma and Uncle Ren.
"They can easily pass as human which is a great advantage to their work of collectin' knowledge. Ya wouldn't know it, but Wishes here is half-human and half-Keeper."
Ethyl asked, "Are there many crossbreeds?"
I couldn't hold back no more, "Freck is it okay if I answer that question?" She nodded. "As far as I know, I am the only one. The Keepers visit earth, which they call Topside, but they don't live with us. Their planet is called the Kingdom of the Keepers. It's an in-world ."
"What's an in-world?"
Freck spoke up kinda loudly, "We will gladly tell y'all 'bout ever'thin', but for the sake of preventin' a war, we gotta act fast. We don't have time ta 'splaine it all right now."
I asked for permission to take a short break to talk to Gee. The look in Freck's eye was clear, it was time to do cooperative cigam. We assumed our meditation positions. We asked Gee ta create a distraction like a sandstorm only with snow and ice outside the gates.
"That is an excellent suggestion," Gee agreed.
We returned to the Makers room. Freck managed to look worried and confident at the same time. "I wonder how she does that?" I said to myself.
Freck spoke slowly, but with determination, "Ethyl, and all the Makers. We have engaged the third member of our party. We used cooperative cigam to devise a temporary strategy. Gee is creatin' an enormous snow storm that we hope will keep them at bay long enough to execute a plan.
"What if the snow storm doesn't work?" asked Ethyl.
"If it doesn't, we will, between the three of us, come up with an other delay tactic. Tell us, are your defenses under your control?" Freck asked.
Ethyl spoke, "Do you mean are our fighters loyal to the Rule Makers, or do they side with the dissatisfied Arianni? For now we still have the upper hand, but in the event of an attack . . . who knows?"
Gee kinda chuckled, "That is political talk. Leaders love to cover their tushes with an answer that sounds positive, but could go either way."
"What do we do Gee?"
"Wishes do you think Ethyl will let me speak to her directly?"
"Heavens, yes!" she broke in.
"Ethyl, and the Makers who can hear me, I caused a powerful surface storm. Any attempt by them to penetrate it would result in disaster. So far, there are only fighter jets coming. Bombers are sure to follow, and they will not hesitate to use nuclear force if they feel it is required. In these circumstances there is only one thing you can do to avoid a war with Topside."
Ethyl was vexed. The worry showed in her dark blue eyes. She pleaded, "What is that?"
Gee continued, "You must reveal yourselves to the world. I know that will be very difficult, and potentially dangerous. Until now the military has kept the secret of your existence all wrapped up tight. They want it to stay that way, because any use of nuclear weapons can be explained as merely tests. If the people of the world become informed of your existence the military will no longer be able to act indiscriminately. They will have to face the entire world and explain their actions. It will not go easy for them if they attack and destroy without real cause.
"What if we have our own counter measures to stop them?" inquired Ethyl.
"What would they be?"
"This is top secret, but you have to know. We have installed under the lip of our reinforced gates, particle beam devices. Should they breach the gates with the intention of entering our land, the beams will hit them with subatomic particles reducing them to molecules."
We saw the deadly serious look on her face. This was the look I was 'spectin' to see when we first came inta these chambers.
Gee asked, "How certain are you that they will work as described?"
"Honestly, even though our scientists have tested them thoroughly, they have never been used in combat. It's better if we don't have to rely on them."
"I assume the gates must be open. Is that true?"
"A little, not all the way, though."
"I have an idea. What I suggest will require some showmanship. First, we open communication channels between you and the Topside leaders. You will need to demonstrate that you are a peace loving people.
"Once you are speaking, suggest a cooling off period. Invite them to visit Shangri-la. This is nonnegotiable. They have to come to Shambhalla. It is the only way they will begin to see you as anything other than an enemy. If they accept the invitation, you must understand they will not risk their heads of state, but other, dependable diplomats will come."
Gee paused to let her think. There was a heads down low mumble among the Makers as the mind-speakers filled them in. None of the Gee Team spoke until they were ready to continue.
"Mister Gee," started Ethyl...
"Just Gee. Mister is a human convention."
"Okay, Gee it is. You mentioned the necessity of revealing ourselves to Topside. We agree there is wisdom in that. When information is kept secret by a small minority it can be squelched. Your military can act, as they have, by sending out their jet fighters. I assume consent of the general population is not required?"
Gee replied, "You are correct. The military makes up a small percentage of the populace. Because of that fact they can hide their actions under a cover of secrecy. We cannot let it happen. The more humans are aware of you, the safer you will be.
"It is also possible that some trigger-happy fool will jump the gun. The first salvo starts the war, but your response can end it. Take caution, there some that live by the belief that 'it is better to be safe than sorry.' There is an other adage they sometimes go by, 'shoot first, ask questions later.'"
Ethyl pondered, "Wishes, do you have knowledge of this? I trust it is not the general attitude among surface dwellers."
"That's for sure," I said. Nobody I ever knew of loved wars. The only reason to fight a war is to kill people, destroy their property, pets, and maybe get killed yourself. Can you just imagine what the mothers of those fighter pilots would have to say if they knew their child was involved in startin' a war? I'll bet they would whoop their backsides until they turned blue.
"The risk we are taking," Ethyl hesitated, "is the possibility that they will invade anyway. If they perceive we are weak, I expect we are doomed."
Gee reminded her, "That is where the showmanship comes in. You will have to demonstrate the power of your particle beams to convince them. Is there in your armory a drone that you can guide out through the slightly open gates? Once out, you can make an announcement that a rogue pilot has escaped. Assure them that they need not be concerned because you can take care of the problem. Then you disintegrate it. You must be certain that all eyes are on the event."
I noticed that the mind readers were whispering a play-by-play to the others ta keep them up ta speed.
"This is a little embarrassing to admit, but regarding the meetings with diplomats, we don't have any experience. Our one effort was with Admiral Byrd, and it failed. What can we do?"
"Well," mind-spoke Gee, "I think we can solve that quite easily, but it will take a very big leap of faith on your part."
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