Chapter Twenty-Two
Rainbow Dash's P.O.V
The next day the girls visit one at the time. The first one to come in is Pinkie. Her hair is totally flat, her eyes dull.
"Dash! I'm so so so sorry! I didn't want to hurt you!" she apologises. She looks really tired.
"Pinkie...when did you last sleep?" I ask.
"Technically I've slept every night. Just not well since...well I was the one who found you." she says. Ah...makes sense. I know, escpecially for someone as cheerful as Pinkie, that must've been horrible.
"Wait...did you break into my house?" I ask, incredously. "And how'd you even know where I lived?"
"You're door was unlocked and...I um... broke into princable Celestia's office." she replied.I try very hard not to laugh. I can imagine Pinkie doing that...I just didn't think she cared so much. It's almost comforting. Almost.
The next one to come in is Applejack.
"How you feeling sugarcube?" she asks me.
"Better than yesterday..." I reply. Not exactly very specific answer but deal with it. I notice a tube in my arm and start poking at it, trying to figure out why it's there.
"Don't Rainbow." she says, gently pulling my hand away.
"What's it even for?" I ask, knowing she's most likely to be honest.
"Nutrients. Seems you weren't eating." she says, giving me a concerned look..I look down, indicating she's right.
"Dash...if you clearly think so little of yourself then whyd you act like you're the best?" she asks.
"So no one guessed how I felt." I admit, shoulders slumping. I hate feeling weak and telling the truth has made me feel so. I know for most people it's not so but my parents always said it was a sign of weakness and I have to believe it. What else do I have to believe in?
The next one to come in is Rarity. She's got a HUGE bag in her hand.
"Rainbow, darling...I'm sorry." she says, quietly. "I never imagining how much wed impact you. We thought you...well were happier."
"Don't blame you...I did try to convince you all I was ok." I reply, certain my letter spasifically told them not to blame themselves.
"We're your friends. We should've known otherwise." she states.
"Rarity...don't blame yourself." I say. "It's no ones fault but mine." She doesn't look convinced so I decide to change the subject. I cant handle another waterworks. Way to much guilt.
"New fashion stuff?" I ask her, looking at the bag.
"No actually." she replies. "It's something to make you more comfy. I know hospital beds and duvets aren't that comfy. So I brought these and made the sheets for them." She gets out a fluffy duvet and pillows. They have cyan sheets with white clouds on.
"Thanks Rarity." I say, with a slight smile. She returns it then leaves.
The next one to come in is Twilight. She looks worried- how she looks when there's a problem she can't solve. Her eyes are downcast; making me worried.
"You ok?" I ask.
"You're asking me?" she asks, incredously. I nod. "'re the one whose hurt."
"It's not my fault I lived though. If I have to live I might as well be worried about people I care about." I state.
" you still want know.." she asks. I shrug. Yes. As soon I'm out of hospital they'll isolate me again. I'm sure of it. After all I'm noone great.
"Dash. We'll never hurt you like that again." she says. I must not look convinced because she adds... "I promise."
Fluttershy comes in. The second she sees me she bursts into tears. Extremely bad. I hate seeing Flutters upset- she's too nice for it to not effect you. At least in my case...she's the first friend I had so it's impossible to stop caring about her. Her shoulders are slumped.
"Fluttershy...please don't cry." I beg, trying to comfort her.
"Easier said than done! You are my oldest friend and I pushed you away and you nearly died!" she replies, tears falling even faster.
"Don't blame yourself." I instruct. "It's not your fault. I never deserved friends anyway." Her eyes widened with surprise, clearly not used to my pessimisticness.
"Yes you do Dash! It's our fault we didn't realise." she protests. "You're the most loyal person I know. That kind of person deserves friends more than anyone." I'm not convinced. If I deserved friends I'd of kept them.
After she leaves I'm not expecting anyone else to see me. But...someone comes in. Spitfire.
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