I cartwheeled across the ground, picking up three throwing knives and went to my feet, throwing them at Stain, who deflected two with his sword, but one lodged into his arm.
In the course of this fight, I created two swords, nine knives, two axes, four curved blades, and three short blades, all scattered about in the alley.
Because I'm keeping them in weapon form and there's so many, my hair is growing slower.
Parts of my hair only reaches my chin since I've been tearing it off. Only plus side is that I never tear it from my scalp. It always ends at my chin.
Still pretty choppy.
I swung my blade and he jumped over, heading for the Hero behind Todoroki. However Todoroki created an ice pillar to stop him and Izu punched him away and over to me, where I slammed my foot into his back.
He turned quickly and kicked me. He hit my solar plexus.
I coughed as my breath hitched in my throat and I flew back and hit the dumpster roughly.
He's good. He aimed for one of the weakest points of my body.
Something else flung into me, making my head slam against the dumpster again. What the?
He hit Izu over to me.
Looking up, I see him dodge Todoroki's ice. "Ice and Flame." Stain spoke.
Todoroki shot fire next to which he dodged with ease. He hit his foot to the ground and fired more ice to him. "No one's ever told you? You're too focused on your Quirk. You're being careless!"
He made it to Todoroki incredibly quickly and moved, his sword inches away from taking his arm off.
"Todoroki!" Izu and I shouted.
I quickly created a large double edged axe and tore it off. Before I could throw it, I noticed something.
Iida is standing! It's finally worn off for him!
"Recipro Burst!" He moved inhumanely fast and kicked the blade, breaking the sword in half, saving Todoroki.
As soon as he landed, he used his Quirk and delivered a hard kick to Stain, who blocked the kick but was flung away by its force.
Izu and I quickly got back onto our feet.
Before Stain could land I drew my arm back and threw the axe. Stain glanced over, eyes slightly widened and did a back bend, the axe blade cutting across his chest lightly, but enough to tear his shirt and part of the skin.
The axe flew and dug into a wall.
I brought my hand to my hair. Most of it short to my chin. I can make two more big weapons or a lot of throwing knives.
But my weapons are still scattered through the alley. I'm not out of weapons yet.
"Todoroki, Nozomi, Midoriya. This has nothing to do with you three and I apologize."
Is he seriously still going on about that? Really? Is now the situation to be saying stuff like that?!
"You're saying that again?" Izu spoke my thoughts aloud. "That's why I can't allow you three to bleed more than this!"
Ah-ah. You're such a troublesome kid.
But I don't necessarily dislike that attitude in you. It fits you better then the one you've had since the festival.
"It's no use trying to be reformed for appearance's sake. A person's essence does not change so easily. You will never be anything but a fake who prioritizes his own selfish desires. You are a cancer to society that warps the idea of 'Heroes'. Someone must set you straight."
My eyes widened slightly. He . . . those are true.
We share the same beliefs about Heroes. I haven't encountered anyone who believes in that.
My mind went back to the words I told Tetsutetsu during our match.
I meant every word and I still believe it. Even now, I don't think his beliefs are wrong.
"You're an anachronistic fundamentalist. Iida, don't listen to the logic of a murderer." Todoroki said.
Even if he is a murder, he has the right idea. But Iida is only misguided right now. And that's no ones fault but Stain's.
"No. He's right. His words are true. I have no right to call myself a Hero." He admitted, blood seeping from his costume where his wound is.
"Nozomi, you said something similar at the festival. But I didn't understand your thought process. I didn't even try to understand why you'd say something like that. But now that I've sunk so low, I see. I'm sorry."
Iida . . . I liked it better when you didn't believe in my ideals.
"Even so. I cannot give in. If I give in, then Ingenium will die." Iida declared loudly. "Out of the question." Stain lunged for him. Todoroki pushed Iida back and fired his flames.
Izu and I ran towards them. Izu went high and I went low.
"Idiot! The Hero Killer is after me and that kid in white armor, right? Don't fight back. It'd be better if you ran away!" Stain had jumped up and stabbed into the wall above the flame.
He kicked off and landed away from the fire. I quickly readied two daggers in my hand and clashed with him.
"Shut up, idiot Hero. Be grateful we're saving your sorry ass." I growled, pushing harder against Stain and pushing him back.
We clashed our blades again, but he pulled out another knife and stabbed it into my arm.
"You're annoying!" I dropped my blades and grabbed both his wrists and slammed my head on his, forcing it down. I then brought my knee up and slammed it into his gut, then moved it further up and struck him underneath his chin. Releasing him, I turned fast and kicked him and flung him away.
There is something I noticed. Stain is flustered.
There's an uncertain element of blood type, and he needs to get in close for it to work. On top of that, depending on the blood type it doesn't last long.
Looking at just his Quirk, he's not especially powerful. Taking on multiple opponents alone must be hard for him to deal with.
He's getting pretty desperate trying to kill Iida and the Hero before the pro's come.
Izu went to punch him but Stain evaded and went to try and get Iida again, but Todoroki is protecting him right now.
This guy isn't letting up. He's got crazy tenacity.
Stain quickly slashed at Izu, but not to kill, only to injure for blood. Izu fell and Stain went to lick his blood.
"Tch. Not if I can help it!" I picked up two knives and threw them, hitting his blade and making it fly away.
He turned his attention back to his prey, desperate.
"You're in the way!" Stain threw a knife at Todoroki, dedperate to kill.
Iida quickly moved his arm out and blocked it, but the blade dug into his arm. "Iida!" Izu and Todoroki shouted.
Izu went to help, but slipped, grabbing his wound, not expecting it to affect him that much.
"You stop too!" Stain threw another knife at Iida.
I quickly leapt between the two, and it pierced my side. I grunted and landed on my feet.
I took the knife out and pressed onto my wound. "Nozomi!"
Damn this is starting to piss me off. "I'm fine." I grumbled, releasing my wound and picking up my weapons again. "Todoroki, hurry!" Iida urged. Huh?
Todoroki forze his legs, not plugging the mufflers.
Iida tore the knife from his arm and stood. Stain had jumped up onto the wall of the tall building.
Clenching my weapons, I threw them his way, buying time for them.
Izu stood, green sparks jumping on him. Todoroki turned and shot some fire. I used the rest of my hair to make an extremely large and thick blade.
Tearing it off, I threw it with all my strength, barely missing Stain and lodging itself deep into the building.
Stain had to jump up to dodge it, which is what I wanted him to do.
Both Iida and Izu jumped up straight towards Stain, who had gotten stalled by the extremely large blade.
"GO!" Todoroki and I screamed.
Iida struck his leg out with his Recipro and Izu had punched him with his own power. Stain coughed up blood as his body snapped at an uncomfortable angle from their incredible attack.
Izu and Iida made pained expressions. They over used their limbs.
I went to tear a weapon from my hair, but all of it is only chin length. I grabbed a curved blade from the ground and jumped up towards them.
Stain went to slash at Iida, but I knocked the knife from his hand. "Don't touch my friend!" I slashed the curve blade over his arm, making it go limp since I cut the tendons.
Flipping over him, I grabbed Izu as Iida kicked Stain up more and Todoroki shot fire directly at him.
As we fell, I grabbed Iida and kicked off the wall, landing next to Todoroki with the two under my arms.
Todoroki had shot ice up and Stain landed on it, unconcious.
He's down. He's finally down.
I sighed, releasing my Quirk. The many weapons in the alley returned to strands of hair.
"He's probably knocked out after all that, right?" Izu asked, standing.
I nodded, rubbing my head. My short hair moved at the motion. "Then, let's restrain him and get out to the street. Is there anything to tie him up with?" Todoroki asked.
"Just in case, let's take all his weapons off him." Izu suggested. I nodded in agreement and pulled out some wires from my sleeves.
"I got this from Best Jeanist. It should restrain him enough until the proper authorities come to handle it." I told them.
Izu's eyes lit up as he looked at the thin wires.
Always the fanboy.
Todoroki and Izu retrieved Stain and searched him for weapons and I went to work on tying him up.
Once I was done, I checked out Stain's weapons that are laid neatly on the ground. "You think it's cool if I take this?" I asked as I picked up a butterfly knife and flipped it open.
Todoroki plucked it from me. "This is evidence for the police." He stated, placing it back.
Tch. No fun. "Native, can you move?" Izu asked the Hero.
I glanced over at them. "Yeah, I'm okay now." He moved Izu around and stood, giving him a piggyback ride.
"Um-" Izu was about to protest. "You hurt your legs right? Let me do this at least." Native said with a small smile.
"Yeah Izu. Let him do something, he was absolutely useless during the fight." I deadpanned, making the Hero's head hang in disgrace.
"Kiri-Nee! Don't worry about it Native!" Izu tried to cheer up the Hero.
I pulled the wires, making sure it's as strong as Best Jeanist sidekicks says it is.
Good thing I swiped it before I left. "Here." Todoroki held his hand to me. "Todoroki, Nozomi, I'll pull it!" Iida volunteered.
I handed the wires to Todoroki, ignoring Iida's hand. "No." I rejected without hesitation. "Your arms are all messed up, right?" Todoroki asked.
Iida bit his lip. I sighed, turning and walking after Izu and Native. "Come on. Let's get out of here." I told them.
The two immediately followed, pulling Stain along the way.
My side is still bleeding. But my leg and shoulder are better. That's a plus.
But we're all pretty beaten. We became Stian's pin cushions.
How annoying.
"Sorry. Even though I'm a pro, I was just in the way." Native apologized.
Of course you were. You were a huge hindrance and I didn't even want to protect you.
I only did because . . . because . . . huh? Why did I?
"No, I don't think you could've done anything one-on-one with the Hero Killers Quirk. He's too strong." Izu said, voice tired and in pain.
"Fighting four-on-one with the guy making mistakes himself, we still barely won. He was probably flustered and forgot about Midoriya's recovery time. He also forgot about Nozomi's skill and didn't think she could produce a weapon of that size. And he wasn't able to deal with Iida's last Recipro Burst or Midoriya's movements." Todoroki added.
I sighed loudly. "Way to rub salt in the wound." We stepped out of the back alleys and onto the street. Finally.
Well, looks like this chapters all closed. The goal has been achieved.
Iida is out of the darkness.
That was my goal. "Now let's quickly get him to the police." Native started.
"Wha? Why are you here?!" Huh? Across the street is a midget old man in a suit. A Hero? That old?
"Gran Torino!" Izu shouted in surprise.
The old man jumped up and moved really fast, kicking Izu's face. "Izu!" I shouted.
What the hell is with this old man?! "I thought I told you to stay seated on the bullet train!" The old man shouted.
I grabbed the old man by his cape and suspended him in the air. "Who's that?" Todoroki asked as the old man flailed in my hold.
Squirly little guy isn't he? Ah. He slipped from my hold. "The Hero I'm interning with, Gran Torino. But why?"
The old man's hands is on his hips and he's steaming. Well, to be expected Izu probably went off on his own.
"I was told to come here all of a sudden. Well, I don't really know what's going on, but I'm glad you're okay." Izu apologized to the small Hero.
Lucky for him, he looks a lot less mad now.
Footsteps neared and a handful of Heroes rushed in. "Endeavor told us there was a request for help, but . . . children?"
They all stared at us like we were a different species. "Those injuries look serious! I'll call an ambulance right away!" Another Hero said.
Huh? Oh, yeah. Almost forgot about that.
"H-Hey, this is . . ." One finally noticed our prisoner. The female Hero gasped. "Don't tell me . . . it's the Hero Killer. Call the police too!"
Todoroki gave a Hero the wires holding Stain and the Heroes examined us. "Can you walk?" One asked Izu.
"If you prop me up I can." He didn't break his legs, but Stain did slice him up a bit.
Not to mention his new ability. It has its limits too. "And you? He asked Todoroki. "I only received minor injuries. Iida and Nozomi have the worse ones."
I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine. I'm more concerned with you guys." I stated.
Izu frowned at me. "Kiri-Nee, you're bleeding pretty badly. You shouldn't take it lightly."
I raised an eyebrow and walked over, pinching his cheek. "I don't want to hear this from someone who breaks their body without hesitation. Really, what were you doing in Hosu?"
I frowned at him. He began sweating. "It was just coincidental, but I wanted to check on Iida while I was-wait. What are you doing in Hosu?"
I looked away. "I was passing by." I lied with ease.
"You three . . ." Iida walked over to Izu, Todoroki, and me. He bowed to the three of us. "You were injured because of me. I am truly sorry." He kept his ninety degree bow, I can hear the pain in his voice.
He's crying. "I couldn't . . . see anything through my anger."
Iida. "I'm sorry too. Even though you were feeling so cornered, I didn't notice at all. Even though we're friends." Izu spoke. Iida cried softly, trying not to burst out. He reminds me of a crying child.
It's hard to be mad at that. "Pull yourself together. You're the class rep, right?" Todoroki spoke.
I walked over and smacked his head, making him fall. I crouched in front of him. "Do you know how much time I spent into watching over you? I knew you'd do this, idiot. I had to put up with two goody-goody Heroes in order to come here for you. Repent. I want spicy ramen."
He wiped his face and smiled, nodding.
I reached over and pat his head. "Good boy." I praised lightly.
Well, these wounds, those lectures, it was worth it. Because we saved Iida. And for that I'm very grateful.
"Get down!" Gran Torino shouted suddenly.
Looking up, I see a flying- "Nomu?!" I muttered in disbelief. It soared down and went for . . .
I lunged over and grabbed hold of Izu, however Nomu's talons dug into our side and flew up, us with it.
"Midoriya! Nozomi!" Our friends called. We quickly went into the sky. However, Nomu screeched and seemed, frozen?
No way!
I looked back to see Stain cut the wires off and run our way. "This society overgrown with fake Heroes . . ." He jumped high into the air above Nomu, eyes glinting.
"And the criminals who wave their power around idly . . ." With one powerful thrust he stabbed into Nomu's head and snatched Izu and I out of its talons.
Nomu fell to the ground, defeated, dead.
Stain and us are on top of the weird creature.
Did he just save us?
Stain is breathing heavily, still injured from our fight. "Should all be purged." He finished.
That was actually kind of cool.
Ah! I swung my leg and kicked his arm, making him release us.
I grabbed Izu and jumped back and away from him. "This is all to create a more just society." He pulled the knife from Nomu's skull.
Nomu's have fast regeneration, but I don't think that one can regenerate from that.
"Why are you all standing around in a group? The Villain should've escaped this way." A new voice called.
Huh? Endeavor? So Todoroki interned with his father. That's actually very surprising.
"How are things on your end?" A Hero asked Endeavor.
The flamed Hero turned to look at Stain. "Things got a little rough. But don't tell me that man is . . ?"
I tightened my grip on Izu and backed away from Stain a bit more.
"Endeavor." Stain rasped out. By the way he said it, I take it Endevor doesn't make his credentials for Hero.
The said Hero readied his flames, seemingly excited to take on the Hero Killer.
Stain stood and my body froze, along with Endeavor and everybody else.
Such incredible blood lust. It's just like . . .
"You fake. I must make things right. Someone must be dyed in blood. I must take back what it means to be a Hero! Come! Try and get me, you fakes!"
With every sentence, the bloodlust only increased, making me remember things I'd rather not.
This bloodlust is exactly like his.
Blood. There's blood everywhere. So much. A memory popped into my mind. I'm looking down at my small hands. They're covered in blood.
A stone room came into view and I shut my eyes tight.
"The only one I'll let kill me is the true Hero; All Might!" The bloodlust is too much.
So much pressure. I felt like I was in pure darkness. Cruel red eyes staring down at me as blood seeped around me. No more!
I dropped Izu and fell to my knees. "Kiriya." His sinister voice sounded in my ears and I quickly covered them.
No. I don't want to remember. I don't want to!
And then it was all gone with a sound of a blade hitting the ground. My fear had vanished and the strong presence of bloodlust did as well. My chest lightened and I uncovered my ears and looked over at the Hero Killer.
He's unconscious.
I have never met someone who held such bloodlust that could rival his.
I learned what bloodlust was at a young age. I am immune to it, to a certain degree. Only one persons blood lust could ever freeze me.
So when I met someone else who matched it, even for a second, I could only shut my eyes tight and will my sanity to remain.
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