"Shiro are you sure" asked lance
"Yes Acxa is a excellent fighter but she isn't the best in lotor's general" said Shiro
"So"asked pidge
"We need all the help we can get even if the people were our enemy's" said Shiro
"Well not all" said Acxa
"What do you mean" asked allura
"Well you see lotor try quintessence and the boy lose his memories. We went to hagger when he finally awoke he couldn't remember anything so Narti pretend to die to teach him. He is a naturally fighter" answer Acxa
"What's his name" asked hunk
"Yurak, it might not be his really name, it was the first word he said plus the only thing. He remember soo yeah" answer Acxa
"Okay so what is he suppose to do" asked Iverson
"He might have trouble showing his face, he wears a mask all the time only some people seen his face and has trouble eating but he is an excellent fighter. Hurt his feeling you will have to deal with me,zethrid,Ezor even Narti all at the same time got it" answer Acxa
"Okay we will try to not hurt his feelings but why do you care so much for him" asked lance
"We took blood to find out his identity yes we know who he is. Its been confirmed he is my cousin as for the others he grew on them meaning he has a spot in their hearts" answer Acxa
"Wow a none half breed" joked James
"Nope he is a half breed my mother sister fell in love with a man of a different species" said Acxa
"What was your parents like" asked collen but regret it when seeing Acxa face darken
"Father wasn't galra, he kill my mother well he try to kill me because I touch his precious knifes and mother ran in front of me" answer Acxa
"Acxa I had no idea" said Shiro
"No one does it something we all and probably Yurak have in common "sighed Acxa
"What do you mean" asked Matt
"Zethrid parents abuse her.Ezor father abuse and more ways then one, both her mother and her sibling and her but Ezor is the only survivor.Narti is an orphan since 1 years old bully and became hagger test subject. My father didn't allowed my mother or me out of the house and abuse in more ways then one but when I was 7 he kill my mother in front of me, my adopted siblings "answer Acxa
"I had no idea" said Sam
"No does oh I forgot lotor his parents didn't raise him and didn't even try to hide their disgust well hagger would sometimes act like mother to him it was like she pity him soo......"said Acxa
"She wasn't she is his mother" said allura
"Not to him, he has heard so much great things about her would you believe hagger was honerva" said Acxa
"No I guess not" sighed allura
A ship came onto the field and Shiro wasn't sure about the MFE should be here, they have no idea how dangerous the generals are. Sure they seen Acxa fight and were surprised when she said the others were better at fighting and that she was better at hacking and flying but still. Shiro informed that zethrid is strong, about Narti mind control and Ezor can go invisible but Yurak is someone they never met. His thoughts were intruded when Acxa said "if you guys are wondering Yurak is special ability is just speed. He is very fast oh if you wondering how I knew that you are wondering is that I can read minds but I can control it so I am not reading your mind all the time "
"What is Yurak like" asked Shiro
"Shiro your asking now fine he is quiet but sometimes he is a hot head also if you need a babysitter he is really good with children" said Acxa
"Oh that's good what's taking them so long" said Nadia
"Probably to convince Yurak to be nice he doesn't trust easily "said Acxa
"Okay" said Nadia
"Shiro can you do me a favor" asked Acxa
"What is it" asked Shiro
"Keep people with bubbly personality away from Yurak for at least a week,so I don't have to heard him complain about Nadia or lance" said Acxa
"Hey" yelled lance and Nadia
The ship door open and Ezor and zethrid step out first then came Narti but nearly trip when someone who Shiro guessed was Yurak grab her hand before she could fall and help her down then whisper something and let go. They ran up to Ezor and zethrid then walk beside them. As soon as they were close enough Yurak look at them but when his mask turn to Acxa both of them ran up to each other and hug.
"Get a room" joked ezor
"Gross we are cousin Ezor" said Acxa
"I know but you two act more like lovers then cousins" smirk Ezor
"Shut up "said Yurak his voice sound familiar but Shiro knew the person that it remind him of is probably dead.
"Shiro right "said Yurak
"Yeah Yurak right "said Shiro
"Yup and who are the others I know which name belong to who but I don't know who they are they "said Yurak
Shiro pointed to each person as he told their names then asked them to follow and told everyone except allura,coran,lance,hunk and pidge to go. But he knew the MFE were following when he was showing the generals around. When they finish it was dinner so he brought them to the eating area where everyone were surprised to see a 5th general. The generals sat at a empty table.
"Hey why are they here " a alien called out
Ezor out a hand on zethrid shoulder and whisper something but the alien said again "what are you saying "
"Can't a girlfriend talk to her girlfriend" sighed Ezor
"Wait Acxa wasn't lying when she said you two were dating" shouted pidge
"yes and got a problem with it "said Ezor
"No I just you seem to be interested in boys" said pidge
"I am bi" said Ezor
"What exactly are your sexuality you are you -"said lance before getting hit over the head and saying" ow "
"Lance don't be rude" said hunk
"No its fine I am gay" said zethrid
"Bi like I "said Ezor
"Pansexual" said Acxa
"Pansexual" said Yurak
"Straight" said a voice in their head
"What was that" said lance
"That was Narti that's how she talks" said Ezor
"Ooh that makes sense wait I thought Acxa would be asexual" said lance
"I get what you mean but she just doesn't show her emotions, we even joked about how alike she is with blades" smile Ezor for once it wasn't a am going to destroy you it was an actually smile and you couldn't help but smile back
"Actually Acxa is a lot like a blade "said pidge
"My mother was a blades before she ran away to have me and I told you how that went" said Acxa
"What about Yurak's mother "asked kolivan
"I never met his mother but I have seen a picture my mother had and she was in a blade uniform with my mother in hers so yeah but Yurak does have the mindset in a way but his emotions always come first to him plus he can't sit still if you haven't noticed his feet are moving around "said Acxa but by the end she had a smile that was beautiful and like Ezor's you can't help but smile back
"when i look up his name it said commader why" said kolivan
"oh unlike the rest of us, he has a group of 6 people under his commad and they were asign to him by someone really high up in the galra empire" said ezor with a proud smile
"hmmm who hagger" joked allura
"yup"said yuark
"very funny" said allura but they look like werent joking in fact they look affened by the fact allura thought it was a joke
"wait your not joking how" said lance
"i was her expermenit in a way" said yurak
"what do you mean" asked shiro
"while helping to get my mermoies back she did do other things like change my appereance according to acxa,lotor,zethrid,narti and ezor. they even had a picture from before" answer yurak
"in what way change it" asked kolivan
"i didnt have any traits of galra except for my eyes being a galra skin colour in a way but now i have purple everywhere and sharper teeth and yellow in my eyes plus a tail" answer yurak then a tail went and grab the empty drink and threw it into the bin
"oh i didnt notice that" said lance
"noone does it took these binbos 4 days to notice that "said yurak
"hey you were lying down most of those 4 days plus we werent looking for a tail "said ezor
"i know that" said yurak
they all ate really fast except for acxa.
she seems to always eat that way but yurak only lift his helmert to eat, he really must hate his appereance thought shiro until he felt a hand on his shoulder look to see yurak behind him he really must be fast though shiro
"i dont know if acxa told you but just like her i can read minds depending on if its easy or not so in a way i cant and in a way i can" said yurak he sound bored in a way and shiro didnt want to know what he does when he is bored but he had to ask
"hey you sound bored so what do you do to have fun" asked shiro
"training now where are we suppose to go now "said yurak
"oh i will show you and i dont know if you can train now" said shiro getting up and yurak move and said" i know and i didnt want to ask incase you think i am doing something"
"do you think that bad of us" asked shiro
yurak sighed and said" can i ask you something"
"sure what is it" said shiro
"the planets that been under the empire rule soo long that they depend on the galra what would happened then "asked yurak
"i dont know what you mean" said shiro this seem to make him sigh again and said "what i mean is that they will be some planets that cant surive without the galra to help they might have their whole lifes around the galra. they must be use to the galra what would happen then "
"i dont know" said shito
"and what about the family in the empire what would happen lock them all up, you hardly going to put allura on the throne no galra except for the blades would ever follow her i know i wouldnt the whole point of me being here is the fact i use to be in the blades along with my group or at less my group have told me that and i honsetly care if you think bad of me now you ask i answered so suck it up some people will change sides. you cant stop hagger she is too powerful and i forgot the second reason i am here the general are trying to prove me wrong but soo far you need help to battle one altean imagine what would happen with alot of them hagger can trick people and make it seem like allura a bad guy, trick to believe you guys are bad "said yurak
shiro was shocked he let his feeling out like acxa said and gave a speech about the holes in their plan plus him and 6 or less people were blades before going to the other side
"answer that black palladin" growl yurak
"i dont know but we will take down the empire and now i going to ask you something" said shiro
"what "snarl yuark
"what is it going to take for us to change your mind about us "asked shiro
"prove that i am wrong "answer yuark
"how "asked shiro
"thats for me to know but do me a favor and dont take it personily" sighed yurak
"so its not us" said shrio
yurak let out a small laugh when said "no its just i am not convice you are going to win thats all"
"oh" said shrio
"can we do training together "asked allura
"why" asked yurak
"i kinda want to kill your butt after what you said" grin allura
"sorry but i most do other things so i am normally working so training or fighting is not something i can do often" said yurak
"oh what do you do" asked pidge
"someone has to do the shopping for those guys and sewing,cooking,fanice,cleaning and lots of things plus my own paper work it doesnt help that zethrid only has i hit someone on her report and ezor only we kick butt on hers so yea , i dont think they know i have to write them if they dont do it probly but hey more things for me to do" said yurak
"oh god how are you not half asleep" said hunk
"coffee" answer yurak
"plus he falls asleep sometimes" yelled ezor
"you know you willnt have paper work and you dont need to worry about fanice or cleaning and you can help with cooking and sewing and cleaning" said shiro
yurak nodded and walk to the others but look back . shiro remember just a mintue or 5 ago he asked where are we going now in a way so he show them their rooms and went to his
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