Chung-Ae POV:

Another day, just the same shit... just like the past 6 years. 'Woohoo' I thought to myself as I started to make my way into school, Eun-Hee and her boytoy Min-Ki trailing behind me ahead of me, their hand intertwined as they happily walked into the school. A disgusted look made its way onto my face as I watched the boy kiss the top of my ex-best-friends head. PDA had always grossed me out, especially with those two.

I rolled my eyes as I had entered the school, it being livelier than ever as everyone was in the own designated groups. Unlucky fuckers, having "friends", "lovers", a "family". Pft, they all turn on you eventually; they'll learn the hard way that you're better off alone. Everyone betrays you, even the ones you love the most.

Trudging my way into the classroom to see the main bitch and her posse sitting in the front, all of them looked up to stare me down as I started my way to my desk; having to pass by them in order to get to my seat. Passing by Eun-Hee, I had magically tripped and hit my head on the corner of a desk. I groaned in pain, sitting up on my butt to face the 'Queen Bee'. "Oops," she smirked down at me, "Watch where you're going," she chuckled with the rest of her posse. 

I didn't want to yell at her or cause a scene, my head was already hurting from the incident from last night and now this on top of it made it unbearable. Plopping down in my desk as I put my head in my hands, bouncing my leg up and down to try to ignore the pain. 

The bell ringing, and all the students started to rush into their designated classrooms. "Good morning, everyone! Boys," Mrs. Kim scolded the 13 boys as they made their way into the classroom after her, them slowly walking to their seats as Mrs. Kim started her lecture. 

"Yah," A finger met my head, and that's when I almost fucking lost it. I looked up from my hands to see the same pencil thief from yesterday, staring at me with a quizzical look. "Do you have an extra penci-" but before he could finish, I slapped him as hard as I could on the back of the head, the sounds resonating off the walls gaining a couple of people's attention, including Mrs. Kim. 

"Chung-Ae!" Mrs. Kim yelled, people around me started to whisper; looking around to find the other 12 boys in shock, "Outside now," Mrs. Kim pointed towards the door. 


"Out," Mrs. Kim stomped her foot, I scoffed as I grabbed all of my things, the thumping in my head only progressively getting worse and the dizziness staying steady. Eun-hee and her pricks laughing at me as I made my way out of the classroom, "Yah! Stand outside of the door!" Mrs. Kim had yelled after me, but after I had slammed the door, I wasn't going to stay any longer. 

Missing a day of school never hurt anyone, especially me, when over half of the school was probably going to be after me now. 


Jun POV:

"Hyung what're you staring at?" Dino asked Jeonghan as we approached the school, the elder was looking at the girl who sits behind me. Chong-Ae? Chi-Rae? 

"No one," Jeonghan shrugged Dino's question off as we entered the school, girls running up to us or admiring us from afar. Some giving up their breakfast or drinks for us, free food is free food, especially to DK.

All of us enjoying each other's banter as we walked through the halls, our little fan group following behind us as we walked to class. The bell rang, and everyone started to run to class on the second day of school. I turned around to see Min-Ki running up from behind us, I stuck my leg out right as he approached us, and he fell face first. 

He turned around to look at me in the eyes, fire burning through his iris'. "Watch it Wen Jun Hwi," he spat at me as he stood up, brushing himself off before running back to class. The others laughed at the boy who was now stumbling a bit as he ran. 

"Do you always have to tease him?" Vernon questioned through chuckles, and I hummed in response as I put my hands in my pockets.

"Speaking of," Seungkwan spoke up, "What's on the list for Chung-Ae?" Seungkwan wiggled his eyebrows at me, and I shrugged my shoulders, Jeonghan quickly whipped his head around to face us.

"Don't Jun," Jeonghan pointed at me to warn me, I threw my hands up as I shrugged my shoulders. "I mean it," Wow- never thought I would see the day where Jeonghan would stick up for a girl. 

I rolled my eyes as we walked into class behind Mrs. Kim, "Boys," she sternly said, I raised my eyebrow at her as we made our way to our desks, Eun-Hee touching my arm as we walked towards the back. My eyes landed on Chung-Ae, her head was in her hands as her legs bounced up and down. 

I plopped down in my seat, turning to face the girl. I pulled my hand up to her head and flicked her as hard as I could. "Yah," She slowly lifted her head, a small bump forming on the top right of her forehead. "Do you have an extra penci-" before I could even finish, my head flung forward at the impact. I was quite shocked, I turned to look at the girl who was now standing up arguing with Mrs. Kim.

She looked one more time at me, fire swirling in her eyes as she gathered her things and storming out of the classroom not forgetting to slam the door behind her. The rest of the members started to laugh at me, hitting me slightly. I looked over to Jeonghan who looked way beyond pissed. 

And boy I was going to never hear the end of it.


Chung-Ae POV:

It had always been the place to go, this abandoned warehouse. No one else had known about it, it was THE place to go for me. The walls were once empty, now had art all over them my signature being a question mark. I started to work on the concrete floors, it took me 3 years to cover all of the walls and who knows how long to finish the floors. 

Tossing a spray paint bottle into a semi full trashcan, that I had found on the second floor, standing up to look at the finished work. I smiled as I pulled out the gray spray paint can, signing my signature at the bottom right. My phone buzzed, pulling it out of my pocket to see a name that I never thought would come up on my phone screen again. 

I couldn't help but to feel a slight bit of anger, and pain as I shoved the phone back into my pocket before I left. The brutal heat of the last days of summer met my skin, and I groaned. I hated a lot of things, but the heat being at the top of my list right next to a certain group of boys. The sounds of the city filling my ears as I continued to walk down the sidewalk, hands in my pockets as I kicked a rock down the sidewalk with me. 

"Hello Rock," I whispered to myself as I kept my attention on the rock ahead of me, slightly smiling for once. People casually strolling through the street, school kids running after each other or heading into cafe's/restaurants to do their schoolwork with friends. 

Standing at the cross walk, waiting for it to turn so everyone could cross. "Yah Eunwoo!" A lady cried out; a child's giggles rang through my ears as I turned around to see a little boy running away from his mom. I smiled at the little boy as he made his way closer, his mom struggling to keep up with the runaway toddler. 

A few others had noticed and gave the mother a disapproving look before turning back to the street, waiting for the crosswalk signal to change. "Eunwoo-ah!" The lady yelled one more time, more distressed than ever. A breeze went past my arm, I looked forward to see the little boy running into the street. 

My eyes widened as I made a quick bolt for the little boy, shoving past everyone who was waiting and not doing anything to keep the little boy from running in the street. Many of the people were slightly cursing at the both of us, but the kids laughter rang louder than the curses. 

As soon as the boy stepped a foot on the road, a car blared its horn at the boy as it quickly approached not going to stop in time. I grabbed the boy's arm, pulling him up in my grasp as the car drove past. The boy having no idea as to what could've happened, laughing away as he clapped his hands. "Eunwoo!" The mom cried out; I was still in shock as I watched the boy Infront of me have the time of his life. "Aish, Eunwoo-ah," The mom started to cry as she took the boy from my grasp. 

"Thank you," She took my hand into her empty one doing a quick bow, the crosswalk signal now going off and everyone made a quick dash for the other side of the street. 

"Ah, it's nothing really," I smiled at her and the boy, as he tried to reach for me again. The mom reached into her back pocket and placed a wad of cash in my hand. Before I could refuse, she thanked me one more time before crossing the street with the others. 

Little did I know

A certain group of boys had just watched all of this unfold.


Originally Written: September 23, 2017

Rewritten: December 12, 2023

Updated: Feb 12, 2023

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