Time For Celebration

The next morning, Reiji wakes up the to sounds of knocking at his door. So, he did the logical thing and went to the door and opened it. He was met with Nova standing there with a smile on her face. Instantly a bad feeling overtook Reiji.

"Can I help you?" Reiji tried to sound normal, but he was still a little sleepy and his head was a little groggy still.

"Have you decided to go along with my plan?" Nova spoke to Reiji, causing him to frown.

"I haven't decided yet, but I'll do anything to keep Adryn alive."

"Good, good. I'm glad you'll be going on with my plan then." Before Reiji could respond to her, she walked out of sight quickly. This left Reiji standing there, confused about what had happened, but he just shook it off and closed his door. Seeing that it was time to get up anyway, Reiji just got ready for the day and headed out of his room. He was surprised to see Adryn also leaving her room.

"Oh, Reiji, good morning. How did you sleep?" Adryn happily questioned the man. She seemed in a much better mood than the previous day.

"I slept fine, you?"

"I was up most of the night thinking about things."

"Things? What kind of things?"

"Our song lyrics."

"Oh. What did you come up with?"

"I thought about how I wanted the words to go, but I did get a little tripped up. I realized that this might be the last song I ever write."

"Huh? Oh..." Reiji was confused but then realized that she was meaning about her ending her own life sooner rather than later. Hearing this and having this realization made Reiji come up with one conclusion; he needed to go along with Nova's plan to some extent. He decided that he wouldn't fake feelings for Adryn, but instead open his heart to her to see if something could be there between them. He knew she's already in love with him, so now he just needed to fall for her, but naturally.

"Reiji? What's going on in that head of yours?" Adryn had noticed he'd fallen strangely silent and was deep in thought.

"Oh!" Reiji couldn't believe he'd just zoned out during a conversation to think about things like that. "I just thought up some lyrics. After breakfast, let's talk about our lyrics together." The words came out of his mouth before they could be stopped. It was a lie, but he'd think up some lyrics before the end of breakfast so he wasn't a total liar.

"Alright, cool." With that, the two headed to the kitchen. However, right before the hallway that leads to the kitchen, Adryn paused. "You know what, I'll meet up with you later. I want to check up on Serenity."

"Okay." Reiji watched as Adryn walked away towards her cub's room. After she disappeared, he walked the rest of the way to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, Reiji saw that there were only men in there. The women of PURGATORY weren't in there. "How did you all sleep?" Reiji asked Ai, Ranmaru, and Camus.

"Fine." Came Ranmaru's response as he munched on a banana. The other two responded the same as well, while Ai was reading the newspaper, wherever he got that from, and Camus was sipping on some tea.

"Where are the girls?"

"Shiori is outside eating breakfast. Apparently, she'd woken up early and grabbed something without waiting for anyone else." Camus responded simply.

"Eclipse is sleeping. She was still awake and heading to bed when I left my room to come down here." Ai responded as he looked up from his paper for a moment.

"I think Nova is in the room with the cubs. She muttered something about wanting to feed them before she got her own food." Ranmaru informed Reiji, causing Reiji to nod his head in understanding.

"Where is your girl?" Camus questioned, causing Reiji to look at him confused.

"Adryn. Where is Adryn?" Ranmaru clarified when Reiji didn't say anything.

"Ah. She's in with Serenity and Precious." Reiji responded to the question now that he understood it. Ranmaru nodded his head and went back to his banana. So, Reiji went to find something in the cupboards to eat for breakfast.

Meanwhile, with Adryn and Nova, the two women were chatting with each other.

"How is your song with Reiji going?" Nova asked as she gave the two cubs some food in their bowls.

"We just have lyrics to write. We're going to officially finish it after breakfast." Adryn responded as she reached over to pat her cub on the head.

"Good, good. How's your friendship with him going?"

"I think it's going strong and at the level it'd be expected to be since we'd only met recently."

"How do you feel about working and living with the man you have loved for a little while now?"

"I have to admit, it makes me feel all giddy and happy sometimes but then I shake it off and ignore those feelings. You know, since nothing will ever come of it."

"Why would you think nothing would come of it?" Nova was genuinely curious now. Nova thought Adryn would say something about her death but surprised her instead.

"I'm not the type of girl that deserves to be with a man like Reiji. He deserves to be with someone better and to love someone better than me."

"You shouldn't doubt or write anything off just yet. Sometimes the world could surprise you." With that, Nova walked out of the room with a smile on her face. This left Adryn completely confused but a little worried. However, Serenity decided to distract her by rubbing against her legs. So, Adryn went back to giving the cubs attention. Once she was done, Adryn headed to the kitchen.

"Hmm?" Adryn entered the kitchen only to see one person there, and only one person. "Hello, Ranmaru." Adryn was a little confused as to why no one else was there, but she decided to ignore that and head to the cupboards to find food anyway. Ranmaru just nodded his head to Adryn's hello. He was munching on something that Adryn didn't see, so it must have been the last of it. "Ah, there it is," Adryn muttered to herself as she reached for the cereal she'd been looking for. It was chocolate cereal, Adryn's favorite. So, she got a bowl and some milk and then headed to the table.

"How can you eat something like that without worrying about how you look?" Ranmaru's question caused Adryn to jump a little out of shock. She shook that off to respond to him.

"I've been big once, so if I ever get that way again, I'll be alright with it."

"How much did you weigh?" To that question, Adryn laughed.

"You should know that isn't a question you should ask a woman." Ranmaru nodded his head in understanding, so Adryn continued talking. "If I got fat like I was before, I'd be able to stop being an idol, and then my disappearance wouldn't be so sudden then."

"Do you really intend on going forward with killing yourself one day?"

"Yes," Adryn responded simply.

"I don't think that is the way to go. It is your life and you should really think about it before doing anything sudden."

"Thank you, Ranmaru, and don't worry. I won't do anything too sudden." With Ranmaru seemingly done with questions, Adryn began to eat her cereal. Ranmaru was done with his food, so he got up and threw away whatever was in his hand before leaving the room. This left Adryn in silence and peace to eat. She finished up quickly and cleaned up before she left the kitchen. She wasn't sure where Reiji was, so she began to search for him.

First, Adryn checked her music room but as soon as she walked in, flashbacks hit Adryn. She remembered how she'd thrown up a dozen times and even had a seizure. This all hurt to remember so she cringed and left the room. Reiji wasn't there anyway so Adryn hurried off to search elsewhere.

Next, Adryn checked Reiji's room. She knocked on the door but heard nothing in response, so she left. After that, Adryn headed to the theater room only to find Eclipse and Ai in there. To Adryn, it sounded like they were talking about their song so, not to interrupt them, Adryn hurried out of the room. Adryn wanted to check out the living rooms but came across Camus and Shiori before she reached one.

"Oh, hello. Have either of you seen Reiji around?" Adryn asked the two in front of her.

"No. I haven't seen him since breakfast." Camus responded simply.

"Oh, okay. Thanks." So, Adryn left the two and headed outside onto the back deck. It was the last spot that she thought to check, but honestly was probably the first place she should have checked because there was Reiji. He was just chilling on a lounge chair with a pen and notebook sitting on his lap. Instead of announcing herself right away, Adryn decided to just watch him for a few moments.

Reiji was writing something down every once in a while, but the entire time, Reiji was humming. Adryn instantly recognized it as their song. After a few minutes of writing and humming, Reiji sneezed and dropped his pen. As he went to pick it up, Reiji saw Adryn out of the corner of his eye.

"Ah!" Reiji gasped out, jolting backward and tipping the chair over at the same time.

"Reiji?!" Adryn hurried to his side. "I'm so sorry for startling you!"

"Why didn't you let me know you had come out here?" Reiji wasn't mad or anything, just a bit worked up. To this, Adryn blushed.

"I was curious about how you acted when you thought no one was around to watch you... Oh damn, that sounds so creepy..." Adryn looked away, completely embarrassed. She was only brought back to look at Reiji when he began to chuckle.

"It isn't creepy. Just understandable, but um... please don't do that again. That took a few years off my life." To Reiji's words, Adryn laughed before reaching her hand out to him.

"Alright. No problem." Reiji took her hand and she helped pull him to his feet. After he was standing, he sat back down in his chair and Adryn went to the chair next to him. "So, were you writing some lyrics for our song?"

"Yeah, I figured out a few things about it."


"I think it should be a love song."

"Huh? Why?"

"Our fans would love a song that they can sing along to while thinking about
their own lives. Plus, falling in love always gets people happy and feeling great."

"Alright, but how much trouble will we stir up by singing a song like that together?" Reiji chuckled at Adryn's worries before responding.

"The fans might go a little crazy over it, but it'd be alright."

"Okay. Sure, let's write a love song." With that, the two began to work on their lyrics.

There was a lot of humming, writing, humming some more, then erasing. Even more humming and writing followed until an hour passed by. By then, they were finishing up the song. They wrote down the last words for their song lyrics and then realized that they were done with their song.

"Oh my gosh! We're done!" Adryn literally cheered after they finished. Both Adryn and Reiji jumped up and excitedly hugged each other. After a moment, Adryn realized that they were hugging and began to panic. She went completely red and pulled away from Reiji.

"You know that you don't have to be nervous around me. I won't treat you differently or even judge you." Reiji told the redhead as she tried to gather herself again.

"Thank you Reiji," Adryn muttered to him as she bent down and picked up the papers of their song that had gotten scattered from them jumping up to hug. She then headed back to the mansion, causing Reiji to hurry up and follow her.

"What are you doing?"

"Since our song could cause little issues, we should send it into Shining and Daichi. They need to give the okay before the song goes any further. We don't want to work on the actual music, not just piano, and then find out that it won't work for our company presidents." Adryn explained to the man. "Follow me." Adryn then lead Reiji to a room near their bedrooms. Once Adryn opened the door, Reiji was shocked to see that there was an office on their bedroom floor.

"What is this?"

"This is my office. I usually just use it to send people stuff that my laptop can't do." Adryn then headed to the scanner and began to mess with it. After everything was scanned, Adryn sent in the song to Eclipse and Nova's father. She asked him to forward it to Shining and then turned off her computer.

"So, what now?"

"Well, should we think about how we want the actual music to sound? Like do you want to be part of the musical process?"

"Can I use my maracas?" Reiji's question caused Adryn to literally giggle, much to her surprise.

"Of course Reiji. We'll find a place for your precious maracas, as long as I can play one of my guitars." The two began to share a laugh and continued to laugh for a few minutes. After they calmed down, Reiji got an idea.

"Hey, you know what?"


"We should celebrate writing our first song together!" Reiji suggested happily.

"Yeah! That sounds like a good idea!" Adryn then thought for a moment and suggested something. "What about if we invite the others if they've finished their song as well."

"Good idea!" Reiji agreed instantly. So, the two headed out of Adryn's office and went around the house looking for their friends. They came across Ranmaru and Nova first, who weren't finished with their song, so they continued on. Next came Camus and Shiori, but they also weren't finished with their song. They were about to head to the theater room, which was where Adryn had spotted Ai and Eclipse, but they came across them in a living room first.

"Hey." Adryn greeted Eclipse and Ai as she and Reiji walked into the room.

"What's up?" Eclipse responded simply, looking up at Adryn from the papers she had in her hand.

"Are you guys done with your song?" Reiji asked as he looked between Ai and Eclipse.

"Yeah actually, we just finished? What about you guys?"

"We're done also." Adryn simply stated before looking between Ai and Eclipse. "We were thinking about going out to celebrate finishing our first songs together, want to come along?"

"Where would we go?" Ai asked, his answer to Adryn's question depending on her next answer.

"The club for idols is where I was thinking about going," Reiji responded to Ai instead of Adryn, who hadn't been informed about where Reiji thought to go just yet.

"I'll pass," Ai stated as he stood up and left the room. "Thank you for inviting me though." With that, Ai left the room completely.

"I'll go, but only if we can go tomorrow." Eclipse explained after Ai was gone.

"Why tomorrow?" Adryn asked her friend as she went and sat down next to her on the couch she was on. Reiji decided to sit down on a chair near the couch, where Ai had been previously.

"Taemin is coming tomorrow. I'd like it if he can come too." Eclipse's words shocked Adryn, as she hadn't been told about Taemin coming over so soon.

"When was this planned?"

"I'm sorry I never told you, but Taemin just told me about it yesterday. I never got the chance to let you know until now." To Eclipse's explanation, Adryn nodded her head. "Besides, Taemin is worried about you and wants to hang out with us again."

"Taemin? As in the Korean Idol part of Shinee, that Taemin?" Reiji was getting more and more excited with every word he'd spoken.

"Yeah? How do you know about him?" Adryn questioned, turning her attention to Reiji.

"I've met Taemin before. I'd like to think that we got along well enough." Reiji explained without too much detail. Eclipse seemed relieved to hear that, while Adryn was just confused.

"How did you meet before?"

"A few years ago, Taemin, well it was all of SHINee, were in Japan. Our groups, QUARTET NIGHT and SHINee, met at an idol convention. Our two groups got along enough to hang out afterward. That's where Taemin and myself got along... well Taemin, Jonghyun, and myself I should say." Hearing Jonghyun's name brought the three's moods down a little bit, considering how the man passed away. The three of them frowned for a moment before Reiji brought it all back to the point of the matter. "Um, on a happier note..."

"Yeah?" Adryn asked, hoping for something to distract them from their sadness.

"We can go to the club for idols tomorrow. Waiting a day is no big deal, and I'd love to go with Taemin and hang out with him again. Though, we probably should get permission from our bosses first."

"I'll get permission from my dad later and make sure it's alright with Taemin too," Eclipse says simply, causing Reiji to nod his head.

"And I'll get permission from Shining."

"I'll actually go do that now before I forget or it gets too late." Eclipse then got up from the couch and headed out the door to get some privacy for her calls. This left Adryn and Reiji alone in the room. Reiji looked to Adryn, only to see her looking down at her hands, picking at the nail polish that was on her nails.

"Are you alright? Is something wrong?" Adryn quickly looked up from her hands and looked a little shocked at Reiji. Her shock faded to sadness as she looked away from him.

"Well... I'm just not that thrilled that Taemin is coming here. Whenever I see Taemin and Eclipse together, it hurts because I have no one and probably never will." Adryn simply explained as she sadly looked back to her hands. Reiji knew this was the chance he needed to go a little more forward with his/Nova's plan.

"You shouldn't worry about that, you'll find someone."

"Who might that someone be?"

"He might be closer than you think." Reiji smiled at Adryn, then got up from his chair and left the room before she could say anything or ask anything else.

"What?" Adryn muttered to herself in confusion. She wasn't sure what Reiji meant by that, but she didn't want to dwell on it for too long, so she just laid down on the couch. She was feeling a headache coming on from thinking too hard about what Reiji had said to her. Well, that wasn't the actual cause but Adryn wanted to pretend that it was. So, Adryn just laid on the couch trying hard not to dwell on what Reiji had said, just in case it'd actually make her head start to hurt worse or something.

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