"Danger's my friend..."



The robinsons and Anna were sitting in the main hub eating, as they were starving. Dr. Smith had gone to freshen up a bit.

Just as the kids were about to finish, Maureen and John shared a glance and then John nodded his head to Maureen.

Maureen stood up and gathered the kid's attention who were talking about their experience in the storm.

Maureen told them about what they she and John saw back in the alien spaceship. Everyone was shocked as that was not even remotely possible.

"How the hell is this possible ? I mean sure there might have been theories about getting lost in space and time but how could the resolute get us in another galaxy ?"Anna gaped.

"I know its impossible according to every law of physics, but its true." Maureen replied.

"Did you recognize any planet or constellation?"

"I looked for anything to orient us but there was absolutely nothing I recognized at all."

"Okay. I dont understand exactly how lost are we talking about ?" Judy asked in between.

"Yeah like can't find your car in the parking lot kids lost?" Penny added.

"Well of this is earth." Maureen said referring to a cup she just put in the middle of the table. "And this is alpha centuari." She said putting a bottle near the window of the room. " we are, metamorphically, maybe a 600 year drive away."

"Ok so not metamorphically..." Penny said.

"Its uh trillions of light years." Anna said looking at Maureen.

"Look if we got here, we can get back." Maureen said with confidence.

"So.. how do we get back." Will asked.

"Honestly unless the resolute is intact and can find us, we might be stuck here." Maureen replied.

"Which is why, I need everyone working on the problem." She continued as she saw everyone's face fell.

"Maureen." John said sighing but Maureen didn't listen him.

"We need to get the comms operational and we can't do that until we get the ship out of the ice., and Judy you need to-" Maureen was cut off by John.

"Maureen." John said a little louder this time.

"What?" She asked as she was interrupted.

"I think we should a breather." John said for everyone.


"With the storm outside, there's nothing we can do anyway and I think we'd all think a lot clearer after some rest."

"I am kinda tired." Will said.

"Me too." Anna said.

"Yeah I think we all are."Penny said looking at them.

Maureen looked at Judy for her opinion.

"Just an hour mom then I'll be ready." She said.

"Okay. Okay. I will wake everybody after the storm." Maureen agreed but there a little sadness in her voice.

"Thanks mom." Will said and went to his room tiredly.

Slowly Penny, Judy and John also went out of the room.

"Maureen." Anna said softly.

"Yes?" Maureen said looking up at her.

"Do you need any help cleaning up." She asked tilting her head slightly.

"No, no. I got it, you should rest really." Maureen replied but happy as Anna at least asked her.

"Okay, see you." Anna said and went to her room, leaving Maureen and dr. Smith.

Anna was sleeping soundlessly on her bed when she heard a loud thump sound and was thrown backwards from her bed.

She quickly got her glasses, wore her shoes and ran outside to see what happened.

"Is everyone okay?" John asked as she reached the main hub.

A yes could be heard from everyone.

"What happened?" Anna asked but had an idea of what caused the sound.

"I dont know. It was like something just hit us."dr. Smith replied her.

"Its the glacier its falling apart, when the girls used the blastjets-" Maureen said but got cut off.

"Wasn't me."Judy said defensively.

"Yeah it wasn't her who totally saved everybody's life." Penny said, making Judy scoff at her.

"The point is, if we don't get the jupiter out of her, the whole thing's just gonna collapse at us." Maureen said checking on the computer.

"The storm's over." Anna pointed out.

"Great, Judy start with pre-flight checklist,start with the thrusters, Penny as we get closer to the surface i want you on the radio, soon as we get the signal we broadcast. And anna-" Maureen got off as john walked in from the cockpit.

"We got a problem with the engines."
"What kind of problem?"
"We don't have any." John stated.


Maureen and John went to check the engines while everyone else waited in the mainhub. Dr. Smith sat down on one of the chairs, Penny was sitting by the window and Judy was standing near one of the doors, while Will and Anna were standing near the cabinets.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Anna asked Will softly, looking at him.

"Uh how'd you know?" He asked slowly turning his face to look at her as well.

"Well I just do and also you were sweating and seemed deep in thought about something, I have nightmares too."

"Oh, it was just about what happened on the resolute." He whispered.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault." She said squeezing will's hand earning a smile from will.

"Ok aft engine cage. We need to disassemble the contaminated thrusters. So bag and heat seal anything that needs to be on the VC levels."Maureen said walking into the room. She looked at dr. Smith and asked is she was okay. To which she replied witha yeah.

"How about you and I work together?" Maureen suggested making dr. Smith nod. "Okay everybody else pathner up."

"Dibs on will." Penny quickly said raising her hand.

"Seriously." Judy said raising her eyebrows.

"I want to spend quality time with my brother, whats wrong with that?" Penny said making Anna and Will look at each and laugh quietly.

"Okay you guys are on detox. Every piece needs to be wiped completely before it goes into the cage." Maureen said.

"Can Anna be with us too?" Will asked.
Maureen looked at Anna waiting for her reply.

" yea sure." Anna said looking at will and then Penny who each gave her a warming smile.

"Guess you're with me." John said looking at Judy.

"Hey you two, flush out the combustion chamber so we don't re-circ any contaminants into the system." Maureen said telling them their task as well.

"Uh, John does that sound okay?" Maureen added looking at her husband.

"Sure let's get this done." He said and walked out with Judy.

Maureen walked back near the table, looked at others awkwardly,"uh okay." She said and walked out to the engine room with dr. Smith.

"The robot is totally gonna do the work for us right?" Penny said grinning making will and Anna smile and look at the robot.


Many dirty parts with particulates from the storm of different sized were laid out on the table while Penny, will and Anna cleaned them, robot helping them a bit.

They talked while cleaning and bonding. Penny and Anna found out that both loves to read books and, will and Anna both are sorta nerds but in a cool way.

"Can you fly?" Penny asked Anna out of nowhere.

"What?" Anna asked laughing, a little surprised by her sudden question while will looked at them amused.

"Um, can you make yourself fly by wind and air pressure? Sorry that just kinda popped in my head." Penny said laughing along, dusting off a part.

"Yeah sure, but I have never like flied at great heights, do you want me to make you fly?" Anna answered and then asked Penny.

"Yeah that would be so cool, we will do that when we get out from this ice." Penny said excitedly.

The three just talked about random things and made jokes while cleaning.

"Maureen said you'd know what to do with this." Dr. Smith came in with a part in a little bag in her hands.

"Yeah thats fine, just leave it there. Thank you." Penny said as Smith put the part on the table with the others and went out of the room.

"What do you guys think about her?" Penny asked.

"Dr. Smith? I don't know." Will said shrugging.

"She seems okay but there is something edgy about her." Anna said blowing the dust off a part.

"Mmm I dont know. I like her." Penny said her opinion making Anna chuckle at her.

"Thats how you form your opinion. Isn't there something about judging abook by its own cover?" Will said to his sister.

"Oh please. Whoever said that has probably never been to a bookstore."

Anna watched the siblings argue with a smile but that made her miss her brother.

Suddenly they heard something being dropped on the table with a thump sound, it was robot. He straightened and went out of the room.

"Hey, come back." Will said following robot out. Anna first thought of following them but decided to stay with Penny and clean the parts so that she wouldn't have to do it by herself.

"These parts aren't gonna clean themselves." Penny called after will.
"Yeah thank you, cool robot Will." She muttered sarcastically.

"Lets just clean these." Anna smiled at Penny.

After a while they heard will shout. Both of them quickly ran towards the sound.

"Will?" Anna shouted worriedly. Maureen also came to look for Will.

"Where's Will?" Maureen asked coming to Anna and Penny.

"We don't know, he was with the robot." Anna replied.

"Danger will robinson." Saod the robot as he stood in front of the storage room.
"What kind of danger?" Maureen asked.

"Hey, be careful." They heard will say from the storage looking from the glass.

"Why? What happened ?" Maureen asked worried.

"There's something on the ship." Will examined shouting.

"Like what?" Anna asked.

"Its some kind of alien snake." Will replied.

The three looked at each other and went to tell the others.
"John?" Maureen shouted calling his husband. She saw Judy walking in the main hub as well,"Judy where's your father?"

"I-i think he's still in the basement. Why? Whats wrong?"

"Will said there's something on board. Some kind of-" Anna said as Judy cut her off.

"Some kind of what?" Judy questioned.
"Judy, go find dr. Smith and-" Maureen started but something just dropped next to her feet, it looked like an eel, or a snake.

The girls screamed at the sight of that alien creature.
"Dont go downstairs."John stated panting, a knife in his hand.

"Is it dead?" Penny asked slowly.
"It is now."John sighed.

John kept standing while the girls crouched down to take a closer look. A fetid smeel filled the room.

"What is it?" Judy asked.
"And why does it smell so bad?" Penny grimaced.
"It looks an eel just more disgusting." Anna said scrunched her face.

"Yeah, and I have no idea, I probably came in through one of the puncture holes from the crash." John said.

"Thinking its been hiding on the ship this whole time." Maureen said standing up and and went to get something from a cupboard.

"Yeah."John sighed.
"Smells like its been hiding in someone's butthole." Penny remarked.
"Ugh tell me about it." Anna said.

Maureen came wearing gloves," I've never seen anything like that." She said and picked up the eel, and put it over a stretched table.

The rest walked over to see too.

"Wait, where's Will?" John asked.

"He's safe. The robot well he locked Will in the storage closet."Anna said.

"Okay." John said nodding his head. "Why?" He asked after a thought.

"Why does he do anything." Penny said.

"I think that smell is fuel."Maureen said sniffing the eel.

"Makes sense. I found it in the water next to the tanks."

"Warning. Fuel level at 52%." The automated voice said.

"The fuel's dropping faster now."Judy said.

Maureen grabbed the knife from John's said and started slicing the eel from between making everyone scrunch their face, disgusted as blue liquid flowed out of it.

"Aaaand I'm never having unagi again." Penny said.

Maureen put her fingers inside and took some of the liquid in her hands and then smelled it.

"Our fuel isn't leaking. It's being eaten." Maureen stated. Anna got caught on what she was saying.

"Our fuel is a methane hybrid so maybe one of the compounds is its food source on this planet." Anna said looking at Maureen.

"Yeah thats right." Maureen said.

"Any ideas how we get out of this one?" John asked.

"I need a bigger whiteboard." Maureen said.


"Are those our fuel tanks?" Judy asked looking at the screen.

"Is anyone else never sleeping in here again, is it just me ?" Penny remarked raising her hand but put it down eventually when John gave her a look.

"The jupiters were built with two fuel tanks, primary and the reserve. Are there any eels in the reserve tank?" Anna stated and then asked Maureen to check the status of the reserve tanks.

"The reserve tank is untouched, if it stays that way we'll have enough fuel to get out of the ice." Maureen said.

"So we need to trap those things and keep em out of the other tank." John said.

"But according to the emergency settings, the reserve tanks will be opened when the primary gets too low." Anna pointed out.

"Yes, but we can stop that by turning it off manually down at the source." Maureen said.

"Soo, we have to go down where their eels are?" Penny asked unsure.

"How long do we have until the reserve tanks will open?" Anna asked.

"At the rate these things are going with our fuel, we have about 15 minutes until we're dry." Maureen said walking out of the room, but stopped as john spoke.

"I'll handle the tanks, you just get us ready to fly."

Maureen nodded and went out of the room, Penny and Anna following her out.



Anna was in her room, taking something out from one of her bags. She took one of her daggers out. She touched the velvet hilt and pulled the dagger out of its cover.

She saw her reflection in the dagger, a scratch on her face from the storm and light shining on the glass of her spectacles.

She heard John from outside of her room and knew he was in trouble.
She went out to see one of the eels over his shoulder and its tail around his leg.

Anna gasped as john suddenly fell on the ground, struggling. She quickly ran up to him, her dagger in her hand.

She got a hold of the eel and pushed it down  on the floor, and off John. She put her knee on it as it struggled trying to get out of Anna's grip.

She tightened her grip around her dagger and stabbed the eel multiple times, blue blood pouring out of it.

She got the dagger out and sat down, sighing in relief. She looked over to John beside her who was catching his breath.

"Thanks." He said panting.
"No problem." She smiled.

Suddenly they heard, ice crackling and the  creaking of ship. The jupiter was shifting to a side and seemed to be going down more into the ice.

John and Anna got slid off to a side and pushed against a wall. Something hit Anna's arm right where she had a gash, making her groan.

"Hey, are you okay?" John asked as he got up, holding out a hand to Anna.
"Fine." She managed to say and got up.

Both of them went to the cockpit stumbling. John sat down on one of the co-pilot's seat and checked something on the computer while Anna stood beside him holding onto the seat.

"Surface unstable." The automated voice said.

"Hey." Maureen said to both of them as she entered in holding on to things.
"Hey. You okay?" John asked.
"Yeah you both?" She asked.
"Yeah sure." John scoffed.
"Fine." Anna lied gripping onto her arm as it hurted a bit.

"Judy are you okay?" John asked into the comms.
"Yeah. But the torque wrench, it didn't print." She said.

"Auxiliary fuel tank released." The automated voice said.

Anna and Maureen checked the screen gaping.
"Yeah don't worry about it." John said to Judy.
"John.." Maureen said looking at the computer.
"Judy hold on a sec." He said and looked at the computer as well.

"When the Jupiter's weight shifted, it must have exposed the fuel sensor and release the reserves to the main tank."Maureen explained.

"That was the fuel we have left. Now they got it." John said.
"We need to launch otherwise we won't have any fuel left." Anna said.
"Yeah the last thruster's almost done. I just need to secure it." Maureen said.

They heard Penny shout for help.
"Dad." Her fainted voice came from downstairs.
"Penny?" Maureen and Anna said worriedly.
"Where are you?" John yelled.
"Down at the tank." Penny yelled.

Their eyes widen at this and John went downstairs to help Penny while Maureen said to secure the last thruster.

After a few minutes Penny got out and went to the hub where she found Anna.
"Hey are you okay, how'd you get down there?" Anna asked worried.
"Yeah okay now, I fell there when the weight shifted."
"Okay, where's John?"
"Dad's still down there."

Anna got up and got her dagger out.
"Where you going?" Penny asked as Anna went out of the hub.
"Kill some alien eels." She replied making Penny stare after her.


Just as she claimed down, she saw an eel in John's hands, its face close to his. Anna went up to him and stabbed the eel just as it was about to bite John.

"You shouldn't have come down here."John said.
"Well two makes the work go faster." She said making John chuckle.

For a while they fought the eels and tried to save as much as fuel as possible from being eaten. Their blue blood was over them.

"Lets go, the thruster should be done." John said from near the stairs.
"Y-yeah a sec." Anna replied as she got off an eel from her leg and went up to the cockpit with John.

Anna did the pre-flight check ups, till Maureen came.

"We're good lets go."Maureen said as she came in with dr. Smith.
"You both look terrible." Maureen commented.
"Thanks. You too."John replied while Anna just continued with the checks.

"Where the heck have you been."Penny asked as she came in with Judy.
"Figuring out how to save your ass."she replied coolly.
"And she's back."Penny laughed.

"Warning fuel level at 15%." The automated voice said.

"Yeah 15% is enough to get us out." Anna said.
"What about those things?" Penny asked.
"They should burn up on ignition." Maureen said.

Maureen, John and Judy sat down on the seats while Penny, Anna and dr. Smith just held the bars tight to start themselves.

"Everyone hold tight."John said from the captain's  seat.
He pushed the lever but nothing happened and the engine powered down.

"You've got to be kidding me." Maureen said.
"Whats wrong?" John said confused.
"Nothing we should be-"maureen said.

"Warning fuel level at 10%." The automated voice said.

"Everything checks out." Anna said checking the computer.

A big piece of ice just fell on the jupiter.

"We're gonna get crushed. What do we do?" Penny said.

"Dump the fuel." Anna and judy said together.

"What we need-" Maureen started.

"Listen if those things are still in the 
tank, they might be clogging the intake valve, which means whatever fuel is left down there can't get into the combustion chapter." Judy explained.

"Yeah exactly like a seed getting stuck in your straw while drinking lemonade." Anna gave an example.

"I know guys. But its just-" Maureen said still not convinced.
"Warning fuel level at 8%.  No reserves." The automated voice said.

"Trust us." Judy said.
"There is still enough fuel in the lines to get us out of the ice." Anna said.
"Do it."John said.

Judy stepped forward and pushed a few buttons above us.

"Fuel ejection system.. activated." The automated voice said.

"Does this thing run on fumes." John asked.

"I sure as hell hope so." Maureen said.

Everyone held onto something and John pushed the controller forward, taking off. John was flying the jupiter as fast as could as the glacier was falling apart and ice was breaking.

They saw the ice closing the way to get out.
"Dad?" Penny said worried.

"Dad, watch out." Judy yelled.

The jupiter flew downwards for a bit before pulled up. The jupiter got out of the ice breaking the ice. They all looked at each other taking in the beautiful sight in front of them.

Engines slightly sputtered and they were slowing down as they were low on fuel.

"John.." Maureen said warningily.
"Its okay I got this." He assured.

"John?" Anna said as he was landing.
"Brace yourselves. " he said and the jupiter landed stumbling, making everyone shout.

They al sighed in relief as everyone was okay.
"Oh thank God." Anna said putting a sd over her chest as she was sitting beside Penny.

"Does anybody have a mop?  I think i may barfed a little bit back here."Penny said, earing a laugh.

"Its beautiful."Maureen said looking through the glass as she walked in front.

"Nice bit of flying you did there."Maureen commented.
"Well its a good crew."John said smiling at the kids.

"We've got comms. They're live."Penny said.
"There are other survivors." Anna said smiling, as she heard.

"Wait a second. Will, will." Maureen said and went to Will, John and Anna behind her.

"You're a good fighter." John said to Anna as they walked.

"Thank you, I've had training,
but you're a NAVY seal."

"Yeah, and if you want to practice anytime, I'd be happy to help."

"I'd like that." She said smiling.

They reached to the storeroom where the robot locked Will and found him hugging the robot tightly.

"Will?" Maureen called out softly.
Will looked at Maureen as she smiled at him. He went up to his mother and hugged her tightly.

"See, he kept Will safe again." Anna whispered to John who was looking at robot.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help." Will said.

"Its okay sweetie. I know you would've if you could've." Maureen said and hugged will again.

They got out of the room, John giving Will a pat on his shoulder as Anna walked with them.

"What happened to you?" Will asked worried referring to Anna who was covered in blue, drops of blue on her glasses and her shirt slightly torn.

"Nothing, just fighting alien eels popped up in my schedule." She smiled earning a chuckle from will as they walked to the cockpit.


Anna went to her room  knackered, her body crying for a bath, all she wanted to do right now was rest but fought against it.

When she got in her room she saw her bags unpacked and she would have to find clothes in her bags and then she could bath.

She groaned exasperated and went to get clean clothes from her bag. She rushed into the bathroom, her clothes in hand.

Anna got out of the bathroom, relieved as she no longer smelled like fuel and alien eels. Anna put on her glasses and went to the hub as she heard Penny call everyone.

"This is captain radic broadcasting from the resolute, we've taken on heavy damage but are still operational, life support systems have been stabilized. Navigational capabilities are being assessed. Wounded are being tended to. Most importantly we believe, in time we'll be able to get back on course towards our new hike to alpha centauri."

Maureen screamed happily, hugging Penny and Will. John side hugging Judy. Anna watched the family celebrate with a smile but a tinge of jealousy but she didn't think on it.

Sudenkt Maureen pulled her into a hug, Penny and Judy joining in. Anna laughed happily by this gesture. Anna saw will next to John and she went up to him, hugging him tightly.

Will hugged her back, all of them were very happy from the message from the resolute.


Anna went to her room as everyone had gone to sleep as it was night. She wasn't really sleepy yet so she decided to unpack. It surely a long and tough job.

Will slowly put the gun robot made from their Jupiter's printer, under his mattress.

He laid down on his bed, staring at the ceiling, bored. He got up and went to check if Anna was still awake. Will walked down the hallway and stood outside Anna's room.

He slightly knocked but no reply came. Maybe she's asleep, he thought, but the lights were on. He mentally argued with himself for a moment whether to go in or not, while the robot just watched him, his lights unreadable.

He decided to go in, he slightly slid the door open and peeked in.
"A-anna?" He asked.

She was sitting on her bed, headphones on her ears as she slightly shaked her head, jamming to whatever music she was listening.

One of her bags laid open on her bed, as she unpacked it while others laid on the ground. The closet was open where she had kept a few things while she unpacked the others.

Will's eyes widen a bit, his mother slightly open as he looked that a bunch of things were floating in the air as Anna seemed to be doing that with her mind.

Anna looked up and found Will next to her door. She took off her headphones and smiled at Will. She looked around the room and got to know what Will was looking at.

She quickly waved her hand and the clothes floating went to the closet, and the door fo the closet closing behind it.
She laughed awkwardly as Will came in.

"Every time I come here, somethings happening." he said jokingly earning a laugh from Anna.

"Here come sit." She said geturing to her bed, as she got up and closed there bags, mentally make a note to do it later.

Will sat down on her bed while Anna sat on the other side, both of them facing each other.

"Hey robot." Anna said waving at the robot as he just stared at her, his lights moving. "Ookay then, nevermind."

Will laughed at the interaction between the both.

"Not able to sleep." Anna asked Will.

"Nope you?"

"Nah, did something happen?"

"Well something actually did." Will
started and told Anna about the gun.

Anna looked at will and rhem robot shocked but relaxed after a second.

"Well where is it now?"

"Under the mattress on bed."

"Okay, just keep it there until we found a way what to do with it."

"Yeah, let's keep it hidden."

"The robot won't hurt anyone." Anna assured, as she gazed at the robot.

"Help, Anna Windsor." The robot said.

Anna and will laughed nervously.
"How do you think, he knows my name?" Anna asked.

"I have no idea, did you tell him?"

"No, did you?"

Will just shaked his head,"he probably heard from us, and just caught up i guess." He said.

"Yeah of course, what else could it be."

"So what song were you listening to?"

Anna grinned and showed him the song. For some time, they just listened songs and joked. Anna telling him how she and John fought the eels dramatically, resulting in Will laughing but got shushed by Anna as everyone else was sleeping.

The laughter died down for a while. Will yawned sleepily, making Anna yawn as well.

"We should go to sleep." Anna said.
"Yeah we probably should." Will said getting from the bed.

"Good night Anna." Will said from the door.

"Good night." Anna replied and Will walked down the hallway to his room, robot not much behind.

Anna closed the door and flopped down on the bed on her face. She grunted as her glasses hit her nose. She took it off and put in on the side table and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Well isn't this a very long chapter.
This way too long.
Thank you for reading
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And also don't skip chapters if you have.
Have a good day or night

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