Reina's P.O.V
"Sakura, why are you so mean to me?" I muttered, a small, meaningless glare on my face.
An anger mark appeared on her forehead. She stomped over to me and latched her hand onto my arm. "Baka! Watch what you say or else I'll pound your head till you think straight!" She hissed through her teeth.
Gulping, I nodded quickly and pulled away from her grip. A small question then rose into my mind. "Do we sign the contract now?" I asked, Sasuke, staying away from Sakura until she cooled down.
He nodded. "Hn... Yes, but I already did, dobe." He said. "You're slow."
I sweat dropped, my eye twitching, "Oh... I guess I'll sign mine now then." I murmured, taking hold of my form while holding the urge to knock Sasuke upside the head.
Without even bothering to read all of it's contents, I took the pen Sasuke held out for me and signed my name rather gracefully on the line. There was no reason to actually read the paper, I already have a pretty good idea on what it's about. Rules and... Life or death. If we die, the blame for our death won't be placed on the proctors. Better yet, they're placed on us. 'Hm, now I'm ready for anything that will be thrown at me. I'll show everyone how strong I am! How I'm not a freak or monster like they believe me to be.'
"Exchange your three consent forms for the scrolls over in that hut!" Anko ordered, pointing at the small hut in a booming voice. "After that, pick your entrance, and all the gates will open at the exact same time. Finally, just a word of advice... Don't die!"
I narrowed my eyes. I won't die so easily, Dad, Uncle Iruka, my team... They all have somehow grown into my heart. They all became something I cared about. I want to protect them and be by their sides. If giving this test my best helps me better my future, count me in!
"Now then, it's time for the scroll exchange!" One man stated, moving the curtain aside a bit for us to walk in.
One by one the teams walked in and grabbed their scroll. Once the last team exited, I smirked. We all glanced at one another, all of us nodding to go on and grab our scroll. I walked to the hut pushing the red curtain aside, as Naruto handed the man our consent forms. The man grabbed them and reached under the table they had inside the hut and pulled our destined scroll. A heaven scroll. Naruto snatched it out of his hand, grinning ear to ear as he eyed the scroll.
"Teams who have taken the scroll, stay with your representative and follow him to your gate, now!" Anko demanded. "The second Exam starts in exactly 30 minutes!"
Gate 12. That was the gate we were lead to, and this gate would lead us into our survival or even worse, our death.
"Yeah! I won't back down, I'll bring down anyone who goes near me, dattebayo!" Naruto shouted, shaking his fist in the air.
I grinned, "Great, you better watch our backs, Naruto. We're all counting on you." I mused.
"Baka's..." I could hear Sakura mumble under her breath, earning a playful glare from me.
Slowly, little by little, the time passed. 30 minutes were now up. Our gate keeper walked over to the lock, he pushed the key in and twisted it. The lock fell to the ground with a small, audible thud.
"We now begin the second test of the Chūnin Exam!"
Immediately, we ran in once the gates flew open. I leaped from tree to tree while glancing at Naruto since he held the scroll. 'We need someone suitable to take care over the scroll, Naruto may be strong but he is dimwitted. We can't let him hold the scroll any longer than needed.' I thought, 'Though, maybe I could hold onto the scroll or even Sasuke..'
"Sasuke!" I shouted.
"Hn?" He replied.
"I have a plan." I stated.
"What is it?" He asked.
"Well, first, I need the scroll for this to work out. But let me explain the plan before I get to that part." I said, earning a grunt from him. "Okay, I want to grab a few pieces of a dead log or anything close to that. Once I do, I'll disguise them each as a scroll in case we get ambushed or separated and someone asks for the scroll. You would then hand them the fake I made over the one real scroll we have. Either Sasuke or I will be holding the real scroll, since we both can escape and manage enemies by ourselves. With that, the fake scrolls will look exactly the same inside and out." I explained, to both Sakura and Naruto as well.
"But Reina, what if someone notices it's fake?" Sakura asked.
I sighed, glaring at the trees ahead of me. "Run, run and don't look back. I don't want any of you to get hurt while we're in here, because of that we need to try and stick together at all costs." I said.
I could feel Sakura stiffen, "A-Alright. Then who's going onto hold the real one?" She asked.
I bit my lip. " I'm not so sure yet..." I answered, truthfully.
"Well, don't let teme hold it! I think you should hold it, Reina-chan!" Naruto shouted.
I leaped onto another branch, then jumped to the ground landing in a crouch. Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto landed next to me in the same position. I stood up and brushed dirt of my clothing.
"I can't just choose what I think is best. Like my dad said, we need to work together." I sighed.
Sasuke's hand landed on my head, I jumped and glanced at him. "Yes?" I asked.
"Just listen to the dobe, if you don't he won't stop talking." Sasuke smirked.
I grinned and brushed his hand off my head. "Fine then, I'll hold it, teme!" I laughed at Sasuke's scowl.
Naruto burst out in laughter, Sakura on the other hand was fuming with anger. She stomped over to me and bonked me in the head. I winced and howled in pain cradling my injured head.
"Damn it, Sakura-baka! Can't you take a joke?!" I growled out.
Before another word could be said, a scream reached our ears. Sakura, Naruto, and I froze in shock. Sasuke simply stood there and looked up in the air where birds were flying away from. It wasn't so far either...
"It's started..." I whispered, knowing the fact either someone died or got ambushed already at the beginning of this horrid test.
"What was that?" Sakura muttered, her eyes wide in fear. "Wasn't that someone's scream just now?"
I nodded in conformation, "It was-" I started, only to be cut off.
"It was nothing, Sakura-chan!" Naruto cut me off, blurting out a lie as he threw a pleading stare over at me.
Sighing, I decided to let Naruto say what he wanted for now. I'm sure Sakura doesn't believe him, after all, she thinks he's a dimwitted idiot.
Sakura gulped and shifted herself closer to Sasuke for protection. Naruto did the same but I have a feeling it's for a much different reason...
Naruto twitched and held his pants, "I have to go pee!" He stated, rubbing his legs against each other as he held it in.
He ran over to a tree not even three feet away and pulled his zipper down, ready to do his business in front of all of us. Warmth crept on my face, I covered my eyes like a child seeing something they knew was inappropriate, which could fit the situation at the moment perfectly.
"N-Naruto! What are you doing?!" I shouted, stuttering like a fool.
"U-Uh... Well! OW!" He started, and ended up whining in pain instead.
"Baka! What are you doing in front of a lady?! Go in the bushes!" She shrieked, very loudly might I add.
I felt someone's hands cover my own as well which shocked me. I then tried to remove my hands and whoever's hands away from my eyes, though they wouldn't let go. I could hear the faint rustling of bushes? Naruto seems to have taken his business somewhere more private. The hands which blocked my eyesight moved, letting me see once again.
I glared at him. "Why did you cover my eyes?" I asked Sasuke, bluntly.
He glared back, "Would you really like to see him do what he needed in front of you?" He said.
"Obviously not, as you should have seen, I had taken care of that on my own." I stated.
"Hn...stupid dobe. I'll kill him..." Sasuke muttered quietly, a small hint of jealousy laced in his statement.
Shaking my head, I ignored him and began to walk ahead a bit to scan our surroundings.
"Aaah! Man, that was a lot! I almost spelled my name out!"
I glanced over at Naruto, "Why would we need to know that?" I asked. "Don't you think you should keep such a disgusting thing to yourself?"
He froze, "Yeah, um, sorry about that!" He chuckled nervously, scanning each of us.
My eyes examined him as well looking for anything that was off. I saw that the cut on Naruto's wound was gone, my theory was that the Kyuubi healed him. His kunai pouch was on the wrong leg too. Maybe it was just a mistake? Still, is this really Naruto? He glared at Sasuke, glanced at me, and then grimaced once he looked over at Sakura. A lightbulb lit up in my head. This wasn't the real Naruto... The Naruto I know cares too much about Sakura to grimace over such a 'beautiful, kind, darling' as herself, and from what I've noticed he has a crush on her. A big one.
This isn't Naruto! How despicable for a person to mimic Naruto and to try ambush us. I glared at him, wanting to kill this impostor in front of my eyes. But for now I had to keep my anger down to make him think I haven't noticed the switch yet.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked, directing my question to the impostor.
He jumped, "M-Me?"
"Yes, you. Now for the question, what color is a panda's hair?" I asked, a hidden meaning behind my words.
Naruto would know this question, after we met Gaara I told him how Gaara looked just like a panda. If this was the real Naruto and not an impostor, he'll get this correct. Sasuke eyed me, I cocked my head to the side pretending I was cracking my head and slowly made a line with my finger across my neck. Sasuke knew what I was trying to say, he placed his hand on his hip ready to pull out a weapon at any given moment.
"That's easy, it's black and white." He answered, cocky-like.
I smiled sweetly, a little too sweetly to be exact. Walking over to the impostor, I clapped my hands together with my head titled to the side.
"Wrong." I said, calmly.
"Huh? How was I wrong?" He asked.
"Panda-kun has red hair..." I giggled, before my eyes snapped open and filled with malicious intent. "Impostor!" I spat, punching him across the face with all my might.
He flew to the side and hit a tree roughly. Sasuke ran up to him and kicked him in the side causing him to fly in the air a bit, I ran to his side and kicked him just like Sasuke did a second ago. The impostor howled in pain and hopped above onto a branch, holding on to his stomach. Sasuke and I stood side by side, both of us glaring at him with deadly intent.
"Hn... Nice job noticing he was a fake." Sauke praised me, nodding his head at me in acknowledgment.
I smirked, "I'd know Naruto anywhere, this idiot thinks he can fool us? What a joke." I laughed.
Sakura shrieked, suddenly, "Sasuke-kun, Reina! You both didn't have to go so hard on him!" She shouted.
She's so clueless. Pushing her squealing away, I watched as the impostor rubbed at his face before he glaring up at us.
"What was that for--?!" He was cut off by Sasuke kicking him once again.
He missed. The impostor leaped onto another branch, shielding himself from anymore hits. I grinned evilly and appeared behind the phony.
"Behind you..." I whispered in his ear, as I kicked him in the back.
He fell straight to the ground creating a good sized crater.
He coughed and held his arms, "What are you doing all of a sudden?" He sputtered out, in pain.
"Why you ask?" I mused.
"Isn't that my line?" Sasuke asked, running at him with a kunai in his hand.
The two of them started to battle one-on-on with their kunai's. "His movement, it's much faster and more accurate than Naruto's. Naruto is sloppy and clumsy unlike this man here... I continued to watch the fight go on even if I wanted to join and let out my anger on the enemy, but I thought I'd let Sasuke have a moment for his own sake.
"Stop it, both of you!" Sakura shouted, making me look over at her and notice the tears welling up in the corner of her eyes.
"Look closely, Sakura!" Sasuke shouted, blocking the enemies attacks.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" The impostor shouted back.
"Stupid..! You're not our teammate Naruto! The cut across his cheek you're missing! He received from Anko not so long ago, and your movements are a little too precise and clean unlike Naruto's!" I stated coldly.
"Also, your shuriken holster is on the wrong leg, it's supposed to be on the right leg not right. You're worse at transformation than Naruto himself!" Sasuke said.
"And lastly, you answered my question incorrectly. Naruto would have knew what I was talking about." I spat at the man.
Sasuke continued to battle against the impostor with a mere kunai, I knew he would have to go to ninjutsu sooner or later to defeat him.
I ran over to Sakura, "Sakura, I'm going to look for Naruto, be careful while I'm gone. Sasuke might not be able to defend you while he's fighting off this man, for all we know his teammates could be around here somewhere waiting for the right moment to attack. So here, take this. It will protect you a bit." I explained sternly, as I bit my thumb and swiped it on one of my summoning scrolls.
There was a small cloud of smoke and a jagged blade appeared in my hand. I held the dark, slick sliver blade out to Sakura. She carefully took it and examined the blade, inch by inch.
"This is" She asked, pointing at herself.
I nodded and stood up. "Yes, I want you to use it to protect yourself during this test." I said.
She smiled lightly and tightened her grip around the handle of the blade. "Thanks, Reina. Now go on and find Naruto, I'll be fine thanks to you!" She exclaimed.
I smirked. "Alright, be safe. I'll try to get back as soon as I can with Naruto." I stated, then ran off into the woods looking for Naruto.
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