Part 2; Chapter 13 - A Tear in Space-Time

(whoops almost forgot to update lol)

=Moose's POV=

I woke up to Nathan shaking me. I groaned and swung my arms at him. "Go away! I'm sleeping!!" I mumbled. "Moose, this is really important!!" Nathan responded.

He sounded serious. This might be a problem. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Give me a moment, okay?" I said. I got up and stretched, then followed Nathan outside. He led me to a hill and began to climb.

I looked up, seeing Sabre and Galaxy Steve staring at.. The ground. I looked down for what could be so important that Nathan had to wake me up for, coming up with nothing. Nathan joined Sabre and Galaxy Steve at the top, staring down with them.

"There's nothing here!" I said. "Come up here!" Nathan responded.


"Because then you'll see it!"

"See what?"

"The weird thing!"

"There's literally nothing here, bruh."

"I was acting the same way as you until Sabre and Galaxy Steve got me up here!!"

"Ugh, fine, I'll come up!" I began to climb the mountain, soon making it to the top. I glanced at Nathan. "So, what was so important that you just had to wake me- woah..."

I stared down at the giant black... thing under us. It was crescent-shaped, and looked kinda like an end portal, but there was no light in it as black smoke rose from it. "What is it..?" I asked.

Sabre replied with a shrug. "We don't know, but with Elemental Steve's recent disappearance, I think either he, or the one who he was trying to defeat caused this."

"Oh, yeah, that makes se-whAT-!?" I exclaimed. "Elemental Steve disappeared!? Where'd he go!?" This wasn't good!

"We don't know, but he wasn't in the In-Between and never came to stop Nightmare Steve and save Rainbow Steve and I." Sabre replied.

"I think Elemental Steve did this. He made a portal as a cry for help." Galaxy Steve piped up.

"What? No, I highly doubt that.." Sabre said.

"I'm going in!!" Galaxy Steve yelled.

"What-!? NO!!"

Galaxy Steve jumped, going right into the portal thing.

"Galaxy Steve!!" We all shouted.

"I'm going in after him!! Take care of Rainbow for me!" Sabre shouted. He jumped in as well. 

Nathan and I looked at eachother. "Should we go in, dude?" I asked. "Dunno, man, Sabre would yell at us if we went through. Besides, what if we die..?" Nathan said. I nodded hesitantly.

"We should tell Shark."

=Sabre's POV=

Galaxy Steve and I tumbled onto a cool quartz surface. I stood up, helping Galaxy Steve up as well. "Dude, what were you thinking!? That thing could've killed you!! You're lucky we're alive!" I scolded. Galaxy Steve looked sheepish. "Sowwy.."

"Whatever, just... where are we..?" I glanced around the area. There was magma everywhere, but the room was surprisingly cool, if you could even call it a room. There were two giant clocks, one we were standing on, and one in the form of a portal on the wall. There was a weird floating quartz pillar in the corner.

I yelped in shock as something- no, someone- tumbled in on top of me. "Moose, I swear, if that's you-" "Oh hey Shark!"

I looked up as Shark got off of me. "Shark-!? Why are you here!?" I exclaimed. He helped me up" Nathan and Moose told me you and Galaxy Steve had gone into a weird portal thing and I couldn't let you two idiots go alone!" He replied. His tone was so passive aggressive...

Galaxy Steve shrunk back, then ran to hide behind a pillar of magma. "Here, I brought swords and bows." Shark said. He handed me a sword and a bow, along with some arrows. I tucked them into my inventory. "Thanks." "No problem."

Suddenly, there was lightning behind us. I grabbed Shark and ran behind the magma pillar with Galaxy Steve as everything clicked. The giant clocks. Time. Time Steve. 

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