5.Un conte d'hiver
[a winter's tale]
Lisa paced back and forth round the corner of the room, her palms brushing against her arms in a frail attempt to keep herself warm. Jungkook hadn't been acting himself lately; he would often skip meals and leave before sunrise, that often made her wonder what his cult was up to.
It was certain he couldn't just reserve an entire day devoted to her given the dangerous profession he was in and especially when she was just a helpless victim seeking refuge under his warmth. There were a lot of burning tensions perceptible around the borders of Busan, with the people being forcefully displaced from their homes and being brought to reside in the city squares. There were warning bombs sent off, the winter skies now turning darker and a grey smog hovering over the districts.
Jungkook certainly held something up his sleeve and somehow everyone knew it — but not her. Interrogating the servants didn't come handy either, as they were forbidden to convey a word of information to her if they were to prove their loyalty to their master.
Everything lay scattered in bits and pieces, like a giant jigsaw puzzle missing out on important clues that left Lisa confused on where to start from.
Today in particular, Lisa expressed a certain dizziness caused by her mind being consumed in its fog; her heart felt heavy all of a sudden, the sky was darker than usual — everything warning her conscience that something was about to go awry. She didn't realise it was already night time as her eyes began to droop.
"Mistress, I think you should take a rest." The elderly Min Soojung walked into a sleep derived Lalisa. "The weather seems terrible think he would be back soon?" "Have faith mistress, everything will eventually fall back on its place."
Lisa somehow managed to shut her eyes close; but wasn't able to sleep. She heaved out a long sigh as she mindlessly stared outside the window, when suddenly felt a pang in her chest — knocking the air out of her. No, it wasn't a nightmare, her anxiety exacerbating second by second.
All of a sudden, there was a loud thud heard across the hallways in midst of the dreary silence. The effects were menacing, causing the ground to shake as though an earthquake had struck. There was a huge commotion and reduced screams heard downstairs, as Lisa carefully descended down, panicking with every step she took. There was smoke everywhere — with fire alarms gone off, penetrating through her ears as she walked through, her vision getting hazier. Someone grasped her wrist — threatening to let go of it. Twisting out of the tight grip, she somehow set herself free, following the voice of Soojung who later guided her into one of the underground bunkers.
It was around five in the morning when the scene slowly went back into silence, the servants already petrified to even step out thinking danger could still be lurking around. A few men of Jungkook's cult walked in, securing the bunkers which would perhaps be their hiding space to protect against the destruction from a few hours back. Some injured members were brought in, everyone gasping in surprise at the injured leader who limped towards an emergency room, escorted by two of his worthy men — Jimin and Jihoon.
To say Lisa was shocked would definitely be an understatement. Jungkook looked heavily wounded; his face covered in scars and blood stains. She wasn't going to be a silent spectator anymore — so she confidently moved out, firmly gripping against the wall to see Jungkook. She didn't bother to stop at the guard's commands either. There was a courage that surged within herself, urging her to contract her concealed fears.
Jungkook commanded everyone to leave when Lisa walked in, her face drained in worry and panic. "W-what ha-ve y-you done to y-yourself?" She frantically rummaged through the first aid box as he watched on.
"I'm fine, don't worry about me." He rasped out. "I was sick worried, its not about today but for over days now. Something has been pestering me, this time its your health. So don't ever lie that you're okay when you are not." She first washed the wound clean, to remove the dirt and dried blood before proceeding to apply ointment, causing him to hiss in pain.
"I'm sorry..." Lisa apologised. "This might hurt a little."
"Did you always know how to treat wounds?" He asked, trying to contain the pain by holding back his tears.
"I was given training for it. That was the only thing they allowed me to take care of, in Seoul."
Lisa pulled out the needle, before stitching the severe wound, as Jungkook groaned. "Hold on a little more, don't move." She voiced, concerned, focused on curing the wound. His lips twitched upwards into a small smile. "Why do you always have to keep hurting?" Streams of tears roll down her cheeks as she finished up. "I said I will be okay, Lisa."
"As if your words can ever guarantee me an assurance. Ofcourse you say you will be okay and keep returning back with these scars, what if one day you don't come home, then wh—" Lisa spat back, as Jungkook applied some of strength to pull her arm, making Lisa fall on his chest as he kissed her forehead.
"Wait." He noticed a bruise on her wrist, looking intently over. "Someone tried to harm you?"
"One of the men who broke in" Jungkook tightened his jaw in anger, muttering a few curses under his breath.
"Is it because of him?" She weakly asked, as Jungkook widened his eyes in shock. "W-who?"
"My uncle. Kim Hyun Shik. Its him who's causing it, no?"
"Lisa you're overthinking—"
"Don't shut me up like that. Just because you don't let me know doesn't mean I am blind to take notice." Taking a pause, she contained. "If its me they want, might as well probably surrender myself. I've been a traitor by running off, if not now then someday I will have to suffer—"
Jungkook shut her up with a kiss. "I don't want those words to come out of your mouth again." He frowned a concern, pulling apart to wipe her tears.
"You don't understand Koo. You can potentially lose your life running after a petty thing like me. People see you as a leader Jungkook. In their fears, I see a trust seeping through their eyes; the darkness must come to an end and I don't wish to be a barrier against it."
"Lets not talk about it anymore, hmm? I don't want you to worry about it anymore. I'm exhausted and my body aches. Come here, baby." He gestured to his side, as if asking her to sleep beside him. Lisa laid down, her hand gently placed over his chest in an attempt to not scale over his stitches.
Feeling soft snores he looked at her small figure that fell asleep in his arms. Jungkook wistfully sighed, moving his arm over hers, before slipping it around her waist as he pondered over her words. The thought was a bit revolting and selfish, he remarked, because he didn't want to let her go.
Lisa was the only person who had known him inside out. In the past seven months that they were together, enduring against hardships of two clashing personalities — she had witnessed the many sides of the cold Jeon Jungkook who was feared by everyone. She wasn't scared after he opened up to her, revealing the pain deep seated in his heart, the pressure to be the ideal leader that had been troubling him for years. She stood with him instead, staying by his side when times were rough.
If Jungkook could freeze time in his hands, he would've captured this moment to never let go; a bubble of tranquility and happiness that surrounds them, he would do anything to not lose her. Jungkook could feel this bubble was slowly tearing apart; time had been selfish, it was slipping out like grains of sand and this wasn't a simple crack that could be fixed with glue and adhesives because the damage was meant to be permanent and the temporary fix could seal for only a week. The crack was to enlarge further and Jungkook knew it wasn't enough. Someday, he had to face it, he had to fight by putting Lisa at stake. Sometimes he wished the dynamics were different when they met; at least he wouldn't have to feel the pain he was feeling about letting go. Because either way, he would lose her. Either to the monstrous human, or the unfair time.
He wasn't just a vulnerable lover; he was the leader of a fucking district, and today's attack on his dorm only justified one thing; Kim Hyun Shik was at unrest, he was instigating a war. So be it.
A week later
It didn't take long enough for Jungkook's assumption to stand true; tonight was finally here. The cult had planned everything in the past few days, preparing for weapons, fight strategies and joined hands with small allies within the district borders.
"Do not kill Leader Kim, unless needed to. Remember, we want him unharmed. I hope I have made myself very clear." Jungkook warned as everyone responded with a loud yes.
Jungkook noticed Lisa through the glass pane, looking outside, observing the war zone they were about to enter. He paced towards her, taking her hands in his. "Its dangerous, just stay with Jimin. Don't follow me." He explained, stroking her hair. Ensuring the members were looking away, he slipped a gun inside her pocket, just to make sure she was armed. "If you happen to encounter any one of them, just shoot knees."
Lisa could've sworn to laugh at the phrase had they been in a much lighter situation than before. She nodded as the two stayed in silence. Everything on the plan was based on play pretend. Jungkook would pretend to hand Lisa back to Hyun Shik's forces, whilst his members would lurk in the corners and kill the little ants that would bring the older to surrender. That of course, was easier said than done. To ensure her safety, Lisa would be left under the protection of Jimin.
Confusion was knitted on Lisa's brows as she grew skeptical about the plan drafted earlier. Jungkook whispered against her ear, "you will be fine." The phrase wasn't an act of assurance but rather a comfort; to Lisa and Jungkook himself.
A huge blast echoed from the eastern district, the voices ranging in close vicinity. "They're here, from the east gate." The informer reported. Hyun Shik's army was full fledged with other small gangs he had managed to brainwash and turn against Busan.
The doors spread apart as weapons and other machinery were set up. A huge, ear-splitting horn was heard, travelling throughout the city. Jungkook merely rolled his eyes at the dramatic entry of his enemies, too busy focused on making sure the secure bunkers with the emergency equipment were well hidden from the exterior and interior walls.
"Old enough but you still enjoy creating drama, don't you?"
"Ofcourse buddy!" Hyun Shik walks towards Jungkook, his gaze averting to find his niece Lisa standing with Jimin making him grin.
"I see you have agreed some parts of the deal after all," the man slyly smirked, making Jungkook realise how much of a fucking dumb idea it was. He still manages to put on the act and play along, there wasn't a turning back from this second. There wasn't a trance of Hyun Shik's army around. Only a few of his general officers, trustee mates.
One of the man forcefully drags Lisa and brings her in front of Hyun Shik. The peace treaty at its worst stage; the man raises his hand, his calloused fingers sharply making contact against Lisa's cheek as Jungkook balls his hand int a fist.
He had his head hung low, not daring to utter a single word. "Pathetic bitch!" The man yelled at his niece, somehow terrifying some of his own men too.
Jungkook gestured his people to be ready to take advantage of the vulnerability of Hyun Shik's army as he contained to shoot daggers through his gaze, in anger and contempt. "You are just like your weak, sick father. That bastard polled for non violence and look, must be rotting six feet under for choosing to betray his own family."
"My Appa was not a traitor. You are." She whispered, before being hit by another sharp blow. Hyun Shik pointed the gun against her temple, about to pull the trigger.
But just before that could happen, Jungkook sneaked his gun out, the bullet ripping through Hyun Shik's wrist — the gun fell off his grip as war cries ensued in. The slight distraction proved to be useful, as a number of Hyun Shik's pigs were easily cleared. Jungkook's group shielded him and Lisa as they ambushed Hyun Shik's men who fired against his defence, the older man whimpering in pain.
Lisa's eyes that once shone bright were now welled up in tears, when they reached one of the safe zones. "I'm sorry." Jungkook sighed, caressing her bruised cheek. "You did nothing wrong Lisa, its just his pathetic attempt to guilt trip you." He assured, rubbing her hands together and patted her head.
"I need to go now, just hide inside and don't do anything stupid." He reminded again, he leaned in to press his forehead against hers before wandering off.
"Lets get this shit over with." He recalled, walking through the smoke. The lack of sunlight and now smoke and dead corpses laying everywhere severely impacted the eyesight. There was bloodshed everywhere, bodies of both sides of the cults hopelessly scattered and piled up as most of them had already passed away whilst some were yearning to live, grazing the thin thread of hope. It was honestly a horrific sight to witness, the numbers outnumbering the expected.
There were loud explosions heard, making Jungkook look over in shock; they possessed grenades. This was another vain attempt to mock Jungkook, so that the fucker would escape by making his accommodates his shield to run past.
Jungkook finally reached Hyun Shik's hiding place. All of his accommodates were killed or suffered from heinous injuries, whilst the man only lived off in embarrassment. Jungkook somehow contained his laugh he wanted to let out; it was certain that Hyun Shik was an egoistic narcissist who lived a life of excessive pride of running Korea's largest district, Seoul. Because in the shadows without his men, he was an unarmed and fearful old man.
"How does it feel, to be left all alone?" Jungkook taunts, the man sprawled over the ground, his weak limbs unable to support him.
"You thought you would snarl and walk into my district, threaten my people and attack my place and I will just sit quiet? I am not one of your dolls to play with, Kim."
"Such a fool, Jeon Jungkook." The man hissed, still composed in his character. "You think you have won by unarming me by using your wicked techniques, though you shall never forget the fact that you brought the unrest by breaking the said norms in our signed treaty, you fucking dickhead!"
Jungkook maintained his calm demeanour. He was obviously mad, but it was sensible to sustain his quiet rage if he wished to be feared by everyone. "Get your men out of here." He snapped. "I don't want more shit to be piled up at my place." He threw his gun before him, before heading out.
"No one will accept her. You think its so fucking easy to convince people to believe in your mistress when she caused a war between the two most powerful districts across Korea? They will treat her like a runaway rat. She's no Helen of Troy—"
"And you think people will still believe you, after you return to your filthy rathole established only with dirty tricks and baseless murders of innocent people? Your citizens will look down on you in disgust. A heartless creature only concerned for money and gruesome pleasures in weapons and death."
Jungkook heard something shift from the back of the tent, his eyes peering to find Lisa walk in — her shirt now stained in blood, hair tied up in a disheveled ponytail, grinning ear to ear as Jungkook made his way towards her.
Before Jungkook could pull her into an embrace, he is taken aback when he noticed a slight change in expression on Lisa's face. It was unreadable as her smile faded away, replaced by worry? Fear? Horror?
He didn't have an idea. She dashed towards him until two loud gunshots were heard.
When I said the series is extreme angst, this was what I meant. Anyways, the next part will mark the end of the story since its the final chapter, so :)
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