Thirst For Blood - Death In The Air
Reina's P.O.V
"Naruto, where are you, baka!?" I hissed as I bit my lip hard enough to draw blood, I frowned in worry. "Please just be alright. I don't need anymore loved ones leaving me." I whispered, sighing at the now obvious fact I had changed ever since joining the Hidden Leaf.
To my right I could hear faint, muffled screams and pleas. Hope welled up in the pit of my stomach. Behind that tree! I leaped to the other side of the tree and smiled. Naruto was on the ground tied up in ropes, struggling to get free. I ran up to him quickly cutting him free with a kunai, I yanked the wrappings around his mouth off.
"REINA--!" Naruto started, but was cut off by my hand.
My eyebrow twitched. "Baka, be quiet!" I hissed, "There could be enemies nearby!"
Naruto sweat dropped and scratched his cheek. "Gomen, Reina-chan..." He apologized sheepishly.
I sighed a bit in annoyance, but a smile found its way to my lips. "It's fine, lets just get going back to the others. I know Sasuke can handle himself and so can Sakura, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Come on." I said, standing up.
Naruto stood up and began to run off. I followed him, as I did I would tell him which way to go every now and then when he forgot. We made it in four minute tops. Sasuke walked over to us with his sharingan activated, he glanced at Naruto and nodded acknowledging his presence.
"Where was he?" Sasuke asked, quirking an eyebrow at me.
I pointed to a random tree nearby, "The baka was behind a tree tied up and everything. I think he had enough time to do he was tied up." I coughed, blushing slightly. "Anyways, we should keep going and away from this area for the time being. Who knows if we're being targeted again." I said.
Sasuke nodded. "Hn, did you give Sakura a weapon?" He asked, as we made our way to a small clearing.
I smirked, "Yes I did, if I remember correctly, it's a jagged blade of mine. If you're wondering why I gave it to her, let's just say I had hope in her that she would be able to wield it when she needs to protect herself or us." I stated.
Sasuke smirked back, but a little teasingly, "You're getting soft." He deadpanned.
I growled, "Shut up, you wannabe duck!" I sneered, stomping away in anger, not waiting for his reaction.
I sat down in the clearing waiting for the others to arrive and sit as well. We were about to discuss our plan or our next moves for the next five days in this forest. Sasuke sat down in front of me and Naruto sat in my left while Sakura took my right.
Sasuke glanced at each one of us, "If there's an instance that we become separated, don't trust him if he looks like your teammate. Like just now, there's a possibility that an enemy well transform to get close to us." Sasuke said, explaining it well.
"Yeah." Naruto agreed, nodding.
"What exactly are you trying to say, Sasuke?" I asked.
"Yeah, what are we going to do, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked.
Sasuke looked at me, "We'll decide on a password." He stated.
I rose an eyebrow, not sure if this was really going to work. "Password?" Naruto and I mused, curiously.
Sasuke placed his thumb next to the corner of his mouth, "Listen, if the password is incorrect, no matter what he looks like...assume he is an enemy!" Sasuke said.
"Alright, what's this password of yours?" I asked.
"Here's the password, and listen closely, I'll only say it once." Sasuke stated, as we all nodded motioning him to go on. "You ask, Ninja song, 'Ninja Chance.' And the reply is this: 'It is the chance to sneak up where a large number of enemies is making a scene. The quiet place has no secret hideout. It is important for a Shinobi to know the right time. The time when an enemy is tired and drops his guard.' That's it." Sasuke explained the whole password.
"Okay." Sakura muttered.
I blinked a few times, processing what I just heard. Was that a long password or a whole speech I just heard? I hardly understood a thing, not one thing was processed into my mind... There's no way I can remember something that long.
"Um, can you that again, dattebayo?" Naruto asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I agree with him, I could hardly remember a thing you said." I muttered, shamefully.
Sasuke sweat dropped and shook his head, "I told you I'd only say it once." Sasuke stated, bluntly.
I huffed loudly, "We ask you for a favor nicely and you don't bother repeating it once more?" I scoffed.
"Could it be that neither of you could memorize it?" Sakura teased, then her mood changed completely. "You fools! I got it right away!"
Naruto blushed a bit, "I-I got it right away, Sakura-chan!" Naruto lied. "I thought just in case, I'd listen one more time..!"
I sighed, "I'll be the only honest one here, I didn't memorize that little speech of yours, Sasuke." I told the truth, while nodding my head at Sasuke.
Sasuke nodded back and stood up. "I'll carry the scroll." He announced.
The rest of us stood up. I gave Sasuke a questioning look. Didn't we already go through this whole thing? I'm supposed to hold the real scroll while they get a fake one.. Why the sudden change in mind? For a second, I felt someones chakra, it wasn't a familiar one. I shook my head, 'I must be imagining things now..'
"Hey, wait Sasuke. Reina-chan is supposed to hold it!" Naruto shouted.
"Exactly. I thought we went over this already-!" I said, then winced as my hand flew to my cheek. "Ouch.."
I looked at my fingers, the blood dripped onto the ground. 'Blood.... How did I get cut all of a sudden?' I thought, obviously confused at the sudden wound appearing on me.
Naruto looked at me, "What was that?" He asked, examining my cut.
I shook my head, "I don't know..." I whispered, looking over at some trees to my left.
The wind started to pick up, my eyes flew open once I noticed a huge gust of wind coming at us. Before I could even more a step it hit us. I groaned and covered up my face to block some of the harsh wind slicing at my body.
"Naruto!" I screamed, as I watched Naruto get blown away in the opposite direction, though the wind overpowered my voice. "Naruto!"
"Reina!" He shouted out faintly, holding his hand out.
On instinct, I went to reach out for his hand even if the wind cut me even more then a few seconds ago. I could already feel small gashes forming. Our hands were an inch apart, relief swelled in me the closer I got.
Naruto's eyes were wide in fear, he was blown away from me before our hands could meet. Sasuke pulled me away from the wind, throwing me under a bush with him. I laid on the ground while Sasuke laid on me preventing me from getting up.
"Reina! Stop, it's too late." Sasuke snapped.
I ignored him, "Naruto!" I screamed, struggling to get free.
"Reina..." Sasuke whispered in my ear.
My hand fell to the ground. 'Naruto...I'm sorry...' I wiped my face off all emotions and pushed Sasuke off me rather easily. 'Forgive me, my friend.' Sasuke stood up with a kunai in hand when Sakura walked over.
"Sasuke-kun! Reina!" She shouted, running to us.
I grabbed a kunai myself, holding it out in front of me. Even if it was the real Sakura we had to be very careful now that we're being attacked once more.
"Don't come any closer!" Sasuke snapped while on guard.
"Restate the password." I said. "Ninja song, 'Ninja Chance.'"
She nodded, "Ah! Um.. It is the chance to sneak up where a large number of enemies is making a scene. The quiet place has no secret hideout. It is important for a Shinobi to know the right moment... The time when an enemy is tired and drops his guard." She restated the password, word by word.
"Good, come here." I offered, motioning for her to stand by my side.
After she did, Naruto came running over.
"Ooowww!" He whined, rubbing his head. "Are you guys all okay?"
I smiled softly at the sight of him being safe and sound. I began to walk over to him but Sasuke held out his hand signalling for me to stop, so I did. 'I forgot...he could be an impostor.'
"Naruto, wait! The password." Sakura demanded.
Naruto grinned, "I know. It is the chance to sneak up where a large number of enemies is making a scene. The quiet place has no secret hideout. It is important for a Shinobi to know the right moment.. The time when an enemy is tired and drops his guard." Naruto said the password perfectly.
I was in shock. Naruto actually managed to remember the whole password? Then what was that during our discussion, I thought he said he didn't remember it just like me...? A small light bulb went off in my head. I grabbed a kunai and flung it at Naruto. Just as I had predicted, Naruto jumped away very gracefully. He fell to the ground with a quiet thud.
"What are you doing?!" Naruto exclaimed.
I glared at him and prepared another kunai just in case. "Sasuke, it seems like we have someone who can actually dodge an attack, doesn't it?" I said.
Sasuke grunted in response.
"What do you mean, Reina, Sasuke!? Naruto just said the password properly!" Sakura shouted.
"He was able to say it, that's the problem!" Sasuke replied.
I backed up, "Sakura, take that dagger I gave you out now...." I ordered silently.
Sakura hesitated before she took the jagged dagger out.
"Do you really think that Naruto can remember a password that long." I stated, catching Sakura's attention.
"If we asked the real Naruto what the password was, what do you think his response would be?" I finished for Sasuke.
"Sorry, I forgot it." Sakura answered.
"Besides, his movements when he avoided my attack earlier, they were very graceful unlike Naruto's clumsy-like movements. They were not Naruto's." I explained, glaring at the fake full on. "Now, why don't you show your true self, impostor."
The impostor's confused aura changed to a much darker, sadist-like aura. A sadist grin appeared on his face, his tongue flickered over his lips.
"That's how it is, huh?" He said, releasing their transformation. A giant cloud of smoke covering the area. "But if you knew he would forget it, why didn't you make the password shorter?"
I glared at the woman. She had long, dark hair that went a little below her shoulders, and a straw cap over her head. She was a grass ninja.
"I knew that you were underground eavesdropping on our conversation. So I chose that password on purpose." Sasuke answered, with a cocky smirk.
Could the chakra I sensed earlier belong to this woman? My eyes widened when I recognized this woman. She was the one who's precious hair was cut off, the woman that gave off the really bad feeling.
"Oh really? So you're not tired or letting your guard down. This will be much more fun." She mused, her tongue flicking out of her mouth so she could lick her lips.
She took out a scroll, an Earth Scroll to be exact. I stared at the scroll. 'That's the one we need!'
"You want our Earth Scroll, don't you? Since you have the Heaven Scroll." She mused, waving the scroll around.
Smirking, she held the scroll to her lips. Her tongue circled aroud the scroll, wrapping itself around it securely. Slowly, she pushed the scroll inside her mouth, swallowing it bit by bit. I grimaced in pure disgust. 'There goes the scroll we need...' I thought, slightly horrified.
Her hand covered the right side of her face, she licked her lips again. "Now then, let's begin the battle for the scrolls." She shouted, one of her fingers pulling her eyelid down revealing her dark eyes. "life or death!"
I looked her in the eye that moment, my blood froze. My own death was being shown to me, I saw myself die... I was getting stabbed over and over again by my own family, Dad, Iruka, Gai...Naruto...Sasuke..Sakura... As they stabbed my still body nonstop even if I was already dead, I could feel it! Every single stab! I fell to my knees coughing up blood. 'Stop, stop! Stop this please! I don't want to see this!' I screamed in my head, watching it happen.
I grabbed my hair and pulled roughly, "S-S-Stop!" I cried, tears now streaming down my face.
"S-Sakura.." I heard Sasuke ask.
I didn't hear a response from Sakura, she must experiencing her death as well.
"Can't move already?" The woman chuckled.
Her eyes met mine, I experienced my death again but it was much worse than before. I squeezed my eyes shut. 'Move, Reina! Move!' No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get myslef to move. It was like I was glued to the ground! I glanced over at Sasuke. He was standing up. How?!
"What do you intend to do with that?" She asked, eyeing the kunai he was holding.
Sasuke didn't move.
"S-S-Sasuke!" I sputtered out.
He looked at me, "R-Reina...." He whispered hoarsely.
"Don't worry. I'll end this in a second. You won't even have the time to feel pain." The woman said, walking over with three kunais pointed at us. "I wanted you to entertain me more. It's too bad." She said, throwing the kunais at us.
My eyes widened in horror, I shut my eyes waiting for it to pierce my body. Instead, I felt myself being lifted. I opened my eyes to see Sasuke's.
"Sasuke..." I whispered in shock.
He placed Sakura and I down, Sakura was able to move but I still wasn't.
"Reina, you can't move still..." Sakura pointed out.
Sasuke panted, he held a bloody kuani over me. "Gomen...." He said, his mouth opening and closing in exhaustion.
He brought the kunai down on my side, I opened my mouth to scream in pain but Sasuke covered my mouth with his hand. My screams were muffled, I sobbed and held my side with my now moveable and usable hands. Sakura closed her eyes and looked away. Sasuke's attention snapped away from the both of us immediately and he looked around.
"Sasuke-kun! Are you okay?" Sakura asked, her voice laced in worry.
Sasuke didn't bother to answer her, instead he covered her mouth and looked around with fear dancing in his eyes. ''ve never been this afraid before...' I noticed. Sakura started to scream and shake. I looked over to see a snake hovering above us. Oh no!
Sakura swipped Sasuke's hand off her mouth, "Sasuke! A snake!"
Sasuke let go of us and jumped away. I grabbed Sakura and leaped away. 'Damn Sasuke! You couldn't help either of us?!' I sneered. Sasuke suddenly screamed bloody murder.
"Don't come near me!" He screamed, throwing a few shurikens at the snake aiming for him. The snake hissed in pain and fell to the ground dead.
The snakes skin cracked, "Fon't lower your guard, not even for a moment." The woman came out of the snakes carcass. "A prey must always stay tense to flee desperately...before a predator!" She screamed.
She licked her lips hungrily and slithered towards Sasuke like a snake would. Sasuke screamed once more.
"Sasuke!" I shouted.
A few kunai's and shurikens landed in front of the snake woman, she stopped in her tracks and glared at someone.
"Sorry, Sasuke!" That's voice, it can't be!
I smiled and looked up at Naruto, relief and determination swarming through me.
"Naruto!" Sakura and I shouted, in happiness.
"About the password... I forgot it!" He shouted, grinning ear to ear.
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